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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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I was thinking a special KAS container that had a way to spawn/recycle grabbable/storable parts in its inventory. A parts bin.

Oooh I like that. Open the bin with your EVA'd Kerbal and just build the part right there. Doesn't even need to store anything, really. Just spawn the part on his back. Of course, he can't build any part if he's already carrying something.

Maybe a little workbench instead of a container? Or adopt that 3d printer in the mod officially and convert the current rocketparts bench into this new function.

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Apologies if this has been answered before, but is there a way to restrict which parts can be built by a 3D printer or used in a craft built on-site?

If you mean Bahamuto's 3D printer then the answer is simply no. It doesn't actually 'print' anything. It just converts the resource metal into the resource rocketparts. Those rocketparts are what you consume to build ships.

The actual building of the ship is exactly the same as it is when launching from KSC. If you want to limit the use of certain parts then simply don't use them in the VAB/SPH.

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And here I go again, so right clicking and activating totally worked... the first time. I gobbled up a craft and got 850 metal out of it. Then I realized the design was flawed and sent up a different ship recycler ship. It gobbled up the first one leaving a total of .... 850 metal? So I got nothing for the craft itself. So I sent up other things, it is gobbling them up quite handily, but no matter if I save & exit, reload whatever, the only way I've gotten any more metal (even for a 50t craft with little fuel weight) is by accidentally recycling 2 kerbals which hitched a ride and I forgot to transfer before recycling. I've tried deactivating & reactivating, basically everthing I can think of. I even paused mid-writing this to launch a 3rd recycler & target for recycling. Still the same results, craft vanishes but I didn't get drop of fuel from the half full boost stage I mulched up. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong now? The fact that it's vanishing but not giving me anything is really confusing.

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That is because you get RocketParts, not Metal, for recycling ships (this is a mistake that will be corrected in the next version). As for not getting a drop of full: were your tanks already full?

If you check your log file, you should "[EL] <vessel>-<resource>: <amount> taken <amount> reclaimed, <amount> lost". If the amount reclaimed is not the same as the amount taken (and thus the amount lost is non-zero), then there was insufficient space to put the resource.

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It looks like EPL has problems building reaction wheels in orbit. Over and over again (with different designs) reaction wheels are misaligned after building a craft in orbit.

Not that the reaction wheels don't work, the craft does work properly. But the reaction wheels and adjacent parts get shifted out of place.


The central KW tank should be nice and flush with the conical tank. In this case only the central KW tank is misplaced ,the reaction wheels are actually in the correct position, as is everything else. It always happens near or at the reaction wheels and most of the time the wheels are wonky too.


I did some additional testing and it might not be related to reaction wheels. It's the root parts that gets misaligned.

On other designs the reaction wheel was the root part and on the picture it is the KW tank. The reaction wheels just happened to be in the same place.

Edited by Tex_NL
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I have released v4.0 of Extraplanetary Launchpads (as always, GPL). Download details are in the first post.

4.0 brings a major change to EL's gameplay: progressive builds. This means two things:

  1. You do not need to have 400000u of rocket parts on hand to build a 1000t rocket.
  2. It takes some time to build a rocket. However, you do have control over the build time: The more Kerbals you have in your construction facility, the faster the build. However, there is a catch: Kerbal stats (stupidity and courage) affect their productivity. Some Kerbals will even hold the team back.

Changelog summary:

  • Rockets are now recycled to metal rather than RocketParts (unless you do not have Kethane installed, then the target resource remains as RocketParts).
  • When Kethane is not installed, it is possible to force the use of resources. This is a per-save setting and a dialog allowing you to select the behavior will be presented the first time you go to the space center.
  • The state of the build requirements window (in the VAB) is saved (per save). This includes both visibility and position.
  • Progressive builds. As mentioned above. This to is a per-save setting. For those that do not like the new system, they can have the old behavior (mostly, fuel etc is handled a little differently) by disabling progressive builds when they first start a new save.
  • Toolbar integration for the build window.
  • The one build menu supports multiple pads on the one vessels.
  • All pods (actually, anything that's a command module) act as a low-grade workshop. The stock hitchhiker can and science lab also work as low-grade workshops (though of slightly better quality). NOTE This feature requires ModuleManager.
  • A high-grade workshop has been added. Warning: it is very heavy, and rather large. However, it holds 10 kerbals (so even in non-progressive build mode, it still acts as a bus) and is 10 times as good as the science lab (per Kerbal).
  • Tiny versions of the auger and smelter. Thanks to Triffid Hunter for the configs.
  • Spawned vessels are now always docked to the pad. This allows the use of mods to transfer Kerbals to the new ship (Crew Manifest, if I remember correctly).
  • Editor build requirements window doesn't lose track of the mass of a ship.
  • Vessels spawning has been reworked to avoid twisted parts and other issues caused by incorrect startup sequences.
  • The model for the large scanner (OMD) has been fixed: the bottom is no longer invisible.

