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[1.0.5] Atomic Age - Nuclear Propulsion - Red Hot Radiators


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I have it install too and got the bulb engine in tweakable versions on some aircraft. It was working fine on 1.0.4 and I got big heat problems with 1.0.5 on the bulb.....They would heat and explode very quickly after start....

It looks like when the bulb engines are exposed to heat du to acceleration, when over 20km building speed to M4.5, when I stop my scramjet and start the bulb, they heat very quickly.

If I replace bulb by  stock LV-N, this won't happen.

If i use bulb engines on Mun for example they won't heat.....

So it looks like they can't be use after general  heating du to acceleration or whatever else

Edited by gilflo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just started to play with this.  I was hoping to find some translations between the older heat model and the current 1.0.5 here.  I'd like to edit the tooltips with guidance on how much cooling to use, for instance like the stock ISRU and drills have.  

Don't see anything like that, so I figured I'd throw what I've found up here.  I only tested the Lightbulb engine, as that's what I downloaded this for.  Two medium Thermal Control System active radiators (stock, 500kW) can't cool the Lightbulb on the Kerbin launchpad at 100% for terribly long.  Two large TCS radiators seem to slowly reach equilibrium, or very close to it at around 1550K. So can we guess that the 2000 "Waste Heat Rating" has more or less the same units as the 2000kW "Core Heat xFer" of the TCS radiators?

Any hope of at least a quickie documentation update?

Edited by fourfa
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I built some fantastic vehicles using the bulb atomic engine, the only nuclear gimballed engine, they 're working fine on 1.0.4 but not playable on 1.0.5 because of the new heating system. Atomic bulb engine will heat and explode quickly , even with a ton of radiators!! I guess it's the same issue with other Atomic engines....

i am waiting for an update too.....PLEASE....

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On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2015 at 7:29 AM, gilflo said:

I built some fantastic vehicles using the bulb atomic engine, the only nuclear gimballed engine, they 're working fine on 1.0.4 but not playable on 1.0.5 because of the new heating system. Atomic bulb engine will heat and explode quickly , even with a ton of radiators!! I guess it's the same issue with other Atomic engines....

i am waiting for an update too.....PLEASE....

Not to hijack Porkjets thread with my entirely un-porkalike projects, but "Heat Management" in my signature will take care of that for you, at the cost of extra mass (and a touch of electricity).

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Well, With all cooling system, it's working as long as you don't run them in  a hot environment.....

If I start bulb engines at 28km, M 4.5, temperature not increasing any more, with a 500° margin from max temp, even with Heatsink, AHMS and radiators extended, they don't live more than 15sec, temp is increasing very quickly.

There's no temp problem in the same configuration with the stock Nerv engine, that's why I think they need some update....

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Did you start the bulb engineat 26 km when temperature is around 1500° ? I tried on my SSTO and even with all the cooling stuff they overheat very quickly, while the Nerv engine works fine and even its temperature decrease.

If you start your bulb on the moon in the cold it's ok..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Threw together a quick MM cfg to add core heat to the Candle, and add a few other 1.0.5 features to the rest of the engines. Mostly took numbers from the Nerv and the PB-NUK. Seems to work. Can run the lightbulb with the included 2.5m radiators all around as in the picture on the original post almost to the end of an orange tank on the launchpad. Will run indefinately at 80% thrust. I'd like to add a core heatingmodule to the lightbulb, but I'm not sure how to make it accurate. Use this at your own risk.

I've only tested these on the launchpad so let me know how they do in space.



