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One sentence you could say to annoy an entire fan base?


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Is this Mick Jagger which I see before me,

His hand toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.

I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.

Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible

To feeling as to sight? or art thou but

A Jagger of the mind, a false creation.

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It was obvious it was doomed, way before EA.

(Specifically when they asked for your ideas but stated that any ideas you gave them would become theirs and that you would lose all rights to them.)

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10 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Error 504 Bad Gateway

You are the lucky one. I'm getting:

                                                         502 Bad Gateway                                                        


=== == = POST EDIT = == ===

504 is when there's a server behind the front-end (cloudflare in Forum's case), but it's overloaded by some reason and didn't responded in time.

502 is when there's no one answering the front-end (due a server crash or something nasty like that).

Edited by Lisias
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"You need just 2 GB of RAM to run Windows 6. See, what a nice set of gadgets is on the screen by default".

By that date Win XP was typically using ~256 MB, sometimes up to 1 GB...

Edited by kerbiloid
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3 hours ago, ColdJ said:

I will assume you meant 2mb.

2mb was (approximately) the capacity of the specially formatted disks Microsoft used to distribute Window 95 by the first time. 13 disks "only".

After OSR2.1, this number jumped to 26 disks.

It was absolutely wundebar :P when the install failed on the last disk due on an I/O error...

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