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[0.24.2] DebRefund v1.0.13


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Hmm sadly Stage Recovery seems to have issues for me, like not automatically deploying parachutes for some weird reason (yet the parachutes work when Stage Recovery is uninstalled).

I needs my DebRefund. Looking forward to the update, glorious developer. :D

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The parachutes don't have to open in stage recovery. Unless he changed the code since I last used it.

Actually if you are in control of a part of the ship NEAR where the stage is dropping YES THEY DO. I had to abort a Saturn II launch (FASA) the other day due to FAR causing a Tumble. I was able to save the CSM and Crew but the stages (all had enough chutes to land at 9m/s fully fueled) all blew up. One took out my emplaced ILS simulation on Seaplane island.

IIRC I had the same issue with DebRefund though so....

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  • 2 weeks later...


The as the mod is released under the MIT license, here is a recompile of DebRefund for KSP .25, from the latest version of Vendan's repo.

It seems to work fine, but I cannot and will not offer any support. Don't try to get any from Vendan unless he releases his own .25 version, either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Actually if you are in control of a part of the ship NEAR where the stage is dropping YES THEY DO.


IIRC I had the same issue with DebRefund though so....

I actually have some plans for StageRecovery that will require me to change that so chutes will automatically deploy, but I've been trying to get some work done on Kerbal Construction Time so SR hasn't been a big priority at the moment. Since SR and DebRefund both kick in when vessels unload (and are destroyed by the atmosphere) both would require you to manually deploy the chutes while the parts are loaded (unless that changed in DebRefund at some point, but I'm unaware of that occurring).

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Personally, I would like to see the realsim of DebRefund or StageRecovery be improved, especialy in combination with Deadly Reentry. Because currenly part that are droped in a sub orbital trajectory, still survive reentry into the atmosphere without any heat shield.

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Personally, I would like to see the realsim of DebRefund or StageRecovery be improved, especialy in combination with Deadly Reentry. Because currenly part that are droped in a sub orbital trajectory, still survive reentry into the atmosphere without any heat shield.

StageRecovery has basic DR support already so that you can't toss something into Kerbin's atmosphere at 10 km/s and expect it to survive. There's an increasing chance of the stage burning up as you go faster than 2 km/s, while heatshields will reduce that chance (up to 3km/s, at which point there's a chance again. At 4 km/s everything will burn up all the time). The plans I have for the future will substantially increase the realism, but this is all a discussion for the StageRecovery thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The as the mod is released under the MIT license, here is a recompile of DebRefund for KSP .25, from the latest version of Vendan's repo.

It seems to work fine, but I cannot and will not offer any support. Don't try to get any from Vendan unless he releases his own .25 version, either.

Hey thanks downloading now.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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