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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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I think that what's causing most of the lag is the rendering of the water, in all honesty. That and the clouds combined, since I never experience lag on, say, the Mun or any other waterless/cloudless bodies, only on Kerbin and Eve and the like. I haven't had bad lag on Duna, either, so I think the water is the main problem. But whatever the case, this mod is still absolutely wonderful, even if the fps tanks a bit. Ok, a lot.

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  On 12/29/2015 at 4:29 AM, Ianwubby said:

I think that what's causing most of the lag is the rendering of the water, in all honesty. That and the clouds combined, since I never experience lag on, say, the Mun or any other waterless/cloudless bodies, only on Kerbin and Eve and the like. I haven't had bad lag on Duna, either, so I think the water is the main problem. But whatever the case, this mod is still absolutely wonderful, even if the fps tanks a bit. Ok, a lot.


It's something that causes it. Either be it clouds, scatterer or EVE in general. Removing clouds for one might not help as much as for someone else. YMMV. Is the drop worth it? Im saying definitelyy!

@Proot: Just to check in with you really quick proot: the files KerbinScaledSpace300 and 410, are these the dds textures that get loaded from space (high orbit) view ?


Edited by maseo
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Just revisited this after some time away. Looks amazing and everything works perfectly...

Except... Jool is completely black. I've read back a few pages and seen at least one other person having this problem. Any ideas?

Not forcing DX11 or openGL. Other mods are minimum (Procedural Parts, KER, RCS Build Aid, Real Plume & Smokescreen).

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Hey everyone, 

I've been waiting for the release of this pack for a long time now so thanks Proot for your hard work. I just installed it on a vanilla 1.0.5 but the performance is really bad on my system, running a 980 Ti, I'm getting around 12 fps during launch and maximum 30 fps in space at 1440p. Any ideas on what can be done to improve framerates? What are you guys getting? 



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  On 12/29/2015 at 10:13 PM, fizzle said:

Hey everyone, 

I've been waiting for the release of this pack for a long time now so thanks Proot for your hard work. I just installed it on a vanilla 1.0.5 but the performance is really bad on my system, running a 980 Ti, I'm getting around 12 fps during launch and maximum 30 fps in space at 1440p. Any ideas on what can be done to improve framerates? What are you guys getting? 




Using the 64 bit hack works pretty good... :cool: Other than that I don't have more suggestions than to remove the ground textures.

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  On 12/29/2015 at 10:13 PM, fizzle said:

Hey everyone, 

I've been waiting for the release of this pack for a long time now so thanks Proot for your hard work. I just installed it on a vanilla 1.0.5 but the performance is really bad on my system, running a 980 Ti, I'm getting around 12 fps during launch and maximum 30 fps in space at 1440p. Any ideas on what can be done to improve framerates? What are you guys getting? 




A 980ti and you are getting nasty FPS... Wow. Do you have V-sync turned off? That's a huge performance hog. And the 64bit Hack Joe mentioned works great I use it as well. I run scatterer and a custom mess of AVP and old KSPRC myself, and can see over 60 fps on a GTX 780. Also what is you AA set to?


Also what processor are you running? 

Edited by V8jester
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  On 12/29/2015 at 10:41 PM, V8jester said:

A 980ti and you are getting nasty FPS... Wow. Do you have V-sync turned off? That's a huge performance hog. And the 64bit Hack Joe mentioned works great I use it as well. I run scatterer and a custom mess of AVP and old KSPRC myself, and can see over 60 fps on a GTX 780. Also what is you AA set to?


Also what processor are you running? 


i dont believe those fps are a "processorinfrastructur / 32bit" problem.

64bit doesnt fix fps problems

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  On 12/29/2015 at 10:41 PM, V8jester said:

A 980ti and you are getting nasty FPS... Wow. Do you have V-sync turned off? That's a huge performance hog. And the 64bit Hack Joe mentioned works great I use it as well. I run scatterer and a custom mess of AVP and old KSPRC myself, and can see over 60 fps on a GTX 780. Also what is you AA set to?


Also what processor are you running? 


