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Although theres been many after her.. the original 44 Class number 08.. the first train to depart on the endeavour that is the elcano challenge

circumnavigation of kerbin by ground....

(Video title wrong.. class number on the side of the loco is 4408)

4408 seen here departing the wreck of a fallen sister.. Former 4404


Ive never felt quite the same about a train since her loss.. classmates 4409, 4408 Mk2, D4001 all have lived eventful lives.. fulfilling their design and purpose well before a sadly firey and unwelcome demise.. the latest loss being 4408 Mk2..

Still with all that said.. 4408 herself remains the benchmark in so many ways

video taken quite a way into her journey on some flat land in a tranquil yet lonely moment

Edited by Overland
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Libra series


Craft specifics:

Type : Single stage satellite

Command : ProbodobodyneOKTO2

weight : 1.23 t

goal : Long range research satellite

cost : 26.555

DeltaV : 14.500

Note(s) : This craft is able to land and take off on the following bodies, Gilly, Minmus, Ike, Dres, Bop and Pol.



Craft specifics:

Type : Single stage satellite

Command : Probodobodyne OKTO2

weight : 4.64

goal : Long range research satellite/lander

cost : 83.262

DeltaV : 22.600

Note(s) :


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I think the new Phoebus came out good enough to put here:

  Rune said:
Well this went easier than expected. I kid you not, I have only flown this once. And it went without a hitch! (well, I had to reload the landing because a cat screwed with it by sitting on my lap :blush:) I am getting really good at this "eyeballing margins" stuff. I do admit that I used KER but... how often do you get something as complicated as an Apollo replica right at first launch? Honestly, this went much better than it had any right to. Even if I had to put the Skippers at 100% rated thrust so get a S-IC tall and powerful enough :wink:. Feast your eyes!


It has an access tower and everything! You can now get your kerbals into the capsule in a proper astrovan and everything. And the lunar stack, I'm really proud at how that turned out, simple yet very accurate at the same time. And I finally have fuel cells for the CSM! The LM, of course, runs on batteries, so don't dilly-dally on the surface too long. The usual rest of accuracy details, minus the interstage ring that would have complicated the build a lot needlessly. This way, the whole thing is a mere 156 parts on the pad (5 of which are the service tower), and it is still very, very accurate (if you don't believe me, wait until you hear about the margins).


Now, a note about flying it. It's further explained in the album, but the margins on everything are really, really tight. Like, I ended TMI with something like 2m/s on the S-IVb tanks (not counting RCS). And I landed with 5m/s on the LM descent stage. About 50m/s on the ascent stage are left for rendezvous operations, too. But don't despair if you are not the best pilot out there! The CSM as a crapton of extra fuel, so it can finish off lunar insertion of the stack after taking the LM out, and not only that, the LM itself has unused tanks in every stage: fill them up before undocking with some of that extra fuel, and not only will you will also have wider margins for the descent, you still have sufficient margin on the CSM tanks for a nice margin on the margin. Also, the RCS is very excessive, so you could tap into that if push comes to shove.

And with that, I leave you with the fully commented mission album, and the download, so you too can emulate the steps of the Apollo crews. Enjoy!


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Rune. "...We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..."

Rune. What he said. ↑

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Have not posted a craft in here for a while and i cant think of something i have made that i am happier with than this so here goes.

White Lightning mk11





White lightning is a crew rescue SSTO capable of 2.5 million+km circular orbits around Kerbin while being extremely easy to fly, This plane is completely un-stallable in low altitude flight and has more than enough stability/control in the upper atmosphere to maneuver at over 900m/s reliably.

Action groups:


Toggle turbo jets


Toggle Rapiers


Toggle Rapier engine mode


Toggle Nuke engines


Toggle solar arrays

Flight instructions:

On launch pitch up to +70 degrees until 5km, at 5km start to bring the pitch down to +10 degree until you reach 10-12km altitude and 900+m/s, once at 900+m/s bring the pitch back up to between 25-35 degree and continue on this pitch until orbit.

Once at 22 kilometers hit action group 3 to toggle the Rapier engine mode (do not engage nerv engines yet.)

At 26km you may as well turn the turbo jets off this is when they stop working, once in space you will run out of oxidizer and will need to activate the nerv engines to circularise your orbit, Good luck and have fun


Download link:

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