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[0.90] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.50 - 2014-12-24 10:40 UTC)


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Btw, there will likely be another update fairly soon, as i go through all the 'supported' mods to update support. With the new Auto-Scale system there are some parts that have the wrong scale type (2.5m to 1.25m [as opposed to 1.25m to 2.5m] adapters come to mind), and many mod packs have added, renamed and removed parts. This *will* break saves using those parts, which sucks. If anyone has updated .cfgs, I'd love to get them. Either place a pull request over at https://github.com/Biotronic/TweakScale, post it here, PM me or whatever.

While doing all that, can you make it alter the storage capacity of KAS bins along with their size?

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FYI this is crashing KSP x64 on game load.

Not on my computer it ain't. Now, if this is KSP x64 on Windows, I'm afraid I can't offer support. It's a can of worms with more problems than the Russian economy, and very, very few of them are caused by mods or even KSP itself - the problem lies in Unity, the game engine. If you insist on playing KSP x64 on Windows I'm afraid you're on your own. :(

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Glad to see this got updated quickly. Looks like the mass bugs are fixed too? At least I hope.

I have a suggestion/complaint, though.

It seems that mass just scales up way too much, and down too little.

It seems when you scale up, the resulting mass is mass^3*1.5 or so. When you scale down, it's the opposite of that, and you get super crazy power/weight tiny LV-N's, for example.

I wish the algorithm for determining the new mass was more sane. Like cubed*1.125

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Glad to see this got updated quickly. Looks like the mass bugs are fixed too? At least I hope.

I have a suggestion/complaint, though.

It seems that mass just scales up way too much, and down too little.

It seems when you scale up, the resulting mass is mass^3*1.5 or so. When you scale down, it's the opposite of that, and you get super crazy power/weight tiny LV-N's, for example.

I wish the algorithm for determining the new mass was more sane. Like cubed*1.125

If you want, you can change all of that in ScaleExponents.cfg, or you can write your own custom scaletypes to apply to parts.

Right now, mass scales such that a part weighs 8 times as much when it's twice as big, or 1/8th as much when half as big. Thrust, on the other hand, is 4 times as much when a part is twice as big, and 1/4 when it's half. So yes, you can get crazy TWRs, or you can do what I did and define a different exponent that you then go apply to all the engine parts you think ought to have it.

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Can you walk me through it a bit more? I opened up the file in a text editor, but I can't tell what I'd need to edit to get the mass scaling to something more reasonable, like around 4 or 5x increase instead of 8x.

I guess just mass = 2.1 for example?

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Oh I have a 1.48 bug to report.

It is very buggy with the new offsets. When you move an offset, then click an offset to move it again, it reverts back to a position that would fit the original part size. This makes it two do translations with offsets that require more than one movement axis with scaled parts.

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If you want, you can change all of that in ScaleExponents.cfg, or you can write your own custom scaletypes to apply to parts.

Right now, mass scales such that a part weighs 8 times as much when it's twice as big, or 1/8th as much when half as big. Thrust, on the other hand, is 4 times as much when a part is twice as big, and 1/4 when it's half. So yes, you can get crazy TWRs, or you can do what I did and define a different exponent that you then go apply to all the engine parts you think ought to have it.

I actually disabled TS on all my engines and reset my mass exponent to 2 I believe. My issue is that the effects do not scale correctly with the engine, and visual appeal is more important to me than flexibility in engine size.

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The option is there, and is mentioned in the OP. Ctrl+L and Ctrl+K will disable Autoscale and Chain Scaling, respectively. To temporarily disable them, hold Left Shift while placing parts or changing scale.

Sadly, there is a bug in how it's saved, so currently you will need to toggle it off whenever you start playing. This will be fixed in the next version.

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The option is there, and is mentioned in the OP. Ctrl+L and Ctrl+K will disable Autoscale and Chain Scaling, respectively. To temporarily disable them, hold Left Shift while placing parts or changing scale.

Sadly, there is a bug in how it's saved, so currently you will need to toggle it off whenever you start playing. This will be fixed in the next version.

I hope lots of the bugs get fixed in the next version. One bug that annoys me is that sometimes the fuel/resource in a scaled up part is not the right amount. Say it was done using symmetry, one tank on one side would have the right amount, the other would have only a little bit more than the normal part that was scaled. This is an extremely annoying bug.

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I've regarded a bug, which could be related to tweakscale...

