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[1.x+] Community Resource Pack


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  On 9/20/2016 at 3:53 PM, Nertea said:

 how does it hurt KSPI balance if I, in another mod that is not designed to work with KSPI (none of my mods are), have a resource collection system for a CRP resource that is used in both mods?



The problem is not in the resource collecting itself (which is easy to fix) the problem is in the possible confusion and inconsistencies that arise in the detecting and planning phase For reasoning  Let's assume both KSPI and NF are installed. Let's say player want to collect a large amount of helium3 to power it's KSPI fusion reactors. He has send a probe to scan a planet or moon, he added scanners which can detect a lot of resources including Helium3, he sends a  KSPI collector to the surface and  starts harvesting, but the amount of Helium3 is much lower than expected. The player is disappointed and doesn't understand why he doesn't get what he expected, or he has to harvest for decades with very little profit.

This scenario could happen if Helium3 and SolarAsh definition are not matching, which is likely to happen for any non stock planet which is not exactly matched. Now this problem would be simply be averted, if only 1 resource was used which when harvested (in the case of Near Future) is immediately converted into the desired resource, that way, the player is not bothered with any "complex" resource chain and everyone would be happier.

I can't answer everything at once

But In the mean time, I created a definition-file for Helium3. Because you didn't answer my question if you prefer Helium3 or LqdHe3, I assumed the most logical Helium3

//	Resource: Helium3 (Gas)
//Resource types:  
//	0 = Crustal			(Stuff you dig up)
//	1 = Oceanic			(Stuff in the oceans)
//	2 = Atmospheric		(Stuff in the air, varies with pressure)
//	3 = Interplanetary	(Stuff you find between planets)
//Express all numbers as percentages 0.0-100.0, not 0.0-1.0!

//Default : Crustal ranges between Kerbin and Mun
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 0
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.0000000067
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Kerbin Crustal Helium3 abundance is 10 times Earth abundance 
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Kerbin
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.00000000000037
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Earth crust contains 0.000145% of Helium3 compaired to atmosphere
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Earth
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.000000000000037
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Mun
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000067
		MaxAbundance = 0.00000000067
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Mun Abundance derived from amount of Regolith needed to harvest 1 ton Helium3: 150 million 10
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Moon
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000000000067
		MaxAbundance = 0.000000000067
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Kerbin seafloor is 10 times as abundant in Helium3 as Earth sea floor
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Kerbin
	BiomeName = Water
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.0000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.0000000001
		Variance = 10
		Dispersal = 10

// Some seafloor sediments on Earth are 2750 times abundant in Helium3
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Earth
	BiomeName = Water
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.00000000001
		Variance = 10
		Dispersal = 10


//Default : Atmospheric	ranges between Kerbin and Jool
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 2
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.0000000072
		MaxAbundance = 0.00014
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Kerbin Atmospheric Helium3 abundance is 10 times Earth abundance 
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Kerbin
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000072
		MaxAbundance = 0.00000000072
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// PErcentage Helium3 in atmosphere is 1 / 7.2 trillion
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Earth
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000000000072
		MaxAbundance = 0.000000000072
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Jool Helium3 abundance is 10 times Jupiter abundance 
	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Jool
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00014
		MaxAbundance = 0.00014
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

	ResourceName = Helium3
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Jupiter
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000014
		MaxAbundance = 0.000014
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1


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  On 9/21/2016 at 7:13 PM, FreeThinker said:

The problem is not in the resource collecting itself (which is easy to fix) the problem is in the possible confusion and inconsistencies that arise in the detecting and planning phase For reasoning  Let's assume both KSPI and NF are installed. Let's say player want to collect a large amount of helium3 to power it's KSPI fusion reactors. He has send a probe to scan a planet or moon, he added scanners which can detect a lot of resources including Helium3, he sends a  KSPI collector to the surface and  starts harvesting, but the amount of Helium3 is much lower than expected. The player is disappointed and doesn't understand why he doesn't get what he expected, or he has to harvest for decades with very little profit.


I agree in principle, that's why I devised the proposal in my previous post. Where we want to mine the same resource, we should make sure that there is cooperation. However, we first need to define exactly where the overlap is.

