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[1.1] SXT - Lack's Stock Extension [SXT-25-10APR16] - Basic 1.1 compatibilty


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Is there a list somewhere of everything in this pack?  I've been using the trucks and airbrakes mini packs, considering doing the whole thing, would love to have a list of what all is actually in it?  With pics would be nice. 

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Nope not on DEV...  installing now.



OK installed DEv build...  still no lift on the small modular or folding wings.  as mentioned iam not using FAR or NEAR or any other mod that changes the flight models that I know of so it should all be stock...



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Edited by Bit Fiddler
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I am trying to build this some aircraft using the "Goose" cockpit, as I really like the look of it.  However I would really like some parts to go along with it.  Here is an example of what I mean.  The blue section is just made using procedural parts, so it has no functionality, but I would like it to. 

What I propose is  a few  parts:

2 sections,  both are just 1 meter in length, one with a single window like shown here, and one with no window. these could then be patched with MM, or what ever, to give them functionality like fuel crew capacity etc.  for the window section I would like 2 internals.  1 is a single row of passenger seats like a normal airliner, and the other would be 1 seat on either side facing sideways with consoles etc. for them.  for things like science labs, navigator/radio operator(ish) basic "crew" type of setup.  This could actually be 1 part as I really do not mind adding the radial window to a section i setup as "manned".

other parts could be made in longer sizes for bigger passenger compartments, a bigger science bay or cargo bays etc.  I know some of these already exist, but what I would like if for the textures to match the Goose.  the same coloring,the black stripe down the side, panels etc.  the parts and their internals could be reused, for these longer sections I would just like them to match the visual style of the goose is all.  even using a texture switcher mod as a method would be fine.

better tail and nose sections...   something that flows better with the Goose design and has the same visual styling with the stripe etc.  this nose is not bad, but something better may be possible.


alternatively if anybody knows a way to do this strictly with MM patches I am fine with that.  I just need that 1M long section with the Goose coloring and the stripe.  I can use MM to insert whatever setup I want into the part as long as I had the section to work with.   Internals for the manned sections would be nice, but I can live without that.  And for the cargo bays or longer passenger sections if I can use MM or something to get the right texture on them, again  not a problem.  I am more interested in the aesthetics of the over all finished craft rather than all the IVA stuff.








AND another request:

Can you make a procedural parts texture pack with textures to match your parts?  then I could just assign the correct texture to match the parts for fuel tanks etc. Mainly for the Bonny and Clyde, and Goose cockpits.  these seem top be the cockpits I use the most in my aircraft designs.

Edited by Bit Fiddler
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@Kowgan @Bit Fiddler

Ah, I'll take a look at it. I always have FAR installed so do occasionally miss problems with the stock aero-system.


There will be, but there's a lot so it'll take a while. They'll be broken down by what will become the 'SXT packs' (i.e. Aviation, Rocketry, etc).

Here's a couple of the ones so far


@Bit Fiddler

Re-doing the textures isn't a bad idea at all. I'm always trying to avoid adding too many parts mind. Started with the cabins, which needed some re-doing.


Flag can be toggled and fits with the Goose too.


I can have a look at procedural parts at some point, but I bounced straight off it last time I tried it (though that was with wings, which was probably more complicated.



Looking at the aero issues, I can replicate the elevons being mirrored when you click deploy (never used that one before, I just checked the worked in flight in stock and called it done). I'll have a look at it, it might require tweaks to the model with a new transform for the stock system, or completely rotating the model, but that'll screw existing craft (and probably the symmetry for the folding wings, damn lack of truly mirrored parts).

But the small modular wings and folding wings are both producing lift for me and showing in the SPH.


Did update those new models so the flag covers the door, though. (Available on the dev branch).




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oh sweet...   I love this new airline paint...  ill go get the dev branch so my goose can use that crew cabin right away....  lol now just need some of the shorter parts or get a procedural part texture so I can texture basic parts to match...   I will also take another lpook at the small modular wings and the folding wings to see if I am getting lift now.




Just a heads up; the Firespitter and Module Manager versions in your dev pack are out of date.


EDIT:  ok,  because you had verified that wings provide lift with stock aero, I made a clean KSP install and loaded SXT and it is working fine...  so the next question is what is causing our modded installs to loose the lift?  any ideas on what mods or what types of mods may be breaking this?


EDIT: Ok I found the culprit...  it was FAR.. or a lack thereof actually...  There were some stray .cfg files in my game data folder that were doing some FAR setup, but since it was not loaded it was breaking those 3 wings.  Now the question is why just those 3 wings and not every wing in the game....  I have no clue on that one.


EDIT:  Hmm... why such low values on the alternators on all the prop engines?

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I just got back into playing KSP, and decided to try out SXT. Well, now it's become a permanent feature of my KSP install.


