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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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2 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

I would sure hope that function would be togglable...Mapview gets cluttered enough...

Also, I guess I dont even understand WHY dish cones are shown... Its not like they have to be physically pointed, so I dont get why there is a need to display cones...?? .. Is it just to show the (supposed) general direction of what they are (supposedly) pointed at, only when ACTIVELY targeting something?... Or do they display ALL the time?... ????

It doesn't have to be cluttered: you could make the circle look like a translucent circle with a colour that gets dimmer towards the edge.

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This may have been address already, so I apologize in advance. 

Is there a way in the settings to turn off the need for connections. I love the parts in this mod, they looks so much better than stock antennas.


The reason I'm asking is because i'm having trouble establishing a connection between Duna and Kerbin. I have a small Satelite network orbiting Kerbin and have an automated craft on its way to Duna. When it was getting close i lost connection and could not regain it. There is nothing blocking line of site and both ends have an active GX-128 addressed to eachother. Also they are well within the 400G range. 


Thanks for the help guys. 

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3 hours ago, Gaiiden said:

It's not about dish orientation - If something falls outside the cone it won't be connected, so it's nice to see what is "in view" of the dish

Hmmm.. I still fail to see how this is useful... I still fail to see how that could be, if you cant physically change the orientation of the dish, how do you change the orientation of the cone?... And how is one useful without the other?


Its pretty useful for targeting a body so you can get a good idea of how much coverage it has.

Ok... I never noticed if the cone display changes with zoom changes in the mapview... If not, I wouldnt think this would be useful... And, AGAIN, whats the point if: (see my statement above)

EDIT: I'm not trying to be argumentative.... Just trying to get an explanation that I can wrap my brain around... :)

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12 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Hmmm.. I still fail to see how this is useful... I still fail to see how that could be, if you cant physically change the orientation of the dish, how do you change the orientation of the cone?... And how is one useful without the other?

Ok... I never noticed if the cone display changes with zoom changes in the mapview... If not, I wouldnt think this would be useful... And, AGAIN, whats the point if: (see my statement above)

EDIT: I'm not trying to be argumentative.... Just trying to get an explanation that I can wrap my brain around... :)

While the model of the dish doesn't need to be aligned, the dish still needs to be pointed at a target. The target is in the middle of the cone and everything else that goes inside the cone can also be connected without targeting (similarly to omnis).

For example the cone of the DTS-M1 will give nice coverage around Mun from Kerbin stationary orbit, while the cone of KR-7 would be too small and could connect only satellites that pass in front of the Mun. Of course you won't need the visualization if you know what antennae work in each situation.

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56 minutes ago, Varsi said:

While the model of the dish doesn't need to be aligned, the dish still needs to be pointed at a target. The target is in the middle of the cone and everything else that goes inside the cone can also be connected without targeting (similarly to omnis).

I know the 1st part. Excuse me, but I'm going to get into semantics for a moment :) Your wording is a bit misleading, tho.. "the dish still needs to be pointed at a target", should really be "the dish still needs to have an active target"......

OK... So I guess that goes back to my 1st post on the subject:


Stone Blue said:

Is it just to show the (supposed) general direction of what they are (supposedly) pointed at, only when ACTIVELY targeting something?

So: The cone is drawn on the Map, the direction it is drawn in, is in direct relation to the direction of it's ACTIVE target...???

And what if the dish is: a) NOT targeting, and b ) NOT activated??... Is there a cone still drawn on the Map?

I know "HOW" the dishes work... I'm just hazy on how their function relates to how it gets displayed in the Map view... I dont pay attention much to how things are displayed onscreen or in the UI, as there is SOOO much to learn and know in KSP... If I dont NEED to know, it goes on the back burner in my head... And unfortunately, my mental capacity is, literally, quickly degrading... So things I dont use often, get forgotten easily and quickly... :(

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@FancyMouse  @Peppie23

I dug a little into the issue where science from the mobile lab throws an exception and I see something odd, it could be a KSP bug.


76:  var subject = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID(scienceData.subjectID);

Leads to this error log warning:

[ERR 22:17:44.871] [R&D]: No Science Subject found with id sciencelab@Kerbin

It seems that there is no registered science subject for the research lab {subjectId:"sciencelab"}

It could be that Squad intends that ModuleScienceConverter be treated specially (@RoverDude, any truth to this?)

What I'm doing is below and it seems to fix the transmission issues

var subject = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID(scienceData.subjectID);
if (subject == null)
	Debug.Log("RemoteTech Creating Subject: " + scienceData.subjectID + "--" + scienceData.title
		+ "--container:" + scienceData.container.ToString("X")
		+ "--dataAmount:" + scienceData.dataAmount.ToString()
		+ "--labBoost:" + scienceData.labBoost.ToString()
		+ "--labValue:" + scienceData.labValue.ToString()
		+ "--transmitValue:" + scienceData.transmitValue.ToString()
		+ "--triggered:" + scienceData.triggered.ToString());
	subject = new ScienceSubject(
		scienceData.title, 1f, 1f, 500f);
int packets = Mathf.CeilToInt(scienceData.dataAmount / PacketSize);

However, this does not empty out the stored science in the lab.

