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[WIP] LanderTek - New Modular Lander Parts from Axial Aerospace


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Updated screenshot... Should have a download of this version later tonight or tomorrow! :)

I'm testing out a desaturated color scheme... Not committing one way or the other yet.


- - - Updated - - -

Update done. First post has been updated to reflect the new list of parts.

The current status - almost there... but a lot left to do.

I'm shifting gears and working on the 1.25m lander cabin, and the IVA's for both lander cabins.

The only other totally new parts in the plans after that are the smaller undercarriage with legs, and some KAS integration bits - adding a pipe connection plate and making a container and a winch that are both sized to fit on the two undercarriages included with this pack.

The parts count has... grown rapidly. I'd love some input on best way to package it up? It all uses two texture files... so it's not really a memory hog, but it can add a bit of parts list clutter with that many pieces. Would people appreciate me splitting the release into 4 packages for the 2.5m stack, the 1.25m stack, the skycrane, and the science bits? I've pondered reducing the parts count by using one of the mesh/cfg changing plugins... so you could add a '2.5' lander component, then from the right click menu give it an engine and/or RCS... but I'm sort of adverse to any plugin dependency if it can be avoided. The number of people who've left negative feedback about my Dreamer mod without installing the clearly indicated Firespitter plugin is obnoxious... so if I can avoid that I'd like to. Thoughts?

Edited by artwhaley
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Your new stuff looks pretty cool. I can't wait to try it out.

I'd tend to agree with you about avoiding make it plugin dependant. Every time KSP is updated many plugins stop working and you need to wait for them to be updated. This means removing any dependant parts which removes any flights in progress that may be using them. For example, if .91 comes out and your lander needs a plugin that's not compatable it has to be removed. If that lander was docked at my science station orbiting duna then I lose that as well and any other ships that might be docked to it. Sometimes plugin dependancies can ripple out beyond your own mod.

A growing parts list can be a concern. With the 64 bit version of KSP being so buggy and the 32 bit version being so memory limited, there are many excellent mods that I'd like to use but just don't have the memory for. Fortunatly your mod hasn't gotten to that point yet. My advice for your release version would be to have one download, but sort it into folders for your 2.5m, 1.25m, skycrane, and science. That way if the entire pack is too large for a user they can just remove a folder to get rid of one category.

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Small progress report...

I lied when I said I was going to focus on command pods. I started on that... and decided that what I was trying to do with them - especially trying to work with the existing texture atlas of the rest of the mod pack - wasn't producing something that I really liked. I eventually will revisit the two command pods I've got planned for this pack, but not right away. Stock provides perfectly adequate, if a bit boring, lander cans in both sizes... and there are other good options out there (ALCOR!!!!) and I've got a couple of other projects that deserve some attention soon... so they're backburner'ed for a while.

In the meantime, two new bits being tested tonight and tomorrow - the first set of landing lights:


And the largest of 3 planned fairings for actually getting these silly landers into space!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Awesome mod, but the fuel tanks and combined fuel tank/engines really need some balancing. They carry way too much fuel for their size. For instance, the 1.25m Landing Lower Stage carriees 90/110 LFO, the same as the stock FL-T200 Fuel Tank, which is at least 4x the same volume.

Also, there's an issue with using the Lander 1.75m engine/tank with the undercarriage landing gear. With the other engines it works fine, with the jet going through the middle, but with that engine I get a burst of thrust when I turn it on, then no more thrust.

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Love this mod and have been using the parts for a little while now. I've recently had a problem with the parts turning white in the VAB (losing their textures I guess?). Any idea why the textures might be disappearing?

More details, including screenshots, here

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, first off, I would like to say that this is a great mod idea. I love the designs, and the way the attachable instruments are made. I have run into a major issue though. When using either of the undercarriages, the engines above them refuse to work. This is because upon placing the undercarriage, it closes off the engine above it, and causes it to not produce thrust. This makes the undercarriages unusable from what I can tell.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Updated for 1.0.5!

Everything should be working! The decouplers are VERY thin, so like all thin stack mount parts, the trick is to put them in place then move the mouse slowly down until they turn green as the nodes find each other. I get scattered reports that the undercarriages block engine thrust... But I've been unable to duplicate this problem! If anyone can verify, please let me know and shoot my craft files (if you're not using too many other mods!) or at least pics?
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  • 2 months later...

Hey i dont know what development is like right now but i've been using your mod and loving it but i've realized recently that its making my game very unstable. i have a whole lot of mods installed so i could give you the list so you can take a look and maybe it'll help down the road? i don't know i just thought id let you know. love the mod keep up the good work.

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Ahh, I'll find the original file and get it on curseforge, thanks.


As to instability - my mod is a parts only mod, so there's really nothing it can be doing to create instability?  I'll take a look and make sure I'm not using any deprecated modules or anything, but...  part mods don't, in general, 'do anything.'  They're just 3D models that the game loads and moves around and works with using it's existing code...  as opposed to plugin mods that add code to the game and can create instability and such.  What do you mean by 'instability?'  Crashes?  Lag?  It's been forever since I've worked on the mod, but I think it essentially ALL uses one texture, so it's a very low ram footprint mod... 

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  On 10/19/2019 at 5:33 AM, Dave7 said:

I have version 0.5, no idea if that was the last.  It's the Nov 11, 2015 update so it should be the latest.


@Dave7 nice. would you put it on github/dropbox/somewhere and shoot me the link?


Thank you in advance.


I am reviewing this mod for possible modernization... no promises - sortof depends upon the license first and foremost.

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  On 10/19/2019 at 3:45 PM, Dave7 said:

@zer0Kerbal Try this link and let me know if it doesn't work...




worked great! thank you. :D

so the Cargo Bays and Dreamer are under a GPLv3 license - am still looking for the license for LanderTek - but I do believe it was also under a GPLv3 license.

Which means, I could update / modernize and release one or more under terms of the license.

I am already working on the cargo bays for release.

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  On 10/19/2019 at 6:58 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

- am still looking for the license for LanderTek - but I do believe it was also under a GPLv3 license.

Which means, I could update / modernize and release one or more under terms of the license.


Hmm.. do you have a solid source on that?.. no license seems to be mentioned in his OP, and there doesnt seem to be a license included in the package either? .. which means it looks moar like its an ARR by default... unless he publicly stated somewhere else an open license?

i would find out for sure, before putting any effort or work into something you eventually wouldnt be able to publish vOv

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 10/19/2019 at 7:22 PM, Stone Blue said:

Hmm.. do you have a solid source on that?.. no license seems to be mentioned in his OP, and there doesnt seem to be a license included in the package either? .. which means it looks moar like its an ARR by default... unless he publicly stated somewhere else an open license?

i would find out for sure, before putting any effort or work into something you eventually wouldnt be able to publish vOv


Yes - (CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0) per Spacedock (as is all related textures).

https://spacedock.info/mod/418/Mk. 1-1 A2 Two Kerbal Command Pod

Appreciate you looking out for both the author and me. :D

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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