//Atomic Age MM Config for 1.0.5
//by theonegalen, v. 0.1, 19 jan 2016

//LANTERN Engine
    %skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
    %radiatorMax = 0.35

//CCGC-7 Nuclear Lightbulb
    %skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
    %radiatorMax = 0.35
    %emissiveConstant = 0.85
    %maxTemp = 3500
    maxSkinTemp = 2200

//"Torch" Nuclear Turbojet
    %skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0

//"Candle" Radioisotope Rocket
    %skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0
    %radiatorMax = 1.5    
        name = ModuleCoreHeat
        CoreTempGoal = 350                    //Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
        CoreToPartRatio = 0.1                //Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
        CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0            //Dynamic goal adjustment
        CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.01            //What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
        HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.01            //If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
        CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0        //If the core is colder, how much radiates?
        HeatTransferMultiplier = 0            //If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
        CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0        //If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
        radiatorCoolingFactor = 0            //How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
        radiatorHeatingFactor = 0            //How much energy we push to the active radiator
        MaxCalculationWarp = 1000            //Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
        CoreShutdownTemp = 10000            //At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
        MaxCoolant = 0                        //Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 2500 = 1 small
            key = 0     25000
            key = 200     10000
            key = 250     50        
            key = 300    25
            key = 350    0


Edited by theonegalen
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6 hours ago, theonegalen said:

Threw together a quick MM cfg to add core heat to the Candle, and add a few other 1.0.5 features to the rest of the engines. Mostly took numbers from the Nerv and the PB-NUK. Seems to work. Can run the lightbulb with the included 2.5m radiators all around as in the picture on the original post almost to the end of an orange tank on the launchpad. Will run indefinately at 80% thrust. I'd like to add a core heatingmodule to the lightbulb, but I'm not sure how to make it accurate. Use this at your own risk.

I've only tested these on the launchpad so let me know how they do in space.

Thank you. I'd been looking at doing this myself. Hadn't got anywhere near as far as you have, though.

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@gilflo Just copy the text theonegalen posted, open your favorite text editor, paste it, save it (put .cfg in place of the file extension), anywhere in Gamedata folder.... You may put it in the Atomic Age folder to keep it with the mod, or as some people do, put all their custom patches into one folder to keep track of them, even after removing the mod... It really doesnt matter WHERE you put it, as long as its in the Gamedata folder, or ANY sub-folder there-in.

Edited by Stone Blue
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So--somewhat irrelevant question: can anyone indentify the cone-shaped command module in the last spacecraft picture in the original post, Page 1? I've been trying to reproduce various spacecraft from this pack (since I don't really have good techniques for designing nuclear spacecraft), and i can't place it. Is it from a mod? It looks like an updated version of old nosecone from before 0.90, but I can't place it. 

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20 minutes ago, Synthesis said:

So--somewhat irrelevant question: can anyone indentify the cone-shaped command module in the last spacecraft picture in the original post, Page 1? I've been trying to reproduce various spacecraft from this pack (since I don't really have good techniques for designing nuclear spacecraft), and i can't place it. Is it from a mod? It looks like an updated version of old nosecone from before 0.90, but I can't place it. 

I'm not at home, but I will check when I do get home because I was wondering the same thing... 

Could it be a 0.625 to 1.25 m fuel tank adaptor?

/Also looking forward to a 1.1 version of this mod, if ever Porkjet decides to abandon the toil of SQUAD and rejoin the toil of modding-for-free :P

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29 minutes ago, Threadsinger said:

I'm not at home, but I will check when I do get home because I was wondering the same thing... 

Could it be a 0.625 to 1.25 m fuel tank adaptor?

/Also looking forward to a 1.1 version of this mod, if ever Porkjet decides to abandon the toil of SQUAD and rejoin the toil of modding-for-free :P

It seems to have a "native" antenna (in addition to the big Squad one)--so i doubt it's an adapter? 

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1 hour ago, Synthesis said:

So--somewhat irrelevant question: can anyone indentify the cone-shaped command module in the last spacecraft picture in the original post, Page 1? I've been trying to reproduce various spacecraft from this pack (since I don't really have good techniques for designing nuclear spacecraft), and i can't place it. Is it from a mod? It looks like an updated version of old nosecone from before 0.90, but I can't place it. 

It appears to me to be a rescaled (i.e. TweakScaled) stock avionics nosecone, but I'm only 99.3% sure about that.  :)  If you don't recognize it, it may also have been retextured by Ven's Stock Revamp mod, or another retexture mod, perhaps.

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