I want to create definitions for the following set of resources:

  • XenonGas
  • ArgonGas
  • LqdHydrogen
  • LqdHe3
  • LqdTritium
  • LqdDeuterium
  • Antimatter

You let me know which ones of those you also want to have mineable directly. I think the list is not long... you seem to be saying that you want your parts to mine intermediates before getting to the actual resource (eg Helium3 -> LqdHelium3, or SolarDust -> LqdHelium3). 


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  On 9/21/2016 at 7:13 PM, FreeThinker said:

The problem is not in the resource collecting itself (which is easy to fix) the problem is in the possible confusion and inconsistencies that arise in the detecting and planning phase For reasoning  Let's assume both KSPI and NF are installed. Let's say player want to collect a large amount of helium3 to power it's KSPI fusion reactors. He has send a probe to scan a planet or moon, he added scanners which can detect a lot of resources including Helium3, he sends a  KSPI collector to the surface and  starts harvesting, but the amount of Helium3 is much lower than expected. The player is disappointed and doesn't understand why he doesn't get what he expected, or he has to harvest for decades with very little profit.


Just to clarify - this is not how stock works.  If one mod has a higher concentration than another for a given resource, the best concentration is always taken.  There's actually a good chunk of code that managed this, and provides the most optimistic result possible.  So you would never have a case where a player expects something, but then finds significantly less due to mod interaction.

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  On 9/21/2016 at 10:44 PM, RoverDude said:

Just to clarify - this is not how stock works.  If one mod has a higher concentration than another for a given resource, the best concentration is always taken.  There's actually a good chunk of code that managed this, and provides the most optimistic result possible.  So you would never have a case where a player expects something, but then finds significantly less due to mod interaction.


To clarify as well, I was no talking about the defenitions for resource, You just proven my point, It is confusing, even for the mod developers.

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  On 9/22/2016 at 8:04 AM, RoverDude said:

Then by all means, illuminate that point (whatever it is), yes?


The point was that whenever there are 2 methods of collecting a resource (directly or indirectly through a intermediate resource) from a specific environment (like from the surface), which seemly have the same intended goal (collecting LqdHelium). And the resource definition of the 2 separate resources (Helium3 and SolarAsh), don't use fixed concentrations, but random distribution, they are bound to have different concentration, which can easily lead to confusion for users. Ideally, the concentration of SolarAsh and terrestrial Helium3 would be linked, but that is not possible in the resource system (unless you use fixed values but that not very attractive either).

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  On 9/21/2016 at 9:06 PM, Nertea said:

You let me know which ones of those you also want to have mineable directly. I think the list is not long... you seem to be saying that you want your parts to mine intermediates before getting to the actual resource (eg Helium3 -> LqdHelium3, or SolarDust -> LqdHelium3).


Well that realy depends on the context. Stock differentiates between 4 types of resource types: Crustal (surface), Oceanic (any body of water), Atmospheric and Interplanetary (in the SIO of a body)

Anything in the Atmosphere, Oceanic or Interplanetary that exist in a free molecular form, should be minable directly, which includes all mentioned gases. Any molecules that exist in binded form, like Hydrogen or Deuterium in molecules of water or methane, should be available through their intermediate resource like HeavyWater (for Deuterium) and Water and Methane (for Hydrogen).

For Crustal resources, because resources are often not found in high concentration in raw format in the ground, intermediate resources should be preferred over direct harvesting, especially if they are in specific concentration distribution, like with SolarAsh resulting from Solar Winds. Exception to this might be depletable subterranean pockets of gas/liquid that contain resources which also exist in its atmosphere/ocean. For example, significant  concentration of Helium and therefore Helium3 can be found in some rare natural gas pockets, and therefore worthwhile to harvest.




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  On 9/24/2016 at 7:09 AM, FreeThinker said:

Well that realy depends on the context. Stock differentiates between 4 types of resource types: Crustal (surface), Oceanic (any body of water), Atmospheric and Interplanetary (in the SIO of a body)



Yes, I don't need a lecture on the relative abundance of X. What I need is you to simply describe how you want the resources that I care about distributed. Maybe if I laid it out as a set of questions it would make more sense to you?

