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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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My frist (working) MM patches to help with orientation issues when adding onto a vessel using a ELMicroPad.  Seems to help a bit with adding Clamps to vessels after the fact.  I added an attachment node to the bottom of the Radial Attachment Point and rotated the Diamond Grid Truss Adapter 90 degrees on the x axes (creating a new part).

// Add an attachment point to the bottom to allow better placing using LaunchPad
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.08, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 //Same Position as node_attach property

// Flip orientation on X axes to allow better conneting using lauchpad
// creates a new DGT-Adapter-125-2
+PART[DiamondGridTrussAdapter]:Needs[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] {
    @name = DiamondGridTrussAdapter2
    @title = DGT-Adapter-125-2
    @MODEL {
        @rotation = 90, 0, 0


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You can build on any EL "pad" anywhere (almost). Just some places are more highly recommended than others for each "pad" type. (quotes because "pad" refers to actual pad (dock or landing pad), micro-pad, or survey station).

The one exception is survey stations require the vessel to be landed, splashed, or prelaunch.

Edited by taniwha
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So I don't know is this is a problem with Stockalike Station Parts or EL, but all of the containers from Stockalike Station Parts can't store RocketParts.  I've put RocketParts in these containers before and it does seem like they can and are supposed to store RocketParts.  Any help?

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@frozenbinary You will need to go into more detail, such as what you mean by "can't store". Can you not set the tanks to hold RocketParts in the VAB/SPH? Can you not tweak the amount in the tanks? Do the tanks wind up empty on launch (or missing RocketParts entirely)? Scene load in general (switch to vessel, load save)? Can you not transfer RocketParts to the tanks when building? etc etc (ie, there may be situations I have not mentioned).

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2 hours ago, taniwha said:

@frozenbinary You will need to go into more detail, such as what you mean by "can't store". Can you not set the tanks to hold RocketParts in the VAB/SPH? Can you not tweak the amount in the tanks? Do the tanks wind up empty on launch (or missing RocketParts entirely)? Scene load in general (switch to vessel, load save)? Can you not transfer RocketParts to the tanks when building? etc etc (ie, there may be situations I have not mentioned).

Sorry for not going into detail.  I simply cannot set the parts to store RocketParts even though I've done it in the past.

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1 hour ago, frozenbinary said:

Sorry for not going into detail.  I simply cannot set the parts to store RocketParts even though I've done it in the past.

Ah, ok, so in the VAB/SPH. This sounds like you're missing a mod. I don't know which one Station Parts uses, but it could be one of Modular Fuel Tanks, B9 (part switching), InterstellarFuelSwitch, FireSpitter... or something else I don't know.

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12 hours ago, taniwha said:

Ah, ok, so in the VAB/SPH. This sounds like you're missing a mod. I don't know which one Station Parts uses, but it could be one of Modular Fuel Tanks, B9 (part switching), InterstellarFuelSwitch, FireSpitter... or something else I don't know.

B9PartSwitch is correct according to CKAN.  (I am  also using StockLike Station Parts Expansion Redux.)  However, is there something that is breaking the modifications that allow RocketParts to be stored?  Do you have 2 different mods that modify containers installed?  I have been avoiding mods that require Interstellar Fuel Switch as I already have FireSpitter and B8PartSwitch installed as I hear they can cause conflicts. (Or is that not true?) USI mods seem to break a some things. USI mods want to change all the recipes to Material Kits and Specialty Parts.  And one of them (maybe Konstruction) breaks KAS.JS1 and KAS.CH1 (maybe others) from being stackable in the KIS Inventories. (I haven't found an easy way to make it come back short of mm patches that add in another module to the parts such as ModuleKISItem.)

Edited by pmoffitt
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2 hours ago, pmoffitt said:

B9PartSwitch is correct according to CKAN.  (I am  also using StockLike Station Parts Expansion Redux.)  However, is there something that is breaking the modifications that allow RocketParts to be stored?  Do you have 2 different mods that modify containers installed?  I have been avoiding mods that require Interstellar Fuel Switch as I already have FireSpitter and B8PartSwitch installed as I hear they can cause conflicts. (Or is that not true?) USI mods seem to break a something things. USI mods want to change all the recipes to Material Kits and Specialty Parts.  And one of them (maybe Konstruction) breaks KAS.JS1 and KAS.CH1 (maybe others) from being stackable in the KIS Inventories. (I haven't found an easy way to make it come back short of mm patches that add in another module to the parts such as ModuleKISItem.)

Must be USI then.  Think I'll just be using the containers that come with EL.

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4 hours ago, pmoffitt said:

B9PartSwitch is correct according to CKAN.  (I am  also using StockLike Station Parts Expansion Redux.)  However, is there something that is breaking the modifications that allow RocketParts to be stored?  Do you have 2 different mods that modify containers installed?  I have been avoiding mods that require Interstellar Fuel Switch as I already have FireSpitter and B8PartSwitch installed as I hear they can cause conflicts. (Or is that not true?) USI mods seem to break a something things. USI mods want to change all the recipes to Material Kits and Specialty Parts.  And one of them (maybe Konstruction) breaks KAS.JS1 and KAS.CH1 (maybe others) from being stackable in the KIS Inventories. (I haven't found an easy way to make it come back short of mm patches that add in another module to the parts such as ModuleKISItem.)

