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Hello World!

I was first introduced to KSP when I was visiting my relatives down in the lower 48. My brother had it on his laptop and I gave it a go. It was pretty fun and I played with it for an hour or so. Afterwards it was 'out of sight out of mind'. Didn't think about it again until the game released on Steam. It was sort of an impulse purchase, I didn't expect to put so much time into it. Now I have about 450 hours sunk into it, and I still love it. Around the 300 hour mark I decided that it was about time that I registered to the forums. Bit of a gap but I finally got around to it. Anyway, can't wait to jump in feet first. :)

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I've been lurking here for a while, seeing what new mods come out and so forth, and now that I've decided to try my hand at making one I figured I might as well join the forum.

I first tried KSP I think about two years ago (I may be mistaken), and TBH I got bored after a while - the game was, after all, much more primitive at the time. I bought the full game a few months ago, and with the latest few revisions I've found it a lot more fun and ended up spending... much more time than I should playing.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all!

I've been playing for a few months now but only just joined the forum. After watching many, many YouTube Kerbal videos I've started making my own! It should be done in a week or so so I'll post it somewhere here, once I find the relevant thread.

Very happy to be part of this awesome community. :)

See you around

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Hello! I found the Demo in late December, got to the Mun and back, (with a silly amount of tiny SRB's,) and decided to buy the full game on Steam. Since then, I've Landed on Minimus, probed Eve and Duna, and just recently landed on Duna (all in career mode.) Right now I'm just experimenting and trying to get as much "Science" as I can. I used sandbox mode to build the Apollo clone in the Wiki, but thats about it. I find that the limited parts in the career mode really helps me learn how to use them better than just having them all to choose from.

More Later :)

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Hey all,

I've had Kerbal Space Program for a while now but thought that I should finally make an account here as I've made some videos, craft and screenshots that I would like to share of my designs.

I'm not too sure just how active I will be as I've never really been one to be active on forums constantly but we shall see. Hopefully some of you guys will like what I do.

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Hello, I joined the forum today. I purchased KSP for Christmas and think I am getting the hang of it. I greatly enjoy how easy it is to quickly try different design approaches.

Let's see if I can successfully post a message!

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Hi there. I just discovered this forum because I am interested in Goddard's problem from an optimisation point of view. Therefore, I would like to try out closette's challenge (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/6664-Mini-challenge-max-altitude-with-this-supplied-spacecraft), however when I click on the craft file, a new tab opens and nothing happens. Right-click doesn't help neither changing internet browser. Any idea, please?

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Been playing for a couple of weeks now. Got solidly hooked from when I first fired up the demo. Now got the full version and decided to play career mode with a rule of not researching more tech until I've done all the science I feel I can. Made Munar orbit with the starting tech, though a lot of Kerbals died in the process. Some of my rockets are diabolically hard to control.

How feasible is an EVA-only landing on Minmus?

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Hello everybody. I am a new member of the community. I believe this is an appropriate thread to voice my greetings so... hello again.

And remember, fly safe. And if safe is not an option, atleast fly fast.

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Hello there, I may be new on the forums, but I have been playing KSP for quite some time. I have even successfully done a manned mission to every non-gas giant in the game, even the Planetfactory planets and the Alternis Kerbol planets. I tend to use many mods, but my favorite is definitely Interstellar.

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Hello all...

Bought KSP for myself for christmas, and have been hooked ever since... Completed the career mode a couple of times in different save files, been to most of the planets and moons, have built a few space stations, got a couple of Fuel Depots up to different altitudes, probed some of the planets and the sun, and am just perfecting my spaceplanes after a bit of experimentation (trial and LOTS of error, hehe!)

Kerbal is to blame for my renewed enthusiasm for games in general; have been going through a bad patch recently, and besides Kerbal I haven't played very much... probably due to the highly addictive nature of the game! "New 'Minecraft'" indeed... with far more scope, IMO! after all, you can't build fully-working rockets in Minecraft, or any vehicles really... looking forward to the day when the Devs finally finish it off, that will certainly be a VERY good day! ~.^

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welcome to the forums :D Same brother,Im hooked too Im Not good at docking But Good job at All those major achievements I landed at the mun and minmus!

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Thanks! It's been a wild ride so far, but I found Mechjeb and that has made EVERYTHING much smoother! :cool: although I did struggle with even the use of MJ to start with, heh...

Looking forward to getting 1st 3 posts out of the way so I can post a few screenshots... learnt before on another forum that it's usually a good idea to search for similar recent posts, and a lot of the etiquette, so hopefully I should fit in :confused:

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My first impression of KSP was:

"How do I Science? D:"

and then after playing for a while and getting used to it for 2 months:

"This game is awesome!"

And I can't wait to go home, open my computer and play KSP after a long day at school.

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When I started, I was immediately hooked. I idea of building something and having it orbit a planet was amazing to me. :)

I've been a part of KSP since the very very early stages of the game. I've seen it evolve, and am always wondering where it will go next (fingers crossed for orbital repairing)! I wish I had joined this website earlier, as I have 128 hours logged and tons of screenshots to share!

Thanks for welcoming me to the community!

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hey all, you might (if you've been in and out of the mod releases and mod development pages) have met me already. i'm not that good a social person but i am quite friendly online. let's see... when did i get ksp? a year ago XD i didn't see this thread till now so... yeah...

oh also i now own a roll of ducttape and make it my sole mission to make jeb rue the day he crashed my first ship into the ground.

i think ksp is a great game and the mods fill the gap in it so well that it's insane (or kinda dull) when you play stock only.

i've got a couple of questions i'd like to ask but i think i'm mostly going to be re-directed to the tortorials thread.

1) how do you dock without mechjeb?

2) -removed-

3) is there any good shuttle-like mods out there unlike the KSO?

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Hello. I'm Bit_Reaper and I'm form Finland. I'v been playing KSP since 0.20. By now I have about 250h put in to the game (and have completed the current career mode).

Loving the game and eagerly waiting for A.R.M and 0.24 to go live.

I'v even tried my hand at making a few mods though I don't seem to have any original ideas as every time I think I'm on to something I notice someone already made a mode like the one I was thinking about :P

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