  • Will you ever have [ResourceName] be harvestable directly anywhere?
    • If so, will [ResourceName] be harvestable from the crust?
    • If so, will [ResourceName] be harvestable from the ocean?
    • If so, will [ResourceName] be harvestable from the atmosphere
    • If so, will [ResourceName] be harvestable from space?

Now replace [ResourceName] with that list I provided, for example for LqdHe3...

  • Will you ever have LqdHe3 be harvestable directly anywhere?
    • If so, will LqdHe3 be harvestable from the crust?
    • If so, will LqdHe3 be harvestable from the ocean?
    • If so, will LqdHe3 be harvestable from the atmosphere
    • If so, will LqdHe3 be harvestable from space?

This should not be hard.

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  On 9/24/2016 at 6:18 AM, FreeThinker said:

The point was that whenever there are 2 methods of collecting a resource (directly or indirectly through a intermediate resource) from a specific environment (like from the surface), which seemly have the same intended goal (collecting LqdHelium). And the resource definition of the 2 separate resources (Helium3 and SolarAsh), don't use fixed concentrations, but random distribution, they are bound to have different concentration, which can easily lead to confusion for users. Ideally, the concentration of SolarAsh and terrestrial Helium3 would be linked, but that is not possible in the resource system (unless you use fixed values but that not very attractive either).


I disagree, given there are already exampled in CRP that do this.  Again, CRP makes no assumptions WRT intermediary resources, etc. - that is a mod interop issue, not a CRP one.

FYI... people in the USI constellation have no problem grasping that there are resources that can be harvested direct as well as harvested via an intermediary, since it provides more options in case a biome is dry.  But that mechanic is still a mod concern.  Linking of resources is simply not something I would be interested in dictating or trying to drive via CRP as that gets too much into telling people how to make their mods.

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Very well, here you go:

  • Will you ever have Helium3//LqdHe3 be harvestable directly anywhere? Yes
    • If so, will Helium3/LqdHe3 be harvestable from the crust? Yes (crustal concentration, not regolth),
    • If so, will Helium3/LqdHe3 be harvestable from the ocean? No
    • If so, will Helium3/LqdHe3 be harvestable from the atmosphere Yes
    • If so, will Helium3/LqdHe3 be harvestable from space? Yes (just above atmosphere)
  • Will you ever have Tritium/LqdTritium be harvestable directly anywhere? Yes
    • If so, will Tritium/LqdTritium be harvestable from the crust? No
    • If so, will Tritium/LqdTritium be harvestable from the ocean? No
    • If so, will Tritium/LqdTritium be harvestable from the atmosphere Yes (but only concentration resulting from cosmic rays, not nuclear activity)
    • If so, will Tritium/LqdTritium be harvestable from space? Yes (just above atmosphere)
  • Will you ever have Hydrogen/LqdHydrogen be harvestable directly anywhere? Yes (crustal concentration, not regolth)
    • If so, will Hydrogen/LqdHydrogen be harvestable from the crust? Yes
    • If so, will Hydrogen/LqdHydrogen be harvestable from the ocean? No
    • If so, will Hydrogen/LqdHydrogen be harvestable from the atmosphere Yes
    • If so, will Hydrogen/LqdHydrogen be harvestable from space? Yes (just above atmosphere)
  • Will you ever have Deteurium/LqdDeteurium be harvestable directly anywhere? Yes
    • If so, will Deteurium/LqdDeteurium be harvestable from the crust? Yes
    • If so, will Deteurium/LqdDeteurium be harvestable from the ocean? No
    • If so, will Deteurium/LqdDeteurium be harvestable from the atmosphere Yes
    • If so, will Deteurium/LqdDeteurium be harvestable from space? Yes (just above atmosphere)
  • Will you ever have ArgonGas be harvestable directly anywhere? Yes
    • If so, will ArgonGas be harvestable from the crust? Yes
    • If so, will ArgonGas be harvestable from the ocean? No
    • If so, will ArgonGas be harvestable from the atmosphere Yes
    • If so, will ArgonGas be harvestable from space? Yes (just above atmosphere)
  • Will you ever have Antimatter be harvestable directly anywhere? Yes
    • If so, will Antimatter be harvestable from the crust? No
    • If so, will Antimatter be harvestable from the ocean? No
    • If so, will Antimatter be harvestable from the atmosphere No
    • If so, will Antimatter be harvestable from space? Yes ( in a bands at random distance from body SOI)
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That's pretty close, but you're sill conflating states.. which could be a key problem. LqdHe3 and Helium3 are two separate resource distributions, and we are only going to conflict on one of them. I don't care about the distribution of Helium3 because anything I want to do only harvests LqdHe3. Therefore we only need to look at where that one conflicts. Makes sense?

