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Favorite KSP Youtuber?


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I like scott manley for the intresting science tidbits he sneaks into his videos. Unfortunatly lately he's been spliting his time between too many different thigns and it seems like we only get 1 or 2 KSP episodes a week at best.

I'd also give 5th horseman an honerable mention. he tends to ramble a bit but his videos often end up very entertaining. he also releases vids like clockwork so I know I'll always have something to watch with my morning coffee.

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Other than the obvious *looks down at sig* I'd have to go with Don Lorenzo for all time fav. Both Scott Manley and HOC are right up there as well. When KurtJMac releases a video I jump on it, but he seems to put out about 2 per major version number these days so I've kind of moved on.

I'd also give 5th horseman an honerable mention. he tends to ramble a bit but his videos often end up very entertaining. he also releases vids like clockwork so I know I'll always have something to watch with my morning coffee.

I will admit, my main focus in editing is finding where I say something funny and/or stupid and making sure that stays in the show. But I've realized that I can cut the last 5-10 seconds of any segment out completely (except the very end) because I just say why I'm pausing the recording. You know why I'm pausing the recording. Because what I'm about to do will be boring.

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Bob Fitch Youtube is the best !


I agree and Bob Fitch is way to under-rated for all the work he does in his videos. The guy even does Kerbal cinematic cutsscenes that are near RPG quality with kerbals discussing missions and scenarios. Him Scott Manley, Enter Elysium, Danny, and a few others are good also. Well except for Scott, he's not just good he's awesome! I really do think Fitch is at Scott's level though and not many know him. Fitch recently did a video also of his family vacation to the Texas Space center where him and his family actually got to sit in real testing command modules that the general public normally doesn't get to sit in.

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Well, Scott Manley basically taught me to play this game, and Danny always makes me laugh (though in amongst the humour, Danny actually does some clever stuff too). Those are the only people whose videos I search for with any regularity.

Though nothing like as regular a contributor as those two, I also think Allmhuran deserves a mention - I enjoy his videos.

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5th horseman definitely. and Scott Manleys reusable space program taught me a lot of what I know about ksp. gonna subscribe this post for any more as I'm always viewing one or more YouTube ksp series

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As of now I am difficult to please when it comes to LPs. I want to see something relevant to the state of the game, so anything not at least .22 is out of the question by now. (Also I sometimes tend to sulk if the tuber/streamer does not use FAR/NEAR and just lifts whole cities into space.) I do not like heavy/obvious (part) modding, because I will most likely not use most of these mods and I do look for inspiration and something to learn from as well, not just pure entertainment. That does not mean a good moderator cannot make a series palatable for me!

I keep returning to HOCgaming, Scott Manley, 5th Horseman, legoldfish and generally look for new series I might want to follow.

Does anyone know a good German youtuber who does interesting KSP videos - and does not act as if he is commenting Streetfighter ... ?

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If I had to chose, I'd go for Scott too, I knew about this game when I saw it in the steam sale, but didn't buy it right away. I watched lots of scott's videos and then I bought the game!

Anyway, I also enjoy a lot of Danny, and VAOS, and of course, my team mates from the team I Think We Broke It!: Xacktar, Wooks and Andrew Hansen!

and just because we're here...

if you are looking for some atmospheric KSP (planes, robots, rovers), check my channel :D, I'm low on time these days, but will start to upload more often soon!


I recommend you to watch Mr Roboto and Project Sirkut videos at least!

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Danny2462! Crazy comedy is best comedy!

In second place is Wooks's 'Around Kerbin' series, which I thoroughly enjoy.

The ever-present Scott Manley is an interesting case as I always learn something from his videos... which sometimes takes away the fun of figuring it out by playing around, so I tend to avoid his vids while I explode things and cackle madly.

Andrew Hansen is a very nice youtuber who is way better at this game than I am and only half my age, one day I WILL make it to Tylo!

The Kerbin cup introduced me to m1sz, which is making it even HARDER for me to resist playing with mods. He makes IR look amazingly fun.

I also enjoy CupcakeLanders and Tanukichan every once in a while.

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HOCgaming probably. Scott Manley is very informative and certainly has his moments, but I just really like Harv's sense of humor. Plus he's the one who really got me into the game and I get quite a few base ideas for crafts from him.

Danny is also extremely funny but HOCgaming is the only one I really check daily.

EDIT: also, 100th post! whoooooooooooooo!:cool::D:cool::D

Edited by Cirocco
100th post!
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Well there are a lot of YouTubers i regularly watch playing KSP...

My alltime favorite: KurtJMac... for his humor and for not spoiling beginners with high precision missions and floods of information.

Fun, Inspiration, Information and Entertainment all in one.

And then there are:

Vaos3712 for coolness, style in design and his awesome Duna 1 series

Danny2462, Xacktar and SWDennis for the crazy stuff... always good for a laugh

Tyler Raiz and Bob Fitch for their love to realism, detail and authentic missions

SimGamersTV, former Korbital Mechanics for the nice way to present good gameplay...

Wooks for "driving" everyone crazy

and Nassault for all the moody KSP moments

Thanks to all of you guys... keep the boosters burning!

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Manley for the schooling.

Danny2462 and SWDennis for the laughs.

HOCgaming for his dulcet tones (hard to believe he's a kid!) - there's a career in radio if he ever wants it.

Robbaz for the Eurotrash accent and puerile jokes.

Nassault and Streetlamp Pro for the emotional cinematics.

Jacksepticeye for the hyperenthusiasm, if not much actual skill.

m1sz for jaw-dropping use of robotics.

And a wee shout out to a new guy, The Old Gaming Geezer, who's relaxed, easy-going delivery is like hot cocoa on a winter evening. Give him a go, he doesn't get many hits.

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