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Well, I don't know if you're in the market for concept fighters, but if you are in need of one the volta is my prettiest plane yet. Also the most agile (It can VTOL, do a U-turn within 100-200 meters, and goes above 300 m/s at fairly low altitudes). By default it has a very small amount of fuel. You can simply add more to the rear Big-S wing strakes making up the body if you need more fuel. It currently is completely stock. It also could be made into a space-fighter fairly easily if you need me to do so.



You can check out the custom textures I made for it and view the newest version in my dropbox folder here. :) The "Volta II" is the iteration updated to 1.0.5.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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@Red Iron Crown Sorry, it's just that this post was for a cinematic youtube series, as you probably already knew, but to submit it and recognize the company, you need to actually give some lore. Not sure what happens to the other posts that already used lore, but in order for my ships to be displayed as PHNTM Ships, I have to explain PHNTM.

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Hold on, are you going to use BDarmory for this (I see a lot of makeshift stock armament, so I'm just confirming)? If so, I have quite a nice idea. It will certainly play a part in tactical precision combat such as the combat displayed in the endgame of the Second World War, the Ho Chi Mihn trail bombings of the Vietnam War (mostly a failed project, its second goal was to kickstart unmanned combat), and the Persian Gulf War. The importance of this is incalculable. In the Second World War, part of the reason why it was won by the Allied Forces was because of the precise targeting of factories and headquarters across Europe. In the Persian Gulf War, the power grid in Iran was completely knocked out within a day due to precise targeting by a small fleet of A-10 thunderbolts. The idea I'm presenting now is a bit different (and certainly not close and personal like the A-10), but it does the same thing. It is a large flying wing, not meant for maneuverability, that can be armed fully with large air-to-ground missiles and homing bombs. It is supposed to be a huge lifting surface, with a lot of intake capability, so that it can fly into the upper reaches of Kerbin's atmosphere, where nothing can get it or see it. From that vantage point, it can survey the ground using powerful cameras, and waste any willing amount of its armament on its target. Because of its weapon space (it's a huge wing), it will be able to carry enough armament to completely desolate a small town, or wipe out a base and move on to its next target with more than half of its original armament remaining. This can be done with stock weapons, but it will not be precise, and precision+ the ability to cover, according to me and anyone else who read about the history of modern warfare, can beat anything, even the most powerful weapons.

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2 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Well, I don't know if you're in the market for concept fighters, but if you are in need of one the volta is my prettiest plane yet. Also the most agile (It can VTOL, do a U-turn within 100-200 meters, and goes above 300 m/s at fairly low altitudes). By default it has a very small amount of fuel. You can simply add more to the rear Big-S wing strakes making up the body if you need more fuel. It currently is completely stock. It also could be made into a space-fighter fairly easily if you need me to do so.

That's a beautiful plane man. I'd be very grateful to accept it but would you be able to fit it with weapons from the BD Armoury mod? 

1 hour ago, 073198681 said:

Hold on, are you going to use BDarmory for this (I see a lot of makeshift stock armament, so I'm just confirming)? If so, I have quite a nice idea. It will certainly play a part in tactical precision combat such as the combat displayed in the endgame of the Second World War, the Ho Chi Mihn trail bombings of the Vietnam War (mostly a failed project, its second goal was to kickstart unmanned combat), and the Persian Gulf War. The importance of this is incalculable. In the Second World War, part of the reason why it was won by the Allied Forces was because of the precise targeting of factories and headquarters across Europe. In the Persian Gulf War, the power grid in Iran was completely knocked out within a day due to precise targeting by a small fleet of A-10 thunderbolts. The idea I'm presenting now is a bit different (and certainly not close and personal like the A-10), but it does the same thing. It is a large flying wing, not meant for maneuverability, that can be armed fully with large air-to-ground missiles and homing bombs. It is supposed to be a huge lifting surface, with a lot of intake capability, so that it can fly into the upper reaches of Kerbin's atmosphere, where nothing can get it or see it. From that vantage point, it can survey the ground using powerful cameras, and waste any willing amount of its armament on its target. Because of its weapon space (it's a huge wing), it will be able to carry enough armament to completely desolate a small town, or wipe out a base and move on to its next target with more than half of its original armament remaining. This can be done with stock weapons, but it will not be precise, and precision+ the ability to cover, according to me and anyone else who read about the history of modern warfare, can beat anything, even the most powerful weapons.

That actually sounds like a great idea, and possibly quite an entertaining one, especially with the latest updates to BD Armoury. I'd like to see someone submit something like this. 