Hm. Yeah I thought it was odd that I am getting such low FPS. AA is 2x, made no difference. Vsync is off, also made no difference. GPU utilization seems ok, it's at the right clock speed. Processor is an i5-3570k OC at around 3.4 Ghz. 

My system should be able to run this no problem, and yet it struggles. I will try 64 bit, that will hopefully help with the crashing. 


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  On 12/29/2015 at 10:13 PM, fizzle said:

Hey everyone, 

I've been waiting for the release of this pack for a long time now so thanks Proot for your hard work. I just installed it on a vanilla 1.0.5 but the performance is really bad on my system, running a 980 Ti, I'm getting around 12 fps during launch and maximum 30 fps in space at 1440p. Any ideas on what can be done to improve framerates? What are you guys getting?



Hey to you @fizzle and all of you renaicansse pilots out there! And Mr.@Proot I must say this 0.5 looks absolutely gorgeous... Thanks you! *Where i can throw my vote for Modding Mondays ;)

I cant get you any comparison numbers atm, but i can do it later if you're interested. I'm running GTX 970 and 4690K oc 4.6Ghz and i was/am also struggling with performance. The most noticable performance hits for me was caused by reflections and high resolution clouds in Kerbin. So here is couple "temporary solutions" i had to do for improved performance. But i dont want to recommend anyone of doing this if youre unsure what you are doing. Of course u can just return back to normal if you just reinstall stock pack.

First I went to the GameData/TextureReplacer folder and removed file called MM_ReflectionPluginWrapper wich i assume is adding reflections to the parts in GameData/TextureReplacer/Default/Squad folder. Also i didn't want to change some of the part textures so i completely deleted that Squad folder too.

Another and maybe the most crucial performance hitter with these "visual" packs for me is Kerbin clouds. I went to the GameData/KSPRC/Atmosphers folder and opened clouds.cfg file and it seems that there is total 3 cloud layers in Kerbin and also those textures seems to be high resolution mostly 4k/8k resolutions. I temporary deleted couple of those kerbin cloud layers from clouds.cfg file because i want to do more performance testings in another planets with clouds and I just didn't want to remove all clouds from kerbin.

Long time ago i also noticed some slight performance hits with Planetshine mod too and i dont like to use that mod myself. Need to test with or without Planetshine too.

I would also like idea of doing kind of "Low Resolution" version or another option for me is trying to maybe resize and do some more edits with configs. Like @maseo asked here before i also would like to know how/when those KerbinSaledSpace300, 401 and some other TextureReplacer textures is being loaded. Anyone? :)

Edited by Murdox
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Here's a tour of the inner solar system in KSPRC, but I had to remove a lot of mods and even take some sections of the mod out to be able to do it, so I'm not really going to be able to generally use it till a low-res version. I'm using a MacBookPro, so the graphics aren't all that good either...

Edited by SaturnianBlue
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  On 12/29/2015 at 11:37 PM, Murdox said:

Hey to you @fizzle and all of you renaicansse pilots out there! And Mr.@Proot I must say this 0.5 looks absolutely gorgeous... Thanks you! *Where i can throw my vote for Modding Mondays ;)

I cant get you any comparison numbers atm, but i can do it later if you're interested. I'm running GTX 970 and 4690K oc 4.6Ghz and i was/am also struggling with performance. The most noticable performance hits for me was caused by reflections and high resolution clouds in Kerbin. So here is couple "temporary solutions" i had to do for improved performance. But i dont want to recommend anyone of doing this if youre unsure what you are doing. Of course u can just return back to normal if you just reinstall stock pack.

First I went to the GameData/TextureReplacer folder and removed file called MM_ReflectionPluginWrapper wich i assume is adding reflections to the parts in GameData/TextureReplacer/Default/Squad folder. Also i didn't want to change some of the part textures so i completely deleted that Squad folder too.

