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[1.12.x] Asteroid Recycling Technologies


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Do the crew hatches work properly? I have 200 meters inside my potato and my crew hatch is attached yet none of my kerbals can board it or even grab a ladder. In fact, now that I am coming back, I can't EVA from the asteroid as the crew hatch "does not have a hatch" (if I click the EVA button after transferring in ship)

Edited by StormxWolf
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  • 2 months later...

Some older posts but if someone catches them and had similar problems...

  On 5/2/2018 at 2:48 AM, Tybot said:

Question, trying to finally delve into this for my modded career save. I know size and density multipliers are randomized and that asteroid classes are rendered meaningless. ....


There are radius and density multipliers in the Asteroid.cfg file. From my brief research it models a more realistic density for 'roids.... about the middle of the road. So not really randomized, just multiplied. I didn't like the dead space increase between the surface and the collision mesh below so I changed density from 33.333333 to 8.3333 and radius but to stock.

  On 7/25/2017 at 4:43 AM, kermand said:


I accepted an E class asteroid redirect mission, and then noticed the ART mod makes asteroid giant mastodonts in the million tons. Well, at Kermand Space Program we don't let a customer down ! So, I decided the kerbals will complete the mission or die trying.



RoverDude's Project Orion Nuclear Pulse Engine mod complements this mod very well. My asteroid movers only cost 4.6 million apiece LoL. The functional piece is 4 million.

@RoverDude Bug? Seems the jaws always revert to the closed model when flying around / orbitting. So much so if the right-click menu indicates a "Disarm" button, the jaws will bounce off the 'roids. The button must be clicked to disarm and then again to rearm. This also occurs also when arming them in VAB and bringing out the vehicle for launch. (Model indicates they are disarmed. However right-click menu indicates they are armed.)

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  • 6 months later...

@RoverDude I could use some advice here on asteroids and editing my save file.

I run v1.9.1 of the game and in it has a flaw where all asteroids had 150 ton as their base mass.

I followed the instructions to remove that line from potatoroid's part .cfg and I also edited the mass = 150 line out of the save for the asteroid.

In 1.9.1 mass=150 meant - whatever the random mass was, multiply it by 150

Looking at the class C asteroid and confirmed by the save file, the mass is listed now as 180,998 tons, which is still terribly off so too late, I was already docked to it and the mass was written someplace else.

I was docked to it, which i assume causes that issue and sure enough there is a module in the craft.

  Reveal hidden contents

I also have 16 of these in the combo vessel in the save, all with different values, some say zero:

  Reveal hidden contents

My questions:

Did USI Asteroid mining set that ModuleAsteroidInfo, and if so, can I just edit the values to be in range of the class C asteroid?

If I do the above, will the resources also change value.

Do I need all 16 ModuleAsteroidResource entries considering they do not list what resource type?   I assume this is in error but I dont know for sure.
Edit: Found that Community Resource Pack causes all these, but still have not found out why they have no designated resource name.

Thanks in advance.


Edited by SkiRich
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@RoverDude Some feedback ...

I have a mining operation in full swing.

My trick of altering the mass of the roid so I can move it and then returning it to what is was before works well.

I have noticed a few oddities though.

1. Class C - The asteroid doesnt seem solid in some places as the jaw drill dives past the surface but eventually attaches.  Seems related to density.  Conversely if I pick a spot that is a depression to attach, the jaw attaches a few meters above the surface.
If that can be repaired in some way that would be awesome.

2. I built a craft with 5 points of attachment.  Jaw in the middle surrounded by five claws on pistons I extend out and around the craft, which keeps the craft from doing the pendulum effect.
The problem is, if I leave the scene and go say to tracking center and return, the craft has shifted a bit and the 4 claws are off to the side seemingly not connected to the craft but in effect, they still are connected for physics reasons since the pendulum effect is kept in check.
Attempting to release the craft will cause the 4 claws to blow up though, so once attached I need to stay attached otherwise all hell breaks loose.

3. If the effect of diving past the surface is not possible to fix, then a control panel button via blizzy toolbar would be nice to have, since hunting and pecking the asteroid to get at the PAW of the jaw is a pain.

Thanks for the mod by the way.

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Ok there is something terribly wrong with the JAW.

The last test craft I made had 4 stationary claws and one jaw.

All five were attached, looking good to the asteroid.