I'v quicksaved and left the game... After starting new, the persistent as well as quickload shows this:


I've used stock parts only on this craft, but used TS for LV-1R and Modular Girder Segment. MGS was clipped into the fuel tank. The craft isn't controllable (says no pilot on board, but in fact Jeb is everywhere :wink:)

output.log, craft file and save can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/byeh9pg50gfnsf1/AABfuVWRdhsE9zJ7AC4VtZ9sa?dl=0

Installed Mods:

KSP: 0.90 (Win32) - Unity: 4.5.5f1 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit

USI Tools - 0.3

Asteroid Recycling Tech - 0.6

CIT - CIT_Util - 1.1.1

CIT - ActiveStruts - 1.1

CIT - ChopIt - 2.5.4

CIT - KERT - 1.3

Community Resource Pack - 0.3.1

Ferram Aerospace Research - 0.14.5

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 2.4.5

HyperEdit - 1.3

KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5

Part Angle Display - 0.3

Pilot Assistant -

Community Resource Pack - 0.1

SpaceY Lifters - 0.5.1

TextureReplacer - 2.1

Freight Transport Tech - 0.3

Karbonite Plus - 0.3

MKS - 0.22

Sounding Rockets - 0.1





Edit: I've deleted TS and all TS-Modules in my savegame and the two parts I've scaled. It is working now.

Edited by funk
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@ Biotronic: Good to know that, thank you :) (but i still dont find it explained in the OP)

@ funk: I had exactly the same problem today. I tried to land it with HyperEdit and it just exploded. I had no ohter autosave so I started new all over to get Jeb back.^^ (was one of the first misssions, so not that bad)

But I can't remember I used TweakScale on that rocket. I have no copy of the log files or anything (as long as I know, since I deleted that savegame).

Maybe this is not a TweakScale Problem.

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Sadly, there is a bug in how it's saved, so currently you will need to toggle it off whenever you start playing. This will be fixed in the next version.

Aha, the missing piece. Thank you so much for that, and thank you for all your hard work on TweakScale. It's a crucial mod for me, on my "must install" list, and I do appreciate what you've done for us.

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I've regarded a bug, which could be related to tweakscale...

I'v quicksaved and left the game... After starting new, the persistent as well as quickload shows this:


I've used stock parts only on this craft, but used TS for LV-1R and Modular Girder Segment. MGS was clipped into the fuel tank. The craft isn't controllable (says no pilot on board, but in fact Jeb is everywhere :wink:)

output.log, craft file and save can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/byeh9pg50gfnsf1/AABfuVWRdhsE9zJ7AC4VtZ9sa?dl=0

Installed Mods:

KSP: 0.90 (Win32) - Unity: 4.5.5f1 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit

USI Tools - 0.3

Asteroid Recycling Tech - 0.6

CIT - CIT_Util - 1.1.1

CIT - ActiveStruts - 1.1

CIT - ChopIt - 2.5.4

CIT - KERT - 1.3

Community Resource Pack - 0.3.1

Ferram Aerospace Research - 0.14.5

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 2.4.5

HyperEdit - 1.3

KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5

Part Angle Display - 0.3

Pilot Assistant -

Community Resource Pack - 0.1

SpaceY Lifters - 0.5.1

TextureReplacer - 2.1

Freight Transport Tech - 0.3

Karbonite Plus - 0.3

MKS - 0.22

Sounding Rockets - 0.1





Edit: I've deleted TS and all TS-Modules in my savegame and the two parts I've scaled. It is working now.

I'm getting this one too. It happens when you have a flight going, exit the game, and re-enter it switching to the flight from the tracking station.

I just did a one at a time mod re-adding and problem went away after removing tweakscale and came back when I put it back so pretty sure it's tweakscale.

To see if maybe a mod conflict this is what I have going :

All of RoverDude's mods except sounding rockets.











All of my mods are the very latest versions and only the .90 updated ones

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Version 1.48 spams this at the very beginning of my logfile. What does it mean? I'm using Linux64bit, 0.90:

The class TweakScale.ScaleConfig could not be loaded, used in Scale, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

The class TweakScale.TweakScaleEditor could not be loaded, used in Scale_Editor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

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I've regarded a bug, which could be related to tweakscale...

I'v quicksaved and left the game... After starting new, the persistent as well as quickload shows this:


I have had this a couple of times now. The only way I could solve it was by deleting the whole save and starting over, but that is, of course, far from ideal. My install is mostly clean, just TweakScale, kOS and FAR. Infernal Robotics was installed too, but it seems to happen after removing that too.

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