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[1.1.2] Kerbin-Side (v1.1.0) & Supplements


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  AlphaAsh said:
Took some time off work to put a quick preview of Launch Pads 2 up. This is not all of the content - there's quite a bit more not in a complete enough state to show yet.


The VAB/SPH is exactly that, a VAB and SPH all in one. It's just a static so until medsouz and I crack Space Centre interactivity it's just for show, like the rest of KerbinSide.

The multi-launch does what it says on the tin. It's a runway, a helipad and a rocket pad. It could probably be abused as a boat launch too, although I'm working on something better for that.

The crawler way will be a modular set of pieces for those who like to make their own bases with KerbinSide's parts.

The tracking station isn't animated to save on memory but I thought it was about time I did something like this for bases.

Other stuff in the works: command centers, control and launch towers, blast barriers, kerbonaut centers etc.

Looks amazing! Can't wait to get my hands on it! :cool:

EDIT: Also, Do you still need base blurbs? I feel kinda guilty for just abandoning you to write them yourself...:( If not, I totally understand!

Edited by Spacepetscompany
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ok i've tried everything but this mod isn't working for me at all. no KK icon... no buildings... nadda...

i'm running ksp 64bit (may be that's the problem) on a linux system without KSC++

if you need any info then just ask :P

(kinda piffed off that this doesn't work :/)

EDIT: ARE YOU SERIOUS!? alpha update your download with the new .dll for Kerbal Konstructs... that's what was making it not work. (this is the all in one download)

Edited by AntiMatter001
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  AntiMatter001 said:
ok i've tried everything but this mod isn't working for me at all. no KK icon... no buildings... nadda...

i'm running ksp 64bit (may be that's the problem) on a linux system without KSC++

if you need any info then just ask :P

(kinda piffed off that this doesn't work :/)

EDIT: ARE YOU SERIOUS!? alpha update your download with the new .dll for Kerbal Konstructs... that's what was making it not work. (this is the all in one download)

Am I serious? Yes. I included what was the latest KK at the time the All in 1 was released. Mod dependencies are the norm in KSP. So asking users to go and get the latest update of a dependency, or more specifically, thinking they'll just do that, is a quite serious and not unreasonable expectation indeed.

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I don't know why I just now decided to install this mod. It's been catching my eye for a good while, but I guess I assumed the memory load would be insane so I've always skipped right past. Well I did finally install all the new launch pads, launch sites, runways, and tracking stations last night, despite my worries...and man I'm glad I did! This mod is absolutely awesome...it adds so much variety to the game that I didn't even realize was missing, and the memory footprint is surprisingly tiny for what is here. Awesome work on this, and thank you for an excellent rejuvenated experience in KSP!!

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I am feeling deprived.

0.25 seems to eat quite a bit more memory and my old machine never met the spec requirements anyway. Now I've finished stock testing (*phew*) I'm re-modding but so far I've had no luck with Kerbinside.

Absolutely not your fault or problem, just mentioning how much I miss this! (Something else will have to go - soon)

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  Pecan said:

I am feeling deprived.

0.25 seems to eat quite a bit more memory and my old machine never met the spec requirements anyway. Now I've finished stock testing (*phew*) I'm re-modding but so far I've had no luck with Kerbinside.

Absolutely not your fault or problem, just mentioning how much I miss this! (Something else will have to go - soon)

Instead of downloading the All in One you could try downloading some of the smaller packs that you like. Another option to save memory is to delete the <name>Logo.png files, KK should be able to work without them and it will save a bit of RAM.

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Has anyone else noticed a little bit of strange behaviour with Kerbin-Side and FAR? In 0.24 and 0.25 (fresh installs), I've had aircraft fly perfectly fine at KSC, but when I launch from Kerman Lake Airstrip, I experience phantom roll forces when pitching and sometimes my plane just constantly stalls out on one side and is utterly unflyable. I've tested this and it's definitely there, at one but not the other. Kerbin-Side bug or FAR bug?

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  Volt said:
Has anyone else noticed a little bit of strange behaviour with Kerbin-Side and FAR? In 0.24 and 0.25 (fresh installs), I've had aircraft fly perfectly fine at KSC, but when I launch from Kerman Lake Airstrip, I experience phantom roll forces when pitching and sometimes my plane just constantly stalls out on one side and is utterly unflyable. I've tested this and it's definitely there, at one but not the other. Kerbin-Side bug or FAR bug?

I haven't experienced that happen to me. Although I've stopped using FAR in .25 because I've managed to get x64 to work for me. Instead I use the stock drag fix.

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Ferram suggested that the issue could be if Kerbin-Side is using a teleportation method to place the craft at different bases, then it could be moving part of the craft but not all of it and screwing with the aerodynamics. It started for me when I was testing his 0.14 dev builds, but it's persisted into the live version.

