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[1.10.1] SCANsat [v20.4] -- Real Scanning, Real Science, at Warp Speed! [September 9, 2020]


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6 minutes ago, cake>pie said:

Data is already saved independently of which craft did the scanning.

If you are referring to the need to keep a narrow-band scanner in orbit in order for certain readouts/overlays to work -- you really only need one satellite per body for that, so not sure how that causes "clutter"/"screenful of birds"... but if you must you can change the settings by disabling the "requires narrow band scanner" option (wiki: https://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat/wiki/SCANsat-Resource-Settings#top-requires-narrow-band-scanner).

A screenful of birds in the tracking station.  I've got a scanning bird around every body in the system.

I'm saying the readouts should note the saved data and not need the bird that made them.  We didn't lose our high res map of the moon when the mapping satellite went splat.

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Well, that "requires narrow band scanner" setting should take care of it then -- you won't need to keep a scanner in orbit after you've completed your scan. (Unless I've completely misunderstood what you're asking.)

Backup your save and give it it a try.

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If I deinstalled toolbar how do I get my scansat buttons back? :/ Are there hotkeys? I didn't finde a settings file inside the scansat folder. Id really like to have it back :/



Found it. I just activated a scanner and used it to get me into the scansat ui.

Edited by maculator
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hi there,

I remember some time ago we discussed a bit how scansat ranges work, and how to properly rescale them on resized systems 


However I completely forgot what the end result of that discussion was, and since I had a bug report about SD not rescaling a ScanSat properly I was wondering if anyone here could refresh my memory on the topic


thanks guys

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@Sigma88 For the scanners you just use MM patches to adjust the scanner min, best and max height by whatever multiplier the system uses (or some other value if you want to fine-tune the adjustments).

You'll also need to adjust the terrain height data used for drawing the maps. Those values can be found in the SCANcolors.cfg file in the SCANsat/Resources folder:

			name = Kerbin
			maxHeightMultiplier = 1
			minHeightMultiplier = 1
			clampHeightMultiplier = 1

If the planet does have an entry in that file then I don't think it matters, since SCANsat attempts to figure out the min and max terrain heights for any unknown planets.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't understand why I'm not getting contracts to do biome and low res scans of Duna. I completed the high res scan a few dozen days ago and since then I have been looking for low of biome scan contracts to come up.

From the contract configurator debug window it looks like all the requirement terms for the ScansatCoverage requirement are being met, but the requirement itself says it is unmet.

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Hi, just to let you know.

In my game i get this :


[LOG 18:59:31.616] Game State Saved to saves/Nilsou/persistent
[LOG 18:59:34.453] [SCANsat] Height Map Of [Kerbin] Completed...
[LOG 18:59:34.477] [SCANsat] All Height Maps Generated

[EXC 19:00:27.622] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.DumpSatellites ()
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.Dump ()
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.Update ()
[EXC 19:01:50.696] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.DumpSatellites ()
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.Dump ()
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.Update ()
[EXC 19:01:51.765] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.DumpSatellites ()
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.Dump ()
    RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit.Update ()

I think this is related to scasat as it is just after it in the log ...

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11 hours ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

Seeing as each line starts with RemoteTech.RTDebugUnit, I'd blame remote tech. Either way, it's a lot easier to help if you post a link to the full log.



I say that because long time ago there was some compatibility problem between scansat and remotetech

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@msnbcorp I'm not seeing the RT error in that log. The only thing of note I see is that you might have 2 copies of the Kopernicus.OnDemand plugin in your GameData/Kopernicus/plugins folder. That seems like it might be a bad thing, and the Kopernicus on demand loader is the only point where SCANsat and RT might overlap, since SCANsat forces planets to be loaded at certain points, and unloads them when it's finished.

@tomf That might be a CC problem.

@Dewar I'll see about adding those 2 resources for the next update.

Edited by DMagic
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For some reason Scansat, appears to be constantly loading and unloading every single Kopernicus body in the game on every scene change, or every time I enter or exit map mode.  With each and every body it uses the on-demand function of kopernicus, and when it does, it momentarily pauses everything in the game.  It is taking framerates to zero for about a half-second, then 2 seconds later doing it again, over and over until it has finished loading and unloading every body in the game.  The process repeats at every scene change, and every entry or exit of mapmode.

The thrashing really kills my system.

Log file:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/qrxo1kyom821sp1/output_log - scansat and kopernicus.txt?dl=0

Upon closer review, it appears to be doing it primarily with bodies added or moved in the Outer Planets mod, but not exclusively.  Is there any way to make it stop?

I've tried having kopernicus keep all textures loaded in memory and disabling the on-demand feature, but it doesn't seem to change anything.


EDIT:  BTW, that log file is for a single launch, just a quick probe to Minmus.  Never left the SOI of Kerbin.

Edited by Cetera
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@Cetera SCANsat loads and unloads bodies once per game session when it's building its initial database. Each body takes about 10 seconds to load, so loading all of the planets can take some time (the loading is slow enough that it shouldn't have any effect). When Kopernicus is installed it has to force each body to load before it can read that body's terrain data, after it finishes it unloads the body.