Any ideas?

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2 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

I know the 1st part. Excuse me, but I'm going to get into semantics for a moment :) Your wording is a bit misleading, tho.. "the dish still needs to be pointed at a target", should really be "the dish still needs to have an active target"......

OK... So I guess that goes back to my 1st post on the subject:

So: The cone is drawn on the Map, the direction it is drawn in, is in direct relation to the direction of it's ACTIVE target...???

And what if the dish is: a) NOT targeting, and b ) NOT activated??... Is there a cone still drawn on the Map?

I know "HOW" the dishes work... I'm just hazy on how their function relates to how it gets displayed in the Map view... I dont pay attention much to how things are displayed onscreen or in the UI, as there is SOOO much to learn and know in KSP... If I dont NEED to know, it goes on the back burner in my head... And unfortunately, my mental capacity is, literally, quickly degrading... So things I dont use often, get forgotten easily and quickly... :(

Yea, Not good with words.

You have the right idea there. The cone is shown when the dish has an active target AND is activated. If there's no target or the dish is inactive then there's no cone on the map.

Might be interesting to have cone for an active dish without target but that'd be very hard to actually take any advantage of. 

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7 hours ago, yerdnadm said:

I dug a little into the issue where science from the mobile lab throws an exception and I see something odd, it could be a KSP bug.

Looks like the exact thing I fixed - are you using the official released version or my hacked version when seeing the exception? If former, which I believe is the case, please try my hack first. If latter - need a more complete ksp.log to see what happened.

Essentially if you want to know the idea of my hack, please diff my .cs with the official version. The code you changed is only just emitting an earlier NRE, but that doesn't solve the actual problem of transmission. Fixing NRE just took me a couple of minutes, but then it took me hours to read IL before figuring out that science data triggering (which does the actual job of adding science/clearing data) no longer gets called in 1.0.5 and an obvious hack is to call it explicitly, which is what I've done.

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On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 0:01 PM, rose4100 said:

This may have been address already, so I apologize in advance. 

Is there a way in the settings to turn off the need for connections. I love the parts in this mod, they looks so much better than stock antennas.

The reason I'm asking is because i'm having trouble establishing a connection between Duna and Kerbin. I have a small Satelite network orbiting Kerbin and have an automated craft on its way to Duna. When it was getting close i lost connection and could not regain it. There is nothing blocking line of site and both ends have an active GX-128 addressed to eachother. Also they are well within the 400G range. 

Thanks for the help guys. 

Just to be sure, did you make sure you have enough power generation and storage as well? Power generation especially: if you used only solar panels, you lost a bit of power as you travel away from the sun. The listed numbers for the solar panels assume a Kerbin distance from the sun. If you had JUST enough power gen for the craft around Kerbin, you most likely have a loss as you traveled to Duna. (I don't recall the solar efficiency at Duna distances. Though the number 85% or so pops to mind.)

Also, have you tried doing a manual save and time warping ahead to double-check possible line-of-sight issues? The sun/Kerbol could be in the way if the planets are on opposite sides of it. Or Duna itself, actually. You didn't mention a comm network around Duna. (Sending automated craft to bodies with no comm network around them for 360 degree coverage is a tricky thing.) Accounting for all line-of-sight issues can get daunting. (Even something,like the Mun could be interfering.)

Otherwise, I'd double check your network over Kerbin. For something like a Duna mission, I'd have more than just one satellite in a Kerbin network linked to the remote craft. You want at least 2 different connections to account for Kerbin getting in the way.

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General tactics for an RT network in my saves:

The "450km (60 minute)" ring around Kerbin in equatorial orbit.  This is a series of at least four satellites (90 degree spacing) with:

  • DP-10 (for launch)
  • Comm-16 or Comm-32 for connections to anything with 2.5-5.0Mm of LKO (low Kerbin orbit)
  • DTS-M1 - one pointed at Mun, one at Minmus
  • (4) Comm 88-88 - pointed at Moho, Eve, Duna, Dres
  • (1) GX-128 - pointed at "active vessel"
  • (3) GX-128 - pointed at Eeloo, Vail, Laythe
  • (2) Comm 88-88, pointed at sats in orbit around Kerbol at about 3Gm altitude (inside Moho orbit)

The two satellites in low Kerbol orbit (2.5Gm to 3.5Gm orbits) have similar antenna needs (and because they are so close to Kerbol, they need minimal solar panels):

