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[1.12.x] Mark IV Spaceplane System (August 18, 2024)


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On 7/25/2018 at 7:08 PM, Nertea said:

Yes that is the plan currently, to move the engines, intakes, nacelles, etc to a "new" Near Future Aeronautics pack which is easy to maintain and update.

I just noticed the new repo on Github and was wondering about it. Seems like a good plan.

Also, I'm really happy to see the nuclear jet engine from Near Future Atomics in there. Hopefully that'll stick around.

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On 7/26/2018 at 2:08 AM, Nertea said:

Yes that is the plan currently, to move the engines, intakes, nacelles, etc to a "new" Near Future Aeronautics pack which is easy to maintain and update. The MkIV parts will stay here and enter a long term, no-longer-developed state. 

When to wait for the release?

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9 hours ago, damerell said:

I'm pretty sure sturmhauke meant what they wrote; it is how the expression normally goes.

Yeah. For reference: Ninety-ninety rule


The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time.


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On 6/21/2018 at 6:25 AM, segmentation_fault said:


@Cassiopee @Capt. James T. Kirman

I may have found a quick fix for this: comment the 2 "texture" lines from the MODEL subsection on top of the MarkIVSystem\Parts\Pods\mk4cockpit-2\mk4cockpit-2.cfg. E.g.


		model = MarkIVSystem/Parts/Pods/mk4cockpit-2/mk4cockpit-2
		texture = mk4common-1-blank, MarkIVSystem/Parts/Fuselage/mk4common-1
		texture = mk4common-1-blank-e, MarkIVSystem/Parts/Fuselage/mk4common-1-e

Becomes this

		model = MarkIVSystem/Parts/Pods/mk4cockpit-2/mk4cockpit-2
		//texture = mk4common-1-blank, MarkIVSystem/Parts/Fuselage/mk4common-1
		//texture = mk4common-1-blank-e, MarkIVSystem/Parts/Fuselage/mk4common-1-e


Did you do this and test it before and afterwards? Did it work? I see others saying that it does nothing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am imminently releasing Near Future Aeronautics in the Near Future thread.

Sometime in the next week or two I will push out a corresponding update to MkIV. Because of part name changes and deprecation, you should remove all the parts that are being moved to NFA before upgrading.

These are:

  • All intakes
  • All nacelle parts (including precoolers and engine pods)
  • All engines (multimode, jet, propeller, lift fan, the works)
  • The basic RCS blister (but not the Mk4 side profile one)
  • The 4 2.5m fuel tanks

Everything else should be untouched. 


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i cant find the Hypersonic Cockpit in my KSP!!

I have KSP Steam 1.4.5 , But this is not the first time i cant find it, a month ago the same happened in ksp 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 and 1.4.3


i know its a 1.3 mod but the other parts works

Edited by JoaquinJAR
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Regarding the mk4cockpit-2...

I'm on KSP 1.4.5. I'm a dev myself (boring business software, not the bleeding-edge game dev like the modders). So I understand the frustration of trying to support users who use an application on an unsupported release. So I accept that I'll have to live without it until @nertea is able to fit it his schedule. I have to say, @nertea, I admire your ability to juggle all the mods you're supporting.

Back to the cockpit-2 issue... Having looked at KSP.log, I see that the textures for cockpit-2 are all successfully loaded. So there should be no reason why KSP errors out later, when it loads the cockpit-2 model.

However, just after the cockpit-2 textures are loaded, the mk4crewcabin-1 textures are loaded. And there, KSP generates an exception. Which gets me thinking, maybe it's the mk4crewcabin-1 that has issues and it is messing up mk4cockpit-2 somehow.

So I tried removing mk4crewcabin-1 from the Parts/Pods folder - placed it in a temp folder outside of KSP. It worked. I can now see and use mk4cockpit-2.

So... If you can do without the mk4crewcabin-1, nix it and you get mk4cockpit-2.

I've already used mk4crewcabin-1 in my personnel transports. And I have mk4cockpit-1 to use, so missing mk4cockpit-2 is not an issue for me.

EDIT: 1 hour later, I decided to chase this rabbit.

Finding out that mk4crewcabin-1 caused it is 95% of the solution. The fix is to resolve the issue with texture mk4common-1-blank-n. It looks like the "blank" textures are all 4x4, except  mk4common-1-blank-n, which is 2x2. Something about that is not kosher with KSP.

So I renamed mk4common-1-blank-n.dds in GameData\MarkIVSystem\Parts\Pods\mk4crewcabin-1 to mk4common-1-blank-n.dds.orig.

Then I made a copy of mk4common-1-blank.dds and renamed the copy to mk4common-1-blank-n.dds to give KSP a valid texture to load.

I haven't done a side-by-side comparison on how different the mk4crewcabin looks like now after the change. But I do get the mk4cockpit-2 now, together with the mk4crewcabin.

Edited by bcqJC
Included a workaround for the mk4cockpit-2 issue
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Holy clap, I never knew!!! I just finished building a shuttle using the mk4cockpit-2/Vulture pod. I see now what I'm missing.

All the MFDs work! I didn't complain about the mk4cockpit-1/Thunderhawk displays before because I think it'll be awkward to fly using IVA anyway. The 60x30 MFD screens for MechJeb don't display the menus for some reason. And I have to "turn on my seat" to reach the auxiliary toggles/controls on the side.

But with the Vulture, everything is front-and-center for the pilot. And all the MFDs work! Granted, visibility is limited. It's like looking through arrowslits of a castle. But that makes total sense in a spaceplane.

