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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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I use MechJeb for everything.  I can perform all the maneuvers, but MechJeb can generally do them all faster and far more efficiently.  I justify this as most piloting in the real world is done by the computer any way.

I use HyperEdit, usually only in sandbox to test things or if a bug or the Kracken as destroyed something I have in orbit.

I hate tourists, but like their money.


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I've never made an actual modular surface base. I also restart my career games too often because I keep finding new mods I want, but at the same time feel they would change the direction of my game too much so I have to start a new one.

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I can't get anything done without either hyper edit or really op mods. 

The closest I've gotten to leaving the kerbin SOI was landing a mum lander that a) my brother landed for me and b) destroyed its own engine by simple landing forces. I think it's still there. 

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  On 7/6/2016 at 11:20 PM, cubinator said:

I've never made an actual modular surface base. I also restart my career games too often because I keep finding new mods I want, but at the same time feel they would change the direction of my game too much so I have to start a new one.


This... Is my entire KSP experience when it doesn't involve s game crash or a Rapid Unplanned Dissassembly.

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I have created a modular surface base system more than once, but have yet to successfully deploy any of them.  I keep going back and revising my designs, and stumbling on cost-effective ways to get them where I need them to go.  

Much as in real life, the problem is not so much "Do we have the ability?" as it is "Can we afford to do this without wasting money?"

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  On 7/7/2016 at 8:57 AM, superstrijder15 said:

Not a problem: in deep space, or anywhere exept LKO escape pods will only lengthen the time till death...


Anywhere except LKO a pair of ultralight escape vessels (Mk3 Crew Cabin + Stack Guidance System + life support) with enough Delta-V to get home usually works better.


  • I still haven't updated past 1.0.5.
  • I keep having to remove mods because of OOM crashes.
  • I sent a probe into Kerbol orbit without orbiting Kerbin first.
    • Stage 1: Biggest SpaceY booster there is, plus a Procedural Fairing with ablator added
    • Stage 2: Asteroid Day big probe core with 6 SpaceY Ejectatrons


Edited by DaMachinator
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  On 7/7/2016 at 5:52 PM, FlyingCola said:

I've got jeb stranded in a ship with no parachute, and to make it worse, the orbit has a pariapse of 55km. I really don't know how to rescue him... ;.;


If you mean, he's stuck on a parabolic trajectory with no parachute and no fuel, then yeah -- he's screwed.  EVA shortly before you hit the planet and try to make him land on his head, he'll have a small chance.

If you mean he's stuck in a not-quite orbit, that might be survivable if he can EVA.  Suit thrusters could well be enough.  55km high is high enough that you can ride it through, cancelling any change to apostasis with prograde thrust(in EVA, that means, aim the navball prograde then hold w), and circularize afterwards on the high side of the orbit.  Then he's just a loose spacesuit in orbit to rescue at your leisure.

Edited by Corona688
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  On 7/7/2016 at 6:07 PM, Corona688 said:

If you mean, he's stuck on a parabolic trajectory with no parachute and no fuel, then yeah -- he's screwed.  EVA shortly before you hit the planet and try to make him land on his head, he'll have a small chance.

If you mean he's stuck in a not-quite orbit, that might be survivable if he can EVA.  Suit thrusters could well be enough.  55km high is high enough that you can ride it through, cancelling any change to apostasis with prograde thrust(in EVA, that means, aim the navball prograde then hold w), and circularize afterwards on the high side of the orbit.  Then he's just a loose spacesuit in orbit to rescue at your leisure.



I'll try this today

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  • 4 weeks later...

-I sometimes use infinite fuel very quickly when I am absolutely desperate. But sometimes there are things cheating can't fix...

-I have never unlocked any plane parts in the tech tree.

-Only half of my modded planets work.

-I don't exactly know how many of my modded planets don't work.

-I had KSP 0.90 for a WHOLE YEAR. No 1.0 through 1.0.4 for me.

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Sin 1: I have never built a craft that can perform a good gravity turn without self-destruction upon booster separation.

Sin 2: When I want more deltaV, I just put my heavy lifter on top of an even heavier lifter, and skip thinking about this so-called "gravity assist" idea.

Sin 3: I often have payloads to Minmus that are SO heavy, I have to use an LV-N, which brings up it's own problems.

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Yesterday, I used Infinite Fuel for the very first time.

I made a boneheaded mistake in leaving one single puny Oscar B tank empty, and for that, the satellite could not orbit.  This was a very carefully planned mission with everything weighed and no junk left in space, and my exacting care was my undoing -- fuel removed for dV checking wasn't always replaced.  I realized this many hours and craft-switches after launch, so reverting was not an option.

Technically using infinite fuel was a bit more punishing to me than editing fuel into the persistence file.  If I'd done that, I'd now be able to accept that contract to move its orbit, as it'd have lots left instead of zero, but I'm not going to infinite-fuel a functioning satellite, just a boneheaded error.

Edited by Corona688
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My crimes in KSP are:

Using hyperedit to skip all the hard work (I don't do this anymore since that killed the fun)

Say I'm not going to overbuild... But I do it anyways and I have a 2.5 lifter stager for a tiny 0.625 probe to eve.. Although having 4k Delta V is nice for a lifter stage. :P

Forgetting to pack batteries and turning on infinite POWAH so I can do my scan sat biome mapping without being interrupted.

Say that I use delta V read outs... I don't do the math and just assume that 10k Delta V is good enough for a orbit around duna!

Using hyperedit to skip a long rover trip... by teleporting there! (C'mon now we have done that at least once right? (Or just assume kerbals have the technology to make their own teleporter? They have SAS modules that break the laws of physics))


Blaming the kraken for everything... Yes you heard that correctly

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  • 1 year later...

My sins?

"Accidentally" retracted a winch with a kerbal toi much. He spazzed out and died.

"Accidentally" triggered the eva parachutes too late. Spazzing out and killed another kerbal.

Using bdac, nkd and bdac fps to build rovers and have kerbals shoot each other out.


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I use automation mods for almost everything.

Once I've established that my minmus mining lander can easily land, mine and return to the station, I never go back.  I just use HyperEdit to top off the tanks. 

I use MJ to automate my launches, rendezvous, docking, and a good portion of the landings.  Landings, it depends on how the ground looks when I get close, I might have to take over and side slip for a bit to get a better spot.  

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I'm a pretty responsible pilot. I've never had to send a rescue mission, except when I had to send a replacement rover to Val during an elcano, and I don't starve my kerbals by putting them in space for centuries.

But here are some of my crimes against kerbalkind:

1. I once shot a Kerbal with a harpoon for fun. 10 times.

2. I play a mutiple-mission type space program, so I might have a probe mission to Jool ongoing while I have a few kerbals on Duna. That makes my kerbals unnecessarily busy, building and flying all those missions.

3. Sometimes I load another vessel, while the first one accidentally crashes, killing my kerbals. I hate it when it happens.

4. I'm sure this isn't just me: When my ship crashes and I want to quickload, I accidentally press quicksave.

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