Another and maybe the most crucial performance hitter with these "visual" packs for me is Kerbin clouds. I went to the GameData/KSPRC/Atmosphers folder and opened clouds.cfg file and it seems that there is total 3 cloud layers in Kerbin and also those textures seems to be high resolution mostly 4k/8k resolutions. I temporary deleted couple of those kerbin cloud layers from clouds.cfg file because i want to do more performance testings in another planets with clouds and I just didn't want to remove all clouds from kerbin.

Long time ago i also noticed some slight performance hits with Planetshine mod too and i dont like to use that mod myself. Need to test with or without Planetshine too.

I would also like idea of doing kind of "Low Resolution" version or another option for me is trying to maybe resize and do some more edits with configs. Like @maseo asked here before i also would like to know how/when those KerbinSaledSpace300, 401 and some other TextureReplacer textures is being loaded. Anyone? :)


Hey @Murdox I tried deleting the cloud layers as you suggested but it did nothing for my FPS. Still getting around 10-12. I noticed that my GPU is clocking at maximum but it is only being used at 60%, same with my CPU. 


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@fizzle Okay then this is sounds like you are really having some other problems than just about clouds or reflections. As V8Jester also asked may i ask what kind of graphics settings you you are using and i assume that if you're running 980ti your processor is also at least "decent". If you can try drop V-Sync off, Anti-Aliasing off, Render Quality to Fastest & Aerodynamic FX Quality to minimal and see how it goes.

Also i had problem with windows 10 performance before i forced game to dx9 or dx11. You can do this just making shortcut from KSP.exe to your desktop and if you go properties add slash(space button) and then -force-d3d9 or -force-d3d11

This can be also "memory" related issue if you're using 32bit stock version. If you can also check how much memory KSP is using while youre in game. if it's something like ~3.2-3.5gigs RAM those lags can be caused by your game client is running out of memory. You can try reducing RAM usage with -force-opengl

Hope you can get this resolved somehow. Let me know if you get this problem solved. I'm curious too :)

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I don't know if this is an actual reason but I noticed odd performance impacts on all of the new EVE cloud packs, mine included. Testing with mine and Proot's (those are the only two that I know of on the new EVE besides stock EVE stuff) I get down to 15-20 FPS with a GTX 970 even with a 1 part ship. So, this may be an issue with EVE and how it puts clouds on planets... I don't know, just my personal testing.

Should also add I'm running the 64-bit hack and have tested it on DX9 and DX11

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My install with no other mods CTD about ever 20 - 30 mins or so, Where should I start looking troubleshooting?


Also here is the end of the output_log.txt



========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

(0x10107259) (mono): (filename not available): mono_unity_liveness_calculation_end + 0x4e
(0x101072B2) (mono): (filename not available): mono_unity_liveness_calculation_end + 0xa7
(0x101077BF) (mono): (filename not available): mono_unity_liveness_calculation_from_statics + 0x168
(0x0117D406) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x91986
(0x01190317) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0xa4897
(0x01181579) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x95af9
(0x01181A44) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x95fc4
(0x01182BE8) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x97168
(0x01182D94) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x97314
(0x011FBD1B) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x11029b
(0x011FD805) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x111d85
(0x01470728) (KSP): (filename not available): AnimationEvent::Transfer<StreamedBinaryRead<1> > + 0x123458
(0x014A5610) (KSP): (filename not available): AnimationEvent::Transfer<StreamedBinaryRead<1> > + 0x158340
(0x743A3744) (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x24
(0x772B9CD4) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlSetCurrentTransaction + 0xd4
(0x772B9C9F) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlSetCurrentTransaction + 0x9f

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

**** Crash! ****


Here is the top of the error.log

Unity Player [version: Unity 4.6.4f1_99f88340878d]

mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module mono.dll at 0023:10107259.

Error occurred at 2015-12-29_195824.
E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.exe, run by WALLACE989.
41% memory in use.
0 MB physical memory [0 MB free].
0 MB paging file [0 MB free].
0 MB user address space [105 MB free].
Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation.

