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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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If i put a second procedural control surface, one for wings and one for tail, the one for wings never lift

Any suggestions ?

EDIT: damn it, still there is a problem, I thought it was because of my plane design, but if i switch in air between 2 jets fighters(ussing BD Armory) when I turn to the first plane, his elavon work upside down and obviously now it doesn't lift at all :(

Edited by GERULA
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Is this compatible with procedural parts (fuel tanks and more) and whats with the 2 game data folders, whats the difference in textures?

There's no incompatibility with ProceduralParts. They're entirely separate. One of the texture variants is more stockalike (I think the default one).

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That's outside of what I can control, there is no support for control surfaces like that in the game.

I'm actually working on a mod to help bring this in, now that we have the stock airbrake modules it should be possible. I'd love help with a model though, I need a model to test with but I'm horrid at making them.

Edit: this is a reply to a very early comment in the thread, like on the first page early.

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Thanks! I will check that once I am back from work. Is this something that ships by default with the mod?

UPDATE: I just tried downloading the mode to check what is in the default download and I see a "FARVoxPatch.cfg" file; could this be what is causing the problem?

If so would it be possible to have two configurations (either as a zip or module on CKAN) that we could download if we are using FAR / stock configurations (just a thought)?

Edited by badrobit
updated for found configuration files.
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That won't have any effect if FAR isn't present.

The normal reason for this to happen is when you have used FAR in the past and then removed it using CKAN. Because CKAN doesn't remove the FerramAerospaceResearch folder, the module manager patches for FAR still get applied. The solution is just to delete the FAR folder from GameData

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Reporting a possible bug, though this may be the result of the stock parts. It seems that the wings are not being occluded by fairings. Now, I've tested this by launching a empty 3.75m rocket without issue. Add in a craft that is totally covered by fairings in the same rocket and it tends to flip in the a direction associated with the wings' generated lift. I have not been able to replicate the same issues with stock wings to any extent. Any other non-winged payload will not reproduce the aforementioned results. Ive also ran this against both stock and KW fairings.

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Reporting a possible bug, though this may be the result of the stock parts. It seems that the wings are not being occluded by fairings. Now, I've tested this by launching a empty 3.75m rocket without issue. Add in a craft that is totally covered by fairings in the same rocket and it tends to flip in the a direction associated with the wings' generated lift. I have not been able to replicate the same issues with stock wings to any extent. Any other non-winged payload will not reproduce the aforementioned results. Ive also ran this against both stock and KW fairings.
I have the issue where these wings, even whilst inside a faring, still generate lift.....

Fairings and cargo bays have sometimes weird occlusion behaviour. You might have to enlarge your fairings. It's described as occlusion bug in this forum. It's mainly caused by wrong reference points of the non-occluded part and faulty meshes of the fairings.

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So I have an issue with this mod now. I've used it before on many planes without this issue, so I'm not sure as to what is going on.


Note the PWings still on the ground. It's as if my PW is now broken, altho the menus and everything work, it just won't fly. The planes explode on the runway, pulled back by some unseen force.

My mods are:

KSP: 1.0.4 (Win64) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 7 (6.1.7600) 64bit

Outer Planets Mod - 1.6.5

USI Tools - 0.4.2

B9 Aerospace - 5.2.6

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40

Community Resource Pack - 0.4.5

DMagic Orbital Science - 1.0.8

Engine Lighting - 1.4

Firespitter - 7.1.4

GCMonitor - 1.2.4

Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.17

Control Surface Action Groups - 1.0

RasterPropMonitor - 0.23.2

Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.4

Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.0.18

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4

KerboKatzUtilities - 1.2.8

KineTechAnimation - 1.1.1

Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.2

KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5

Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.2.1

Infernal Robots - 0.21.2

Kerbal Konstructs - 0.7.3

Modular Rocket Systems - 1.8

ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.1

Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.2

PlanetShine -

RCS Sounds - 4.3

DeepFreeze Continued... - 0.19.1

ResGen - 0.28.2

ShipManifest -

SpaceY Expanded - 0.8

SpaceY Lifters - 1.3.1

TAC Fuel Balancer -

TextureReplacer - 2.4.10

TAC Life Support -

TweakScale - 2.2.1

UbioWeldingLtd - 2.1.2

Freight Transport Tech - 0.4.1

Karbonite Plus - 0.5

MKS - 0.31.10

USI-LS - 0.1.5

Universal Storage -

KSP Interstellar Extended - 1.5.14

Any help is appreciated.

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ModularFlightIntegrator is in your modlist... Perhaps it's a relic of an old FAR or DRE install, don't know if another mod is using it... Have you tried to rebuild the craft? Maybe it's broken!?!

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ModularFlightIntegrator is in your modlist... Perhaps it's a relic of an old FAR or DRE install, don't know if another mod is using it... Have you tried to rebuild the craft? Maybe it's broken!?!

Being I'm at work I can't tell but I know it's PW as I've tried using the wings on other mods and stock parts with the same effect. I installed FAR once but it breaks my jail broken win64 version so I avoid it till the official unity5 ksp comes out.

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Might as well ignore this.. figured it out. Leftover files from an old FAR install I had from RSS/Realism Overhaul/FAR that was the culprit. Deleting those and the modulemanager cache fixed it.

I'm not sure what the problem here is but I've made myself a craft using these procedural wings for the first time and I'm finding that the control surfaces don't seem to respond at all. I've got several (all-moving) and several regular ones and none of them move at all. If I right click on them it won't let me assign pitch/yaw/roll and the like either, though I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen. Right clicking them on the runway doesn't even bring up a menu at all. Any ideas what could be going on? The game is mostly stock aside from a few UI mods and the OPT spaceplane parts I'm using that led me to put these wings in as well (nothing stock that goes nearly big enough.. though if I get these working everything I ever make from now on will only ever use them. God these need to be in the stock game something fierce).

I'm also noticing that all the numbers on the menu option "show wing data" are basically 0. Lift, surface area.. all of it. Only cost and volume have non zero values. That seems wrong to me. I'm thinking I'm missing a module or something somehow. Installed it via CKAN so it should have installed everything..

Edited by Enorats
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Hello I have a big problem, I installed the mod a lot of time ago, but now when I loaded career, load the hangar all planes with this wings have them in "basic" proportions, not shaped as before. The flaps were same. Whe n I tried to load one plane I had parked near KSC, it have the "basic" shape of wings too. It s very bad for me, because I used them a lot. Any suggestions or help?

EDIT: Next loading the game works perfectly, but still, I don t want reload game everytimes it do this weird thing.....
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