Then I left the scene, going to the tracking station, and on return to the asteroid, the jaw was about 15m's off center not even attached to the craft and the craft was sunk about 15m into the asteroid. Not how I left things.

Something is not right, and this is unplayable.

I have to rethink this.

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Some more color ...

I found out through some cheating and trial and error, you cannot have a craft with a JAW installed AND a squad stock grabber claw.

No matter where I put the Stock Claw, whether on robotics or on craft they get moved off the ship and into a different spot.

It seems there is a problem with having both types on one craft.

The last test involved just having them on a craft but not armed, nor deployed.

I am not sure where the issues are, whether jaw, grabber, robotics or asteroid.

Suffice it to say, any craft with a Jaw on it should not include any grabbers or robotics to be safe.

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  On 8/8/2020 at 12:08 AM, SkiRich said:


1. Class C - The asteroid doesnt seem solid in some places as the jaw drill dives past the surface but eventually attaches.  Seems related to density.  Conversely if I pick a spot that is a depression to attach, the jaw attaches a few meters above the surface.
If that can be repaired in some way that would be awesome.


Not 100% sure, but I think this is due to the asteroid collision mesh not being the same as the texture mesh. Collision meshes are usually just primitive shapes (box, sphere, come) so it's easier for calculating collision point.

I'm not sure which is the case for KSP, but I'd guess they'd use primatives. As such, I'm also gueasing these floating / buried collision points are just part of the game. I think its the same reason we get 'floating' boulders.

If you wanted to confirm, there is a debug mod that will let you see the collision meshes to see where it pokes out.

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  On 8/13/2020 at 3:13 AM, cyberKerb said:

Not 100% sure, but I think this is due to the asteroid collision mesh not being the same as the texture mesh. Collision meshes are usually just primitive shapes (box, sphere, come) so it's easier for calculating collision point.

I'm not sure which is the case for KSP, but I'd guess they'd use primatives. As such, I'm also gueasing these floating / buried collision points are just part of the game. I think its the same reason we get 'floating' boulders.

If you wanted to confirm, there is a debug mod that will let you see the collision meshes to see where it pokes out.


Thanks.  I suspected that would be it. It doesnt bother me enough to add another mod into the mix.  I simply just decouple and move over a bit for cosmetic reasons.

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  • 2 months later...

What's up with the "Extraction Modules" provided by ART?
I get that they're supposed to turn "Rock" into something more useful (and the *.cfgs hold "recipes"), but they're not available in the game (the recipes).

Or am I just missing something?

I am using the full MKS package (which already took some fiddling to get working properly) in 1.10.1 and am enjoying the life-support and outpost/base planning so far, but I'm not sure what to do with all the Rock that's probably going to pile up? ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Would it be possible to make it clearer in the description that this mod makes the asteroids bigger?  Installed this mod only to find that stuff already jaw'd to an asteroid I previously captured is now deep inside the asteroid (thankfully just some docking ports and a probe core, nothing too important, lol).

I definitely appreciate the size tweaks, though; asteroids feel a lot more imposing, and it's gonna be a fun challenge to capture 'em when even Class As make stock Class Es look tiny.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I don't know if mine is working correctly...and I don't know if its related to a post a few posts back in the thread.  I've been running a jaw for 23 in-game days on a pretty big asteroid.  I should have some sort  of space or ability to dump rock to make space by now, shouldn't I ?  When I click the asteroid its mass is going down...by about 500t, the resource number is going down, but the excavated number just says 0000.0t .  Do I have to have a rock tank on the vessel with the jaw?  I have an expandable tank on the opposite side of the jaw.  It has a tank for rock and has been collecting it, but I cant dump it, or create space for a tank.  I would post a screen shot, but I'm not quite sure how...

Any help or advice... I would greatly appreciate

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Finally had a little time to do what @Murdabenne suggested and tested this out on a clean install with minimal mods (for me anyways).  