  • DP-10 for launch
  • Comm-16 for getting away from Kerbin
  • DTS-M1 pointing back at Kerbin until I'm outside the SOI
  • Comm 88-88 pointing back at Kerbin's Mission Control (only 100% reliable after 30-40 days away from Kerbin, before that there are frequent blackouts as Mission Control is on the wrong side of Kerbin and the 450km satellite ring is not covered by the cone angle of the Comm 88-88 completely.  That's usually not a big deal as I can just delay burns by 1-3 hours while I wait for KSC to come back into view.
  • (4) Comm 88-88 for pointing at Moho, Eve, Duna, Dres
  • (3) GX-128 for pointing at Laythe, Vail and Eeloo
  • (1) GX-128 pointing at "active vessel"
  • (1) Comm 88-88 to point at the "sister" satellite in low Kerbol orbit

Communications at Mun/Minmus get handled by three survey satellites (SCANSat, DMagic Orbital Science and other sensors).  Each has a DTS-M1 pointing back at Kerbin, plus a Comm-16 or Comm-32 for talking to anything else within the Mun/Minmus SOIs.  One of those three satellites usually has a view back to Kerbin and they are in different polar orbits.  By the time I add orbital stations, re-supply ships, landers and other vessels at Mun/Minmus, I have half a dozen ships pointing DTS-M1 antennas back at Kerbin, which gives very reliable coverage at those two moons.

For Moho/Eve/Duna/Dres missions, all vessels have (2) Comm 88-88 antennas (plus DP-10 / Comm 16/32 and DTS-M1 if needed).  One that points at Kerbin (or Mission Control) and one that points at one of the satellites in low Kerbol (sun) orbit.  I might even put (3) Comm 88-88 antennas (one for KSC, one for each low Kerbol orbit satellite).

For missions out past Dres, they need at least one GX-128 (two is better).  One points at KSC (Mission Control), one points at one of the two satellites in low Kerbol orbit.  For power out past Duna, you need RTGs or reactors (from Umbra Space Industries).  Dres is marginal for solar power (0.11x the power produced compared to something in Kerbin's SOI).

The hard part is putting those two sats into orbit around Kerbol at only 2.5-3.0Gm.  That requires at least 8k dV (and 10k dV would not be excessive).  So I spend 300-450k on a launch vehicle for those two satellites.  But they are the keys to my entire communications network for the outer planets.  It is easier then trying to get to Moho, because I'm not trying to hit a small planet with a small SOI that is in an inclined orbit, so "close" is good enough as long as the orbit is stable.

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Should I be able to transfer crew while out of range? 

basically I've got a little plane which has the Mk1 cockpit - Mk1 Crew - ServiceBay etc etc Fuel - Rocket.

Due to not having direct access to the hatch I'm unable to directly EVA the crew, I first have to transfer them to the cockpit then EVA. 

If I'm out of range where I land however this becomes impossible, I can get the pilot out, but then I'm unable to EVA the crew. 

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On 1/3/2016 at 11:01 AM, rose4100 said:

The reason I'm asking is because i'm having trouble establishing a connection between Duna and Kerbin. I have a small Satelite network orbiting Kerbin and have an automated craft on its way to Duna. When it was getting close i lost connection and could not regain it. There is nothing blocking line of site and both ends have an active GX-128 addressed to eachother. Also they are well within the 400G range. 

I think you are having the same trouble I am.
I don't want to turn off the need for connections, That's the whole point of Remote Tech. But I am suffering the same bug you are apparently.

I am no stranger to using the Mod, Love it actually... But recently I am losing connection for no reason at all. Antenna has plenty of range, Line of sight no blocked by anything, power to the antenna, targeted Kerbin, or KSP on Kerbin and in view.. Have connection then suddenly.... no connection.

Frankly it is p!ssing me off.


Edited by CG-23 Sailor
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First thanx for this mod giving much more challenge and immersion to the game. So much that i can't play without it. There's a parts mod i realy love, but it isn't RT compatible. Is it realy difficult to make an antenna compatible with RT ? I would like to do that for myself (only !), and if it works, PERHAPS share it, with all the required authorizations. I mean i'll give it to the author if he wants to include it in his parts pack.

As i don't undersatnd anything about licenses a.s.o., i won't do anything disrespectful to the modders' work. So if there's a tuto or anything that can help me, thanx in advance if someone can give it to me, or any advice !

My programming skills are realy low, and i'm definitely not a modder, so i'll be very careful regarding respect to the modders and their work. If the RT compatibility needs real skills, just tell me and i'll play... with other antennas.


Cheers !

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@WolfAngriff You can write yourself a simple .cfg patch, that uses Module Manager, that can basically make ANY part you want RT compatable...

Which modded part is it that you want RT compatable?... There may already exist a .cfg file for it....

