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What's happened to you in KSP that was so painfully stupid that you laughed out loud?


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Using the klaw to capture a stranded rocket in orbit around Duna. I managed to grab it surprisingly straight, and it seemed sturdy enough on the return trip to Kerbin, no wobble or pull.

But once I hit Kerbin's atmosphere the whole thing flipped and bent over like a heavy, wilted flower, snapping in two at the klaw.

I managed to save the Kerbal in the rescued ship, but killed the Kerbal in the rescue ship.

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  Franklin said:
Using the klaw to capture a stranded rocket in orbit around Duna. I managed to grab it surprisingly straight, and it seemed sturdy enough on the return trip to Kerbin, no wobble or pull.

But once I hit Kerbin's atmosphere the whole thing flipped and bent over like a heavy, wilted flower, snapping in two at the klaw.

I managed to save the Kerbal in the rescued ship, but killed the Kerbal in the rescue ship.

I use the grabber to de-orbit spent tanks (the ones I didn't bother attaching probe cores to). I absolutely love it for that type of thing. Just going in and deleting them seems so unrealistic..

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During my first several attempts to land on and return from Laythe, I was so excited that I forgot a few things...

Attempt 1) Beautiful transfer to Laythe, got lucky with the other moons providing some gravity assist... Ran out of battery, and ended up kind of getting pinball-machined around the moons until it was eventually flung out into space. I ALWAYS stick an RTG or solar panel somewhere, and forgot this time.

Attempt 2) Add power, repeat mission... Nice gentle aerobrake at Laythe, coming down to land gently on a fairly flat beach, lower the landing gear... Landing gear? What landing gear? :-| Managed to either break the engine off every F5-F9 attempt, or just fall over and be unable to take off again.

Attempt 3) Add landing gear, repeat mission... Beautiful landing!! EVA to plant a flag, and watch Jeb fall about 5 meters onto his head. Forgot a ladder... There's Jeb, standing right under his ship on Laythe, thoroughly stuck, literally just meters from his hatch!

Attempt 4) Successfully got there, landed, planted flag, liftoff, rendezvous with the ride home... Parachutes snapped off on the descent. (This was prior to the joints being a little stronger)

I have since then managed to build a very successful, reusable space program on Laythe (using Kethane tugged in from Bop)... But it was a long road getting there!

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I think mine would have to have been my first successful MOR (Munar Orbital Rendezvous) mission, as opposed to Direct Ascent missions.

Everything went just swimmingly. It could have been a remake of Apollo 11! We had launch, parking orbit, TMI, transposition and docking, crew transfer, undocking and Mun landing. Then a perfect ascent and rendezvous, a perfect docking. I jettisoned the Munar module, returned to Kerbin happily. The landing was perfect . . .

. . . And out stepped Bill. Only Bill.

Jeb and Bob were still in the Munar module, orbiting the Mun . . . .

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Mounted an ion engine to a probe upside down. Discovered this only when I attempted to throttle it up and nothing happened.

Sent another, similar probe to Jool, enclosed in a Procedural Fairing for the aerobraking maneuver (I don't actually run a re-entry mod, but I like to pretend). When I got there, I discovered that the shadow of the fairing fell over the solar panel I had mounted on the side of the transfer stage. No power, no control. The only other panels were on the probe, inside the fairing...

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This just happened to me.


See that thing that looks like a Goo container? Guess what it isn't? That's right. A Goo Container. It's a Monopropellant tank.

Did I mean to bring a monopropellant tank all the way to Tylo, my most difficult mission yet, instead of a Goo Container? No, I didn't.

Science may never know what Goo acts like on the surface of Tylo.

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Both of my veteran stations got attacked by the mix of ships being mistaken as debris and The space kraken mixed up.

So i called it the Debris Kraken Tragedy.

My stations started twirling and parts decoupled off and one of the parts hit the other station exploding station 12 some starting a chain reaction when before the chain reaction started, It just exploded and dissapeared BOTH of them!

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Once decided to send a rover to Eve. The decent module was an aeroshell with heat shield that protected the rover during reentry then split apart with the rover descending the last couple kilometers with chutes. Tested the living snot out of it till everything worked perfectly...on Kerbin. Sharp looking rocket; launch, orbit and transfer all went beautifully, even got an ideal come from behind, aerobrake-to-landing on the day side. Descent was going great, aeroshell split, heat shield dropped away, chutes deployed, sent back some science on the way down... And noticed the heat shield was laying on the ground below. Apparently the extra weight lost from ablation plus Eve's thick atmosphere allowed it to survive a two kilometer fall instead of exploding as on Kerbin. The rover descends slowly, lands right on top of the truss sticking up in the middle....and promptly flips over, hopelessly stuck.

