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NASA IXS Class Warpship, and Spacedocks - For KSP-I and Stock KSP


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  Alewx said:
And you made this how?

Also is it concept you are planning to launch, or parking in orbit for departure?

I made this with the intention of colonizing Laythe and Tylo in 1 go, the colony ship can refuel in Jool orbit and also build descent vehicles in orbit via a 40k rocketpart payload using extraplanetary launchpads. So the large cargopods you see will be docked ontop a lander craft to descend it on tylo, it needs around 1k d/v to do so, and my liquidfuel storage should be just enough to land 3 pods before refuelling.

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  SlimJim89 said:
I made this with the intention of colonizing Laythe and Tylo in 1 go, the colony ship can refuel in Jool orbit and also build descent vehicles in orbit via a 40k rocketpart payload using extraplanetary launchpads. So the large cargopods you see will be docked ontop a lander craft to descend it on tylo, it needs around 1k d/v to do so, and my liquidfuel storage should be just enough to land 3 pods before refuelling.

Nice, nice, I will mark it for further comparison with my mega ship :)

But still how did you make the picture? A lot of photoshop work or any tool that helps you creating such a concept?

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  Alewx said:
Nice, nice, I will mark it for further comparison with my mega ship :)

But still how did you make the picture? A lot of photoshop work or any tool that helps you creating such a concept?

I'm guessing this? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75554-Exploded-ship-view-Axes-on-the-VAB-other-stuff-now-released-into-public-domain/

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This is mostly in regards to the IXS KSPI version, but some things might also be true for the other versions.

Got a few things, big one.. number one... could you please set your 'name = ' in the part.CFG to one word names with no spaces? you're currently using multiword names for the internal part identification name and that screws with the ability to identify the parts with modulemanager config files. (I don't know how or if this affects other things in KSP) http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation#General_Parameters

Fixing this will likely break existing saves. (unless you copy the renamed parts and on the original version set the 'TechRequired = Depreciated' and 'catagory = -1' this hides the parts from the VAB and R&D buildings. but existing ships can continue to fly without problems. This won't increase memory load significantly because the same texture files would be reused)

Other things...

Since your science experiment parts are so large (a one ton Gravioli detector just to match the looks?), you might look at combining multiple experiment modules into single parts.

EG: Materials Science/Mysterious Goo; Gravity/Magnetometer/Thermometer/Seismic; Atmospheric/Barometer; Etc...

Your LFO Fuel tank also holds more fuel than an Orange tank, despite being smaller...

Some of your parts have the TechRequired nodes a little out of balance, with nodes that are earlier (significantly in some cases) than the KSPI equivalent tech unlocks.

EG: main hull (with antimatter reactor) unlocks at interstellarTechFusionPower instead of interstellarTechAntimatterPower and IXS Q-Vac engine unlocks at interstellarTechFusionPower2 instead of interstellarTechUHEPhysics

and was there a reason to include ModuleScienceContainer on the karbonite detector? it's not required to get the Karbonite Scan experiment to function...

Once the names are fixed, it is significantly easier for other mod authors, or users to do things like adding SCANsat compatibility to the karbonite and Gamma Ray Spectrometer parts with a simple patchfile (or add things like TweakScale, or FireSpitter resource tank toggles)

name = SCANsat
sensorType = 15360
fov = 4
min_alt = 5000
max_alt = 750000
best_alt = 100000
scanName = Resource Scan
power = 0.5

@PART[IXSKarboniteDetector]:FOR[KASA]:NEEDS[SCANsat] // KASA IXS Karbonite Detector - Add SCANsat Support [ORS Karbonite]
name = SCANsat
sensorType = 262144
fov = 4
min_alt = 5000
max_alt = 750000
best_alt = 100000
scanName = Resource Scan
power = 0.5
@PART[IXSGammaRaySpectrometer]:FOR[KASA]:NEEDS[SCANsat] // KASA IXS Gamma Ray Spectrometer - Add SCANsat Support [ORS Water, ORS Uranium, ORS Thorium, ORS Alumina]

I have a hefty MM patch file that does most of what I have mentioned. But I had to fix the part names to get it working. otherwise I would just post the full patch for anyone who wants it. (if the names were already sane, the patch wouldn't have broken any existing ships)

Edit: I guess this might come across as all negative, but I want to say I really like the idea, and the work you have put into it. If I hadn't been interested in what you had done I wouldn't have bothered to put in the time looking at the balance of parts to fit it into my existing game. So thanks for pushing this out for the community!

Edited by Tebryn
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So uhhh...

The Main Hull Antimatter Reactor doesnt seem to give me any energy regeneration, as far as I can determine...

I just tested it further, its actually the reactor, if i use the warp ring (as a generator) with a antimatter reactor from KSPI (version 12), it works, if i swap the generator to a KSPI one and use the main hull reactor, it doesnt generate any electricity...

If you could give me a hint as to why that is the case, it would be appreciated!

Edit: Apparently the Vacuum Engine doesnt work as well, its always Electricity Deprieved!

Edited by CrazyOdd
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  Tingjonki said:
I cant connect the IXS command module with anything for some reason (interstellar lite) all other parts work except fro the command module

I have the same problem. Installed 3 different ways and the only time the parts show up, no connectivity.

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  Tingjonki said:
I cant connect the IXS command module with anything for some reason (interstellar lite) all other parts work except fro the command module
  Fr8monkey said:
I have the same problem. Installed 3 different ways and the only time the parts show up, no connectivity.

I have noticed this too. Also with the spaceport in the Hangar mod. It's annoying.

  piggysanTH said:
Is stock version can use warp drive?

The alcubierre drive changes to a large Ion engine. :P

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