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  Volt said:
Ferram suggested that the issue could be if Kerbin-Side is using a teleportation method to place the craft at different bases, then it could be moving part of the craft but not all of it and screwing with the aerodynamics. It started for me when I was testing his 0.14 dev builds, but it's persisted into the live version.

The launch sites use the same code that Squad uses to put the craft at the runway or launchpad.

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Damn. That's not it then. Something strange going on... I'll build some extremely stable craft and give it another go. I'll also try other launch sites than Kerman Lake, because I found that at least when using KS to launch from the Island Runway, everything was more or less peachy.

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Tracking Stations has been updated to version 1.3. Find it in the OP.


  • New model with FX replaces old model. No location changes. Instances have been moved from the old config to the new. Just install straight over your existing KerbinSide install as usual.
  • Old model and config included for those who make their own bases.

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Hey there, i'm not sure if suggestions are welcome so please excuse me if I might of caused a facepalm or two :)

I'd love to have a jumbo jet friendly runway on kerbin. (extra wide extra long) currently the only runway thats capable of allowing a super-sized airliner to take off and land is the one at KSC...

others are too narrow or too short for safe take-off and landing.

the one from kerbin city has objects placed too close to the runway snapping my turbines off and causing a successful landing turn into a fireball on tarmac.

I hope my suggestion would be taken into consideration when a new runway is being placed I'd highly appreciate it! :D

thanks for taking the time to read my post! cheers!

Edited by silversatin
corrected a typo
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  Benjamen said:
That is Kerbtown, Not what the mod will use read the mod info and you will find a link to what it will use.

The post you replied to is 4 months old, back then KerbinSide used KerbTown because KerbalKonstructs didn't exist yet.

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I downloaded this mod last night, installed it and fell in love. It worked great, added all the spaceports etc. However, when I opened KSP this morning, at first the menu to select launch site wasn't even visible in either the VAB or SPH. Close KSP, reboot, try again, menu visible BUT:


Close KSP, reboot, reopen, same.

Windows 8.0, 8G RAM, 8-core

x32 KSP 0.25

As I said, worked fine last night and nothing changed inbetween apart from the time.

Any ideas?

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  hhh said:
...Close KSP, reboot, try again, menu visible BUT: http://i.imgur.com/zvzGXiz.png...Close KSP, reboot, reopen, same... Any ideas?

Nope. Not really. Hazarding a guess, Kerbal Konstructs isn't loading properly. Try uninstalling the medsouz directory, then re-install the latest version of Kerbal Konstructs (not the one that came with KerbinSide's All-In-One v0.37).

If that doesn't fix it pop back with a KSP.log file handy and I'll take another look.

EDIT - Almost forgot. Welcome to the forums :) Thanks for trying KerbinSide. Stick around, take a seat, enjoy the show.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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  AlphaAsh said:
Nope. Not really. Hazarding a guess, Kerbal Konstructs isn't loading properly. Try uninstalling the medsouz directory, then re-install the latest version of Kerbal Konstructs (not the one that came with KerbinSide's All-In-One v0.37).

If that doesn't fix it pop back with a KSP.log file handy and I'll take another look.

EDIT - Almost forgot. Welcome to the forums :) Thanks for trying KerbinSide. Stick around, take a seat, enjoy the show.

Fixed. Thank you!

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  AlphaAsh said:
KerbinSide includes many new runways. KSC 2 has a very wide runway. Area 110011's runway is nearly 100m wide and 5km long.

Holy Kerbans :0.0: KSC 2 is absolutely perfect !!!!! Thank you very much!

The long flight from KSC to KSC 2 paid off with an absolute beautiful landing.

The runway, the facilities, the markings everything is absolutely amazing!

**standing ovation**

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Im not sure what the deal is but I can't get the all in one pack to install correctly, no matter what I do. If I use the All in one pack, and the newest Konstructs I lose camera controls in flight. I have installed a couple of the individual packs and those are working correctly. The first time I installed it I forgot to remove Konstructs from the all in one pack and it changed Konstructs back to the .24.2 build. removing Konstructs and reinstalling the correct version did not fix that, not sure why but I had to start over installing all my mods so I could get this working. So, im thinking if peeps are having the same kind of problems i was having... just install the packs not the all in one. Its a bummer too cuz I add one modification at a time and it will take all day to get everything I want back lol BTW AWESOME MOD, its nice to have something to fly over or drive around.

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Here's the best way to do it:

1 - Delete KerbinSide directory

2 - Delete medsouz directory

3 - Install All in 1

4 - Install latest Kerbal Konstructs

There's no reason to do anything with any other mod. If the latest Kerbal Konstructs is then still giving you problems, then re-install the older version of KK.

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AlphaAsh, I don't know if this has been asked before, and please excuse me if it has. Why is Kerbin-Side so big?

A 2.5m rocket isn't small, honestly. But its tiny compared to this launch site:


Is it a stylistic choice? Im just curious, because either way I love and will continue to use your mod

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