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8 minutes ago, HatBat said:

That actually sounds like a great idea, and possibly quite an entertaining one, especially with the latest updates to BD Armoury. I'd like to see someone submit something like this. 

I'm actually on to create that the moment I have access to KSP again. I see you're making a show that includes military influence. A scene can be made when the main characters are getting attacked by one. They don't know what it is, nor where it is, but there are explosions all around them as they dash for cover.

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The Bolt.



The Bolt was one of my first designs. Built with no goals in mind it is quite capable of filling multiple roles. However it does have major drawbacks in regard to top speed and turn radius.

Stock varient

  Reveal hidden contents

BD varient

  Reveal hidden contents


The Falcon.


The falcon weighs in at 18.6 tons and is semi based off of the wing profile of the SU-47. It is a really good turner and Is capable of pulling a lot of g forces.


BD varient

  Reveal hidden contents

Stock variant

  Reveal hidden contents


The Dragonfly.




The dragonfly is a high speed interceptor designed to intercept targets at high speeds. Its main claim to fame is speed retention able to perform turns at speed around 300-400m/s without losing a large amount of speed.

BD variant

  Reveal hidden contents

Stock variant

  Reveal hidden contents

The Metronome.


Designed to take the new panther engine where to there maximum potential this design is really maneuverable perhaps too much so due to its tendency to explode we don't recommend turning at all above 180 m/s however besides that its a beast to fly and can even do rolls with just the yaw.


2:Change weapon



5: Afterburner

With BD


Without BD





For lack of the better name i decided to call my attacker heavily based off the A-10 warthog the Brt brt Because there is nothing scarier to a tank then hearing that noise coming over the hills.

Comes equipped with a single 30mm Gau-8, 4 Maverick missiles, 8 hell-fire missiles, 3 Hydra rocket pods, 2 Aim 9 missiles, And the ability to deliver freedom to any unsuspecting tank column.


The Peregrine.

This fills a similar role to the brt brt except this focuses more on bombing ground units rather then destroying them with a big gun. Comes equipped with 3 500 lb bombs 2 50 cal machine guns in the wings and a dual 50 cal turret on the back.


1: Fire

2: Switches weapons

Peregrine B Variant



Deciding that 3 bombs were not effective it was decided that the best solution was to mount 1 75mm howitzers to the design.


The Duck.


Introducing the duck a flying cargo plane capable of going anywhere on kerbin. comes equipped with a light weight mining rover that can be deployed to mine ore. It also comes equipped with an ore refinery so it can create liquid fuel from the ore. Did i mention that it can also land on water.



The Sabertooth.


Named after the Big cat of prehistoric times it is Capable of filling multiple roles From Antitank to Anti Air. The Sabertooth comes equipped with the Direwolf modular weapon system allowing it to switch out weapons systems depending on the situation. From laser to cruise missiles and everything in between you should find them useful in engaging multiple threats. The frame itself comes equipped with a radar receiver allowing you to use radar guided missiles without making yourself a target. Overall this makes the wolf obsolete in nearly all regard.

Action groups:

1 Fires the selected weapon

2 Selects the next weapon

3 Selects the previous weapon

Download Weapon modules here.



Download the actual Sabertooth chassis here.



The Panther.

The best tank i have ever built that looks nice this tank has been days in the making. Equipped with 1 30mm chain-gun for A2A and destruction of light ground vehicles however this nothing compared to the 2 howitzers it uses to engage heavy vehicles from any range. No matter if you are 4 km or 500m this tank will kill you if you let it.

Action groups:

1 Fires the selected weapon

2 Selects the next weapon

Download here


Bunch of craft that you might be interested in using. The panther could also work on other planets.

Edited by gag09
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Hmm... I don't usually use BD Armory so I wouldn't have a clue what a good weapon array would be. If someone here has a good list or some strong BD-background I'd love some pointers. -Also HatBat, would it be more useful as a plane or spacecraft? It looks nice as both.

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2 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Hmm... I don't usually use BD Armory so I wouldn't have a clue what a good weapon array would be. If someone here has a good list or some strong BD-background I'd love some pointers. -Also HatBat, would it be more useful as a plane or spacecraft? It looks nice as both.