Absolutely wonderful modelling and delightful set of parts. I'm in love with the He-111 cockpit, and the DHC-3 Otter cockpit as well.


I'm just curious, by any chance would it be possible to give the cockpits RPM internals? Especially those wonderful avionics from the ASET Avionics pack, those would take these already amazing cockpits "up to eleven".

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I'm using KSC++, have the latest versions of both it and Konstructs, It is not working, here's the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4609vt2v90kdtb/output_log.txt?dl=0


EDIT: That's odd.  KSC++ activated mid gameplay...

EDIT II: Never mind.  The changes just dont show up on the map.  Silly me...

Edited by MatttheCzar
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The trees in KSC ++ look really weird.

They have a white outline around them and are are two 2d images crossed together in and X formation, Is it meant to be like that?


I just deleted the trees folder and now it doesn't appear in the Space Center View?

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Hello @Lack ! I beleive 0,625 m heatshield should be 160 $ , not 1600 $?

Also, I've noticed your propeller discs look not so cool as KAX  propeller discs (sorry, but truth may hurt sometimes :) ). May be it worth to look how it's done in KAX? (I don't mean to be rude...  Respect your work, your mod is one obligatory in my part crazy playthrough)

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i have a problem. when i try to extract the SXT in the gamedata folder, every part has a duplicate. but when i try to delete it all the parts are gone from sxt. i tried re-downloading it but still the same problem.


Edited by Markush100
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  On 3/26/2016 at 10:11 AM, Markush100 said:

i have a problem. when i try to extract the SXT in the gamedata folder, every part has a duplicate. but when i try to delete it all the parts are gone from sxt. i tried re-downloading it but still the same problem.



I had the same problem with KPBS for a while, as I recall I had two copies of the mod and one I had accidentally put into the SQAUD folder... I think... Try looking there, you never know...

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If possible, in a future update could there be a lengthened version of the 'Clyde' cockpit? Or, one that could be extended i.e. separate parts for cockpit, passenger cabin, end piece?



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@Lack I guess I never posted the Derwent hackjob I made. Sorry. It is rather embarassing though! :D

Also, speaking of cabins, I wondered if you considered making some kind of Vostok like capsule? Or maybe one of the capsule designs from MISS? KSP does need a 2+ person capsule midway between the Mk1 and MK1-2...

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  On 3/29/2016 at 2:31 AM, NathanKell said:

@Lack I guess I never posted the Derwent hackjob I made. Sorry. It is rather embarassing though! :D

Also, speaking of cabins, I wondered if you considered making some kind of Vostok like capsule? Or maybe one of the capsule designs from MISS? KSP does need a 2+ person capsule midway between the Mk1 and MK1-2...


Stock-a-like Vostok needs done that is for sure. For Gemini style however I use this. Which now comes with a Stock-a-like Gemini as well as original Mk1 pod extension backseat idea.

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  On 3/29/2016 at 2:31 AM, NathanKell said:

@Lack I guess I never posted the Derwent hackjob I made. Sorry. It is rather embarassing though! :D

Also, speaking of cabins, I wondered if you considered making some kind of Vostok like capsule? Or maybe one of the capsule designs from MISS? KSP does need a 2+ person capsule midway between the Mk1 and MK1-2...


Or maybe somebody talented as @Lack will take over HGR and update textures and IVA? :P

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when opening the ready-built Osual Payload and Mini-Airliner they bring along the previous craft, and they appear incomplete. does anyone know why this is? + with both craft as engines (although they arent there) I get a diverterless supersonic intake combined with something that is called a "XM-G50 Circular Intake, which I take as the circular form of the stock qadial one. thing is, I cannot find it anywhere in the paret list. does anyone else have this? (P.S. I have these issues both in 1.0.5 and in the 1.1 beta)



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Hi, I am a player that normally thinks along the lines of "Mod it till it crashes! Then, mod it more." This is one of my essential mods in every save. I have 2 good ideas (I think they are good) for parts, one i have even made a model for it, and posted it on Sketchfab: https://skfb.ly/MInO.  I made it downloadable as well. That is a heavy vacuum thruster, i titled it "Labrador" Heavy Vacuum engine. My second idea is a long-range command module that rotates on its base, giving artificial gravity to its crew. Please make these dreams come true, I am not the best modeler but if you do the code and texturing, i am also willing to make modeling for that long range i was talking about, but will need animation help.

Edited by LordOfMinecraft99
wanted to add extra info.
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I don't know if this's been asked before but I'd love the pack to be split into two separate packs. One for airplane parts and one for rocket parts. I also still have a hard time navigating the directory structure and file names if I want to delete the airplane parts for my RO install. Perhaps the release of 1.1 would be a good point to overhaul the directory structure and pack contents? 

Edit: Never mind, I'm an idiot. You have minipacks. Would you mind throwing these on CKAN? I'd love to have a pack for the RCS parts, probes and generic engines too.

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