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[1.3] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.3.3 7/24/17


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Though last I played with it you had to dock and then return to space center and back to the vessel or swap vessels and back in order for the connection stiffening to occur (basically force a re-unpack of the vessel).

Using this I was able to send 250t+ payloads connected by nothing more than a single Docking Port Sr. -- no struts or multiple docking ports required.

Ok.. now this I have to test. I use quantum struts and even that isn't enough sometimes. I make tug ships that I move things from planet to planet with.


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Okay, so just getting into this mod, after having my payload lander just explode on the pad for no reason. Parachutes firmly attached to a pod will have a structural failure. KJR seems to have alleviated that, but it now acts as if my ship is blowing around in a gale force wind, the ground speed veering wildly up to maybe 15m/s while it's just sitting on the pad.

A couple things, though. I'm testing it without launch clamps, because of the aforementioned problem of the launch clamps being complete jackasses and attacking my ship at about 3-10km altitude. I wasn't aware KSP had implemented poltergeist, or maybe just a cousin of the Kraken. I've read elsewhere that reducing the number of clamps can help this. Also, correct, it is NOT a KJR bug, it's stock.

Would the fact that my ship is 15kt (thanks TweakScale) have anything to do with the howling winds? The massive bottom stages stay together just fine, it's the part inside the fairing that seems to be riddled with problems.

Something in the config I could tweak? I'm certainly not above editing config.xml

Thanks for any hints.



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Okay, found the guide in the README, and I nerfed the values so nothing would break. Now the small, well-attached parts on my modest-sized lander no longer inexplicably separate and spew out all across the pad. Note that they did this before KJR, so the mod is helping. I also added launch clamps, just not many of them since they're now completely rigid.

Could now unnecessary struts cause problems?

As for the initial gale force wind, it seems random. Sometimes when I start a launch, it'll shake like an enraged chihuahua. A 15,000 ton chihuahua, that is. Other times it's as placid as a summer's eve. I can keep doing "Revert to Launch" until I get one of the quiescent events. Odd, wonder what triggers one scenario over another.



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Alright, this shaking it making the game unplayable. Looks like it can take effect in flight, or any time loading a save. When the craft is shaking violently, it can't point in any particular direction, and sometimes spins out of control. The settings in config.xml don't seem to make any difference. 9 times out of 10 when I load it, the vessel shakes. If I put default values, it shakes itself apart. If I put much stronger reinforcement, it still shakes but stays together.

Any idea how to correct this? I solved one problem adversely affecting gameplay, namely the craft exploding before launch, only to introduce another one, an uncontrollable shaking craft.

Thanks again for your work on this mod.



I had a lander where the doors on the service bay interfered with some fuel tanks I had. In non-KJR installations, this just caused explosions. WIth KJR, and appropriately high values, it just shook but didn't explode. Given the problem where sometimes you can't close the bay doors (says HAL) in the VAB, it started off with the bay doors inside the fuel tanks. Irresistible force, meet immovable object. Not sure why the issue varied before/after saves, and upon revert to launch.

So....after an extensive redesign of the lander it no longer shakes like Principal McVicker. It took a fair amount of rework to get the ladder to the place it needed to be, because of positioning the fuel tanks, pod, and service bay so that you can both lay down the now crooked but functional ladder on the side of the bay, and not have the doors interfere with the fuel tanks.


Hopefully this helps someone else.



Edited by barfing_skull
Found Problem.
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Nope, not happening. Also, can't be done without risking things getting really funky every time you did it. Because it would mean destroying a lot of joints that KJR adds and resetting values on the stock ones that it adjusts. Lots of extra memory to keep track of things. Probably cause everything to instantly explode when you press the button.

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Awesome!!! Another must have mod! You have no idea how long it has infuriated me to no end having stations and big ships flop about breaking my immersion. Thanks for a great mod Ferram!

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Hey guys!

I have 3.1.3 installed but when I start the game KSP-AVC.log is telling me it's out of date.

How do I remedy this?

[Text 19:20:29.8685287]: Identical remote version found: Using remote version information only.
[Text 19:20:29.8685287]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/master/GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/KerbalJointReinforcement.version
NAME: Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/master/GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/KerbalJointReinforcement.version
VERSION: 3.1.3
CompatibleKspVersion: False
CompatibleKspVersionMin: True
CompatibleKspVersionMax: True
CompatibleGitHubVersion: True

"NAME": "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement",
"URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/master/GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/KerbalJointReinforcement.version",
"MAJOR": 3,
"MINOR": 1,
"PATCH": 3
"MAJOR": 1,
"MINOR": 0,
"PATCH": 0

Edited by iDisOrder
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Hey guys!

I have 3.1.3 installed but when I start the game KSP-AVC.log is telling me it's out of date.

How do I remedy this?

"NAME": "Kerbal Joint Reinforcement",
"URL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ferram4/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/master/GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/KerbalJointReinforcement.version",
"MAJOR": 3,
"MINOR": 1,
"PATCH": 3
[COLOR=#ff0000] "KSP_VERSION": {
"MAJOR": 1,
"MINOR": 0,

KSP AVC just searches each mod directory for a .VERSION file that contains the above information. I have the same issue, but the versions are correct. It probably just means that the authors didn't update their .VERSION file when they updated their mods. So far I haven't noticed this error to be game-breaking, and just ignore it.

