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[0.22] ISA MapSat 4.0 Dev Build


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  123kde said:
its... *sniff sniff* so... beautiful! :D its fixed! im so happy to be able to finally see my maps again!. just thought you should know though, the coords youd normally get when mousing over the map are now gone. just in case you wanted to know. im perfectly happy with visual clues alone. anyway, thanks again! :)

That's odd I haven't touched those and didn't notice anything not showing when I tested it before uploading.

Will look into it if I get the chance and that's why I really wanted to post a message and give a little heads up.

I'm in a little bit of a jam. When I came home and turned on the pc my screen apparently decided to start it's death throes.

It's currently very blueish tinted and I can hardly read the text on the screen, the on screen display menu shows garbage.

Atm I can't afford a new screen so should it die you'll know why I'm absent completely and can't work on Mapsat or the other mod I wanted to have out this week. No clue when I could afford a new one, this is usually crunch time money-wise until summer :/ So my expectations of being able to replace it soon aren't very high.

On the upside, at least this time you're informed as to why I'm not putting out updates, am not on irc and never reply here lol.

Anyway just wanted to let you all know before the screen gives out completely.

  zYnthethicz said:
Don't you have to switch to that vessel before taking off then?

Nope I don't stop the running of mapsat if it's not active flight or anything, if you are close enough for the part to be spawned and it's script to run you'll just get mapsat showing up.

E.g. if you put a mapsat rocket on launchpad and then leave it there, start a plane without mapsat on the runway, you'll still get the mapsat icon and everything. Once you fly away far enough it will disappear as the part on the rocket gets unloaded due to range (I guess)

Edited by Innsewerants
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Hi there,

I'm sure I'm not the first one to play with this and sorry, I've not read the 76 pages of comments, so ignore me if it's boring or tell me where I should talk about this if here is not the right place.

So I've written a Node.js script to generate maps using the elevation csv files of MapSat. I'm building my maps by drawing layers of geohashes ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash ) , which allow me to interpolate values for the aeras around my mesure points, and it also gives us a mesurement of the precision for the map.

( Currently it generates 6400x3200p png files which you can find there: http://construct.ath.cx/~case/ksp_maps/ )

Here is the result for Kerbin, with a medium quality coverage on most parts, and high quality strips (I've to collect more data)


(full size: http://construct.ath.cx/~case/ksp_maps/Kerbin_5_both.png )

The brightness represents elevation,and the color the precision of the mesure.

Here is a closeup of this map, elevation only:


(you can see a high def zone on the left)

I've also mapped Laythe, but my orbit was far from polar, which explains th big squares on the poles here:


(full size: http://construct.ath.cx/~case/ksp_maps/Laythe_5_both.png )

And here is a very partial map of the Mun, showing how the map is built from different sizes of geohashes:


(full size: http://construct.ath.cx/~case/ksp_maps/Mun_5_both.png)

If I continue working on this, I'll maybe try to rely on a database instead of plain files, maybe to agregate my own data with others in a single database, and what would be fun and not very difficult from the code I have : a tile based website to explore KSP bodies, Google Map style...

Thanks for your attention, and kudos to Innsewerants for this incredible mod!

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  Azivegu said:
You know what would be cool, if you had a small device (transponder) that you can use on all your ships/rovers so you know exactly where you are on a planet. But it wont be able to make maps. That way you can use the maps without having a bulky dish onboard.

I wish i knew how to make something like that, but i find Sketchup to be a challenge, so...

But if someone could put something like that together that would be great!

I've made an antenna that does that job. I'll upload it for you. It still makes maps, but it's a ****load smaller than the sat dish and more akin to older dated sounding rockets for data collection.

'Internal MechJeb & ISA Map Sat' with external antennae components: <a href="http://www./?tkckj2vagl8ws4l">http://www./?tkckj2vagl8ws4l</a>

Had to tweak the crash and impact tolerance dramatically, as when equipped on DEMV rovers (which have a habit of spontaneously barrel rolling and smashing your **** and exploding) they proved problematically vulnerable.