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  On 9/26/2016 at 8:38 PM, Nertea said:

That's pretty close, but you're sill conflating states.. which could be a key problem. LqdHe3 and Helium3 are two separate resource distributions, and we are only going to conflict on one of them. I don't care about the distribution of Helium3 because anything I want to do only harvests LqdHe3. Therefore we only need to look at where that one conflicts. Makes sense?


Well you never answered my question in what format you want these resource to be harvest-able, in it's natural Gas for or Liquid form? I would prefer its Gas form, but if you prefer the Liquid Form, I'm willing to compromise.

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By saying LqdHe3 I feel like I'm implicitly defining it ;).

I'm saying there is no need to compromise though. Maybe I'm not explaining it right... 

Let's say we both want to harvest Helium 3 from the atmosphere.

  • You want to go with a more realistic model than I do. So you want to harvest Helium3 (gas). 
  • I want to gameify it, so I want to harvest LqdHe3 directly.

So we can have an atmospheric resource distribution for LqdHe3 (for me) and Helium3 (for you). No conflict. 


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  On 9/26/2016 at 9:09 PM, Nertea said:

By saying LqdHe3 I feel like I'm implicitly defining it ;).


Yes, but I rather have someone else define it, than being responsible for the crime of introducing almost identical resources. So LqdHe3 it will be, this will ensure maximum interoperability, something I aim for when possible. I will make the necessary change in the resource. I assume you like to do the same with the other gas resources like Deuterium and Tritium

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Apologies, missed this somehow. Okay now we're getting there! So now all we have to do is settle on the specific distribution set then. Since I only curate LH2 and ArgonGas, I'll post example configs for those here, if you could create and post up the ones for LqdDeuterium, LqdTritium, Antimatter, LqdHe3, then we can check each other's to make sure nothing is too wrong. 

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Here is my initial proposal for LqdHe3

//	Resource: LqdHe3
//Resource types:  
//	0 = Crustal			(Stuff you dig up)
//	1 = Oceanic			(Stuff in the oceans)
//	2 = Atmospheric		(Stuff in the air, varies with pressure)
//	3 = Interplanetary	(Stuff you find between planets)
//Express all numbers as percentages 0.0-100.0, not 0.0-1.0!

//Default : Crustal ranges between Kerbin and Mun
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 0
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.0000000067
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Kerbin Crustal Helium3 abundance is 10 times Earth abundance 
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Kerbin
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.00000000000037
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Earth crust contains 0.000145% of Helium3 compaired to atmosphere
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Earth
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.000000000000037
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Mun
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000067
		MaxAbundance = 0.00000000067
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Mun Abundance derived from amount of Regolith needed to harvest 1 ton Helium3: 150 million 10
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Moon
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000000000067
		MaxAbundance = 0.000000000067
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Kerbin seafloor is 10 times as abundant in Helium3 as Earth sea floor
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Kerbin
	BiomeName = Water
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.0000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.0000000001
		Variance = 10
		Dispersal = 10

// Some seafloor sediments on Earth are 2750 times abundant in Helium3
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 0
	PlanetName = Earth
	BiomeName = Water
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000000037
		MaxAbundance = 0.00000000001
		Variance = 10
		Dispersal = 10


//Default : Atmospheric	ranges between Kerbin and Jool
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 2
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.0000000072
		MaxAbundance = 0.00014
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Kerbin Atmospheric Helium3 abundance is 10 times Earth abundance 
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Kerbin
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00000000072
		MaxAbundance = 0.00000000072
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// PErcentage Helium3 in atmosphere is 1 / 7.2 trillion
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Earth
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000000000072
		MaxAbundance = 0.000000000072
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Jool Helium3 abundance is 10 times Jupiter abundance 
	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Jool
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00014
		MaxAbundance = 0.00014
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

