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[0.25/0.90] TechManager Version 1.5


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  anonish said:
Yes, but its kinda ugly. First, the format is different. You have to remove the TECHNOLOGY_TREE_DEFINITION header, so that only NODE's are in the file. Then name it tree.cfg and place it in your save game folder. Then go into the R&D building and press Alt-F7 to bring up the tree selection box and add tree.cfg to the list. If you get that far, you are set. Just hit Alt-F7 to reselect trees whenever you want to reload that one tree file. Unfortunately, there is no way (currently) to force a reload of the named tech trees. That is probably a feature that really needs to be added.

It would be a really useful feature for editing trees. It's been rather tedious since TreeEdit died.

I've found an interesting issue. Kinda surprised this has not come up yet. I'm sorting parts in a tree using the TED tree editor, but the parts do not move when I load the game. They all go to their default stock nodes... except for parts that aren't defined with underscores. I noticed that my old treeloader file used periods instead of underscores, but TED used underscores and the actual part .cfg used underscores. For example the part defined as "name = B9_Engine_SABRE_M" is seen as "B9_Engine_SABRE_M" by TED but will only load correctly with TechManager if it's written "B9.Engine.SABRE.M" in the tree file. But when I write "B9.Engine.SABRE.M" in the tree file, TED thinks the part is missing so it makes it nearly impossible to sort.

Could you make TechManager handle both underscores and periods?

Edited by cvod
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I've run into a serious limitation in implementing my intended tech tree using TM that I mentioned a few posts back. I'm really hoping that this is something that's fixable in the TM mod itself (as opposed to KSP), and if so, that I can hope to have a fix applied to TM.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm implementing a quite-large tech tree where the majority of nodes have a single part. I'm trying to implement some fairly specific ideas on how a better stock-parts tree might be structured from a thread over in the development suggestions section, and so I don't have a lot of leeway in how I lay the tree out. The issue is that apparently the size of the "canvas" on which the tech tree is drawn is of fixed size, and I've run out of room in the vertical direction such that there isn't room for me to add the additional nodes I still need.

Here's an image of my tree with the full canvas size shown, to show you what I mean:


Is there any chance of TM changing the size of this canvas? If so, I might suggest that a sensible option could be to add an optional attribute to the header of TM's .cfg files that defines the coordinate extents of this canvas (with the default being the KSP stock size).

Unfortunately I'm quite halted with my project as things stand, so I'm really hoping it's possible to have a fix to this relatively soon so I can release my tech tree to the larger community while we're still early in 0.90.


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  sherkaner said:
I'm pretty confused by the behavior of .cfg files in some cases -- basically it seems like parts appear in nodes where they're not actually listed in the .cfg file. For example I load up the KSPI .cfg file. In "node5_supersonicFlight" there are 6 parts listed, but in the game that node lists 12 parts! I can't figure out how those other 6 parts are getting in there.

There are two ways to assign a part to a tech node.

The stock way: each part.cfg file has a "TechRequired =" variable which makes the part insert itself into the tech node with that name, if it exists.

The TechManager way: each node gets parts assigned to it in its node deffinition. This overwrites the stock behavior.

What happened here is that six parts were assigned to the node in question, and six other parts were not assigned to any node by the tech tree config. Hence these six parts fell back to the stock way of looking at the entry in their part.cfg files. They happened to find the name of the node you looked at there, and thus inserted themselves into that node. If these parts had been assigned to any other node in the tree config, then that would have overriden the stock behavior and the parts would have appeared where they were assigned to.

  Cpt. Kipard said:
Is there a manual or a tutorial for this mod somewhere?

I don't think so... You basically grab the stock tree file from the download and use it as an example of how the nodes are defined. There's a few extra bits and bobs (like the hifeIfNoBranchParts flag you can set for a node) but what they do is likely just buried in the thread somewhere. You should be able to make a full tech tree even without those, though.

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I kinda want to know how to modify the tech tree to my own whim. Because the default one is quite mismatched to how I'd like it to be. Is techmanager meant to be easily manipulated by the user? Or is there more to it? (I've never tried, still a nub.)

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  Rath_1978 said:
I kinda want to know how to modify the tech tree to my own whim. Because the default one is quite mismatched to how I'd like it to be. Is techmanager meant to be easily manipulated by the user? Or is there more to it? (I've never tried, still a nub.)

There is no way to do this ingame yet, but here is an external program that makes it all for you: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98942-WIN-TED-KSP-Tech-Tree-Editor-v0-2-3-ALPHA-EARLY-TESTING

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Just a quick mention to say that TreeEdit is far from dead...I use it to design my tree which for the most part only needs parts placed more 'properly' in the scheme of Kerbal Science Progression; IE basically small to big...beginner to expert...

I plan on making live video streams since I lost my drive and 1000's of files...it seems that I probly have some KSP backups but I think I got most everything I need and am workin all day to get my MODS for 90.

