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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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46 minutes ago, Pavel88 said:


I haven't been playing for half a year and in the past I had few incompatible mods so I looked for mod updates and updated all mods now. But what happened is that somehow Magnetometer Boom is not able to measure magnetometer data, only SCANsat data. Whole magnetometer experiment has disappeared, even from contrats to conduct magnetic field research. Anyone knows what could possibly cause this? Thanks


I noticed that my save file still contains data about finished magnetometer experiments though. So something in game must block it somehow:

            id = magScan@MunInSpaceHighNoBiome
            title = Magnetometer Scan while in space high over The Mun's NoBiome
            dsc = 270
            scv = 0
            sbv = 2
            sci = 9
            asc = True
            cap = 9

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12 hours ago, Pavel88 said:


I haven't been playing for half a year and in the past I had few incompatible mods so I looked for mod updates and updated all mods now. But what happened is that somehow Magnetometer Boom is not able to measure magnetometer data, only SCANsat data. Whole magnetometer experiment has disappeared, even from contrats to conduct magnetic field research. Anyone knows what could possibly cause this? Thanks


Thought downgrading SCANsat from 20.4 could help while it is for ksp 1.10 where there is stock magnetometer. But it didn't. Reinstalling of both SCANsat and DMagic orbital science with proper version for ksp 1.8.1 didn't help either.

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10 minutes ago, Pavel88 said:

Thought downgrading SCANsat from 20.4 could help while it is for ksp 1.10 where there is stock magnetometer. But it didn't. Reinstalling of both SCANsat and DMagic orbital science with proper version for ksp 1.8.1 didn't help either.

Do you have other mods installed? It seems like another mod caused this issue.

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51 minutes ago, Pavel88 said:

Thought downgrading SCANsat from 20.4 could help while it is for ksp 1.10 where there is stock magnetometer. But it didn't. Reinstalling of both SCANsat and DMagic orbital science with proper version for ksp 1.8.1 didn't help either.

Downgrading Kerbalism from 3.11 to 3.9 did the trick! Helped myself at the end, but thanks Cheescake for your effort too.


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2 hours ago, Ace76inDC said:

Hello, my surface hydrogen scanner seems to have disappeared in my career game.  Strangely I am still getting missions for this data, but can't seem to even find the part file anymore.  Is this just me?

Disregard, installing and reinstalling seems to have worked just fine.  Thanks for all of the modders who keep these mods up!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/27/2020 at 9:51 PM, HebaruSan said:

FYI, một bản tải lên đã xuất hiện lại:

Có vẻ như một công việc sao chép-dán thẳng, DLL thậm chí không thể biên dịch lại.

Vui lòng tải xuống giải nén nó và xem sự khác biệt (thực ra không có nhiều sự khác biệt chỉ là những thay đổi trong tệp .version)

[Moderator Added Translation]
Please download extract it and see the difference (actually not much difference just changes in .version file)

On 9/24/2020 at 4:33 AM, Pavel88 said:

Tôi nhận thấy file lưu của tôi vẫn chứa dữ liệu về các thí nghiệm từ kế hoạch đã hoàn thành. Vì vậy, một cái gì đó trong trò chơi phải chặn nó bằng cách nào đó:

            id = magScan @ MunInSpaceHighNoBiome
            title = Máy đo từ tính Quét khi ở trên không gian cao trên The Mun's NoBiome
            dsc = 270
            scv = 0
            sbv = 2
            sci = 9
            asc = True
            cap = 9

Tôi nghĩ rằng từ phiên bản 1.10.1 KSP có một từ kế
nhưng nếu tôi cài đặt UniversalStorage2 cũng có từ kế
Vậy cái nào sẽ chính xác hơn

[Moderator Added Translation]
I think from version 1.10.1 KSP has a magnetometer but if i install UniversalStorage2 there is also magnetometer So which one will be more accurate

On 9/24/2020 at 4:40 PM, Cheesecake said:

Bạn đã cài đặt các mod khác chưa? Có vẻ như một mod khác đã gây ra sự cố.

Cho mình hỏi ModuleManager có làm tăng khả năng tương thích của các mod với nhau không

[Moderator Added Translation]
Let me ask if ModuleManager increases the compatibility of mods with each other

Edited by James Kerman
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/20/2020 at 1:46 PM, PayadorPerseguido said:

Is this mod compatible with 1.10.1?


On 10/20/2020 at 6:01 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Most likely, load it up and try it

Just to make it explicit for interested folks, I tested a it works!


I'm eager to know if @DMagic will give this mod tha same uplift that it gave ScanSat, with the parts revamp with Nertea and everything else.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi! I am a Chinese player,I really love this excellent mod!

I'd like do some localization job for it, there for, more player will be able to use it without any langrage barrier.

So, would you like to share if you have any localization plan for this  ?

If you make a desision of creating the dictionary file for it, just let me know!:lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

That's almost certainly some patch in KSPIE itself seeing you have DMagic installed, and disabling the KSPIE part because the DMagic part looks better and supposedly there's no good reason to have multiple magnetometer experiments in your install since they're theoretically measuring the same exact thing (put in gameplay terms, you shouldn't be able to get full science from what's objectively "the same experiment" just because the part model is different).

I say it's not DMagic because DMagic hasn't changed in several KSP versions (nothing really broke, no new features), but KSPIE is still getting updates relatively frequently (more often than once per KSP version).

Bad if you're trying to maximize science gain from a probe, or have installed DMagic after starting a game with KSPIE and launching some vessels with the KSPIE magnetometer (not sure but that might make those vessels go away, unless the MM patch isn't actually removing the part's config and instead is just changing the part's category to "deprecated"), but either way it's being done for good reasons.

If you're using the KSPIE magnetometer to check for the presence of Antimatter around a planet so you can scout out a place to put an antimatter harvester, you might check to make sure that that patch didn't also ADD that functionality to the DMagic magnetometer boom or the KSP magnetometer boom (not sure if that KSP magnetometer is added by DLC or not, but I don't think so). If that's the case, just use whichever magnetometer part ended up having the KSPIE functionality added to it instead of the KSPIE one.

Edited by SciMan
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  • 3 weeks later...
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