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[1.1.2] Kerbin-Side (v1.1.0) & Supplements


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This is by-far one of my favorite mods, thanks for the hard work! And a BIG thanks for the new airbases which has made my SSTO program far more feasible with 'backup' landing sites because my Kerbals always seem to overshoot their primary designated sites.... Strange how that happens.... :)

For those having memory issues, here's what I did:

Last month I added the -force-opengl flag to my KSP shortcut and saw a 1.2 Gig drop in memory on startup. I saved so much memory I decided to drop ATM entirely. With Kerbinside and all the other mods I use I was able to crank the quality settings back up to max and overall the game is much more stable. Only after I've been playing for hours will it crash when it hits that magic 3.6 Gig number which is fine by me!

Again, thanks for the excellent mod!


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This has probably been asked over and over, but I can't get the landing sites to show at all in the map view. I had this problem with the previous version, too, which I deleted completely before installing 0.40.

Edit: Wow, derp. When I target Kerbin instead of my vessel, they all appear. How strange.

Edited by Volt
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  blowfish said:
I am. I also DDSified all of my textures which might also have something to do with it. I'll have to do some testing to find out for sure...

No luck reproducing the issue here (I didn't install ATM). Any luck tracking this down yourself chap?

  falken said:
I think a second pad for the main ksc would be neat

OP FAQ updated. Been asked a few times. Sorry no.

  jebisthebest said:
can i have some help when i try to go to most of the launch sites theres nothing there but the ground

This typically happens when you haven't installed KerbinSide and/or Kerbal Konstructs correctly. When you say "most", which ones are appearing?

  AlphaAsh said:
1 - Check if you have a directory in GameData called Hubs. If you do, delete it.

2 - Then delete KerbinSide directory.

3 - Then delete medsouz directory.

4 - Go to KerbalStuff, grab the latest version of KerbinSide, install that.

5 - After that, grab the latest version of Kerbal Konstructs from KerbalStuff.

6 - Install that.

  falken said:
I think you should name the .mu files after how they are titled in KSP. This would make pick and choosing content much easier.

Added to the to do list.

  cytosine said:
...Again, thanks for the excellent mod!...

Welcome to the forums. Stay awhile. Stay forever. And thank you sir. I'm always a little thrilled when someone registers just to tell me I'm awesome. My ego is having a party in my headspace.

  Eskandare said:
...Will be shipping this update off to AlphaAsh later today.

Insert Fry Take My Money meme here.

  Volt said:
... I can't get the landing sites to show at all in the map view... Edit: Wow, derp. When I target Kerbin instead of my vessel, they all appear. How strange.

I hope to improve that in a future version of KK. For the moment, yep you have to target the planet.

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  blowfish said:
Is there any reason why some of the icons in the map view might be black squares? It seems to be a few in each category so I can't find a pattern that differentiates the ones that aren't showing properly.

Ok I lied. I'm seeing this now and thoroughly baffled. This just went to the top of the to fix list.

EDIT - Surprise surprise. Like most GUI bugs in Unity/KSP, it's intermittent and I can't reproduce it reliably. I restart KSP, icons show up fine. Reminds me of the odd panel centering bug in the launch selector which I had to completely kludge to get around (you may have noticed that changed a little in appearance. Specifically the description box.)

Honestly chap, unless I can find a 100% reliable way to trigger the bug, I can't begin to find a solution. It's Unity/KSP being a PITA.

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  AlphaAsh said:
Honestly chap, unless I can find a 100% reliable way to trigger the bug, I can't begin to find a solution. It's Unity/KSP being a PITA.

No worries. Mostly I was wondering if it was something on my end. I guess that explains it...

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I managed to play for a few days with the launch site modifier before the aerodynamic muckery when using alternate runways and helipads (using VTOL planes) came back today with a vengeance. I hope one day some more information becomes available that makes it possible to fix that bug, because it's killing KS for me only being able to use KSC's two positions. All I can tell at the moment is that it's a clear problem pitch control (any pitch input generates a strong roll in any aircraft, all of which perform normally out of KSC) and *possibly* a slight reduction in wing effectiveness. It's frustrating that I seem to be the only one suffering from this!

