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InfiniteDice -=Skillful=- Combat Damage & Weapons Mod


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The way to solve the drop tank problem is to use junior docking ports. Stick a docking port on your drop tank and another on your wing/fuselage and use a little rover to load up your plane with drop tanks. How come no one has thought of this?

That's actually brilliant. I never got the hang of docking, so I kind of forgot docking ports were a thing, but now I'm kicking myself...

It would still be nice to have dedicated hardpoint tanks, for the aesthetics as much as anything, but this works if that's impossible/not worth the coding effort/breaks the reast of the mod. Thanks!

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I'm trying to find a mod that produces shrapnel.

Is there any thought on a bomb that sends a spray of shrapnel, basically parts spawned on explosion with velocity and direction imparted by the blast, for this mod?

Thinking of it for exploding asteroids:


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I'm trying to find a mod that produces shrapnel.

Is there any thought on a bomb that sends a spray of shrapnel, basically parts spawned on explosion with velocity and direction imparted by the blast, for this mod?

Thinking of it for exploding asteroids:


Use the 500 lb bombs

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The way to solve the drop tank problem is to use junior docking ports. Stick a docking port on your drop tank and another on your wing/fuselage and use a little rover to load up your plane with drop tanks. How come no one has thought of this?


For now that works...

What you really want to do would be similar what I did with my old Stealth bomber drop tank.

In the part add docking port as well as command module. Why? if you drop it then want to pick it up later it will likely be labeled debris and be unloaded.

I made a floating drop tank so I could resupply ships at sea, back when I was using liquid fuel for the first carrier... it was a fuel hog! :)

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I'm trying to find a mod that produces shrapnel.

Is there any thought on a bomb that sends a spray of shrapnel, basically parts spawned on explosion with velocity and direction imparted by the blast, for this mod?

Thinking of it for exploding asteroids:


All Skillful bombs that are HE will throw shrapnel to some degree.

For magical effect...... you can load the asteroid with skillful ammo (look at a gun or crate) or add oxy and liquid fuel.... That when penetrated by an HE round/warhead will make it blow biggie time.

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GUYS - Update coming soon... Some major things are now changed, some good some you might think bad.

I discovered so many issues with how skillful was saving and loading data that I decided to scrap the whole 9 yards.


1) part polling to add skillful to every part automatically.

2) per part saving and loading to maintain damage state.


Lots of code... most of the time it worked - but when it doesn't it's super annoying. Speed, I find it's causing some slowdowns. Lastly quicksaving and loading, my code didn't support it.

The solution:

I have included a function in the skillful manager batch file (option #1) this will copy skillful enabled CFGs over all stock KSP parts in the game. Uninstalation isn't needed if you remove skillful the module addition in the CFG won't cause any issues.

Snjo has agreed to ship out the next release of Firespitter with support for this change. I'll see what I can do for b9 and I'll post details so other modders know how to add the module. If you guys think it's a mod that would benefit from supporting it you could suggest to them that they add it.

The Bad:

Parts from other mods will need manual changes to their CFGs to be usable with Skillful. Yes this is a pain in the butt. Much like FAR, but it's really the only way to reliably move forward since we can't use KSPAddon to add a module and maintain that modules persistent data.

Play testing has shown much better response, better damage, everything seems to be working better. As I mentioned once I have the time to go over using Module Manager as an option I'll pack it up and update the download. Shouldn't be too much longer.

This update doesn't add any new models. It's more of a tweak to coincide with the BoatParts support update.

Other Notes:

Changed the targeting of both missiles and CIWS - they now track and fire at different parts of the vessel. Looks much better and the hits get spread more randomly over the whole vessel... in the past they were simply always aiming at the vessel center.

Thanks! I'll keep you updated.

Edited by InfiniteDice
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This mod is looking good, I spent last night making a BM-13 Katyusha, and a Patrol Boat. Can't say how fun this is.

I'm looking forward to more updates in the future. Tonight I plan to build an Self Propelled Gun.

Which gets me to my wishlist.

76mm , 88mm, 105mm Ap Tank Guns

105mm, 155mm, 240mm HE Howitzers

More armor plating.... Thanks

I wish you the best of luck.

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This mod is looking good, I spent last night making a BM-13 Katyusha, and a Patrol Boat. Can't say how fun this is.

I'm looking forward to more updates in the future. Tonight I plan to build an Self Propelled Gun.

Which gets me to my wishlist.

76mm , 88mm, 105mm Ap Tank Guns

105mm, 155mm, 240mm HE Howitzers

More armor plating.... Thanks

I wish you the best of luck.

+modern torpedoes (with tubes to launch them from), rotary guns, and more naval gun sizes

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So, after the problem I reported earlier with clipped vessels exploding when a new vessel is launched, I did some fiddling around with part configs. Adding only the relayIFF module to the part config of the vessel cockpit eliminated the problem, so I assumed that it was an issue with the saveIDVessel module. Sure enough, cloning the IFF tag part without that module seems to fix the issue of exploding, although it does result in damaged aircraft disappearing on return to the Space Center, since the game no longer knows how to save a damaged vessel. This second part clearly isn't a bug - I deleted the code that would make saving work, and surprise! it doesn't work - but means that the workaround I've come up with isn't a solution so much as a diagnosis tool.

With the updated save system ID is introducing, this may no longer be a problem, but I thought I'd post my findings anyway.

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Your mod here has a terrible habit of spontaneously disassembling my spacecraft as well as my rescue spacecraft and flinging debris in every direction. I blame the physics thingy.

I agree with this; radially attached and slightly clipped parts collide with each other, even on the same craft. This is a big problem for complicated crafts, as parts may clip with each other. It has also rendered the stock "radial attachment node" part useless: it is a bit inset in the part it is attached to.

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Your mod here has a terrible habit of spontaneously disassembling my spacecraft as well as my rescue spacecraft and flinging debris in every direction. I blame the physics thingy.

This is due to the saveIDVessel module in the IFF tag part config. Removing it (after saving a copy) fixes the exploding on load issue, but means that vessels with damaged parts are deleted on returning to the KSC. Still, this will let you fly bombing runs against autoturrets without problems.

Also, ID is changing the save system in the next update, which may -hopefully - fix this.

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I haven't, it's strange as it happens whether or not you actually activate any sounds from skillful. Likely all the sound code will need to be checked/changed.

I'm not a coder but my best guess is that its actually due to the damage system and that's somehow changing the triggers for the audio

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ID, does the SAM work in space? If this kind of thing works, when I release my mod people can have full on space war against an AI, well, kind of. Also, do you have any cannons that would fit a calibre of about 300? Or you know, the firepower of a MAC cannon fro Halo? That's kind of necessary. (Click Sig to find out more.)

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