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DarkMultiPlayer [KSP 1.12.0]


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Hi! I wanted to start a new stock server with a friend. I followed the installastion instruction to set up the server. I configured it in career mode, with custom difficutly. (i configured the GameplaySettings and Settings files in the server, and the persistant file in client). But, each time someone connect to the server, the settings are resetting automatically to normal difficulty, and with all the buildings upgraded. I don't know why this is happening. 

Did I miss something? This is a bug? 

I read 3 years old post that there is a bug with x64 version. This bug still present?

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Me live in Austria (Europe), my DMP-Server is hosted at a german hosting site.

But, since many weeks, DMP-Server-List tells me, 3554 Kilometers distance to server, with horrible ping.
A France server, which is 1.500 km away shows distance and ping 0 (zero!).

Also an uptime of 52 % is not right.

First "half" of 2017 both was low and i had a couple of random (also experience) player/s.

Strange.. and sad to see that.

No critics, no bug report, just experienced since last months....


Edited by Jansn67
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  • 2 weeks later...

One Question. Is it possible ot have a DM server to which multiple people can reach and build, without beeing online at teh same time. For example: I'd build a Space Station together with someone else. So i send the core module to orbit on monday. But he can't play on monday, so he joins the server on tuesday (where i'm not online) and docks another part to the station. Which i can see if i join the server on wednesday.. You get the idea. Is something like this possible?

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The console window must stay online.
You can use it on any server able to run it.

use mine if you want. But we use mods. mechjeb and scansat on most crafts.
for testing without these mods, keep the simulation distance to other crafts and it'll work without... 

eld0r.no-ip.org:6703 for career (mostly used) and 6702 for sandbox (for testing blueprints).
the blueprints and screenshots are automatically synced.
Use DMPUpdater-unstable.exe

server location: germany
server chat: discord.gg/EAhhVZj (ask anything)

Edited by Eld0r
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Having an issue on the latest 1.3.0 version where we will log in and the year will be in the millions, causing the game to bug out and eventually become unplayable.

I'm looking to know if this is someone time warping the server all the way up to the millions of years, or whether there's a problem with DMP. Help would be greatly appreciated, because we are unable to tell whether it's someone doing this or something else. Time warp mods are not on the whitelist.

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Hello, my friend and I were messing around with DMP again.  Our internets are better this time around, so we can actually get a somewhat stable connection sometimes.  However, we noticed the tick rates are very slow.  We want to edit the files to increase the tick rates ourselves.  Is there any way we could do this? Or is the coding very complicated?  My friend and I know some C.




  On 10/19/2017 at 6:56 PM, SpaceTrashCan said:

One Question. Is it possible ot have a DM server to which multiple people can reach and build, without beeing online at teh same time. For example: I'd build a Space Station together with someone else. So i send the core module to orbit on monday. But he can't play on monday, so he joins the server on tuesday (where i'm not online) and docks another part to the station. Which i can see if i join the server on wednesday.. You get the idea. Is something like this possible?


If you keep the server running from Monday to Wednesday, your friend can join the IP, do his thing, and then log off while you're offline.

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I have issues with DarkMultiplayer - it is shown as incompatible mod after game menu loads. And I can't click on Accept on the DMP popup.

My installation procedure:

  •  I downgraded my KSP version to 1.3.0
  • DMP client installed (downloaded from the website)
  • DMP update downloaded - I ran it just to verify the installation and version - no update found
  • I tried to run the game in x86 and x64 mode


Still no luck.. any ideas?

Edited by Rimmon
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a very irritating bug while playing on my own server. After a few minutes of piloting my craft I become unable to interact with any buttons on my part popup windows (like "Extend Solar Panel" or "Inflate Heat Shield"). Going to the tracking station and back fixes it temporarily but it still happens incredibly often and can screw with a lot of my missions. I've tried both x32 and x64 and don't have any other mods installed. Also tried re-installing. None of the players on my server experience the same bug.

Also not as big of a deal but I have a chance of crashing during any given loading screen. Any ideas? Neither of these problems happen when playing without DMP.

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  On 11/9/2017 at 8:32 PM, Malicord said:

Going to the tracking station and back fixes it temporarily but it still happens incredibly often and can screw with a lot of my missions.


