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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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You mean like this?


It's also mentioned in the OP :P

yes thats getting the client.

Im talking about the server sending a list of CKAN packages to each client on connect. Asking it to download these packages.

Like a server dependency list that CKAN can download automaticly through it's commands.

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@Kebra: Now why didn't I think of that. This should be insanely easy to do via a DMPServer plugin + something on the other end. KSP can't be running though - as that locks the files on windows, so we'll need to do this externally.

If the Client acted as a "launcher" you could sequense what happens when.

initialize -> connect to server -> CKAN -> launch KSP

or something like that.

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@NoXPhasma: VITAS is correct, the server runs on mono. DMP is also developed and compiled under mono as well if that means anything :P

But the server package only contains an exe file. It's not possible to run an exe file on Linux, without using WINE. Is there a package with an Linux executable anywhere?

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I'm having a problem with DMP. Both parties can connect just fine, but only one of us can see the other player at a time. It's usually the server host who can see. Any tips, or any required info?

You need to leave the safety bubble, it's a 100m round area centered on the place where the ships spawn, both on the launchpad and on the runway.

Try to set a meeting point, or keep flying around by the KSC, those are the easiest ways to spot friends.

You can also try mods which increase your view range, like BDArmory, it will allow you to be further away from your friend and still load them (5km works just fine for me).

Also, seeing friends in flight is better than if you are both on the ground, it's a bit harder to meet up but it's smoother and more reliable.

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But the server package only contains an exe file. It's not possible to run an exe file on Linux, without using WINE. Is there a package with an Linux executable anywhere?

I'm also running this on Linux, its a bit weird but the way to go is:

right-click on the EXE file -> open with... -> mono (while "open in terminal is checked)

Hope thats clear enough ^^

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I'm currently setting up a server and a friend told me that in order to play with mods, only a configured Modcontrol.cfg would be required.

I was wondering how this could be possible with worldgen (Kathane/Kerbonite) and ticking modded elements in general.

Do I need to provide the files of all installed mods to the server and if yes, how would I go about doing so?

Thanks in advance,


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@Kebra: This is now on my TODO, but we'll wait until CKAN settles down a bit :)

@NoXPhasma: It's not a normal exe, it's a mono / .NET assembly. It runs under mono. I also develop it exclusively under mono / linux.

If you're running debian or ubuntu, the package is called 'mono-complete'.

@ham236: Either one of you is in the future, or you're in the safety bubble. You need to play in the same time (by pressing sync in the player window) in order to interact with each other, other wise only the future player will see the past player.

@Everyone: There's enough little things floating around that I'm going to go straight for DMP, which is a pretty major protocol break. Just warning everyone that development will soon be very incompatible with release.

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I'm also running this on Linux, its a bit weird but the way to go is:

right-click on the EXE file -> open with... -> mono (while "open in terminal is checked)

Hope thats clear enough ^^

@NoXPhasma: It's not a normal exe, it's a mono / .NET assembly. It runs under mono. I also develop it exclusively under mono / linux.

If you're running debian or ubuntu, the package is called 'mono-complete'.

Thank you guys, I know now how it works!

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how does this mod work with other peoples set ups, for example if i dont have some mod someone else has how does interacting with their designs work?

It depends on how the server is set up.

Usually if someone has parts that are not allowed on the server, then you'll simply not be able to see them, and their craft won't be saved to the server. You'll also not be able to see someone if you don't have a mod and they do, even if the server IS set up to deal with their mods. You'll know if there are craft you can't see, because DMP will warn you when you connect, about how some vessels will not be able to be seen.

Some clients with mods that require DLLs will not be able to connect to servers unless the servers are set up to accept them.

If you have modcontrol set to 0, so the server does no mod-checking, the results can be... variable. You'll still not see anybody who has a part you don't have, but for instance, you playing stock aero with someone else who has FAR will produce predictably odd results.

Myself, I'll tend to stay stock-only unless I know a few people who are all going to stick to the same mod set-up. It just makes things easier.

Edited by technicalfool
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Hey there!

Im going to install this mod and play around in some servers, but i dont want to have to uninstall all my mods when going to play multiplayer, is there any way to "temp-disable" them?


You can create a seperate KSP installation. I know I have several floating around on the HDD for different mod setups and DMP configurations. Just copy it straight into another directory and make sure you've removed everything out of GameData apart from Squad and NASAMission (and DarkMultiplayer, obviously).

