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Project Alexandria: a history of spaceflight done in Real Solar System


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1 minute ago, Cydonian Monk said:

Well of course it's a sham. They're not on the Moon, they're just in a suit that's showing them pictures that make them think they're on the Moon. 

When your mind is as badly broken as that of most Moon deniers, there's little anyone can do to fix it. I still think the proper response is to just walk away. (Though a part of me still wants to reply with 'Of course it was real, we needed to send somebody up to spread chemtrails on the Moon and vaccinate all the Lunar children. Duh.')


Never argue with an idiot. They'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. 


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On March 14, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Felbourn said:

Maybe that's how I first saw it. :)

Also, to Brainpop, you linked a Soyuz video to me but it was from Orbiter again and we have already established that they sometimes get it wrong (from another video you showed me from Orbiter... can't remember what it was about now, but Orbiter had done it wrong in it). I'm not saying it's wrong in this case. I'm saying it's not valid evidence. We'd need the proof directly from a credible source.

I'm not saying it's right either. I said it's probable. I'm just pretty sure that you were not launching the Soyuz rocket perfectly right. I don't know the exact launch sequence back in that day, I just know that the faring is always jettisoned while the lower stage is still burning. And I know the exact launch sequence of modern launches. As far as I can tell I think you should start using the modern launch sequence after 1980.

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Hey model makers! Here's a part that would be awesome to have. This one was built into the model of the tank above it so it can't be removed and used on anything else. It would be great to have a tank like this though to hang under RSS rockets for hydrazine or whatever. All "capsule tanks" like this that I know of are radially attached at the side, not the top, and none of them have a cool frame around the tank for mounting it at its top like this. Obviously we'd want a really awesome texture, or even mesh switching between different mounting hardware and textures. But I'd ,settle for one mesh and one texture!


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On 20.3.2016 at 2:21 AM, Felbourn said:

Hey model makers! Here's a part that would be awesome to have. This one was built into the model of the tank above it so it can't be removed and used on anything else. It would be great to have a tank like this though to hang under RSS rockets for hydrazine or whatever. All "capsule tanks" like this that I know of are radially attached at the side, not the top, and none of them have a cool frame around the tank for mounting it at its top like this. Obviously we'd want a really awesome texture, or even mesh switching between different mounting hardware and textures. But I'd ,settle for one mesh and one texture!


Give me a couple of hours an hour. Will need to get something else done first, but the thing you want to have is no big deal. ;)

Edited by Kartoffelkuchen
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@Felbourn Here you go. http://www.mediafire.com/download/2j4v2f2oacw61el/KK_radialHoldingTank.zip

License is included in the download.




I've just made the tank itself 0.625m with 200 units of monoPropellant, just change that to whatever you want, you're the master of konfigs. ;) Hope you like it

EDIT Just realizing that mediafire links got "banned"...should I upload somewhere else? :/

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I had a shower thought this morning... 

First, the facts:

  1. I will eventually need all the major space stations for Alexandria episodes.
  2. I love satellites (space stations count as satellites).
  3. I always need two or three series going so that I can alternate back and forth to keep my interest in the game fresh.
  4. I only have Project Alexandria right now. Ares is not ready to start because 1.1 is at least ten weeks from "ready for Ares."

So the thought was...

What if I created a new series called "Ultimate Stations" where I only spend time on specific space stations in each episode...

That idea led me to this thinking:

  1. I could use the footage from the series to augment my Alexandria episodes when the time comes.
  2. I'd have three series going at the same time once Project Ares is running, so there would be variety in my gaming.
  3. I could release Ultimate Stations as a mod! A mod for this series could be launched in Stock or RSS and would have all the usual flair and greebling that you've come to expect from me.

I'm very tempted by this idea.

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@Felbourn how do you see "Ultimate Space Stations" unfolding? Are you thinking only space stations that flew in real life, or fictional ones? I have quite a bit of modeling experience and have made a lot of parts for my own game, ranging from different versions of Titan III to the proposed European "Columbus Manned Tended Free Flyer". I am currently busy modeling high fidelity ISS modules which I plan to launch as I finish modeling and texturing them.

If you go ahead with the "Ultimate Space Stations" project, I don't mind helping out with producing some parts. Of course it would be a lot easier if other people pitched in as well :) Let me know your thoughts. 

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I am not an artist, so I'd be taking models and textures from mods that have permissive licenses and using those assets to "weld" into beautiful modules like you can see in most of my videos. I'd repackage those assets into my mod as allowed. I'd probably make functional lifters for each module as well, mostly by again borrowing from other existing mods as allowed. I'd be able to do whatever I want in the series rather than in Alexandria that is about real history and especially about "firsts" in spaceflight. This means I could do real, proposed, future, and even fictional.

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I'm pretty bad at remember where things came from, and I don't write it down very often. I'll do a quick google the same way I did last time and see if the source comes up again easily.

I remember I found the info on more than one site. In fact, most of the sites said it. Those that did not, probably did not talk about the ullage at all. If they did, they mentioned the cases were jettisoned.

Actually the first search for "saturn ullage jettison" brought up this:

" Three seconds after second stage separation, the S-IVB third stage J-2 engine was ignited. Nine seconds later, the third stage ullage motors which fired at separation and their cases were jettisoned. "

On this site: http://www.spaceline.org/rocketsum/saturn-v-apollo.html

I remember it was on most sites though, so I'll just stop searching with this one example.

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Okay... I just think it looks more awesome with the Ullage on it.

@Felbourn: Also, interesting fact I learned about Goddard. The NY Times said that rockets wouldn't function in a vacuum in 1920, and on July 16th they revised it. JUST IN TIME FOR THE ROCKET'S GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT!!!


Oh, and it may be a bit late, but...


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Did I not mention the vacuum thing in my first Goddard episode? I can't remember now. Maybe I only mentioned how he was ridiculed, but without specifics of how. It was indeed funny how they didn't think rockets would work without air to push against. Some people still think that!

Only Sergei's death (with the exceptions being lost crews) is going to get a very serious mention because there are too many people who were involved in the space programs who all did amazing "first time" things. He also didn't die from a space-related event. Hopefully people will understand.

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On 3/22/2016 at 9:18 PM, Felbourn said:

What if I created a new series called "Ultimate Stations" where I only spend time on specific space stations in each episode...

Do you think you'll have enough material to make at least 10 episodes?

Not many stations were ever made. The Salyut stations were very similar and not much larger than SkyLab. Stations Mir and Tiangong are quite interesting. 

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Well... this part will be useful at some point in Project Ares, and I guess it was never finished because life got in the way. He had made excellent progress before that.

So... :) we could finish this rack?


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10 hours ago, Enceos said:

Do you think you'll have enough material to make at least 10 episodes?

Not many stations were ever made. The Salyut stations were very similar and not much larger than SkyLab. Stations Mir and Tiangong are quite interesting. 

Salyut is nowhere near the size of skylab. Skylab is 4x the size and 3.5x the weight of the heaviest of the entire salyut series. You could fit an entire salyut inside the habitable volume of Skylab. Also while Salyut has lineage to almaz, they are very different stations and should be noted as such. That would leave him with Salyut 1 and 4, Almaz 3 and 5, Salyut 6 and 7 + TKS, MOL, Skylab, MIR and the ISS and Tiangong. I can easily see him getting 10 episodes out of it and that's if he just sticks to real life examples only for the series.

Edited by raidernick
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