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KerbalX.com - Craft & Mission Sharing


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3 hours ago, HB Stratos said:

I noticed a quite annoying thing, maybe even a bug when I was making custom thumbnails:
All thumnails are zoomed in on the homepage, which ruins custom thumbnails if you are unaware of that bug/feature.
If possible please remove this feature if it is one or try to fix the bug that causes it.


-HB Stratos

Hi @HB Stratos, the zoom on the thumbs in an intentional feature. The reason for it is that I can't make any assumptions about the initial resolution or aspect ratio of the user's source image and the resulting thumbnail needs to work in a number of different sizes (as the site resizes to fit different screen sizes/user specific layout settings etc), including a very wide aspect (used in some mobile layouts and on the last craft in a list with an uneven number of craft, and in sidebar lists). 
As the images people use have a wide range of aspect ratios and the process has to yield thumbnails to fit a range of uses, the slight zoom (more of a pan and crop) ensures that thumbnails always fill the whole area (without any nasty blank borders) and work across all screen widths/browsers/device types. 

I don't recommend trying to make custom thumbs, because even if you match the aspect ratio of the thumbs you see when viewing the site on a desktop they won't look right when viewed by someone using a mobile.

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Thanks for the detailed explaination @katateochi. Would it be an option to remove the zoom on the homepage, I get that sliders will make problems, but isn´t there an option in the css that allows images to scale to 100% width (of a conatiner)?

Edited by HB Stratos
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Aaaaaaaaaaaand I got another thing that´s bothering me, sorry for that.

Please change the craft description to say Stock+DlC instead of pure stock and a tiny link at the top right saying DLC required, will help to reduce the confusion. In my opinion DLC craft are modded craft and should be labeled as such or have their own notes everywhere. I will not go into the details again why I think they are modded, but to make it short, they don´t load in the stock game.

Thanks a lot in advance for fixing this confusion (if possible) and hopefully I didn´t offend to many DLC users :-/ 
HB Stratos over and out

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5 hours ago, HB Stratos said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaand I got another thing that´s bothering me, sorry for that.

Please change the craft description to say Stock+DlC instead of pure stock and a tiny link at the top right saying DLC required, will help to reduce the confusion. In my opinion DLC craft are modded craft and should be labeled as such or have their own notes everywhere. I will not go into the details again why I think they are modded, but to make it short, they don´t load in the stock game.

Thanks a lot in advance for fixing this confusion (if possible) and hopefully I didn´t offend to many DLC users :-/ 
HB Stratos over and out

Hi HB Stratos, you didn't offend me, but I think a compromise would be a better solution to this issue.

As a DLC user, I don't usually use mods, and when I turn the stock filter off, I only end up seeing crafts with mods that I don't want. I agree that DLC isn't stock, but I don't think it qualifies as a mod either. Something else that may help is that stock crafts have "stock" in front of the thumbnail, but DLC crafts have "stock+" in front.

Another request for Katateochi, could you please make KerbalX compatible with the Steam workshop (I mean in-game, not on the actual website)?



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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a feature request. :)

Would be possible to to have "versions" of the crafts uploaded on the same entry, one for each KSP version?

or somehow make transparent that two crafts are the same, and then the user could easily switch to the one compatible with his KSP?

(this last option would make things easier to Craftmanager)

I running challenges and missions in 3 different KSP versions, and most of the craft are essentially the same with only minor tweaks dedicated to the hosting KSP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@HB Stratos, literally just working on this now. Problem caused by stupid me not unpacking the DLC into the mod data scanner (I'd just put the zip in without unpacking it). So the scanner thought the DLC had no parts and as another mod exists that has the same names, all the DLC parts had been migrated to that other mod (squadexpansion). So the site is now in the process of migrating those parts back to the DLC, which will take a few moments as it will also have to rescan all the craft that use those parts (~1700ish) (it only needs to rescan those ~20 you've highlighted, but I'd have to alter the process for a one-off run which would be a hassle, so I'll just let it rescan all the DLC craft).

So that should be sorted in.....shortly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could you please expand the maximum filesize upload limit... some crafts are extremely huge, so the file is about 8-9m, however the limit of the kerbalX is only 6m.. that makes me imbarrassed, because the kerbalX do not accept other type of files..