I will show those interested just how easy it is; sorry TED wont cut it for me but I think the programmers are on the right road.

A problem though; the Science Archives is messed up; or maybe so I cant even remember but I will check it out I thought Techmanager fixed this?

Watch for my live streams ... I am just getting my MODS and v90 setup; I use v24 with v90 parts; design the tree; move the tree back to v90 adding the lines of code back and its all done ! (EDIT: I may be on tonite !)

Cmdr Zeta

Edited by Cdr_Zeta
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  floppah said:
Can I set TechManager to automatically load a specific tree with the save game?

I tried copying the tree I want to use into the save and renamed it tree.cfg, but this results in a completely empty tree ...

I would just put your tree (with whatever name) into the GameData/TechManager directory, load up your save game, and then hit alt-F7 to switch to the tree you want. After that, the same game should remember I believe.

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  sherkaner said:
I would just put your tree (with whatever name) into the GameData/TechManager directory, load up your save game, and then hit alt-F7 to switch to the tree you want. After that, the same game should remember I believe.

Far as I can tell, the same game does not remember which tree your game is using. Every time I go into the R&D building, I have to hit alt-F7 again to get the proper tree to load up. I assumed this was simply because I'm playing 0.9 instead of 0.25.

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chrisl: I have not seen that issue on 0.90 at all.

If that is not a .90 issue, and no one else has .90-specific issues, I would ask anonish to please recompile and release for .90, or, if anonish does not feel recompiling is necessary, update the KerbalStuff metadata.

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  NathanKell said:
If that is not a .90 issue, and no one else has .90-specific issues, I would ask anonish to please recompile and release for .90, or, if anonish does not feel recompiling is necessary, update the KerbalStuff metadata.

Maybe you can ask pjf to "force" techmanager in CKAN, so we can install RP-0

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  NathanKell said:
chrisl: I have not seen that issue on 0.90 at all.

If that is not a .90 issue, and no one else has .90-specific issues, I would ask anonish to please recompile and release for .90, or, if anonish does not feel recompiling is necessary, update the KerbalStuff metadata.

I figured it out. I apparently was either using a non-valid or partially corrupted techmanager.dll. I'm in the process of setting up a new install for Realism Overhaul and am installing all the mods from scratch. In that setup the tech mangaer is working fine and when I copied that file over to my "stock" game, it started working as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have an issue with the plugin. I tried to reverse to the last version of techtree that worked, but it didn't helped. What could be the cause of it?

[WRN 21:40:40.012] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[LOG 21:40:41.253] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ContractDefs' from assembly 'KSP'
[LOG 21:40:42.448] [ScenarioDestructibles]: Loading... 0 objects registered
[LOG 21:40:42.459] [VesselSpawner]: No new objects this time. (Odds are 1:2)
[EXC 21:40:44.616] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,TechManager.TechTreeNode].get_Item (System.String key)
TechManager.TechManager.InitTechInfo ()
TechManager.TechManager.Update ()

EDIT: fixed, it was the typo in the name of a parent node.

Edited by Niemand303
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  NathanKell said:
chrisl: I have not seen that issue on 0.90 at all.

If that is not a .90 issue, and no one else has .90-specific issues, I would ask anonish to please recompile and release for .90, or, if anonish does not feel recompiling is necessary, update the KerbalStuff metadata.

Any particular reason it must be re-compiled in 0.90?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Once this runs once and you select tech tree. It gets stuck because there is no button on the tool bar. It seem impossible to open tech manager from that point on. The only work around is to start a new game load all trees and pick one. Then restart a new game without tech manager selections of the ones you don't want. You get stuck with the first choice. Buggy or not user friendly?

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  nobodyhasthis said:
Once this runs once and you select tech tree. It gets stuck because there is no button on the tool bar. It seem impossible to open tech manager from that point on. The only work around is to start a new game load all trees and pick one. Then restart a new game without tech manager selections of the ones you don't want. You get stuck with the first choice. Buggy or not user friendly?

It's not buggy, that is how it works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

I have a strange one, the tree is working great but .... if I reload the game some parts get un research, most of them are from squad but some from others, but ... this is the strange part , if I enter R&D the parts come back, I can use them all.

I have try the treeloader and do not load all the parts, this one loads all but keep losing the parts.

Best regards

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Im having a problem, I made a custom tech tree with Tech Tree Editor and I load it with Tech Manager. The tree works properly, but for some reason if I unlock a tech node it causes Contract Configurator to stop recognizing the completion of contracts. It only happens with this tree, but i dont know why.

I have tested installing only Tech Manager and Contract Configurator on a fresh vanilla install of KSP and the problem persists.

This is the tech tree: http://pastebin.com/f3uq2d30

This is a reduced version of it that still had the issue: http://pastebin.com/336kQJCP

I also asked about this in the CC thread, I dont know which side is causing this.

EDIT: never mind, problem solved, it wasnt TM.

Edited by klefenz
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