EDI:    0x00000001  ESI: 0xf6ed6668  EAX:   0x00000000
EBX:    0xf6c22b30  ECX: 0x00000000  EDX:   0x47ee1230
EIP:    0x10107259  EBP: 0x0060f3dc  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00210246  ESP: 0x0060f3d8  SegSs: 0x0000002b

Edited by wallace989
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  On 12/29/2015 at 11:37 PM, Murdox said:

I'm running GTX 970


Whats your VRAM usage? If i understtod that correctly Dx11 and OpenGl save RAM by using the VRAM of the GPU for the textures until its full. Depending on your other mods you could get over the 3.5GB VRAM thats fast and use the 0,5GB that are extremly slow...

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Thanks @Elthy but i think its neither VRAM or RAM issue for me. I've been trying with both dx9 and dx11 and currently running with dx9 with under 1gb vram usage. My only real solution for this was really get rid of couple cloud layers and those reflections. thats all i can say.

I'm more conserned about @fizzle issues with ~12fps. I was also thinking that he should have even less problems with VRAM with his 980ti so thats why i thought it could be RAM issue if he is running 32bit game.

But what @Nhawks17just said it just made me wonder that maybe these problems may not be hardware, ram or vram issues at all. To be continued... :)

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@MurdoxSo I tried all the suggestions here, and it made no difference unfortunately. Even when I switched to 4k res with all settings maxed, GPU usage went up to 99% but FPS were still around 12. When I got out of Kerbin orbit, FPS went up quite a bit so I suspect it's something to do with the reskin of Kerbin. 

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A potato will run ksp. Low fps is physics limitations. The game lags on CPU cycles, and something is causing the cpu cycles to stack up. Clear out (parts of) ksprc and its good again.

Its not gpu issues. :)

Edited by maseo
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  On 12/30/2015 at 1:04 AM, wallace989 said:

My install with no other mods CTD about ever 20 - 30 mins or so, Where should I start looking troubleshooting?


Also here is the end of the output_log.txt



========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

(0x10107259) (mono): (filename not available): mono_unity_liveness_calculation_end + 0x4e
(0x101072B2) (mono): (filename not available): mono_unity_liveness_calculation_end + 0xa7
(0x101077BF) (mono): (filename not available): mono_unity_liveness_calculation_from_statics + 0x168
(0x0117D406) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x91986
(0x01190317) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0xa4897
(0x01181579) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x95af9
(0x01181A44) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x95fc4
(0x01182BE8) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x97168
(0x01182D94) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x97314
(0x011FBD1B) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x11029b
(0x011FD805) (KSP): (filename not available): Behaviour::Transfer<SafeBinaryRead> + 0x111d85
(0x01470728) (KSP): (filename not available): AnimationEvent::Transfer<StreamedBinaryRead<1> > + 0x123458
(0x014A5610) (KSP): (filename not available): AnimationEvent::Transfer<StreamedBinaryRead<1> > + 0x158340
(0x743A3744) (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x24
(0x772B9CD4) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlSetCurrentTransaction + 0xd4
(0x772B9C9F) (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlSetCurrentTransaction + 0x9f

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

**** Crash! ****


Here is the top of the error.log

Unity Player [version: Unity 4.6.4f1_99f88340878d]

mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module mono.dll at 0023:10107259.

Error occurred at 2015-12-29_195824.
E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.exe, run by WALLACE989.
41% memory in use.
0 MB physical memory [0 MB free].
0 MB paging file [0 MB free].
0 MB user address space [105 MB free].
Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation.

EDI:    0x00000001  ESI: 0xf6ed6668  EAX:   0x00000000
EBX:    0xf6c22b30  ECX: 0x00000000  EDX:   0x47ee1230
EIP:    0x10107259  EBP: 0x0060f3dc  SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00210246  ESP: 0x0060f3d8  SegSs: 0x0000002b


Access Violation in your mono.dll it looks like? Are you running the 64-bit hack?

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There is something odd going on in vincinity of Jool... When I enter the system as far as Vall my framerate drops to 0.1 fps on my i7 @4 GHz, geforce 980. If I go to the map mode the framerate is back to a gazillion fps.

-Tried setting allowAnimatedProceduralGasGiants to "false" with no luck. (same framerate, but with a black Jool)

-Tried both -force-d3d9 and -force-d3d11

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