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What is your college major? or what will it be when you go?


What is your major?  

  1. 1. What is your major?

    • Engineering of any type
    • Philosophy, Literature or History
    • Biology, Nursing, or health other related
    • Mathematics, Statistics, or Computer Science
    • Business, Finance, Economics, or Accounting
    • Education
    • Political Science or Law
    • Psychology, Communications, or Therapy
    • Any other Science
    • Any Art, incl performing arts.

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Let's get an idea of what KSP players study.

If you are not in college, but you plan on going, just choose whatever you will probably study. For non americans, yes I'm referring to "university"

I'm very sorry If I couldn't fit your major into the ten categories on the poll, Please feel free to answer below as well :)

Edited by nhnifong
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Let's get an idea of what KSP players study.

If you are not in college, but you plan on going, just choose whatever you will probably study.

I'm guessing college is the American version of University?

Anyway did a one year biology degree and passed but then decided not to continue. Then did a one year mechanical engineering degree and once again decided not to continue. :P

Call me a quitter but that's what depression does to you. :(

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In America, Universities have multiple colleges. But, a college can exist on it's own and usually focuses on one discipline such as Liberal Arts. I graduated from George Fox College, a liberal arts college, which is now George Fox University in which the College of Arts is one of many colleges they now have. We also have Community Colleges which are sometimes called Junior Colleges. They typically have a two year degree and are sometimes associated with a 4 year college that the student can transfer into after graduation. Student who graduate from a community college end up with an associate degree. Our education system is different from other countries in that anybody can go to school regardless of age or social situation. My daughter attended our local community college with no money out of pocket and graduated with an associate degree in graphic design. Her great-grandfather also attended a community college in Washington when he was 90.

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I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but before committing yourselves to higher education I'd highly reccomend looking into the size of student debts versus the employment rate of graduates.

More and more people are calling out college education as a scam.

Besides, If you knew what I know about what's coming you would concentrate your efforts in getting off the grid and as far away from the coming new world order as possible.

Edited by MartGonzo
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Way back when I was in college, my major was "Undecided" for a lot longer than it was supposed to be. I then flirted with Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering. Yes, I had 5 different things listed as my "Major" in 3 years.

Then I got a decent paying job so I dropped out. That was 20 years ago and I'm working at the same job today. :D

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I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but before committing yourselves to higher education I'd highly reccomend looking into the size of student debts versus the employment rate of graduates.

More and more people are calling out college education as a scam.

Depends what you want to do. For some career paths a university degree is essential to get your foot in the door. Personally I'd only advise going straight from school to university if you're set on one of those careers.

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i completed a 2 year it degree back in 2003. i was going to go for 2 more years but i was somewhat disillusioned with the education establishment. ive never used my degree. needless to say after i completed it i decided that i didnt want to have anything to do with the it world. ive got better things to do than to babysit a bunch of servers.

Edited by Nuke
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I'm studying law an aerospace engineering.

I'm aiming to become a politican later in life, and maybe even be elected to Congress, of when I will immediately start trying to raise the space budget. But first, I want to be a astronaut, and am training into the USAF ROTC in the category of "Space Operations". Hope I get a good shot.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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In the 1990s I got my undergrad degree in mechanical engineering / Japanese (double major). Later got my MS in Aero/Astro. Did it help? I suppose. Probably the best thing my education prepared me for was simulations like KSP :D

What kind of work did you end up doing?

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I have a masters degree in Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (a flavour of biology). Since graduating I've been an industrial researcher/project head developing a water sensor, done a small real estate project and am now a salesman whereas my ambition is to build a rocket or bits of payload.

Life choices are hard, man

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