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...So far I haven't noticed this error to be game-breaking, and just ignore it.

ok just wanted to make sure the fix was as simple as me just changing that .version file data.

I wasn't sure if KSP AVC actually took the info from the link in that file

Thanks for the response Neo!

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Hi, loving this plugin, thank you for making it. I do have one small problem I hope you guys can help with.

I placed a radial mount (Radial Engine Mounts by PIP) on top of an Infernal Robotics hinge, which was open to 90 degrees. The hinge is now unable to close, as either the radial mount or the docking port seems to be magnetically attracted to the body of the ship. This causes the radial mount to separate from the hinge (attached image), although the game still considers them attached (moved the ship around and the parts remain as in the screen shot).

I have also tried ejecting the rocket seen in the top of the screen shot before trying to close the hinge, but the result is the same.

Is there anything I can tweak in the cfg file to solve this problem? Thanks a lot in advance!


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I don't know whether to write to this thread or to the KAS thread. There are KAS winches that do not eject the payload with KJR (tested on a clean install, only modulemanager, KAS, KIS and KJR installed)

Here's the craft file


Needed KIS, KAS, MM + KJR

MM ver 2.6.5

KAS ver 0.5.1

KIS ver 1.1.4

KJR ver 3.1.3

Load the craft, launch, right click on the winch and select 'Eject'.

Nothing happens.

Remove KJR and everything works.

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Hi, loving this plugin, thank you for making it. I do have one small problem I hope you guys can help with.

I placed a radial mount (Radial Engine Mounts by PIP) on top of an Infernal Robotics hinge, which was open to 90 degrees. The hinge is now unable to close, as either the radial mount or the docking port seems to be magnetically attracted to the body of the ship. This causes the radial mount to separate from the hinge (attached image), although the game still considers them attached (moved the ship around and the parts remain as in the screen shot).

I have also tried ejecting the rocket seen in the top of the screen shot before trying to close the hinge, but the result is the same.

Is there anything I can tweak in the cfg file to solve this problem? Thanks a lot in advance!


Docking ports don't like to be moved with Infernal Robotics parts.

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@Arathorn: Probably a stiffening joint trying to go past an IR part. I'll see if I can add an exception around that.

@cicatrix: Nothing I can do; KIS / KAS needs to either fire GameEvents.onPartUndock(Part p) or GameEvents.onVesselWasModified(Vessel v) for the vehicle in question if it's going to change the configuration. This is what stock does when it undocks / modifies / creates a vessel during undocking, and KAS / KIS must follow that unless their goal is to cause a lot of other issues in the game along the way.

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@Galane, thanks. In the future, I'll think twice before placing the parts like this.

@ferram4, thank you so much for your responsiveness to the community, and also for FAR. It made KSP even more fun for me.

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I don't know whether to write to this thread or to the KAS thread. There are KAS winches that do not eject the payload with KJR (tested on a clean install, only modulemanager, KAS, KIS and KJR installed)

Here's the craft file


Needed KIS, KAS, MM + KJR

MM ver 2.6.5

KAS ver 0.5.1

KIS ver 1.1.4

KJR ver 3.1.3

Load the craft, launch, right click on the winch and select 'Eject'.

Nothing happens.

Remove KJR and everything works.

Can you tell me if everything else is working with KJR?

@cicatrix: Nothing I can do; KIS / KAS needs to either fire GameEvents.onPartUndock(Part p) or GameEvents.onVesselWasModified(Vessel v) for the vehicle in question if it's going to change the configuration. This is what stock does when it undocks / modifies / creates a vessel during undocking, and KAS / KIS must follow that unless their goal is to cause a lot of other issues in the game along the way.

@ferram4: GameEvents.onVesselWasModified is correctly fired when part is docked/undocked in both KAS and KIS (in fact, simply using couple/decouple fire this event).

However, I think the eject issue is related to the way I detach the grapple/magnet from the winch. When ejected (or deployed), the part is not decoupled but only detached physically (joint are removed).

I'm using part.attachJoint to find and remove the joint. I assume KJR add new joints that can't be referenced here.

I can add a GameEvents.onVesselWasModified on eject/deploy too, but I wonder if KJR will detect the detached part and remove others joints in this case? (by checking if the part.attachJoint exist or not?)

Edited by KospY
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@KospY: Okay, I see what's different. KJR does add some additional joints by default that are only destroyed on either 1) onPartUndock, 2) onPartDie or 3) onVesselCreate (for the root part). Firing the first one on the KIS / KAS part should do the trick and would be similar to what you're doing with that anyway. Alternatively I can add a check for all the joints on that vessel, but that's an O(n) mess to deal with every staging / breaking event which I'd like to avoid (if possible).

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@KospY: Okay, I see what's different. KJR does add some additional joints by default that are only destroyed on either 1) onPartUndock, 2) onPartDie or 3) onVesselCreate (for the root part). Firing the first one on the KIS / KAS part should do the trick and would be similar to what you're doing with that anyway. Alternatively I can add a check for all the joints on that vessel, but that's an O(n) mess to deal with every staging / breaking event which I'd like to avoid (if possible).

Ok. I added onPartUndock event when the part is physically detached from the winch (but not undocked).

I tested with KJR and it work. Thanks for the information. Hope that will not break something else (stock game should be fine, but another mod can use this event for something else).

This fix will be included in the next release of KAS :)

Edited by KospY
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