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[1.1] Improved Chase Camera v1.6 (Apr 23)


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I'm really glad to see you've updated this. I was disappointed with Squad's approach to the problem. Curious if you or anyone have tested it with TrackIR? I plan to but have not yet.

I tried it with TrackIR and it works as intended - ICC doesn't interfere.

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I tried it with TrackIR and it works as intended - ICC doesn't interfere.

Thanks! I've been using it and enjoying it as always.

Some ideas and feedback:

  1. QuickBrake conveniently has a config option to only apply itself when doing runway launches - it makes me wish Improved Chase Camera had this option - I happily configure ICC with: defaultOn = true; disableAuto = true; autoSnap = true; - but every time I launch from the Launch Pad I sure wish I had different options for LaunchPad and Runway (defaultOnLaunchPad = flase or something like that). I might take a stab at this locally when I get motivated enough.
  2. I still sometimes get chase or snap behavior that seems crazy and undesired - I'm thinking the most obvious is at the time of a crash. Do you or others find this problematic? Any ideas on improving on those jarring moments? Disable chase for 5 seconds at the moment of part explosion? Temporarily disable or add some slowing/smoothing/damping to the chase camera movements in moments of rapid change?

I've long enjoyed your effort on this - thanks!

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  • 5 weeks later...
(Recommended for use with planes in atmosphere, not rockets or space.)

It works perfect with rockets and space! I will give you link to my New Horizons RSS cinematic when it will be released on July, 14th. Improved Chase Cam and Camera Tools will be my two work horses for making movies about space exploration.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello! I've been noticing that the stock chase camera doesn't follow your craft perfectly if you make sudden changes in speed and direction (VTOLs). My guess is that your improved chase camera fixes this? Also great to hear that it works with TrackIR too! That's a very fun feature.

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On 30.3.2016 at 9:25 PM, DocMop said:

 (hopes it continues to work in 1.1, it's ... essential :cool:)

Bad news, I just tried it in the pre-release. Even if on by default, the game doesn't recognize the mod at all. I can switch through the stock camera modes but spamming tab (for switching modded chase on/off) doesn't work either. I'm pretty sure I used it right, this is one of my must haves. I'm using this mod since Scott Manley once promoted it.

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Good news, compiled a build for 1.1. Dropbox link


What I did: minor reference updates, and had to add functions to get roll,pitch and yaw since Quaternions doesn't have the methods in them.

Keep in mind, this isn't probably how @BahamutoD would do it, but it's the fastest way i could get the mod working for the pre-release.

Thanks for a great mod Baha!

Edited by HandHunter
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Absolutely amazing work, this is a must have mod.

Couple points of feedback -

1. Would it be possible to keep the mouse cursor indicator on screen? In a violent stall it zooms off screen never to be seen again.

2. Is it possible to hide the regular cursor while active? 

3. Changing camera modes while active can lead to some pretty crazy stuff as the camera pans around, perhaps it could be toggled for a moment while it transitions?


This plane had some issues. Without touching the mouse in level flight there is some pretty wild left / right yawing motions that eventually lead to a stall as it approaches mach 1.



(uses firespitter tail)




Edited by itfrightensme
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  • 1 month later...

WIth BahamutoD's departure, I and the BDA Team have taken up maintenance of many of the BDA mods.  So,

New Release:

ImprovedChaseCamera v1.6.1  The source can be found on Github.  The links are also available in the BDA Thread's OP under the Mod Directory.

v1.6.1 (first version published by Papa_Joe)
- KSP 1.1.3 compatibility
- Change of authors.  Restructured mod to fit standard mod distribution structure
- Restructured solution to automate build, deploy and distribution.
- Cleaned up code to enforce strict typing.

This is prerelease software and is UNTESTED in KSP 1.1.3.  Use at your own risk. It was 1.1 compatible, so it should essentially work as it did before.   As soon as I have feedback that it is stable I will update to Released.

Please refer bug reports to to the appropriate Github Issue tracker


Edited by Papa_Joe
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On 8/7/2016 at 11:35 AM, evileye.x said:

What about adjustable landing gear? Any chance you'll take over? Sorry for offtopic

will be soon

scroll a bit down you will se bd mod directory


ok just saw after 1.2 release


Edited by Skyer
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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