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[1.8.x] Contracts Window + [v9.4] [11/1/2019]


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Now the mod is displaying.  Odd, though.  The icon was displaying, but clicking it did nothing; I clicked multiple times.  Without restarting the game, I clicked the icon about five minutes later, and the window displayed.  So, all is good.

Thanks for this great mod.

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Hey man - thanks for getting the 1.1 version out so quickly - I am loving it!  However, I seem to have stumbled upon some unexpected behavior...  When I click the settings button, the settings window pops up and is empty except for the "close" button.

Log and Screenshot are on my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l9dusqruh758z4c/AACeSNrEknOrDiii7D-uUlwDa?dl=0



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@CrashTestDanny That's the Toolbar options window. Since it doesn't look like you have Blizzy's Toolbar, and I disabled the stock contract app override, there aren't any options there. :D

I can see about either fixing the stock override or removing the button unless Toolbar is installed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On CKAN, while Contracts Window is updated to 1.1.2 the progress parser and contract parser are both only showing as 1.1.0 which means it won't let me upgrade them, thus breaking the mods :(

(Currently have version 3.0 and 2.0 of the mods install; CKAN shows 4.0 and 3.0 are available.)

The same problem impacts Capcom btw.

Edited by bobvodka
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wow... dude, chill... I was just mentioning it in case you had an oversight and forgot to bump the compatible version number or something as it was showing a new version available on CKAN compared to what I have installed...


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Hi, great mod, I like to have all my contracts assigned to a mission and it would be great to have a filter to show all the contracts that aren't currently assigned to any mission. Is this something you could implement?

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  On 5/9/2016 at 4:02 PM, tomf said:

Hi, great mod, I like to have all my contracts assigned to a mission and it would be great to have a filter to show all the contracts that aren't currently assigned to any mission. Is this something you could implement?


I just popped in because I had the same thought after adding some new contracts and then having to check the list 3 times to find the one I kept missing.

The other feature I'd like, but don't know how difficult it would be to implement, is to be able to assign contracts to multiple missions. For instance, if I get a 'build a Remote Tech comm network for Duna' contract, I'd love to be able to assign it to my Duna, Unmanned and Remote Tech missions. I review the list of contracts when I'm in the VAB. Makes it easier to get one craft to handle several related contracts.

I get by not having it with a few extra mouse clicks and a couple minutes, so it's not the end of the world if it's not worth the time investment to add.

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UPDATE - THe problem is solved.  Apparently I ran into an edge case with the contract system on a crew recovery contract.  What happened is that I sent a vessel with the two-seater crew cabin for the rescue only to realize the hatch is on the stack node which was covered.  I realized this after EVAing the kerbal to be rescued.  I then returned the kerbal to the pod to await another vessel because I use Roverdude's USI-LS and MKS and didn't want to deal with a comatose kerbal on EVA. I think this gummed stuff up as I was receiving errors from StockBugFixes on startup after leaving the contract half-completed and started receiving errors from KSP once I completed that contract.  After restarting the game I noticed there were no more errors from StockBugFixes and so I reinstalled CW+ and CapCom and all was right with the world (fyi I don't think the reinstall fixed the problem because I had already tried a delete/redownload/reinstall before making my original post below.) 

TLDR - seems to be a KSP bug or bad mod interaction involving an edge case.


@DMagic  First thank you for all of your mods.  I have enjoyed using them (in particular CapCom and ContractWindows+) and they really add to the game.  Unfortunately,  I am having the same problem mentioned by lodestar above.  ContractWindow+ is only showing 3 contracts out of 10 or so active contracts and CapCom showing me nothing.  Looking at the output log it appears that ContractParser is throwing an error.  Below are links to the output log and to the save file.



Here is the exception from ContractParser:

[Contract Parser] Loading All Contracts...
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

Text Generator Loaded: 339 entries in 16 Text Sets
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PartModuleList.Contains (Int32 classID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at PartModuleList.Contains (System.String className) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at ContractParser.parameterContainer.getPartTitlesFromModules (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 names) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at ContractParser.parameterContainer.setCustomNotes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at ContractParser.parameterContainer..ctor (ContractParser.contractContainer Root, Contracts.ContractParameter cP, Int32 Level) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at ContractParser.contractContainer.addContractParam (Contracts.ContractParameter param, Int32 Level) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at ContractParser.contractContainer..ctor (Contracts.Contract c) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  at ContractParser.contractParser+<loadContracts>d__0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