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It's for the Rusty Star Rocket (https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1240/Rusty%20Star%20Rockets), there are only 2 antennas in, so it will be limited first, but i'd realy like to give it a try, even with unrealistic ranges first. Yes, there are .cfg files. I've just looked at the .cfg files (Rt and RSR), and i think i could do something with. I mean, the true scientific method : make a copy first, tweak, try, mess, fail, retry, explode, have a headache, drink coffee, retry, and at the end... maybe... One day... I think i understand how the structure is, even a stupid noob like me should be able to make something. :rolleyes:

Thanx for the answer, i'll tell you if it works in a few... years. Maybe for KSP 5.3 ? :wink:

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I had the same issues like @Fizbanger and @Matrix_kbh , my map bugged and i wasn't able to upload data. So i killed all my mods, used the "repair cached data" on steam (it repaired 2 files again) and added my mods piece by piece again to know which made the issue.
Now i have installed all of my mods and it works - I can transmit data from my lab and the survey scanner works well. :rolleyes:

Edit: It only works, when i load a savegame which is older than my newest - it's not important which i load.
So i fixed it like this:
1. Delete all mods
2. Use Steam Recovery on local data
3. Get back your mods (i've used the Remotefix https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7rnm3n2l8k2iqt/RemoteTech.zip?dl=0 )
4. Start game -Everything's fine

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I just started to use RemoteTech, in fact, I have ever option enabled that put very large training wheels on as I wanted to ease myself into this and have some fun.

By the way, I am having allot of fun with this, but since I am still very new to this.  I don't have great orbital periods and was curious how I start to correct this?  I did a 4 sat setup, so if someone would be willing to point me in a direction to start, I would appreciate it.

disclaimer, I am enjoying KSP for the game and don't know the science/lingo, so please use crayons if you attempt to illustrate this.

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@gamerscircle Not sure this will help with your current issue, but being new to RemoteTech, maybe this will help you in the future. Its an online website that helps plan your networks, orbits, and necessary battery storage. It also shows resonant orbits for deploying multiple sats from one delivery vehicle (You can use resonant orbits to get the proper spacing between sats):

Visual RemoteTech Planner for KSP


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7 hours ago, gamerscircle said:

IBy the way, I am having allot of fun with this, but since I am still very new to this.  I don't have great orbital periods and was curious how I start to correct this?  I did a 4 sat setup, so if someone would be willing to point me in a direction to start, I would appreciate it.

I talk a bit about satellite networks here in my career save (I prefer a 451km orbit as a rough-start, get the sats spaced out properly, then make all of them exactly 60 minute orbits).

You'll need either KER (Kerbal Engineer Redux) or MJ (MechJeb) installed so that you have something that calculates the orbital period for you on the fly.  It's the only way to make them exactly (within 1/10th of a second) 60 minutes.  Without making the orbital periods exactly 60 minutes, your sats will wander in relation to each other and eventually get too far away from 90 degree separations.  That will leave holes in your coverage.

Even with being within 1/10th second on a 60 minute orbit, that means you have to clean up your spacing every few Kerbin years.  Assuming 6 orbits per day (6 hr Kerbal day) and ~408 days per Kerbin year, a 1/10th second error means your orbit will be off by about 245 seconds per year, or about 0.4 degrees of error per year.  So look at your four key satellites at 450km once per year and adjust them.

MJ has a "resonant orbit" tool, so if you are behind by 10 degrees (too slow) where you want to be you can do a resonant orbit of 350/360, burn that, then circularize at the next Ap.  If you're too fast, then you do a 370/360 burn and then circularize at the next Pe.

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1 hour ago, Crash Zero said:

Anyone else having issues with RemoteTech transmitting science lab data?

It's a known conflict between the current version of RemoteTech and KSP 1.0.5; you'll see a link to an unofficial fix above, with more discussion of it several pages back (around the time of the 1.0.5 release).

(at least I think that's what the link further up this page was for)

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10 hours ago, WuphonsReach said:

You'll need either KER (Kerbal Engineer Redux) or MJ (MechJeb) installed so that you have something that calculates the orbital period for you on the fly.  It's the only way to make them exactly (within 1/10th of a second) 60 minutes. 

I'll just add that VOID is also a nice, "lite" informational display mod, as it doesnt have all the dV calaculators in the editors, or the advanced functions of KER, or the auto pilot modules, flight computer, or maneuver planners of MJ. It DOES display amost as much info, and has several customizable HUDs available.
It is also PARTLESS...

VOID - Vessel Orbital Information Display

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5 hours ago, Gryphon said:

It's a known conflict between the current version of RemoteTech and KSP 1.0.5; you'll see a link to an unofficial fix above, with more discussion of it several pages back (around the time of the 1.0.5 release).

(at least I think that's what the link further up this page was for)

Thanks was able to download the DLL and fix the issue.

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