	ResourceName = LqdHe3
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Jupiter
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000014
		MaxAbundance = 0.000014
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1


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Here is my initial proposal for Antimatter:

//	Resource: Antimatter
//Resource types:  
//	0 = Crustal			(Stuff you dig up)
//	1 = Oceanic			(Stuff in the oceans)
//	2 = Atmospheric		(Stuff in the air, varies with pressure)
//	3 = Interplanetary	(Stuff you find between planets)
//Express all numbers as percentages 0.0-100.0, not 0.0-1.0!

//Default : Crustal ranges between Kerbin and Mun
	ResourceName = Antimatter
	ResourceType = 3
		PresenceChance = 50
		MinAbundance = 0
		MaxAbundance = 0.1
		MinAltitude = 1000
		MaxAltitude = 4000
		MinRange = 5
		MaxRange = 10
		Variance = 100

	ResourceName = Antimatter
	ResourceType = 3
	PlanetName = Mun
		PresenceChance = 0
		MinAbundance = 0
		MaxAbundance = 0

	ResourceName = Antimatter
	ResourceType = 3
	PlanetName = Kerbin
		PresenceChance = 90
		MinAbundance = 0.1
		MaxAbundance = 0.2
		MinAltitude = 2500
		MaxAltitude = 3500
		MinRange = 5
		MaxRange = 10
		Variance = 50

	ResourceName = Antimatter
	ResourceType = 3
	PlanetName = Kerbin
		PresenceChance = 80
		MinAbundance = 0.01
		MaxAbundance = 0.2
		MinAltitude = 5500
		MaxAltitude = 6500
		MinRange = 10
		MaxRange = 20
		Variance = 50

	ResourceName = Antimatter
	ResourceType = 3
	PlanetName = Jool
		PresenceChance = 95
		MinAbundance = 0.5
		MaxAbundance = 2
		MinAltitude = 4000
		MaxAltitude = 8000
		MinRange = 1000
		MaxRange = 2000
		Variance = 50


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Thanks very much for the advice @RoverDude. It has worked out well. :)

@FreeThinker your proposal for Antimatter has inspired me. I'm attempting to make a similar sort of provision(s) for Karbonite for an upcoming planet pack. What resources other than Karbonite and Antimatter can be harvested in orbit?

With that kind of range at Jool, is Antimatter supposed to be accessible from as far out as, say, halfway back to Dres?

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  On 10/10/2016 at 12:15 AM, JadeOfMaar said:


With that kind of range at Jool, is Antimatter supposed to be accessible from as far out as, say, halfway back to Dres?


you are joking right? from my understanding the Altitude is in Kilometer.  According to the Ksp Wiki, Jool sphere of influence is 2.4559852×109 m  so it should fit very well

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Here is my initial proposal for LqdDeuterium

//	Resource: LqdDeuterium
//Resource types:  
//	0 = Crustal			(Stuff you dig up)
//	1 = Oceanic			(Stuff in the oceans)
//	2 = Atmospheric		(Stuff in the air, varies with pressure)
//	3 = Interplanetary	(Stuff you find between planets)
//Express all numbers as percentages 0.0-100.0, not 0.0-1.0!

//Default : Atmospheric	ranges between Kerbin and Jool
	ResourceName = LqdDeuterium
	ResourceType = 2
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000000063635
		MaxAbundance = 0.00194
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Kerbin Atmospheric LqdDeuterium abundance is 10 times Earth abundance 
	ResourceName = LqdDeuterium 
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Kerbin
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.000000063635
		MaxAbundance = 0.000000063635
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1

// Jool Atmospheric LqdDeuterium abundance is equal to Jupiters abundance
	ResourceName = LqdDeuterium
	ResourceType = 2
	PlanetName = Jool
		PresenceChance = 100
		MinAbundance = 0.00194
		MaxAbundance = 0.00194
		Variance = 0
		Dispersal = 1


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