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  • 3 weeks later...


I've been having some trouble with another user on KerbalX; I can't find a way to block them, is this possible? If not, having such a feature I think would be a great way to reduce user harrassment. FWIW, their problem is they don't like seeing my craft uploads, is there a way to 'unfollow' people so they don't show up on your front page, or...?

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20 hours ago, Orky Kultur said:


I've been having some trouble with another user on KerbalX; I can't find a way to block them, is this possible? If not, having such a feature I think would be a great way to reduce user harrassment. FWIW, their problem is they don't like seeing my craft uploads, is there a way to 'unfollow' people so they don't show up on your front page, or...?

Hi @Orky Kultur, I'm very sorry to hear that. There currently is no way to block/silence a user.
I will send you a direct message to discuss this further.

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48 minutes ago, Klapaucius said:

So the question, @katateochi, must be asked:  KerbalX2?  Combined craft files with a search filter?  Two separate pages?  New category for buildings?


I need to throw a donation your way on Patreon as well...

I think you maybe have to go separate sections...  I for one, will try to create v2.0 versions of each of my craft, but my blueprints may end up looking identical.  Which might be confusing for folks.  Dunno if the system would let me save a v2.0 version of a craft with same name and still have the 1.9x version available?

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15 hours ago, Klapaucius said:

So the question, @katateochi, must be asked:  KerbalX2?  Combined craft files with a search filter?  Two separate pages?  New category for buildings?

I'm super excited about KSP2, but also worrying about what this means for KerbalX as currently there is no info about how craft files will be structured. My hope is that they will stick to the same basic structure and that buildings will follow the same format.

My goal will be to add KSP2 content into the same site, rather than setting up a whole new site (that would be too much overhead, both in terms of hosting costs and development/management time).
The filtering system I've built is really flexible, so assuming I can treat KSP2 craft as just another variation on the current craft, then it'll be fairly straightforward (at least in principle) to just have a filter to switch between KSP1 and KSP2 content.  

14 hours ago, XLjedi said:

I think you maybe have to go separate sections...  I for one, will try to create v2.0 versions of each of my craft, but my blueprints may end up looking identical.  Which might be confusing for folks.  Dunno if the system would let me save a v2.0 version of a craft with same name and still have the 1.9x version available?

Ideally they'll all just be craft in a big pool, with filters to separate the content.  That will give the option of having all the content in one place and you can choose which filters to apply, or have separate pages (which will actually be the same page, just with a different url) which just applies the relevant filter.  So maybe it'll be that the route url https://KerbalX.com shows you all content (craft from KSP1 and 2 plus buildings), then https://KerbalX.com/KSP1 and https://KerbalX.com/KSP2 just shows the relevant craft and https://KerbalX.com/buildings for the buildings.  

As far as having v2 craft with the same name goes; that will be possible, you can already have two craft that have the same name (the 2nd one just gets an _2 appended to it's url).  This might also tie in nicely with the feature I'm (slowly) working on right now, which will enable having multiple versions of the same craft under one post.


I'm going to try and make contact with the folks at Star Theory Games and see if they will be open to working with me. The best outcome would be to get tighter integration between the game and KerbalX, but at the very least if they'd be up for bringing me under NDA so I could get a look at some craft files before it's released that would be great.  I shall see what I can arrange.   Their website doesn't provide much in the way of contact details, so if anyone knows who I can contact that would be helpful. 


15 hours ago, Klapaucius said:

need to throw a donation your way on Patreon as well...

Thanks @Klapaucius, I really appreciate the support! :)

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9 minutes ago, katateochi said:

Their website doesn't provide much in the way of contact details, so if anyone knows who I can contact that would be helpful.

I'm usually reserved about pinging anyone on forums, but in this case, I think it is warranted. @PulsarPixie, any way you could pass on the request for contact to Star Theory?

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, HB Stratos said:

hey @katateochi, we seem to have a little bit of a problem:

Looking into it. Having some issues on the hosting platform.....stand by

ok not quite sure what happened. but server had got stuck in a "restarting" state....so wouldn't let me restart it! 
But by frantically mashing keys I appear to have uttered the right incantation and it's back up. Sorry for the downtime guys!

Edited by katateochi
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