I'm not actually very familiar with the latest BDA update, though I'm sure someone can give you a few tips. It would be awesome to see you turn it into something like Rune's White Dart, which can function in both atmo and a vacuum. However at the moment I don't allow BD Armoury in space, so craft like that aren't entirely possible within my series. I'd simply make two versions if I were you, or perhaps a version that combines both stock and BDA weapons. Liking the new profile picture by the way :)

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2 hours ago, HatBat said:

I'm not actually very familiar with the latest BDA update, though I'm sure someone can give you a few tips. It would be awesome to see you turn it into something like Rune's White Dart, which can function in both atmo and a vacuum. However at the moment I don't allow BD Armoury in space, so craft like that aren't entirely possible within my series. I'd simply make two versions if I were you, or perhaps a version that combines both stock and BDA weapons. Liking the new profile picture by the way :)

Here's how the BDArmoury update weapons work

1. Use laser-guided missiles using a targeting pod against ground targets; you need to keep it focused on the target as the missile is in flight

2. Use Radar-guided missiles with radomes, recievers or radar dishes against air targets.

3. Heat-seeking missiles target whatever heat source it can look at first and don't need lock-on, use against air targets.

4. Laser pointers can give GPS co-ordinates via the To GPS command for GPS-guided bombs.

5. Flares divert heat-seekers, Chaff divert Radar-guided missiles, IR smoke break laser-guided locks and ECM jammers reduce the chance of a radar lock.

6. HE-KV-1's are silly, don't use them

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Sorry for my seemingly abrupt disappearance- things got very busy IRL and I only recently got the time to work on anything KSP-related.

That all being said, I'm shooting for the new thread somewhere between Christmas Eve and next Monday, as I need to go over the new formatting setup and make sure HatBat can check it over before I put it up on here. 

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HatBat? I'm curious as to what exactly you would use the Volta for if you indeed decide to use it? What you want it to be used for can greatly change how I outfit it. I even built a version that actually has dedicated VTOL engines if that's something you want. I made an old video of the Volta which could be informative as well. Thread sauce. :)

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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A word of Advice guys. When submitting please do not pretend to be the leader of whatever space agency you have created to be used in the show. All I need is a little biographical information, clearly separated from the rest of the non-fictional submission. These rules will be important for the new thread, but they apply here too. 

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What mods am I permitted to use? I'm about to make the HAACWP (High Altitude Automated Configurable Weapons Platform). I am using RO because I'm too lazy to uninstall and install again, but, once I'm done, you will probably be able to use the drone without real fuels, AJE, etc.

One thing though. There are some mods that I'm going to use, whether you have them or not.


-PEW (Includes necessary air turrets, cannons, and different quality missiles for numerous possible situations)

-North Kerbin Dynamics (To pass my test, the drone has to be able to carry numerous ordnance, including thermonuclear and hydrogen bombs)

Those mods don't affect much, as, later, the drone can be rearmed with BDarmoury weapons and ordnance.

I'm also going to use RSS, to intimidate and strike incalculable aw and fear among you weakling humans, by demonstrating how high the HAACWP can fly.

ETA until completion: 1 day to 4.519 eternities and 6 seconds

No, I'm not organized. You guessed it.

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12 minutes ago, 073198681 said:

What mods am I permitted to use? I'm about to make the HAACWP (High Altitude Automated Configurable Weapons Platform). I am using RO because I'm too lazy to uninstall and install again, but, once I'm done, you will probably be able to use the drone without real fuels, AJE, etc.

One thing though. There are some mods that I'm going to use, whether you have them or not.


-PEW (Includes necessary air turrets, cannons, and different quality missiles for numerous possible situations)

-North Kerbin Dynamics (To pass my test, the drone has to be able to carry numerous ordnance, including thermonuclear and hydrogen bombs)

Those mods don't affect much, as, later, the drone can be rearmed with BDarmoury weapons and ordnance.

I'm also going to use RSS, to intimidate and strike incalculable aw and fear among you weakling humans, by demonstrating how high the HAACWP can fly.

ETA until completion: 1 day to 4.519 eternities and 6 seconds

No, I'm not organized. You guessed it.

the rules are clearly stated on the first page the only premited mod is bd and it does matter if you use those other mods because hatbat will have to install those mods to remove those weapons.

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21 minutes ago, The_Mad_Emu said:

the rules are clearly stated on the first page the only premited mod is bd and it does matter if you use those other mods because hatbat will have to install those mods to remove those weapons.

I'm just passing my own requirements. The drone in the DL link will be purely BDarmoury. Before I post the link, I will completely strip it of any parts that are related to PEW and NKD. Perhaps I should have been clearer. I also need to know what mods I can use while making the craft.

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