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[1.7.2] KK Launchers - Delta, Atlas Pack

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I have a problem with Atlas V is the same situation with or without mechjeb, with SAS activated or not. the Atlas V is rotating after first stage (i use the craft file) and i can't control it. any suggestion to can launch without problems?

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And you use the Test Version I linked above your post Viruzzz? It tends to flip over sometimes if you decouple below 40km, so I recommend you to choose a higher ascent profile, so that you seperate over 40km.

Oh, and the Merlin 1C is almost ready. It will need some minimal tweaking here and there (Turbopump actuator connection), but I think I really got it now. Now moving over to Merlin 1C Vacuum.

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I forget to mention I use the RSS with RO. and i can't reach at 40km or less with AeroJet (v551) (max 1.7km) .. maybe if someone have RO configs should be nice to test again. I had tested the version 401 and is working fine a litle problem on the Apo engine offline at 90km the ship needs to be at max apo 193km working fine arrive at 193km but ship is start rotating at 90km when the engine are offline and i miss the Apo because i need to control it for gravity turn and take some time in some case burn on atmosphere.

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Remember, its not the Poly count that matters for KSP, its the texture resolution. Poly counts little.

Edit: just tried AV 551 ( from the 1.02 test version) in 1.02, it is intolerable to fly, always flipping.

Edited by DarthVader
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Remember, its not the Poly count that matters for KSP, its the texture resolution. Poly counts little.

Edit: just tried AV 551 ( from the 1.02 test version) in 1.02, it is intolerable to fly, always flipping.

I know, but we are talking about simple parts. That is WAY too much.

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After discovering the US probes pack and then this, I am SO excited to get back into KSP! Any idea when this will be compatible with 1.0.4? Or is the test version working pretty well for most people?
For me it works very well.
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Too high poly. Did you sub-surf it before posting, or is it the model you'll use?

It's high poly, but not too high poly. Should work, textures make a big Performance impact, models not really. Yes, it will still take a while to get the pack updated. Right now I'm still on holiday and will continue working on it ehen I'm bsck home. ;)

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Thanks! :)

I have tested the F1 Fuel Tank now in KSP, and it does not produce any lag. Really, it seems like textures are the things which really cause the big performance impacts. I will now try to get Falcon 1 done and out as a test version maybe by the end of the week, I will be on holiday then again for two weeks, and while I am away you can look for bugs, and have something to play with. :P


(Here's the tank with the old Falcon 1 parts)

Edited by Kartoffelkuchen
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Falcon 1 Test Version

I am finished (almost). I am so happy. I can only make sentences like this. I am so excited. Finally. :D

OK, so this is a really high quality model (we can argue about the textures, 'k? ^^ ), but it works really fine on my laptop. The onliest thing that I recommend you is to disable Aero FX in the settings, it really causes extreme lag with the Falcon 1.

It is not 100% finished though, 3 parts are still missing (Engine Housing for the Merlin 1Ci, Flight Computer and Payload Adapter), and of course things like FX and sounds. Apart from that, it works really good and stable. :)


  • [*=left]Detailed Merlin 1Ci engine and Kestrel
    [*=left]Detailed models of the tanks & Fairings
    [*=left]Payload to LKO (70-100km) is 300kg

@Mecripp: YANFRET is texturing it, I don't know more. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Back from my trip, I almost have the Delta II ready configured for KSP 1.0.3+ . The onliest thing left to do is to configure the Castor 4 boosters for the Delta 6000 version, and to finish the Atlas V. The stability on the Atlas V has been increased, it does not wobble so much any more and flies generally a bit better, though it is still a tough job. Expect the new version soon! :)

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