Edited by bashpr0mpt
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  Innsewerants said:
If you are using another part instead of the dish the problem is most likely a lot of null reference errors, the dish animation in mapsat is done by code so it's looking for dish model parts that aren't there if you use a different part and such null references can halt the rest of the code from running properly.

I too have this problem, it has only manifested since updating to the latest version, and I have released the <a href="http://www.kerbal.net/mod.php?id=80">parts I use</a> for others to access, so inevitably I'm assuming this means those are broken too? :/

Is there any way you can free up the code so that not using the default dish won't break the plugin?

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hey guys, i have a problem and somehow im not really finding a logical clue how to solve it.

When I open the MapGen over CMD lines nothing happens and also when im starting it directly it close itself instantly, I have also tested some little tools here from the thread like the GUI for the MapGen but nothing really works.

I want to create a hi-res map of mun and minmus, so can somebody please explain it logical how to do it and what is needed for it ?

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  case said:
Hi there,

I'm sure I'm not the first one to play with this and sorry, I've not read the 76 pages of comments, so ignore me if it's boring or tell me where I should talk about this if here is not the right place.

So I've written a Node.js script to generate maps using the elevation csv files of MapSat. I'm building my maps by drawing layers of geohashes ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash ) , which allow me to interpolate values for the aeras around my mesure points, and it also gives us a mesurement of the precision for the map.

If I continue working on this, I'll maybe try to rely on a database instead of plain files, maybe to agregate my own data with others in a single database, and what would be fun and not very difficult from the code I have : a tile based website to explore KSP bodies, Google Map style...

Thanks for your attention, and kudos to Innsewerants for this incredible mod!

Case you might be interested in this as Phoenix_ca is doing similar work and needs more data.


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  Psych said:
hey guys, i have a problem and somehow im not really finding a logical clue how to solve it.

When I open the MapGen over CMD lines nothing happens and also when im starting it directly it close itself instantly, I have also tested some little tools here from the thread like the GUI for the MapGen but nothing really works.

I want to create a hi-res map of mun and minmus, so can somebody please explain it logical how to do it and what is needed for it ?

Look back a few pages, someone uploaded a handy little program that will give a GUI to the MapGen program.

Here it is:


Edited by Dweller_Benthos
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  • 6 months later...

Im not sure if this is the right place to post this, if I am in the wrong, just let me know. Anyway, there was a blog post that contained the ideal altitudes for mapsat. It appears that the post doesn't exist anymore after the forum meltdown. Does anyone have those altitudes, or the script the guy used to generate them?

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Epic mod - much practice gained at throwing probes about like a loony :D

Currently having a bit of a glitch with 3.3.4 when mapping eeloo. The whole map is rendering as pure white with no topographic features visible :(

Looking at the map colour key it looks like both the purple (low) end and the white (high) end are both set to 0 meters, which would kind of make sense of why everything is white if every alltitude above 0 meters is white. Is that something I can adjust with an edit myself somewhere?

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250km 88 degree inclination is what ive been using and works pretty well for everything.

dude make sure you have the antennae mounted and not the gps unit. the gps unit doesn't have the map creation buttons on the panel.

elkar just hover over the spot and the numbers that are there are the coordinates put them into the landing autopilot after you choose the dec setting and then hit land at target. that should work at least that's how ive been doing it.

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  Alephzorg said:

That was the link (kept it to check). But it seems it fell victim to the servers wipe of 2013...

I made it in Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aicph3-KYrXadElSbUVDUU50MlZBR1B4R0o5OUUyNXc&usp=sharing
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  lex starwalker said:
I've been trying to get this mod to work. I extracted the files and copied them into the apprpriate KSP directories, however I'm not seeing either of the parts in-game to put on my craft. Can anyone help me out here?

They are under the Aerodynamics section in the VAB, took me a while to find them.

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