From the logs that's what seems to be happening, each Kopernicus unload message is followed a by a "Height map complete" message.

After the database is built the only time SCANsat should force a body to load is if you open the big map and display a planet different from the current body.

This block looks like it occurs in the SpaceCenter scene, nothing else seems to be going on, because processing this many planets would take a while:


[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Kerbin] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For the Mun
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For the Mun
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [the Mun] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Minmus
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Minmus
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Minmus] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Moho
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Moho
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Moho] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Eve
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Eve
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Eve] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Gilly
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Gilly
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Gilly] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Duna
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Duna
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Duna] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Ike
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Ike
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Ike] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Dres

Another block from the flight scene I think:


[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Bop
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Bop] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Pol
[Astrogator 1288.413] OnTargetChanged
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Pol
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Pol] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Hale
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Hale
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Hale] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Ovok

As long as this doesn't continue happening it is working as it should.

The performance effect of this processing should be considerably less than 1/10th of what is required to build a reasonably sized SCANsat big map. So if you can use the other SCANsat functions then this is unlikely to be causing such a serious drop.

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23 minutes ago, DMagic said:

@Cetera SCANsat loads and unloads bodies once per game session when it's building its initial database. Each body takes about 10 seconds to load, so loading all of the planets can take some time (the loading is slow enough that it shouldn't have any effect). When Kopernicus is installed it has to force each body to load before it can read that body's terrain data, after it finishes it unloads the body.

From the logs that's what seems to be happening, each Kopernicus unload message is followed a by a "Height map complete" message.

After the database is built the only time SCANsat should force a body to load is if you open the big map and display a planet different from the current body.

This block looks like it occurs in the SpaceCenter scene, nothing else seems to be going on, because processing this many planets would take a while:

  Hide contents

[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Kerbin] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For the Mun
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For the Mun
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [the Mun] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Minmus
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Minmus
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Minmus] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Moho
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Moho
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Moho] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Eve
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Eve
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Eve] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Gilly
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Gilly
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Gilly] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Duna
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Duna
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Duna] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Ike
[Kopernicus] No new objects this time. (Probablility is 50%)
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Ike
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Ike] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Dres

Another block from the flight scene I think:

  Hide contents

[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Bop
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Bop] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Pol
[Astrogator 1288.413] OnTargetChanged
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Pol
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Pol] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Hale
[SCANsat] Unloading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Hale
[SCANsat] Height Map Of [Hale] Completed...
[SCANsat] Loading Kopernicus On Demand PQSMod For Ovok

As long as this doesn't continue happening it is working as it should.

The performance effect of this processing should be considerably less than 1/10th of what is required to build a reasonably sized SCANsat big map. So if you can use the other SCANsat functions then this is unlikely to be causing such a serious drop.

It could be something else that is occurring at the same time I see the SCANsat entries in the console, but I'm not seeing other items there.  it isn't garbage collection, as I've been running memgraph at the same time, to keep an eye on that.  The stutter is almost identical to the garbage collection stutter, however.  

It drops the frame rate to zero for half a second while everythign freezes, then it resumes, then it does it again.  It usually does it 5 or 6 times before it settles down.  Then, as soon as I go into map mode, it does the exact same process.  Having the console up when I move in and out of mapmode shows again entries for SCANsat loading and unloading kopernicus data each time I go back and forth between map mode.

It is a heavily modded install.  I can try doing clean installs of both Scansat and Kopernicus.  Is there anything else you'd suggest?  I can try to grab a video of it next time, too, but it might be a couple of days before I can get that up.


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Much of the documentation is out of date (and I'm not sure that RPM's MechJeb functions are really relevant anyway), and the first post is a bit of a mess.

An updated version for KSP 1.3 is available here:

It should be stable.

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1 hour ago, Atmoz said:

Someone could explain me why my biome overlay looks good on Kerbin & Mun but it's look ugly on Minmus ?

Looks fine to me. If you don't like the color palette being used you can modify it in the SCANSat settings window

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@Atmoz Yep, that's what Minmus looks like, lot's of the smaller moons don't have very interesting biome maps. But you can't actually change the color palette for the biome planetary overlays, only for the SCANsat biome maps (withing the SCANsat windows).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can anyone give me a quick how-to on how to change the version number for this?


I'm using 1.2.2 and this apparently is for 1.2.1 tops. Just getting the out of date message when loading, even though it works fine. Not a huge deal, would just like to get rid of the message :P

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11 minutes ago, Dortmunder said:

Can anyone give me a quick how-to on how to change the version number for this?


I'm using 1.2.2 and this apparently is for 1.2.1 tops. Just getting the out of date message when loading, even though it works fine. Not a huge deal, would just like to get rid of the message :P

Edit SCANsat.version and change the KSP_VERSION_MAX

Edited by Alshain
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Or better yet, just delete the .version file, since I'm not sure if changing only the local .version file will be enough.

You can also use the dev version for 1.2.2; it works fine except for a few minor bugs:


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