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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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  On 4/4/2021 at 2:12 AM, nukeboyt said:

Did you make any progress in figuring out the issue?   I just recently got back into KSP and installed RPM, SCANsat and ASET on an updated, current version of the game.  I just noticed today that the icons are missing in the MFD's .  While searching for an answer, I found your post.  The icons all seemed to work properly in KSP 1.3 (SCANsat Version 18.0 - 2017-07-8)


I now see that this issue has been identified, and a potential fix suggested in issue #401 on github.  

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  On 4/6/2021 at 4:59 AM, soifua said:


Coming back to KSP for the first time in years. Of course, I had to have ScanSat. It's fun and invaluable. But I'm used to the old parts, namely RADAR, SAR, Multi, BTDT. I'm muddling through with the new parts, but would love to see some documentation. Can someone point me in the right direction? 



(it's possible that I have a mod that's adding these parts to ScanSat - not 100% certain. But here's an example: SG9-9MS "Meadow" Mapping Camera System.)



Hmm, well, there are a number of new parts - two types of low-res radar, and three types each of SAR, Multispectral, and two new scanning types (high-res resources & visual). However, that *particular* part name isn't part of base SCANSat - what mods are you running with? (Definitely not interested in checking out any that add extra SCANSat parts myself :wink:)

Edited by Starseeker
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Sorry, turns out that was a poor example. The "Meadow" is from Blue Dog Design Bureau. 

Here's what I'm seeing in my tech tree:

  • R-3B Radar Altimeter > Basic Science  [min:100 - ideal:500 - max:700, Scan Type: AltimetryLoRes]
  • MS-1 Multispectral Scanner > Basic Science  [20- 70 - 250,  Biome, VisualLoRes]
  • R-EO-1 Radar Antenna > Electrics [50- 10 - 500,  AltimetryLoRes]
  • SAR-X Antenna > Advanced Electrics [70- 250 - 500, AltimetryHiRes]
  • SAR-C Antenna > High-Powered Electrics [500 - 700 - 750, AltimetryHiRes]
  • SAR-L Antenna > Experimental Electrics [250- 500 - 1000, Biome, AltimetryHiRes]
  • VS-1 High Resolution Imager > Precision Engineering  [20- 70 - 250,  Biome, VisualHiRes]
  • MS-R Enhanced Multispectral Scanner > Space Exploration [70- 300 - 400, Biome, VisualLoRes, ResourceLoRes]
  • SCAN-R Resource Mapper > Advanced Exploration  [20- 70 - 250,  Resources]
  • SCAN-R2 Advanced Resource Mapper > Scanning Tech [70- 250 - 500, Resources]
  • SCAN Been There Done That > Field Science  [max 2km, AnomalyDetail]
  • SCAN RX Hyperspectral Resource Mapper > Experimental Science  [100 - 500 - 700, ResourceHiRes]
  • VS-3 Advanced High Resolution Imager > Unmanned Tech [70- 350 - 700, Anomaly, VisualHiRes]
  • MS-2A Advanced Multispectral Scanner > Advanced Unmanned Tech [100 - 500 - 750, Biome, VisualLoRes, ResourceLoRes]
  • VS-11 Classified Reconaissance Imager > Large Probes [100- 200 - 1000, Biome, AltimetryHiRes]

EDIT: Did a litte poking around and found all the info I needed in the R&D building. Added the Min, Max and Ideal altitudes along with the types of scans each part does. There is a lot of redundancy, which is interesting, but makes some sense as you'll not necessarily unlock these parts sequentially. 



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I don't know if there is any interest in this, but I have created a Module Manager config that patches the SCANsat parts to allow EVA construction and transporting parts in cargo containers:

  Reveal hidden contents

Also available as a gist at: https://gist.github.com/alex-d-boyd/97360d6dee6307458b962dac6cda9fbc in case copy and paste doesn't work.

Just save the file as text, with the extension '.cfg' anywhere in the GameData folder and Module Manager should load the patches.  Requires Module Manager (obviously), but as SCANsat itself also requires it I imagine this shouldn't be a problem.


I have given packed volume values that seem reasonable (and appear somewhat in line with the stock parts, but they are in no way canonical.