KSP Version 1.11.2 (original problem was in 1.11.0)

Problem: JAW asteroid drill not making space in the asteroid and not excavating any rock

Mods installed:

DanGerous Systems 0.2


B9Part Switch 2.18.0

Community Tech Tree 3.4.3



Deployable Engines 1.3.0

Dynamic Battery Storage 2.2.2

Firespitter 7.17

Hyperedit 1.5.8

KAS 1.7

KIS 1.28

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement 4.1.15

Kerbal Reusability Expansion 2.9.1


Module Manager 4.1.4

Near Future Construction 1.3.1

Near Future Electrical 1.2.2

Near Future Exploration 1.1.1

Near Future Props 0.6.4

Near Future Launch Vehicles 2.1.3

Near Future Propulsion 1.3.2

Near Future Solar 1.3.1

Near Future Spacecraft 1.4.1

SCANSat 20.4

Ship Manifest

Tracking Station Evolved 6.0



USI Core

USI Exploration Pack




USI Tools

Utility Weight 1.2.3

Vessel Mover 1.11.0


Both Squad Expansions latest version for KSP 1.11.2

Reproduction Steps Build a craft with a JAW,  HECS2 probe core, MX-1 Garnet Fission Reactor, Appropriate amount of stock radiators, 2 RA-350 rock tanks, Large Advanced reaction wheel module, Z-4k Battery, Rockomax Skeletal Structural Adapter, Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank, 4 Large Advanced Vernier Thrusters, Communitron 88-88, and DS Star Kerbstein Drive.  Launch the craft, Hyperedit to 80km then find and go to an asteroid.  Grab said asteroid with the JAW and start the drill.  Drill will not excavate any rock, total space and available space remain 0m3 no matter how long the drill runs

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/egsc1v8j4lc496w/Player.log?dl=0


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  On 4/12/2021 at 12:59 AM, bsooner77 said:

You are using an older version of Recall, where I borked beautifully on a logging commando that ended up being... unhappy on the field. If that bork happens on the "right time", you may get some complex action interrupted.

Update it to the available now on CurseForge, Spacedock and CKAN.

(and sorry for that, on the release, I didn't knew enough the problem at hand).


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Thanks for the heads up on the version change, I had no clue it had been updated.  For some reason it didn't come up in my CKAN.  But, on the test I did I didn't use CKAN, but hand installed the mods.  I updated recall and tried again...still having the same issues. 

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Are you sure the asteroid has rock to begin with? Did you look at it via the surface scanner? I think they're all supposed to, but I've ran into some that don't (in my case I think it was the special class I asteroid that didn't have any). 

Also, not sure if it's related to your issue or not but in order to get rid of any rock you mine (which should end up in your dedicated rock tank) you'll need a fuel valve on the ship configured for dumping rock. 

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  On 4/17/2021 at 2:50 AM, Grimmas said:

Are you sure the asteroid has rock to begin with? Did you look at it via the surface scanner? I think they're all supposed to, but I've ran into some that don't (in my case I think it was the special class I asteroid that didn't have any). 

Also, not sure if it's related to your issue or not but in order to get rid of any rock you mine (which should end up in your dedicated rock tank) you'll need a fuel valve on the ship configured for dumping rock. 


Yes, and yes.  Always do the science first in case something goes wrong...painfully learned that one a long time ago lol 

I think you're supposed to be able to just dump the rock as it goes along? That's the way I took the video and some of the stuff I've read in here researching this.  There is a dump button on one of the parts' menus...I think its the fuel hatch part...maybe its on the asteroid part menu...I just got off work and am kinda tired.  I wish I could figure out how to attach a screen shot, this would be much easier.  Yes...that's part of what made me post...initially, I had made a ship with a fuel hatch and tank configured for rock from the USI galaxy o' mods.  Got it all the way up there and had forgot the valve. Had a to launch a repair mission with the valve...lol.  Long story short, it still didn't work. Excavated rock still reads 0, and none of the buttons in the part menus do anything when you click them

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Oh yeah, but I had been a bit cheaty with the fuel putting it (the asteroid) in orbit so I figured I'd give back another way and actually do the repair mission.  It all has to do with the RPG in my head...you know how it is lol

I've been playing this game for going on 7 years, I just rarely post because I've had remarkable luck when it comes to compatibility and mods...I've rarely had problems. I learned about patches and .cfg's and such a couple years into this odyssey, enough to do personal little patches in my games, but this issue is way over my head

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  • 4 months later...
  On 8/19/2021 at 5:22 PM, Random Chimp Event said:

Ah, I see, thanks. It didn't occur to me to jump to the github from the catalog because I always check the forum first.


Yea @RoverDude is a pretty busy guy with a lot of mods under his wing. There are 2 things he doesn't seem to like spending his limited time on.  Fancy IVA's and forum posts. :sticktongue:

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