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  Volt said:
I managed to play for a few days with the launch site modifier before the aerodynamic muckery when using alternate runways and helipads (using VTOL planes) came back today with a vengeance. I hope one day some more information becomes available that makes it possible to fix that bug, because it's killing KS for me only being able to use KSC's two positions. All I can tell at the moment is that it's a clear problem pitch control (any pitch input generates a strong roll in any aircraft, all of which perform normally out of KSC) and *possibly* a slight reduction in wing effectiveness. It's frustrating that I seem to be the only one suffering from this!

Are you using FAR? It was Scott Manley who pointed out that some of the launchsites are at high enough altitudes for that to immediately make a difference to the performance of aircraft.

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Kerbal Konstructs does not currently work under KSP 0.90 and there is no "quick fix". This means KerbinSide won't work with 0.90 either. I'll be working on KK to get it compatible as soon as is realistically possible.

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  AlphaAsh said:
Kerbal Konstructs does not currently work under KSP 0.90 and there is no "quick fix". This means KerbinSide won't work with 0.90 either. I'll be working on KK to get it compatible as soon as is realistically possible.

I imagine updating this would be a pain in this ass seeing what they did to the KSC in 0.90

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  Eskandare said:
Look like I'm backing up 0.25 so I can continue my work on the carrier.There is some optimization I'm doing, a few little things I immediately noticed before boxing up and releasing.

That is what I did lastnight.

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OK everyone, medsouz updated Kerbal Konstructs, tonight I finished optimization of the carrier and will be shipping out (see what I did there) once I get home, however there is a minor glitch with the animation for the forward aircraft lift. This is something I cannot correct as it may be an issue with ksp and unity. Just don't leave anything on the lifts. Also you'll see your craft bounce a little on it's shock absorbers, this may be an issue with the physics being manipulated by a static. I have the animation set to 25 seconds I may move it up to 35 seconds to see if this reduces the landing gear bounce.

Next up on my list will be a small base next to the (Krand Kanyon?) Large canyon on Kerbin and a secret science and logistics base hidden on Kerbin (I found an awesome location) this will include an underground hanger for large planes and space planes. (yes I'm aware of the static camera issue I'll design in a way so the camera can fit around the coliders, this will always be an issue until someone makes a way for the camera to ignore coliders.

Look out for the next release of the KSS Kerminsov.

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Thanks for the update Eskandare. Like many others, I'm not switching to 0.90 until I have all my global launch sites! So good to hear that such quick progress is being made.

Edited by Oafman
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Kerbal Konstructs v0.6.6 has restored functionality to custom launchsites and KerbinSide is now compatible with KSP 0.90, assuming you have the latest KK.

I'll get 0.41 of the All of It In 1 up shortly. It'll just have the latest KK added to it.

Please note that whilst KK is now working it has a new bug to contend with - when starting a new career game, all KSC buildings are maxed at tier 3 already.

I'm starting to wonder whether that's a feature myself. No I don't like the restrictions that the upgradeable buildings present, especially at the current upgrade costs. Major nerf isn't my idea of fun.

EDIT - v0.41 of the All of It In 1 is now available on KerbalStuff.

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  AlphaAsh said:
Kerbal Konstructs v0.6.6 has restored functionality to custom launchsites and KerbinSide is now compatible with KSP 0.90, assuming you have the latest KK.

I'll get 0.41 of the All of It In 1 up shortly. It'll just have the latest KK added to it.

Please note that whilst KK is now working it has a new bug to contend with - when starting a new career game, all KSC buildings are maxed at tier 3 already.

I'm starting to wonder whether that's a feature myself. No I don't like the restrictions that the upgradeable buildings present, especially at the current upgrade costs. Major nerf isn't my idea of fun.

EDIT - v0.41 of the All of It In 1 is now available on KerbalStuff.

Makes for the decision to either have upgradable buildings or have additional launch sites be the upgrade. Personally I'd rather have the ability to get to the flyover contracts without having to fly for 45 minutes to get around the globe. Also, as a neat side effect, KK fixes the issue where x64 isn't playable in career mode. :cool:

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  AlphaAsh said:
Are you using FAR? It was Scott Manley who pointed out that some of the launchsites are at high enough altitudes for that to immediately make a difference to the performance of aircraft.