Does anyone have a VR rig and played using the Thunderhawk? This mod makes me wish I have one now. I have a MSI-GS63VR with NVidia GTX70-MaxQ. I think it will support a VR setup. Something to think about when Black Friday sales start :)

Anyways... time to actually take the Vulture out for her maiden flight.

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9 hours ago, bcqJC said:

Regarding the mk4cockpit-2...


So I renamed mk4common-1-blank-n.dds in GameData\MarkIVSystem\Parts\Pods\mk4crewcabin-1 to mk4common-1-blank-n.dds.orig.

Then I made a copy of mk4common-1-blank.dds and renamed the copy to mk4common-1-blank-n.dds to give KSP a valid texture to load.

I haven't done a side-by-side comparison on how different the mk4crewcabin looks like now after the change. But I do get the mk4cockpit-2 now, together with the mk4crewcabin.

Wow! Thanks a lot!

It looks like Mk4 Vulture cockpit and fuselage parts are back to my game.

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Found out why the ThunderHawk MFDs are not working for MechJeb. The screenWidth, as defined in the NearFutureProps RPM patch that came packaged with the MarkIV, must be changed to a higher value.

The screenWidth is currently set to 2 (see below). I changed it to 92 - a guesstimate after taking into account the ratios of the other width and height settings.

/ Adds RPM support to NFProps MFDS
    name = RasterPropMonitor
    screenTransform = ScreenTransform
    fontTransform = ASET/ASET_Props/MFDs/Fonts/mainfont
    textureLayerID = _Emissive            // Name of texture layer to work with on the screen surface.
    screenWidth = 2                      // Screen width in letters.
    screenHeight = 40                     // Screen height in lines.
    screenPixelWidth = 736                // Width of the generated screen texture in pixels.
    screenPixelHeight = 800               // Height of the generated screen texture in pixels.
    fontLetterWidth = 16                  // Width of a font character.
    fontLetterHeight = 32                 // Height of a font character.
    cameraAspect = 0.892
    fontDefinition = ASET/ASET_Props/MFDs/Fonts/fontDefinition.txt

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Hi, here is a log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5sdzcbltobydaoj/saves for LoadingScreenManager.1.output_log.rar?dl=0

Yes it is an odd name, but it does have the below in it.

I have no idea if this is connected or that the message just happens to be near this:


Load(Texture): MarkIVSystem/Parts/Pods/mk4crewcabin-1/mk4common-1-blank-n
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=5301 w=2 h=2 mips=3 d3dfmt=21 [invalid call]
UnityException: LoadRawTextureData: not enough data provided (will result in overread).
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:LoadRawTextureData_ImplArray (byte[])
  at UnityEngine.Texture2D.LoadRawTextureData (System.Byte[] data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at DatabaseLoaderTexture_DDS.Read (System.String filename) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at DatabaseLoaderTexture_DDS+<Load>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


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On 9/6/2018 at 2:44 PM, bcqJC said:

Regarding the mk4cockpit-2...

I'm on KSP 1.4.5. I'm a dev myself (boring business software, not the bleeding-edge game dev like the modders). So I understand the frustration of trying to support users who use an application on an unsupported release. So I accept that I'll have to live without it until @nertea is able to fit it his schedule. I have to say, @nertea, I admire your ability to juggle all the mods you're supporting.

Back to the cockpit-2 issue... Having looked at KSP.log, I see that the textures for cockpit-2 are all successfully loaded. So there should be no reason why KSP errors out later, when it loads the cockpit-2 model.

However, just after the cockpit-2 textures are loaded, the mk4crewcabin-1 textures are loaded. And there, KSP generates an exception. Which gets me thinking, maybe it's the mk4crewcabin-1 that has issues and it is messing up mk4cockpit-2 somehow.

So I tried removing mk4crewcabin-1 from the Parts/Pods folder - placed it in a temp folder outside of KSP. It worked. I can now see and use mk4cockpit-2.

So... If you can do without the mk4crewcabin-1, nix it and you get mk4cockpit-2.

I've already used mk4crewcabin-1 in my personnel transports. And I have mk4cockpit-1 to use, so missing mk4cockpit-2 is not an issue for me.

EDIT: 1 hour later, I decided to chase this rabbit.

Finding out that mk4crewcabin-1 caused it is 95% of the solution. The fix is to resolve the issue with texture mk4common-1-blank-n. It looks like the "blank" textures are all 4x4, except  mk4common-1-blank-n, which is 2x2. Something about that is not kosher with KSP.

So I renamed mk4common-1-blank-n.dds in GameData\MarkIVSystem\Parts\Pods\mk4crewcabin-1 to mk4common-1-blank-n.dds.orig.

Then I made a copy of mk4common-1-blank.dds and renamed the copy to mk4common-1-blank-n.dds to give KSP a valid texture to load.

I haven't done a side-by-side comparison on how different the mk4crewcabin looks like now after the change. But I do get the mk4cockpit-2 now, together with the mk4crewcabin.

I haven't tried this yet, will report back when I do. But still, you've just made my day, friend. :D

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Finally, 1.4.5 support! 

  •  KSP 1.4.5
  •  Widened valid version range to up to KSP 1.4.99
  •  Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.3.3
  •  Updated ModuleManager to 3.0.7
  •  Removed CRP, KerbalActuators from distribution
  •  Split pack: only Mk4 fuselage profile parts remain. Rest moved to Near Future Aeronautics
  •  Updated NF Props to 0.3.4
    •  Fixed RPM patch
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