If people like the idea, I can open a pull request to have this included in the mod itself, but I don't want to bother the maintainers unless I know there's some level of interest.
If you have any questions about the patches, or for some reason they don't seem to work, please leave a message here for me, and don't bother the mod maintainers.

Edited by AlexinTokyo
Spelling. Added comment on carrying parts as cargo. Added instruction to save as CFG file
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  On 4/10/2021 at 8:26 AM, AlexinTokyo said:

I don't know if there is any interest in this, but I have created a Module Manager config that patches the SCANsat parts to allow EVA construction and transporting parts in cargo containers:

  Reveal hidden contents

Also available as a gist at: https://gist.github.com/alex-d-boyd/97360d6dee6307458b962dac6cda9fbc in case copy and paste doesn't work.

Just save the file as text, with the extension '.cfg' anywhere in the GameData folder and Module Manager should load the patches.  Requires Module Manager (obviously), but as SCANsat itself also requires it I imagine this shouldn't be a problem.


I have given packed volume values that seem reasonable (and appear somewhat in line with the stock parts, but they are in no way canonical.


If people like the idea, I can open a pull request to have this included in the mod itself, but I don't want to bother the maintainers unless I know there's some level of interest.
If you have any questions about the patches, or for some reason they don't seem to work, please leave a message here for me, and don't bother the mod maintainers.


I'm definitely interested, and saved the .cfg file manually.

Have started a savegame in a 1.7.3 build, and yesterday updated everything to work with 1.10.1, to discover that SCANsat became a monstrosity in the intervening years - instead of the straightforward parts I was working with before all the features I needed are now spread over multiple parts, and I have to send engineering missions to upgrade my SCANset ships.

Found the change very confusing, and considering downgrading to avoid the unnecessary headaches.

Do you know what was the last version to use the simple 3 parts of SCANsat?

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It's not as bad as it seems. The  many parts give you many more options in terms of deployment altitude but they basically do the same thing and you really only need 3 or 4 parts even now. You can wait until you unlock them all and then just use the better end-game parts. Otherwise, the career progression is a bit like sending up low-resolution scanners first and following up with high-resolution scanners later on.

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  On 4/13/2021 at 7:06 AM, TanoPrime said:

I'm definitely interested, and saved the .cfg file manually.


Thanks.  Let me know if you think I'm wildly out with any of the volumes :)


The old parts are still included in the mod (for backwards compatibility) but are restricted somehow from appearing in the tech-tree / part selector.  I imagine it would not be too difficult to add them back (probably another CFG patch could do it), although I have to admit that I have no idea what values you'd neeed to patch in.

That said, I agree with Grimmas that it's not too difficult when you get used to it.
Essentially you have the following scanner types:

  • Radar (2 tiers) - gets you low-res altimetry data
  • SAR (3 tiers) - gets you high-res altimetry data (and biomes for the tier-3 scanner)
  • Multispectral (3 tiers) - gets you low-res visual data, biomes, and (except the tier 1 version) low-res resource data
  • Visual (3 tiers) - gets you high-res visual data and (except the tier 1 version) anomaly data
  • Resource (3 tiers, plus the two stock components if you disable stock resource scanning) - gets you high-res resource data
  • BTDT - this is the same as the previous version; short-range detection of anomalies and Breaking Ground surface features.

In general, the higher-tier scanners have wider fields of view, higher operating altitudes, and greater power consumption.

To be honest, the biggest thing to get used to, I think, is that the resource, multispectral, and visual scanners all require the surface to be in daylight in order to scan, which makes the choice of orbit a little more complex.  Although I believe you can disable this restriction in the settings.

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  On 4/13/2021 at 8:30 AM, AlexinTokyo said:

To be honest, the biggest thing to get used to, I think, is that the resource, multispectral, and visual scanners all require the surface to be in daylight in order to scan, which makes the choice of orbit a little more complex.  Although I believe you can disable this restriction in the settings.


I've yet to find a planet that won't be quickly (in a few in-game weeks or so) completely scanned by the high-tech instruments from circular polar orbit at 300km. Even rocks like Gilly, though for Gilly you obviously can't go above 110-120km or so but even then the 300km scanners still work fine (just a bit more slowly). 

The only thing that doesn't currently work in 1.11 - or so I found - is the menu option of disabling the stock scanning and relying on SCANsat to perform a manual scan once the threshold is met. In my games this just results in there never being a manual scan even above the threshold, so I think that feature is broken. Not a big deal to disable it and do the stock resource scan yourself though. 