Yeah, I'm a devout FAR follower. I first re-encountered the bug in this version when launching my twin-engine delta VTOL from the helipad at Blue Bay (<100m ASL, right?). Again, it's the same quirk, with any elevator movement (in this case of the all-moving T tail) resulting in a constant roll, to the right when pitching up and left when pitching down. The reduction of lift I first observed at Kerman Lake, so it's likely that the altitude is high enough to affect launches, especially with my replica MiG-21. So maybe it is just the rolling. I've tested the Valkyrie (the VTOL) at high altitudes when launched from KSC and it flies with much more stability.

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  AlphaAsh said:

Please note that whilst KK is now working it has a new bug to contend with - when starting a new career game, all KSC buildings are maxed at tier 3 already.

Can confirm that's it's only new games. Had a career game that was alreadystarted and it was fine.

Pretty sure you can just edit the persistent save to give you the level 1 buildings but that's a hassle.

I'm posting about a bug, though in the map view. Location markers for Kerbin side locations in map view disappear when clicking on a craft. This is not like the normal behavior of other markers (e.g. The new.90 aerial surveying contracts location markers).

They come back when you focus Kerbin though and not select a vessel.

All in all looks good.

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I'm getting this error in my game

[ERR 01:22:34.522] Texture 'KerbinSide/Parts/Static/Admiral_Kerminsov_Class_Carrier/runway light d' not found!

Also, if you want, can you change your .tga to .png so it needs less time to load in the textures.

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1. This mod doesn't seem to agree with the game's save system. I can Save in the menu, buy as many pads as I want, load again, bam I have money again, but the launchsites are still open.

2. Also, can we have a filter in the "Launch Site Selector" window to just show opened sites? Which reminds me...

3. In the Launch Site Selector, what are the black boxes to the right of the site's names? *solved

4. Just a request. I play extensively with Kerbal Construction Time and Stage Recovery (well, not now, no update yet) and I'd like to see some clever integration with that. What I mean is, in the long term, not sure if this is possible I'd like to see something like this:

- Each site has a base cost for opening (appearing on the map). Recovering outside the range of these bases should COST money. A small interface to allow you to recover just crew and science and destroy the vessel (again, at small cost) would help. However, this merely allows you to use the basic non upgraded site. At each launch you still have to pay extra for the transport, and loose more time in KCT. Worse, you are limited as to how much mass you can actually move to a site and the refunds for landing near get diminishing returns. "Recover Vessel" still means shifting the thing back to KSC and that costs money. Planes have the alternative to be left at the alternate sites until needed again.

- Now for upgrades:

- Fuel depot. Ignores the fuel mass during transport and gives money back for the fuel remaining at the end of a mission if landed near.

- Hangar. Allow you to Refuel, reservice (reset failure times for Dang it) and recrew any aircraft landed or left near the airport. Not sure if possible to STORE the craft "in the hangar", that seems difficult, but you can always just park your craft and recover the crew only. Although will need a very small "bus" to be able to launch crew at that site (nice as it also simulates crew transport costs to the site). Will need an interface to recover science back to KSC tho.

- Data Link. Allows a link between the site and KSC. Signal travel time still applies. Quite expensive might I add. Alternatively, build a sort of network, only allowing you to connect to nearby sites (so that you don't just buy the one site at the other end of the planet).

- Mega Antenna Array. Since some arrays already are implemented, a humongous range that covers the entire Kerbol System would be fun, but veeeeeery expensive. Maybe just one for the entire planet. This would be able to create a link to any antenna, but at cost, so that you can unfold that forgotten solar panel.

- Basic Assembly. Greatly reduces costs of launching at the site, as it mimics breaking the rocket into parts for transport and reassembly on site.

- Full blown mega launch site. Works normally, as an extension to KSC.

P.S yes, I am a masochist.

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  karamazovnew said:
3. In the Launch Site Selector, what are the black boxes to the right of the site's names?

That might be some missing assets in the latest separate release of KK. That's an indicator as to whether a site is open or not. Use the KK in the latest KerbinSide which has the necessary assets. I'll get KK updated.

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  AlphaAsh said:
That might be some missing assets in the latest separate release of KK. That's an indicator as to whether a site is open or not. Use the KK in the latest KerbinSide which has the necessary assets. I'll get KK updated.

Many thanks. I downloaded the "All Of It In 1" vers. I'll install both now and report back.

Nope, same problem with the one on Kerbal Stuff.

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