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[1.8-1.9] Modular Fuel Tanks v5.13.1


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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm looking at doing this myself if no one else does. If all you want to do is add Hydrogen and Argon to stock MFT Tanks, you just need a new TANK definition for Hydrogen and Argon. Would require some calculations to find out the exact values, but it shouldn't be too difficult.. Not needed if only adding tank definitions.

EDIT: And done. Put this anywhere in your GameData (it's a ModuleManager patch), but preferably in GameData/NearFuturePropulsion/Patches to keep everything neat.

I can't seem to get liquid hydrogen added to the list of resources in modular fuel tanks, none of my tanks have the option for this resource. i've thrown this in the suggested folder. Is there something that needs to be modified in the file?

I got it to work, i had to change liquid hydrogen to lqd hydrogen. Now the one thing I have left to modify is the amounts. The amount of lqd hydrogen in each tank is so tiny that i get about 200 isp from a huge tank. for example the 5mm huge tank holds about 6000 lqd hydrogen, where as the interstellar specific small hydrogen tanks hold 7200.

Does anyone know how I can modify the patch to increase the amount of lqd hydrogen all the tanks hold? some sort of modifier that triples the volume of lqdhydrogen a tank holds?

here's what I have now



name = LqdHydrogen

amount = 0.0

maxAmount = 0.0

mass = 0.000625



Edited by skald
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Here is a snippit from my KSPI modular fuel tanks patch. Utilization is what your looking for.



name = LqdHydrogen

amount = 0.0

maxAmount = 0.0

utilization = 5.41

note = (Refrigerated)


Also including a mass value may not be required since the fuel itself has a mass from community resource pack if you use that. I think...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
On 11/10/2015, 6:09:07, taniwha said:

I've released MFT 5.6.1 for KSP 1.0.5. Very minor changes (just a spelling correction in a squad function, and regenerate the squad MM patch).

No Tweakscale support at this stage. Probably once the dust has settled.

oh. so thats why my tanks arent getting more fuel when being scaled up. huh, ok then.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Question: is MFT supposed to affect launch towers/clamps? I was trying to figure out why the stock launch clamps were successfully pumping fuel into tanks when the FASA towers were not, and I found that one of the Module Manager files for MFT includes this:



    //!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
    //!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
    //!RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {}
        name = RefuelingPump
        pump_rate = 100.0

So two questions - am I correct that if I want to get any tower/clamp working to resupply resources with MFT installed I need to add a similar MM configuration file, and is there a way to make the pump be on all the time instead of being triggered manually?

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1 hour ago, leops1984 said:

Question: is MFT supposed to affect launch towers/clamps? I was trying to figure out why the stock launch clamps were successfully pumping fuel into tanks when the FASA towers were not, and I found that one of the Module Manager files for MFT includes this:


So two questions - am I correct that if I want to get any tower/clamp working to resupply resources with MFT installed I need to add a similar MM configuration file, and is there a way to make the pump be on all the time instead of being triggered manually?

You can turn on the pump in the VAB and put it on in symmetry, this will make them all on. In the comfig you can also default it to on, but not sure how.

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  • 2 weeks later...


After sooo many hour spend digging in log's, reading config file i end delete 1 by 1 mod to find what cause what you will see in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUMKhK4LjyY & in end i found Modular Fuel Tanks (MFT) & Space Shuttle Engines (SSE) mod are not like each other at all or setting together it make part to brake aka that orange tank make funny thing. Now which mod it generate real problem heck i don't know & i not want to point finger to none, for that i will post this in both treath to let moder to see what is real issue

What do you see in movie i post is a bigger mod collection pack what it end in 13 mod pack, after i delete 1 by 1 mods, in a clean KSP version. In archive what i will attach there are 2 log A. Space Shuttle Engines only (SSEOnly) were all is fine & B. Space Shuttle Engines + Modular Fuel Tanks (SSE.MFT) were thing goo bad


cya & hope it will help to fix issue :)

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Think I came up with a bug:

I have MRS installed (along with a lot of others), and am trying to change 3 tanks from being regular rockets tanks to pure monoprop tanks.

the problem is that I can change it in the VAB, but when I go to the launch pad, it ends up with both mono and liquid fuel and oxidizer.  Also, when I save and then reload, the same thing happens.

As a test, I created a simple rocket, consisting of a probe core, and Oscar and a FL-T200 tank, with nothing else.  

I do have Interstellar Fuel Switch-Core installed, could these be conflicting?

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Problem for SEE tank get cray was spot & a fix was found by Sarbian, till mod it will get a proper fix here it goo a quick fix for who have problem like i was have

In ModularFuelTanks\SpaceShuttleEngines_modularFuelTanks.cfg

"type = Cryogenic" it need to be replace with "type = Default" to fix problem noo more crazy tanks

way this is hapen becouse in ModularFuelTanks\Resources\TankTypes.cfg > Cryogenic < tipe tank it not exist !!!


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Does this mod assume that all volumes are identical for weight?  At least for LiquidFuel, ozidizer and Monoprop?

Also, for XenonGas, is it assumed to be stored in a compressed format?

for example, looking at the FL-T200 tank, it can store a total volume of 200, with a wet mass of 1125 kg

yet, when I look at the UI for it, and put in only one at a time, i see the following:

Tank Voume Weight of tank  
none   125kg  
LiquidFuel 200 1125kg  
Oxidizer 200 1125kg  
Monoprop 200 1050kg  
Xenon 11200 1370kg  

Also, in the UI, it seems to have totally wrong number for the additional mass,  I see the following:

Volume: Avail: 200u/Tot: 200u

LiquidFuel        Max: 200L (+0.000g)
Oxidizer          Max: 200L (+0.000g)
Monopropellant    Max: 200L (+125.0kg)
XenonGas          Max: 11.2KL (+125.0kg)

The only one correct is the MonoProp.

The numbers here seem to conflict with the InterstellarFuelSwitch values, at least in regards to monoprop.  Interstellar seems to allow more mono in the same volume for less weight.  I'm not trying to start a war here, but it would be nice if you and @FreeThinkercould get together and standardize on the same values.  I'm currently having a conflict with these two mods, and would rather continue using them (because they are required by other mods)

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  • 3 weeks later...

There seems to be a conflict with procedural parts tanks, they reset the tanks you set up when the tank is resized or the craft file is reloaded.

Rather annoying problem as it means there isn't a practical way to get custom sized modular fuel tanks, with both procedural tanks and tweakscale not working with MFT.

Edited by Thorbane
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  • 3 weeks later...

well i hate to say this but i think taniwha has lost interest in this mod, 
Not only has he not replied to anything on this thread in the past 2 months, 
I have also personally messaged him with no avail to the issues mentioned.
Also according to his page has been active on other threads and pretty much ignoring this one.

So considering the license allows it, i say that someone (with more knowledge then me) should take a crack at trying to fix the issues.

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Grab the source, build it. The only reason tweakscale support isn't in the release is because I did not build it because the thought of installing tweakscale even temporarily was appalling, though I admit my information on its bug-related state is on the old side.

If someone can demonstrate to me that tweakscale no longer permanently (for that instance of KSP) breaks camera mode switching after reverting a flight, I might be able to tolerate the idea of supporting it. (btw, the bug was known when I encountered it, but the blame was being shifted to KSP instead of TS taking responsibility and making sure it worked within the constraints imposed by KSP).

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