EDIT - It appears that the contract parser makes it through all of the 1 star contracts and then hits a snag.  There's no way for me to know which contract it's choking on but based on the order in the save file and the order in Mission Control maybe it's this one:

				guid = 56fe9d74-243f-413c-a85b-218dc542b1a3
				type = StationContract
				prestige = 1
				seed = 1457910918
				state = Active
				agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society
				deadlineType = Floating
				expiryType = Floating
				values = 64800,257644800,187118.635368347,485338.96048665,220800,25,33.04,14,653763.045945245,589058.665945334,258233858.665945,0
				targetBody = 0
				capacity = 5
				contextual = False
					name = LocationAndSituationParameter
					state = Incomplete
					disableOnStateChange = False
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					targetBody = 0
					targetSituation = ORBITING
					noun = station
					finalObjective = False
					name = VesselSystemsParameter
					state = Incomplete
					disableOnStateChange = False
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					typeString = station
					mannedStatus = 2
					requireNew = True
					checkModuleTypes = Antenna|Power|Dock
					checkModuleDescriptions = has an antenna|has a docking port|can generate power
					launchID = 21
					name = CrewCapacityParameter
					state = Incomplete
					disableOnStateChange = False
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					targetCapacity = 5
					name = PartRequestParameter
					state = Incomplete
					disableOnStateChange = False
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					article = a
					partDescription = research lab
					vesselDescription = station
					partNames = Large_Crewed_Lab
					moduleNames = ModuleScienceLab
					name = ResourcePossessionParameter
					state = Incomplete
					disableOnStateChange = False
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					goalResource = 4000
					resourceName = LiquidFuel
					resourceTitle = liquid fuel
					vesselName = station
					name = StabilityParameter
					state = Incomplete
					disableOnStateChange = False
					values = 0,0,0,0,0
					holdSeconds = 10


Edited by Tarheel1999
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  • 2 weeks later...

Also having the dissappearing contracts bug. I am running a fairly modded RSS install, so not sure as to the exact cause. Some contracts like the early 'Reach Orbit' one show up fine, but the last 2 satellite ones did not show up at all. Happy to provide logs or other things if someone can point me as to which are useful.

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Do you have RSS DateTime Formatter? Contract parser tries to hard-cast the formatter to the default, which causes problems if you have a mod which replaces the formatter:

private string timeInDays(double D)
    if (D <= 0)
        return "----";

    int[] time = ((KSPUtil.DefaultDateTimeFormatter)KSPUtil.dateTimeFormatter).GetDateFromUT((int)D);


Edited by bos
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@Elouda Let me know if it works. That's the only thing that I know of right now that would interrupt the contract loading process.

I think @Tarheel1999's problem might be stemming from something else that I might not be able to do anything about.

@tomf An Unassigned list is probably doable.

@Torgo You can already assign a contract to multiple missions. Just click on the little mission checklist button and select any mission. You can also remove a contract from any mission with this list.

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@DMagic. It could have also been user error on my part. The day after I "solved" the problem I updated some mods and my contracts got borked again. After several hours of troubleshooting, I found a copy of KAC in the wrong folder. Removing that extra copy fixed that problem.  So I'm not sure if I had two separate problems or just one.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Version 6.4 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It is updated for KSP 1.1.3 and fixes an issue caused by non-default date time formatters (RSS Date Time Format).

CKAN will take a little while to update the meta data for its dependencies (without these updates the fix above won't apply).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think I've specifically tested the current versions in 1.1.2, but they should both work fine. Old versions are available at all three of the download locations if there is any problem.

Adding or removing either from an existing save is fine.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 7/19/2016 at 12:16 PM, DMagic said:

I don't think I've specifically tested the current versions in 1.1.2, but they should both work fine.


Along these lines, I expect the significant updates to the interface to have been done for 1.1 compatibility, thus not likely to be affected by 1.2. I didn't notice anything in the release notes for 1.2 regarding contracts that seems to have changed the data structure or anything that might affect this, but I could have easily missed something.

I have tried dropping it into 1.2 and bumping the numbers in the version files, and it doesn't load (the icon doesn't display), which doesn't surprise me. I expect there is a limit in the DLL and I'm not going to bother trying to hack that. :-P Hopefully it just needs a version bump.

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  On 10/13/2016 at 6:35 PM, GrugInAus said:

Along these lines, I expect the significant updates to the interface to have been done for 1.1 compatibility, thus not likely to be affected by 1.2. I didn't notice anything in the release notes for 1.2 regarding contracts that seems to have changed the data structure or anything that might affect this, but I could have easily missed something.

I have tried dropping it into 1.2 and bumping the numbers in the version files, and it doesn't load (the icon doesn't display), which doesn't surprise me. I expect there is a limit in the DLL and I'm not going to bother trying to hack that. :-P Hopefully it just needs a version bump.


While I can't speak for this mod, I can say that there were a number of changes in places I didn't expect, which are causing problems in the mods I wrote and maintain.  And some of the changes didn't happen until at the very end of the prerelease.

So give @DMagic some time to do the work.  He has other mods as well which will need updating, and isn't being paid for it.


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