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[1.1] SXT - Lack's Stock Extension [SXT-25-10APR16] - Basic 1.1 compatibilty


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  On 11/26/2016 at 10:02 PM, Jiraiyah said:

i have a question, does anyone know if ksc+++ (or as a mater of fact kerbin side itself) work in 1.2.1?



I don't know if this means anything, or even answers your question, but KSC++ is included in Galileo's Planet Pack, and I'm running them on a 1.2.1 install with no issues noted so far.

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  On 11/26/2016 at 10:02 PM, Jiraiyah said:

i have a question, does anyone know if ksc+++ (or as a mater of fact kerbin side itself) work in 1.2.1?



Yes, it must be working, afaik. Also some weeks ago I uploaded of updated KerbinSide-compatible version with new configs and dds textures - look here:

Just a KSC++, need only new KK.

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  On 12/1/2016 at 4:14 PM, MaxxQ said:

I don't know if this means anything, or even answers your question, but KSC++ is included in Galileo's Planet Pack, and I'm running them on a 1.2.1 install with no issues noted so far.


Umm I failed to find KSC++ in GPP, also, I may be derped when i say this but i can't find a working version of KK for 1.2.1? please help


never mind, i derped, for future reference for others, here is the new forum link for KK :

thanks for tolerating this noob guys :wink:

Edited by Jiraiyah
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  On 11/28/2016 at 5:14 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

There is a plugin to Blender which can read the .mu files


by the way, sir are you good enough in coding to convert and port that plugin to maya ? right now, the process for me is to use blender to port the .mu and export to .fbx then import that fbx file into maya so that i can work on it, although it's a small middle step but annoying every now and then, would be nice if someone could port the blender plugin to maya, after all maya supports python but a little customized version of it and I don't know python at all.

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ok, not sure what is the problem here :


got the latest KK from the link I post above, got the KSC++ from the google drive link you sent few posts above, even put the sxt 25.2 inside game data folder, but nothing is there around KSC, the thing is that I have Kopernicus + Sigma Binary + Galactic neighbours + many planet mods but the home planet is still kerbin so it should work?

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  On 12/4/2016 at 10:17 AM, Jiraiyah said:

ok, not sure what is the problem here :


got the latest KK from the link I post above, got the KSC++ from the google drive link you sent few posts above, even put the sxt 25.2 inside game data folder, but nothing is there around KSC, the thing is that I have Kopernicus + Sigma Binary + Galactic neighbours + many planet mods but the home planet is still kerbin so it should work?


I think you posted this in the wrong thread, this is the SXT thread

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  On 12/4/2016 at 10:17 AM, Jiraiyah said:

got the latest KK from the link I post above, got the KSC++ from the google drive link you sent few posts above, even put the sxt 25.2 inside game data folder, but nothing is there around KSC, the thing is that I have Kopernicus + Sigma Binary + Galactic neighbours + many planet mods but the home planet is still kerbin so it should work?


Re-downloaded and re-checked. In my KSP all working correctly.

Maybe Kopernicus something change of Kerbin's parameters... Anyway, KSC++ just a static content, dependent on KK. Check it on any other static, for example Kerbin Side.


  On 12/4/2016 at 1:06 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

think you posted this in the wrong thread, this is the SXT thread


KSC++ was made by Lack and was distributed only from his SXT thread. Where is right thread?

Edited by Aerospacer
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  On 12/4/2016 at 9:08 PM, Aerospacer said:

Re-downloaded and re-checked. In my KSP all working correctly.

Maybe Kopernicus something change of Kerbin's parameters... Anyway, KSC++ just a static content, dependent on KK. Check it on any other static, for example Kerbin Side.


KSC++ was made by Lack and was distributed only from his SXT thread. Where is right thread?


hmmm @Galileo or @Sigma88

I tried this in stock and he is right, this is working in stock. so why it's not showing up in my setup?

Kopernicus + Sigma Binary + Galactic neighbours + many planet mods but the home planet is still kerbin so it should work?

Edited by Jiraiyah
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  On 12/4/2016 at 9:49 PM, Sigma88 said:

I'll need a bit more context of what your issue is, what mods you have installed, and what the expected behaviour would be


well, as i said, kopernicus + sigma binary and galactic neighbour and most of the planet packs that were supported by the galactic neighbour. the home planet is still kerbin. the expected behavior would be to see some buildings and structures around ksc (like kerbin side ones) but in my setup, there are none showing up. in the stock plus ksc ++ setup, they show up, but in the kopernicus setup i mentioned above + ksc++, nothing other than vanilla ksc buildings at all.

this is how it should look like


and this is how it is in my game setup



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  On 12/4/2016 at 9:51 PM, Jiraiyah said:

well, as i said, kopernicus + sigma binary and galactic neighbour and most of the planet packs that were supported by the galactic neighbour. the home planet is still kerbin. the expected behavior would be to see some buildings and structures around ksc (like kerbin side ones) but in my setup, there are none showing up. in the stock plus ksc ++ setup, they show up, but in the kopernicus setup i mentioned above + ksc++, nothing other than vanilla ksc buildings at all.

this is how it should look like


and this is how it is in my game setup




could you give me the full list of installed mods? that might help

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Something I once learned from modding Skyrim:  When troubleshooting mod conflicts, especially when many mods are involved (my modded Skyrim has over 200 mods), what really works is removing mods by halves.  I.E. remove the first half of your mods*, restart the game.  If the problem goes away, then the issue is somewhere in the first half that you removed.  If it doesn't, then you can safely assume the problem is in one of the mods in the half you left in-game.  Next, remove half of whichever half had the problem.  Rinse, repeat until you've narrowed it down to the offending mod.

This is much better than removing one mod at a time, restarting, then adding it back in and/or removing the next one.

*I understand that there are/will be dependencies that will cross halves.  It's just an extra step to keep track of those and work around them.

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There is a typo in SXT/Patches/ModCompatibility/CCT/SXT-CCT.cfg file.  Second part from the bottom:

    @TechRequired = advConstructions

should be:

    @TechRequired = advConstruction

It was driving me crazy.  I use this part all the time but couldn't get it unlocked in a career save.  :confused:

Edited by CaribeanSoul
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