Do you know if the Station Parts mod is even coded to support EL resources? It doesn't matter which resource switcher you use if the part does include definitions for the resources you want to store.   I chose to use USI Kontainers and had to rewrite all the patches for the parts to use the resources I wanted.

Tweakscale is the only mod that I know that "breaks" stackability.  KIS is intentionally disabling stacking if Tweakscale is installed.  You can override it by edit or patching the KIS/setttings.cfg

USI/MKS uses Global Construction as it's default construction mod, so it's resource chain is built around that.

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7 minutes ago, Tonka Crash said:

Do you know if the Station Parts mod is even coded to support EL resources? It doesn't matter which resource switcher you use if the part does include definitions for the resources you want to store.   I chose to use USI Kontainers and had to rewrite all the patches for the parts to use the resources I wanted.

Tweakscale is the only mod that I know that "breaks" stackability.  KIS is intentionally disabling stacking if Tweakscale is installed.  You can override it by edit or patching the KIS/setttings.cfg

USI/MKS uses Global Construction as it's default construction mod, so it's resource chain is built around that.

Looks like there are settings for for Rocketparts in the configs for the B9 Modules in the Station Parts mod.  Also see some mm patches for workshop settings for the habitation modules.  So, it seems it supports EL.

I don't believe that I have had Tweakscale installed and haven't gotten any of the config settings in KIS/settings.cfg to allow those parts to be stackable again.  I tried making sure that the KIS mm settings (KAS/MM-KIS.cfg) were rerun by adding them in again in my own mm patches as :Final but it didn't seem to help. The parts that don't seem to stack only have Module KASLinkTargetBase and yet that is included in KAS/MM-KIS.cfg as part of @stackable for KISConfig.  Unless there is a property for stackable in that module that I don't know about (there is much I don't know about).

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@Tonka Crash @frozenbinary I created the patches that allow Station Parts Redux to detect EL and provide RocketParts storage. The patch does not activate, however, if MKS is present as I expected that MKS users won't care about RocketParts due to USI's heavy preference towards MaterialKits and SpecializedParts.

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hmmm... what modulemanager should this mod have? i have only the latest modulemanager and (i think) the prerequisites, and the modules for the construction and stuff arent showing up for This mod at all, tho modules work fine with every other mod?

Or have i possible incorrectly downloaded it?

Edited by JcoolTheShipbuilder
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@JcoolTheShipbuilder EL works with pretty much any version of ModuleManager, though it's generally good to have the latest. However, make sure you have the real thing. That said, Kerbal Inventory System is required for the survey related parts (survey station, survey stake, mallet) to be available.

Also, make sure EL is itself installed correctly (ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads is in your KSP GameData directory). A good in-game check for this is the EL app button is visible (space center, editors (vab/sph), and flight.

Other than that, I have no idea. Most of the parts are in the Advanced Construction node (stock science tree),  most EL parts are duplicated through the parts lists (EL category and utility or pods).

Failing all that, you providing KSP.log might help.

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@martianrock: in general, yes, that's what the landing pad is for. However, I've noticed that in 1.9 at least, things behave a little oddly due to something that has changed in recent versions of KSP (it worked beautifully in 1.6.1), but a fix/workaround for that is coming in the next release (not sure when that will be as I'm in the middle of a rather big project for EL involving a UI rewrite (done) and an oft-requested feature (in progress)).

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21 minutes ago, Hohmannson said:

Any thoughts for configurable survey station range, by the way?

Yeah, I need to fix the hard-coded ranges, but survey station range is sort of configurable now: put a better survey kerbal (pilot) in the station.

 public static float[] site_ranges = { 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 2000 }; 

that's for no kerbal, non-survey kerbal, then the various levels of survey kerbal. IOW, you're looking at a minimum of 200m range if you put a pilot in there on Mun or Minmus (assuming you've leveled up your pilot). Even a tourist will get you 50m :P

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17 hours ago, taniwha said:

The resource manager in Extraplanetary Launchpads (right-click EL's app button) handles KAS connectors in undocked mode and should handle chains without issue. Additionally, EL's resource manager groups tanks by module (separated by docking ports, KAS connectors, etc) making large transfers much easier.

Transfer seems a bit slow.  I am so tempted to increase the max transfer rate by say an order of magnitude. Can this be done by resource or is it global?  I haven't looked at the cfgs for this yet.

I was looking at the dev branch on gethub.  How is the update going?

I still haven't figured out how to convert all the OSE Recipes over to use RocketParts yet.  The last thing I tried actually seemed to cause KSP to break.  Any good ideas on how to do that other than just going in and directly changing the cfg files for Workshop (seems like it might be easier than using Module Manager)?

Edited by pmoffitt
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