With this release, I declare a personal holiday so I can actually play KSP :P (I will, however, respond to issues).

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I have released v4.0 of Extraplanetary Launchpads (as always, GPL)....

...With this release, I declare a personal holiday so I can actually play KSP :P (I will, however, respond to issues).

Yeah i got an issue .. that change log made my eyes open waaay to much, and i cant close them. :cool:

[*]When Kethane is not installed, it is possible to force the use of resources.
[*]Toolbar integration for the build window.

Especially those 2, along of course with the two majors above the log, made my day. Happy holidays :P and thanks!

Edited by Thourion
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Horus: planned. I wanted to get 4.0 out so I thought that feature should wait.

magnemoe: you can. wave your mouse around the airlock (should be obvious where it is) until you get a "crew hatch" popup (you might have to get a funny camera angle). When you do, click and you'll get a menu for EVAing kerbals.

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OK, here's the situation:

I've got an orbital Construction yard with plenty of fuel, rocketparts and currently 16 Kerbals. Obviously it does not have a workshop. That's the part I wanted to ad. My station is build mainly out of 'Large Structural/Station Components' so it does not contain hitchhiker or lab modules. It does however has a few Mk1-2 Command Pod's. I have already moved as many of my Kerbals to all possible command pods (including the B9 pods on the docked shuttles) and already had the latest version of ModuleManager installed.

Nothings happening when I try to construct something. The bar stays at 0%.


No this is really weird. The problem seems to have solved itself. The percentage is slowly going up. All I did was leave the station for the Space Center and come back a few minutes later, re-loading the station.

Edited by Tex_NL
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Tex_NL: you may have gotten unlucky. Check all your Kerbal "tanks" for their productivity levels (right click menu, Productivity). If the value is 0 or less (yes less, it can be negative), then you have stupid kerbals in there (maybe all, or maybe enough to out-weigh the not so stupid kerbals).

If you don't get the Productivity line in your context menu, then we have more serious issues to sort out.

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Hi taniwha, I love the new update cheers for all your work! buttttt I have a problem hopfully its a simple issue... :)

I can see nearly all of the parts in my career game and sandbox but spherical tanks and the new augs / workshop isnt spawning in my part lists. o.O

dont understand how that can be but the install as far as i know was completed to the letter?

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I did as you said and checked the productivity and I might have uncovered a minor bug in the process. One of the pods was indeed negative so I moved both Kerbals to a module that does not contribute to EPL. Right clicking on the now empty command pod still showed the negative productivity. Logic dictates it should be zero. Only after reloading the station (switched to other craft) the pod showed the correct productivity again.

This minor bug might also explain why I had no productivity at all. At first I loaded my station with empty command pods and moved my Kerbals after I started construction. When I cam back I loaded the station with filled pods and the productivity was calculated correctly.


Would it be possible to add an overall productivity number? Perhaps on the dock/launchpad part?

Edited by Tex_NL
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Hi Tanwha, cheers for all your hard work keeping this mod alive.

I dont know if you could help point me in the right direction but some of the parts arn't spawning. I have all the other parts apart from the new aug's, spherical tanks and the new rocket part workshop. Yet the other parts are fine. any idea's? o.O

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name = ExWorkshop
ProductivityFactor = 3

name = ExWorkshop
ProductivityFactor = 2


name = ExWorkshop
ProductivityFactor = 1.5


name = ExWorkshop
ProductivityFactor = 0.5

There is an MM cfg to make the inflatable habs: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64442-Habitat-Pack into workshops, not sure on the balance of the numbers, the workshop in EL is 5, figured these would be less efficient and I basically adjusted it based on number of kerbals and free space inside to work, the flat and rotating habs both store 4 kerbals but the rotating one is really claustrophobic inside.

Edited by K3|Chris
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This might just be me, but when I try and build a ship with the new version, I am unable to switch into the built craft (or any craft). If I try returning to the Space Centre and then back to my base, the pad says that my craft is there but it's disappeared, and am unable to use it.

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