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Hi, I am having a problem when I try and join a server it says: connection error because the target machine actively refuses it. I have no idea what the problem is, I have made sure it is being let through my firewall but it has not solved the problem. Any help would be appreciated.

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Ok, I've read some posts and I think I understand it now.

Still there are two questions regarding mods:

Do I need to import a save from the client to get Kathane and Kerbonite to spawn?

How can the server keep ticking things like TAC life support when nobody is online?

It's still a miracle to me how the server can run without any mod files.

Thanks in advance for any answers,


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Is it normal (in case of that this is still an alpha) that the performance goes extremely down when one is controlling a ship and another is connect to the ship too? We've also the problem that ships sometimes stutter around and then explode.

This is my current config:

#Setting file format: (key),(value)
#This file will be re-written every time the server is started. Only known keys will be saved.

#address - The address the server listens on
#WARNING: You do not need to change this unless you are running 2 servers on the same port.
#Changing this setting from will only give you trouble if you aren't running multiple servers.
#Change this setting to :: to listen on IPv4 and IPv6.

#port - The port the server listens on

#warpmode - Specify the warp type
#Valid values are:
#5 - NONE

#gamemode - Specify the game type
#Valid values are:

#whitelisted - Enable whitelisting

#modcontrol - Enable mod control
#WARNING: Only consider turning off mod control for private servers.
#The game will constantly complain about missing parts if there are missing mods.
#Valid values are:

#keeptickingwhileoffline - Specify if the the server universe 'ticks' while nobody is connected or the server is shutdown

#sendplayertolatestsubspace - If true, sends the player to the latest subspace upon connecting. If false, sends the player to the previous subspace they were in.
#NB: This may cause time-paradoxes, and will not work across server restarts

#useutctimeinlog - Use UTC instead of system time in the log.

#loglevel - Minimum log level.
#Valid values are:
#0 - DEBUG
#1 - INFO
#2 - CHAT
#3 - ERROR
#4 - FATAL

#screenshotsperplayer - Specify maximum number of screenshots to save per player. -1 = None, 0 = Unlimited

#screenshotheight - Specify vertical resolution of screenshots.

#cheats - Enable use of cheats ingame.

#httpport - HTTP port for server status. 0 = Disabled

#servername - Name of the server.

#maxplayers - Maximum amount of players that can join the server.

#screenshotdirectory - Specify a custom screenshot directory.
#This directory must exist in order to be used. Leave blank to store it in Universe.

#autonuke - Specify in minutes how often /nukeksc automatically runs. 0 = Disabled

#autodekessler - Specify in minutes how often /dekessler automatically runs. 0 = Disabled

#numberofasteroids - How many untracked asteroids to spawn into the universe. 0 = Disabled

#consoleidentifier - Specify the name that will appear when you send a message using the server's console.

#servermotd - Specify the server's MOTD (message of the day).
servermotd,Welcome, %name%!

#expirescreenshots - Specify the amount of days a screenshot should be considered as expired and deleted. 0 = Disabled

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Ok, I've read some posts and I think I understand it now.

Still there are two questions regarding mods:

Do I need to import a save from the client to get Kathane and Kerbonite to spawn?

From what I'm aware, you don't. However, right now details on Kethane (or Karbonite) deposits are not shared between players. DMP has recently gotten a simple framework to allow client mods to talk to server plugins, but these server plugins need to be written first before you can start draining a common pool of resources.

The same problems apply to any mod that deals with non-stock resources like that. From what I'm told, things like KSP Interstellar's beamed power can behave oddly when multiple players are using it.

How can the server keep ticking things like TAC life support when nobody is online?

It doesn't! That said, there is a server option to keep the game universe clock ticking (and therefore keep the planets moving and orbits... orbiting) while nobody is connected. If TAC LS relies on the game clock to determine life support levels (this is something I don't know), then you're going to have big problems when you sync to someone who is so far in the future that it drains all of your supplies.

It's still a miracle to me how the server can run without any mod files.

The trick is that DMPServer is dumb. Really dumb. It passes messages between clients and that's about it. It has no concept of what a vessel is, or a part, outside of the modcontrol list. It just shuffles bits. Whether they are modded or stock bits, DMPServer really doesn't care.

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