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What do you think about Vehicles? (In Ksp, Not Life)  

  1. 1. What do you think about Vehicles? (In Ksp, Not Life)

    • They are useless and hard to build
    • They are easy and I use them all the time
    • They see me rollin', they hate it...
    • I've never built one
    • I've travelled the globe in one
    • Why would you want to know what I think?

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Yeah, I sometimes spend ages trying to think up clever ways to get large rovers into orbit. Then eventually I realise I'm not that clever, so I just find the centre of mass and strap them to the top of a big rocket.


And when all you're doing is strapping a rover to the top of a big rocket, absolutely nothing can go wrong...


Edited by Oafman
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I logged in just to give rep and say this was the best post in the thread so far. I do love some of the rover designs and they're giving me ideas. I like building planes more so I haven't really gotten around to building rovers yet. I haven't found a design style I like.

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I voted hard to build but useless, but the fact of the matter is that they're easy to build but useless.

They just take too long to drive to different biomes, making them useless unless you have MechJeb to control the rover while you do something else.

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Almost all of my one-use manned landers have a small rover on the underside, that gets released after landing.

I found them to be extremly useful in order to extend the range of my Kerbon auts ... either to visit Biomes a few kms away from the landing site, or to do sightseeing of Muns anomalies.

Guess, when Duna gets different Biomes, Rovers will become even more useful

Edited by Godot
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Probe rovers are nice to look at various locations like artifacts and geographical features. I once landed them on the poles almost all bodies in Kerbin,

Duna and Eve has a an mountain peek at the poles, Eve north pole is very dramatic with an knife edge ridge up to the pole.

Tylo has mountains too, Moho south pole is flat, Laythe, Eeloo, Val and Ike has flat poles, Minus has a crack in the surface layer.

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they are not hard to build, but useless. it's fun to send a rover to another planet, maybe to get two adjacent biomes. but there is no point in driving around for miles since there is nothing to be gained.

I strongly disagree

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I have a design that I've placed on my mun base and also used on my first Duna mission:


This version has four seats and is entirely stock. The one at my mun base has some KAS parts and only two seats (because that one was a prototype). I might replace that one soon. This is one of the more stable rovers that I've ever built, and it's relatively hard to flip over if you keep it at a reasonable speed. Unfortunately Kerbals have a hard time with that concept, but it still works relatively well regardless.

I wanted to leave one at every base, and send one with every exploration mission. My current mission is my first mission to Dres, and unfortunately I forgot to send the rocket with the car on it. I've never put it anywhere lighter than the Mun, either, so I don't know if it works well on Minmus.

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Poll needs a 'they're easy, fun for a minute, but really just pointless' option. Like others have said, beyond easter eggs and adjacent biomes there's nothing worth driving around for. You land where you land, and collect what you were collecting. They'd have a use if bases had a use, but they don't either, so

Hopefully Squad gives us more uses for rovers (or anything beyond rockets in general), but until then reusable landers are more efficient.

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Poll needs a 'they're easy, fun for a minute, but really just pointless' option. Like others have said, beyond easter eggs and adjacent biomes there's nothing worth driving around for. You land where you land, and collect what you were collecting. They'd have a use if bases had a use, but they don't either, so

Hopefully Squad gives us more uses for rovers (or anything beyond rockets in general), but until then reusable landers are more efficient.

This is mostly a sandbox game, the challenge is up to you. Rovers are awesome.

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I haven't built many rovers, mostly for rescue missions, since pinpoint landings are pretty tricky. Here's one of my first rescue rovers, crashing into the crashed lander(barely visible under the navball)


Then I graduated to a Tylo Rescue Rover (test flight), which drove over 100km across Tylo (with many krakups) to rescue a stranded kerbalnaut


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So today I decided to build a ute and it took about an hour...

(Drove it around for 5mins, got bored)

Anyone else got any cool vehicles, list below.

IMO, rovers have a very limited number of uses, namely moving resources and kerbals between relatively static locations that relatively near close to each other. For example:


I call this lil guy the "Hunchback". It can move up to 3 kerbals between a landing site and a static base. It's automated, so it can drive and from a location un-kerballed, and has 30 days of life support for emergencies (I use TAC-LS). With vessels like this in place, you don't have to worry about really precise landings and can save fuel and weight for your landers. I also use them for refueling trucks at KSC to move fuel to planes on the hangar's skirt.

Also, I'm surprised that none of you have complained about the pic...


It's hilarious.

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So today I decided to build a ute and it took about an hour...

(Drove it around for 5mins, got bored)

Anyone else got any cool vehicles, list below.

IMO, rovers have a very limited number of uses, namely moving resources and kerbals between relatively static locations that relatively near close to each other (landed vehicles, KSC, bases, anomalies, etc). For example:


I call this lil guy the "Hunchback". It can move up to 3 kerbals between a landing site and a static base. It's automated, so it can drive and from a location un-kerballed, and has 30 days of life support for emergencies (I use TAC-LS). With vessels like this in place, you don't have to worry about really precise landings and can save fuel and weight for your landers. I also use them for refueling trucks at KSC to move fuel to planes on the hangar's skirt.

Also, I'm surprised that none of you have complained about the pic...


It's hilarious.

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