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[1.2.1] Outer Planets Mod (2.1) - Active development has moved, see first post for new thread


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I've tried this mod out. Splendid and marvelous. I hope you'll develop it further.

There are few errors to report.

- Ovok's physical rendering looks like Minmus with exaggerated surface. I don't know if that's because of WIP, but I'm reporting it nonetheless. It does not look anything like Ovok is described.

- Warping time in Sarnus' system causes teleporting along the orbit.

- Leaving Ovok's SOI teleported my probe some 60° behind (no warping).

- Slate is quite difficult to render for some reason, and causes jagged movements of the whole game.

If someone added original Ablate from Planet Factory and Ascension (comet) to this system, it would be something I'd expect from KSP when it becomes a finished game. You've done a great job and I hope it will become even better.

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I've tried this mod out. Splendid and marvelous. I hope you'll develop it further.

There are few errors to report.

- Ovok's physical rendering looks like Minmus with exaggerated surface. I don't know if that's because of WIP, but I'm reporting it nonetheless. It does not look anything like Ovok is described.

- Warping time in Sarnus' system causes teleporting along the orbit.

- Leaving Ovok's SOI teleported my probe some 60° behind (no warping).

- Slate is quite difficult to render for some reason, and causes jagged movements of the whole game.

If someone added original Ablate from Planet Factory and Ascension (comet) to this system, it would be something I'd expect from KSP when it becomes a finished game. You've done a great job and I hope it will become even better.

lajos couldnt that be caused by pqs problems?

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borisbee i dont think its normal behavor due to fact without a pqs alot of mods will throw errors cause they cant read the height maps of the body u around.looking at all the errors i was getting from varous mods all seem to point to they cant figure out what body im around.

interstellar needs to know your hieight arounda body to process its radaion part. right now it throws errors around the moons cause it is missing part what it needs to know wheere it is. same with the acheivments mod it needs pqs input to know how high u are it was throwing erros same as intersteelar based on it is missing the part of the info i needs namely where the ship is.

all the errors i keep getting all point to 1 thing pqs missing which every planetary body needs far as i know

Interstellar is not really supported for one thing. It's a dying mod with an obsolete resource system (ORS). Everything is moving to the regolith API. Like I said, the missing default pqs is "normal" in that even RSS has those messages pop up in the debug but they don't seem to cause any harm.

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Any news for writing science reports?

CaptRobau will be organising this very soon.

I'd also like to announce that if all goes to plan, there will be surprise in the next version (or soon after) for you all to enjoy - courtesy of a collaboration between Porkjet and myself.

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CaptRobau will be organising this very soon.

I'd also like to announce that if all goes to plan, there will be surprise in the next version (or soon after) for you all to enjoy - courtesy of a collaboration between Porkjet and myself.

Very exciting news!

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PMs have been sent to all who volunteered with instructions on writing descriptions for us. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

- - - Updated - - -

I've tried this mod out. Splendid and marvelous. I hope you'll develop it further.

There are few errors to report.

- Ovok's physical rendering looks like Minmus with exaggerated surface. I don't know if that's because of WIP, but I'm reporting it nonetheless. It does not look anything like Ovok is described.

- Warping time in Sarnus' system causes teleporting along the orbit.

- Leaving Ovok's SOI teleported my probe some 60° behind (no warping).

- Slate is quite difficult to render for some reason, and causes jagged movements of the whole game.

If Slate and Ovok look that different from what they're advertised, then I think there's something weird on your end. Have you tried reinstalling the mod?

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I can share an updated 6.4x config, but I am not quite happy with it yet (opm planets suffer from the usual resizing sickness, that is totally boring terrain) and I incorporated several other changes from other people and myself in there. Since I just started looking at config files three days ago, a lot of this is copypasta.

// Includes Kerbin PQS adjustments and tweaks to KSC's position by NonWonderDog as well as modifications to

// the terrain of the mun and terrain, radius and densities of Minmus, Gilly and Bop by Eudae55.

// Minmus changed to 3.2x stock size, Gilly and Bop reverted to stock size, densities kept to the values from

// after the rescale.

// The celestial Bodies added by the Outer Planets Mod by CaptRobau and Eudea55 had their radii and semi major axes

// increased by 6.4, with the gas giants Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon having their densities modeled after those of

// Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. The density of Ovok was changed to resemble that of ice; all remaining bodies have

// densities in line with unchanged surface gravitation and upscaled radius/mass.

It is mostly working, but still has several smaller issues that bug me. Apart from the terrain, Kerbol seems to be visible through resized gas giants, Sarnus has a sort of "halo" around it that looks quite bad from certain perspectives and cuts the rings off before the planet begins, and at last, it turned out quite heavy having its density based on Jupiter (sounded like a good idea while doing the maths :P). Not sure what you think about 30km/s dV escape velocity out of the sarnus system... With that, you might be going in, but unless you brought a Factory and some ISRU equipment with you, you stay there :D What does work, and what does not:g7z2Rvo.png

Now, I do not have alot of experience with digging around in configs yet, so I am bound to have made mistakes somewhere - keep that in mind, because things might break. Also, if anyone knows what PQSmods and parameters are needed to resize planets while keeping their terrain and shape the same, please be so kind to enlighten me :)

There are 4 configs in total, one for RSS, one for Kopernicus and two for Kittopia, along with the .obj files RSS creates in its initial run. I included those so you wont have to wait for 20 minutes at first load, and because old .obj files might cause RSS to not implement new changes. Copy into contents of GameData into your GameData folder (duh!) and overwrite when asked. If you find anything I screwed up or have any other suggestions, tell me!


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I got them by letting RSS load up with the modified configs. Not knowing anything about the inner workings of the RSS, I noticed that changes made to the config files (say, some changed PQS values) dont seem to be applied when there is an .obj file from before that config change present. I actually had to delete old ones before changes would take effect. I think they have a bigger role than scaledspace if they are responsible for that at all.

Need to do more digging in the RSS thread to even being grasping all of it...

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Maybe I can figure something out using the Contract Configurator mod. It could trigger after you landed on the Mun pr something. By that point you could have the knowledge and tech to get a flyby going.

Very cool, that one shouldn't be a problem for Contract Configurator. Note that I haven't done any testing with mods that add new planets - but I don't see any major reason why it wouldn't work. If you run into any issues, ping me or post on my thread and I'll be happy to make whatever changes that are necessary to get it up and running with OPM.

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