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Could Someone Explain to Me What "Resources" Are?


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Sorry if this seems like a silly question, and perhaps it is, but what are these Resources I've been hearing people talk about lately?

I do know some of it (or so I think), and that it was apparently some sort of planet-mining-thingy that Squad was going to add, but they postponed it or something. But besides that, I'm confused.

The reason I ask this is because I've been hearing a little talk about it, and I'd like to know what Resources is so I can join in on the discussions.

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Resources as they currently stand in KSP are your fuel, electric charge and research, this will be expanded to include money and reputation later when contracts are introduced.

There were plans for mining of materials but it's been shelved due to it being outside the scope of game, also the devs found during testing that it was grindy and not fun.

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If you don't know what it is, it's probably not worth joining in.

What you've probably been hearing is what you've mentioned already. Originally, Squad was talking about implementing a resource gathering system, similar to Kethane, where you could mine (or somehow acquire) resources and convert them to other resources. The game has resources currently - ie Monopropellant, Oxidiser, etc, more would have been introduced that were not directly usable by rockets.

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  sal_vager said:

There were plans for mining of materials but it's been shelved due to it being outside the scope of game, also the devs found during testing that it was grindy and not fun.

Why on earth would they consider mining outside the scope of the game? It's one of the things I've been waiting for since I first bought the game. A reason to actually build bases.

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They were going to add the ability to mine all sorts of materials. These materials could then be refined into fuel, materials for parts and the like. You would then be able to use these materials to build buildings on other worlds that function like the VAB and launch pad.

In essence we'd be able to colonize the planets and have permanent settlements.

And that glorious prospect was canceled.

  zynar said:
I thought they were just putting it off because what they had was not fun and they wanted to rework it.

correct except for the "and they wanted to rework it." They have not said anything of the sort and thinking that they want or plan on revisiting it is only wishful thinking on your and my part. I hope that they will see all the outcry and revisit it in an attempt to find a fun way to do it. But they have not said anything yet to indicate that they will.

Edited by FITorion
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  Nutt007 said:
I've found it funny that resources are "grindy and "not fun", but apparently collecting science isn't.

Yeah, I find this quite odd. Without resources the only point of going down to the surface of anything is to plant a flag and get some science. I'd at least like a reason to set up a base.

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  vexx32 said:
The game's still far from complete, guys. :P

Let's see how it pans out before saying we definitely need resource mining, eh?

what we need is the ability to place permanent structures on planets and use them for things. Resource mining was only on means of accomplishing that. I fine with them finding a different way to do it but... but at this point they've scraped the whole idea... and that's bad.

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Can someone post a link to the devs saying "Resource mining is out, we will not be doing it"?

Also, can someone post a link to the devs saying "We're going to think further on the mining aspect, but we're not ruling it out"?

Cause both sides seem to say their preferred version a lot, so I was wondering if someone could point me to what the devs actually said.

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  Supernovy said:

did they pull down the twitch videos of the end of kerbalKon when they said it?

I pretty sure it was in one of these 2 videos but they aren't playing for me so I can't check to be certain.



It could just be a problem on my end with playing things.

Edit it was on my end. It's this one


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  sojourner said:
Maybe Squad should use the popularity of certain mods to gauge interest into what direction the game should go in. Then again, if they did that, a mechjeb style autopilot would be in the game by now.

This. I think if a viable and fun mod that used multiple resources was created and did well, then it might change the mind of the devs/give them the inspiration needed to revisit the problem.

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While I find the science itself rather repetitive (something that I suspect may be fixed in the future even if just adding more variety) it's really the challenge of doing it. I have to say mining resources and using them sounds like a challenge and also seems a natural outgrowth of space exploration (at least in a simulation who knows if it will ever become viable in real life, we don't really know enough about the resources available yet...but that will change). But as someone said it's early days, we aren't even in version 1 yet let alone version 2, hopefully this or something will be put in. Space tourism would be another and so on if you start thinking about there seem like lots of possibilities and hopefully some of them will make it into the game/simulation. The next version will be interesting to see how monetary limits effect the game, maybe they will want feedback on that before they decide exactly how to go after that. Frankly I'd like to see the physics improved and things like winds and reentry burn ups included first as to me the most important thing is keeping up a realistic model.

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Imagine mining raw materials so you can make parts on other planets. Imagine collecting fuel. Perhaps even creating stuff like domes for the other planet to create a closed base.

Boring? No just lack of imagination on the devs part.


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Two things.

1) "Resources" are the things your spacecraft carries or takes in such as liquid fuel, oxidizer, electric charge, xenon, intake air, monopropellant, and solid fuel. Some of these resources can be transferred between your spacecraft parts. I think this was brought in properly at 0.18.

2) When players ask when "resources" are going in these days, they normally mean resource harvesting. You can get electric charge from RTGs and from solar panels, and intake air can be obtained using air intakes in atmospheres where there is oxygen. Originally, for 0.19 Squad were developing systems to harvest liquid fuel, oxidizer, monopropellant, and other resources from other planets by mining and refining. However, they never got this far, and the original plan was scrapped. Resources in this sense are going to be worked on, but we aren't sure how they will look or the timescale for putting them in.

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  sojourner said:
Maybe Squad should use the popularity of certain mods to gauge interest into what direction the game should go in. Then again, if they did that, a mechjeb style autopilot would be in the game by now.

That should only happen after multiplayer is added and when the rest of the game is pretty much complete. SQUAD shouldn't add everything the community asks for.

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