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My first missions to Duna managed to go wrong in every single aspect they could go wrong.

I sent Jeb, Bill and Bob out to space after a few tests with unmanned probes. Everything went flawlessly, and I got the whole ship very close to Duna:


I then attempted to aerobrake, but I got too deep into the atmosphere and the ship got captured. I staged everything in panic, threw the lander away and landed the capsule down:


As I discovered on a later mission, the lander had no parachutes, which means the kerbals were able to survive the landing because I was forced to land the whole thing instead of doing it the right way. :D

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Just a few weeks ago I landed a Kerbal on Eve for the first time with a big enough ship to get home again. Realized I had blocked the ladder and he couldn't get down to the surface. A complete waste. He got home okay but must've been pissed that another Kerbal got the honor of planting the Eve flag.

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This had the potential to be hilariously stupid.

I landed on Minmus for the first time ever today. On descent, I still had some fuel left in the capture stage, so I used what little I had to arrest the free fall slightly (Everylittle bit of fuel counts right?). Once the fuel was used I decoupled and started landing stage. I watched as the the long skinny fuel tank fell away with the engine attached, and thought it would be a good idea to gage just how close the ground was. So watching both the speed and the tank I was satisfied with my idea as it exploded. Or so I thought. The engine exploded and threw the tank straight back up. I watched it get closer and closer and it wasn't slowing down. My hands were frozen as it came up at about 100m/s relative to my lander... Luckily it missed by literally two meters. I had to keep an eye on it on the way down but luckily it landed some 300 meters away.

And every little bit of fuels DOES count. Long story short, my munar lander ran out of fuel while still sub orbital so brave Jev got out and pushed for half an hour to get a 100x6 polar orbit. I built a 'pusher' rescue because I hadn't unlocked docking ports when I launched it so I had to literally push the ship the rest if the way... Until that ran out of fuel. I figured it out that poor edfrey has to now push for an hour to get an aerocapture... Pretty bloody annoying!!

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I EVA'd my Kerbal whilst in the atmosphere. Luckily the rocket was never destined for space and was already out of fuel, but my Kerbal had to chase the rocket with RCS as his only hope of ever getting home safely. Everything worked out, but it was pretty amusing to watch

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Decided to build a "museum" of historic spacecraft. had a few SSTO's parked there. For a long time, there was a large wreck of an SSTO in the water just east of the runway on the coast, a result of a failed SSTO launch. Backflipped just after takeoff, causing me to abort. Capsule detached and landed safely, and the wreck somehow survived the plunge into the waters. So, I got this brilliant idea. Why not build a crane and retrieve the wreckage, and put it in my "museum"? A very intense recovery attempt ensued, with successful retrieval of the wreckage, and placement of the wreck in my "museum" next to the parked SSTO's.

Pics of the retrieval and placement in museum...





Now, this was all well and good, but there was one problem. All these craft sitting on the KSC grounds caused incredible lag for current launches. So I decided to relocate my museum to the Island Base just east of KSC. The two intact SSTO's were no problem, as I could just refuel them and fly em over... but how to get the wreck over there? Engage Inspector Gadget mode!

First, I tried building a huge raft to float it over. After about two hours of frustration trying to haul the raft over to the water with my crane and failing every time due to the load swinging and contacting the ground and exploding, I decided to try a skycrane design and I'd just fly it over. Two more hours pass by, and I finally come up with a useable design. At this point I was pretty excited! So, I launched the skycrane, and flew it over to the museum, which was right by the SPH. Lo and behold, the wreckage is gone! Why? Because the game despawns wreckage that is on KSC grounds... so I spent 4-5 hours trying to build a transport for a piece of debris that ceased to exist as soon as I had placed it on the KSC museum grounds and gone to Space Center. FUUUUUUUUUU! I had to laugh...

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I discovered, in several simultaneous missions, that putting a light fixture on the upper edge of a one-man lander can, that shines down over the hatch and ladder area, has an unfortunate side effect. Even up on that top edge, it's close enough to the hatch, that when your Kerbal comes out for an EVA, he gets FLUNG off the lander can. I haven't lost any of my guys to this, but when you switch between landers on parallel missions, and each one does exactly the same thing, it creates a huge "REALLY!?" sort of moment. :)

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Well that was my first ever landing on the MUN !!! damn i was proud and amazed and so on and so fort !...

eva jeb !

Starting to play using that "jet pack"

Flying over the surface of the Mun ! Felt that OMG this is cool moments !

Jeb flying on the mun looking at kerbal ....


Damn gravity i guest..

the Grey smoke of death when landed !!!.... almost died loling !!

and felt sorry to killed jeb...!

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