Have 2 exact same installations, difference is only one is with, other without dmp client.
In both i have that problem. Its one of installed mods.

In my opinion - sorry - that have nothing to do with DMP.
Me goes back to Space Center, not Tracking Station, to clear that annoying influence.

I tested in 1.3 and 1.3.1. Both the same with my 50+ mod pack.

For me, KSP never run round and smoothly in modded state.
Some "corners" can be worked around with self tweaking/editing/deleting cfg-files, others i never could find out how to avoid.

EACH KSP-Installation act different with mixture of same mods, you update one of them, and can have completely varying behavior.

For me, i have learnd to live with that. I really love KSP (and all the modders) and sometimes i really hate them. LOL
And sometimes to be "Holmes and Watson" digging deep in the heart of KSP can also a funny/interesting part of the game.
You learn a lot of how the mechanic work in the hidden background, and that knowledge make me a KSP-"semi-professional".

I think, everyone who honestly play KSP should take that apart, because this is (KSP) ROCKET SCIENCE!

Finnaly i expect you have QuickGoTo installed?

Edited by Jansn67
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Hello, I have one request. Is there any developer interested in better multiplayer for KSP named LMP? It has some new features and coding from what I heard. Developers abandoned the project before a month with the commend under this video. I'm not programmer, but I hope there is someone who is interested and can try continue that project.

Thanks for any reply! Toonu




Also...their github


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  On 11/12/2017 at 7:19 AM, Toonu said:

Hello, I have one request. Is there any developer interested in better multiplayer for KSP named LMP? It has some new features and coding from what I heard. Developers abandoned the project before a month with the commend under this video. I'm not programmer, but I hope there is someone who is interested and can try continue that project.

Thanks for any reply! Toonu

Also...their github



It's not abandoned ;-) I'm still developing it, I had a pause in July of about 3 months but in september I took it again.

In fact now the performance is much better as I recycle the network messages and implemented several multithreaded stuff, also vessels positions and docking now works fine :)

Still there are several things to improve such as:

1- Screens are working with the old system of "OnGUI" that generate tons of garbage and must be moved to the new system

2- I'm still not happy with the network message recycling system that I implemented few days ago as there are some cases where it fails... (It's really a quite complex thing as messages are created in several threads at the same time)

3- Warp system is still not 100% done and I must go trough all the cases.

4- At the moment the vessels are transformed to protovessels in order to update their position in the server with a method called "BackupVessel". This method is bad in terms of performance and I'm finding other solutions for this...

5- Spectating other player vessels specially if they are in the ground generate issues

6- Lots of testing to be done

For such reasons LMP is not public but if you have programming knowledge and want to help me just send me a PM

Edited by Dagger
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  On 11/12/2017 at 1:30 PM, Dagger said:

It's not abandoned ;-) I'm still developing it, I had a pause in July of about 3 months but in september I took it again.

In fact now the performance is much better as I recycle the network messages and implemented several multithreaded stuff, also vessels positions and docking now works fine :)

Still there are several things to improve such as:

1- Screens are working with the old system of "OnGUI" that generate tons of garbage and must be moved to the new system

2- I'm still not happy with the network message recycling system that I implemented few days ago as there are some cases where it fails... (It's really a quite complex thing as messages are created in several threads at the same time)

3- Warp system is still not 100% done and I must go trough all the cases.

4- At the moment the vessels are transformed to protovessels in order to update their position in the server with a method called "BackupVessel". This method is bad in terms of performance and I'm finding other solutions for this...

5- Spectating other player vessels specially if they are in the ground generate issues

6- Lots of testing to be done

For such reasons LMP is not public but if you have programming knowledge and want to help me just send me a PM


The flying looks super smooth compared to DMP, nice job so far.

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  On 11/17/2017 at 8:53 AM, godarklight said:

@Dagger I'm definitely interested in other multiplayer mods and I might be able to answer some questions if you have any - It helps that mod developers actually play the game to remain interested and I haven't touched KSP in ages :)


Thanks a lot!!

For the moment I'm testing LMP toguether with some collaborators, I still don't release LMP because I want it to be more stable but if I run into some issue definately I will contact you :)

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