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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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7 hours ago, NathanKell said:

Make sure you are on High terrain detail. If you are, then it's probably an issue with the launch site. Which site?

I first had trouble with kourou launch site cause I was in high resolution, so i put back the low resolution and it fixes the problem, but then i gone to a east coast american launch site (sorry i can't see the name on the map, but it is not the KSC) so i don't know what to do know, because with low resolution i get stuck on this site and in high resolution i can't use all the facilities of the Kourou (my favourite) space center ...


7 hours ago, panourgue said:

I had the same issue on medium terrain. You can use Malah's QuickGoTo mod to at least change to the different launch site

Thank you ! I will try it quickly :) 

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@cramtenahc Not sure if mod author would approve of this method, but if you are not afraid you can tweak heights of the space centers by editing file GameData\RealSolarSystem\LaunchSites.cfg. Just find the space center in question and raise or lower repositionRadiusOffset value (i think it's in meters). Usually 5 to 10 is enough. Here is the explanation about other settings.

Edited by panourgue
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Yeah... the atmosphere rim tweaks do not seem to have been implemented properly. Also, the fix/update for the actual atmosphere color (not the rims) is not there at all.


The problem with the rims seems to be related to the fact that the blue atmosphere rim texture that works fine in my RSS Visual Tweaks is an "invalid image" if I try to open it with my image editor. Seems to be corrupted somehow.

RSS Visual Tweaks here



Edited by GregroxMun
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@NathanKell Two questions.

1: Will this in any way break the game to the point where I have to reinstall? Say I install it for a week than delete the mod. Will it?

2: Have you ever thought about updating the pictures on the OP? They are from the 0.24 update and I wanna see 1.0.5 pictures.

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@Unknown601 sorry?

@HoloYolo 1. Well, certainly you would need to start a new save after installing this, and you wouldn't be able to play that save after uninstalling it. But will merely adding and removing the mod from GameData break KSP? No. I can't imagine anything short of nuking the Squad folder (or things outside GameData) doing so.

2. The textures haven't changed since then. The big change is Saturn has rings now. Well, and the magic that RVE does to Earth.

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1 minute ago, NathanKell said:

@Unknown601 sorry?

@HoloYolo 1. Well, certainly you would need to start a new save after installing this, and you wouldn't be able to play that save after uninstalling it. But will merely adding and removing the mod from GameData break KSP? No. I can't imagine anything short of nuking the Squad folder (or things outside GameData) doing so.

2. The textures haven't changed since then. The big change is Saturn has rings now. Well, and the magic that RVE does to Earth.

Thanks Nathan!

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How does one go about getting asteroids in RSS, if possible? I've noticed the OP mentions CustomAsteroids, but I think there's a conflict between that and the latest kopernicus which has it's own asteroid implementation?

Or have I just been too impatient and do I just need to wait longer for some to spawn?

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  • Fix issue with Earth's sidereal rotation period not being correct (thanks eggrobin).
  • Tweak hypersonic convection up slightly.
  • Massive improvement pass by KillAshley! Make sure you get the RSS-Textures update too! Updates:
  • Added organized cache files to local RSS folder for all bodies
  • Removed RSSKopernicus.cfg; Separated & organized body cfgs one body per cfg and added RSSKopernicusSettings.cfg that holds remaining global values.
  • Enforced fixed flightGolbalsIdex to all bodies to ensure future save-game compatibility
  • Tweaked various planets PQS maxLevel to adjust for terrain pixelation vs detail
  • Added detailed PQSMaterials to create detailed surface textures to overhauled bodies
  • Added & Edited PQSMods to allow for more varied (less flat) terrain
  • Added higher fidelity normal maps
  • Added new heightmaps for certain bodies to improve terrain based off lack of credible data
  • Adjusted scaledspace atmospheric rims to a more suitable coloring & strength
  • Implemented Charon
  • Added Pluto & Charon height & color maps made from current information mixed with procedurally generated terrain

This update really is the "KillAshley" update--I can't express how grateful I am, and how much awesome work KillAshley has done for RSS. Thanks so much! And I hope you all thank @KillAshley too! :)

Oh, also, @PLAD since the sidereal rotation period of Earth changed (i.e. became correct) you'll need to update your Lunar spreadsheet.

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After upgrading to 10.6, all my vessels in orbits around various planets got placed in orbit around Jupiter.

I should note I upgraded via CKAN, is this supposed to work ?

Edit: OK, will try with 10.6.1, thanks for the hotfix !

Edited by TauPhraim
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Thanks for the note on Earth's sidereal rotation period @NathanKell, and as always, thanks for making this superb mod in the first place. I'm looking forward to seeing the new look!

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