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  On 4/13/2021 at 11:48 AM, Grimmas said:

I've yet to find a planet that won't be quickly (in a few in-game weeks or so) completely scanned ...


Big exception here is Moho's with a solar day over 120x a solar day on Kerbin -- night on Moho lasts for around 30 earth days. All the other stock bodies rotate far faster so you generally don't run into problems.

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Hmmmm last time I scanned Moho using the above technique I had no such issues, got it to scan to 100% relatively quickly. In my new career save I'm about to go to Moho again soon so I'll pay more attention to how long it takes. I might have just had multiple instruments on board with some that aren't light sensitive, as I tend to over-engineer my SCANsat probes a bit :-)

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  On 4/13/2021 at 8:30 AM, AlexinTokyo said:

Thanks.  Let me know if you think I'm wildly out with any of the volumes :)


The old parts are still included in the mod (for backwards compatibility) but are restricted somehow from appearing in the tech-tree / part selector.  I imagine it would not be too difficult to add them back (probably another CFG patch could do it), although I have to admit that I have no idea what values you'd neeed to patch in.

That said, I agree with Grimmas that it's not too difficult when you get used to it.
Essentially you have the following scanner types:

  • Radar (2 tiers) - gets you low-res altimetry data
  • SAR (3 tiers) - gets you high-res altimetry data (and biomes for the tier-3 scanner)
  • Multispectral (3 tiers) - gets you low-res visual data, biomes, and (except the tier 1 version) low-res resource data
  • Visual (3 tiers) - gets you high-res visual data and (except the tier 1 version) anomaly data
  • Resource (3 tiers, plus the two stock components if you disable stock resource scanning) - gets you high-res resource data
  • BTDT - this is the same as the previous version; short-range detection of anomalies and Breaking Ground surface features.

In general, the higher-tier scanners have wider fields of view, higher operating altitudes, and greater power consumption.

To be honest, the biggest thing to get used to, I think, is that the resource, multispectral, and visual scanners all require the surface to be in daylight in order to scan, which makes the choice of orbit a little more complex.  Although I believe you can disable this restriction in the settings.


I saw that the old parts are still in the folder, I wish I knew how to config the mod to use only those and ignore the new parts, their addition was unexpected and unwelcome when upgrading the game.

Am unable to dedicate sufficient brainpower to learning how to use the new parts at the moment, am trying to get myself back into the game after being too ill to use it for two years, and any excessive complication just makes it that much harder to play. 

Edited by TanoPrime
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  On 4/14/2021 at 7:18 AM, TanoPrime said:

I saw that the old parts are still in the folder, I wish I knew how to config the mod to use only those and ignore the new parts, their addition was unexpected and unwelcome when upgrading the game.

Am unable to dedicate sufficient brainpower to learning how to use the new parts at the moment, am trying to get myself back into the game after being too ill to use it for two years, and any excessive complication just makes it that much harder to play. 


You could delete the new parts in a test copy of your install directory and see what happens. My experience has been that deleting parts that are not used in any craft you have in the game is harmless

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  On 4/14/2021 at 9:12 AM, darthgently said:

You could delete the new parts in a test copy of your install directory and see what happens. My experience has been that deleting parts that are not used in any craft you have in the game is harmless


Thank you, though I already downgraded to a pre-new parts version: luckily the mod was updated for compatibility with 1.8.0 savegames right before adding them.

I'll live with the old mod until my next playthrough.

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I have one issue with 20.4, and put in an issue.

BTDT is not using AGL, but MSL to determine functionality.

Example, on mun or minmus, using BTDT on a rover, on ground but above 2k msl, unit status will state too high.

Needs to use AGL, not MSL for measurement of altitude so unit will function on ground regardless of MSL height.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Is there a way to find a specific biome location on a planet ? Like I have done the biome scan, but there's a ton a little biomes which are hard to distinct from each other, and I would like to find xbiome. Can I filter the biome map in some way to find it?

Thanks ! :)

Edit and workaround
: I found that by right clicking on the large map and thus bringing the zoomed map of the region you clicked at, scansat is telling you which biomes are present in the current view. And as the zoom map is x10 by default, few clicks are enough to scout the map and the desired biome.

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