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Best way to read super-long threads?


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I have this problem that I haven't been reading every single thread ever created since they came into existence. The latest one I'm trying to understand is the Advanced Jet Engine which is (thankfully) only 100 pages long or so, but there are others which are just stupendous like the KSP-I thread. I know it's super annoying to a lot of people to have to repeat the same answers over and over so I like to try and read up the thread a bit, but, well, it's pretty difficult.

so, here's my question:

is it best to read backward from the latest posts in the thread or read from the front? Some combination of the two? What do you folks recommend?

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No one would be blamed for not reading the whole thread. You will be blamed if you post without reading the last page, and just to be safe you should also read at least the last 3-5 before posting

And using the search in a somewhat serious manner. It is all about effort. If you made one to get the answer you are looking for, no one is going to scream at you (or rightfully do so at least). If you just plunk your question down without thinking or searching then yeah, sure, you will get yelled at.

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Most of the things in the thread is old, out of date. Read only the first post (that's usually updated to contain the latest information), and the last page, maybe last 2 pages. To see if there are any frequent problems people report in the current version

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If you looking for info on a mod, first, see if the developer has a website.. look there for information.. also check first page of the thread for a FAQ post... Youtube also has tutorials and explanations on many mods. When all else fails.. I then post to the page stating there is no readily available information and request a page with some info on it, or "blasphemy" start a new CLEAN thread requesting information that many others are probably looking for, that way there is a small thread containing exactly the info you are all looking for.

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First page then the last 10 or so pages (either backward or forward, I'm not stuffy about that)

If I have a problem, I use the thread search function thingamajyg.

Sure, some mod devs could tiddy up a bit between large updates (new thread, close the older if they don't want to support it further).

One of the bigger problem is when the OP gets majorly updated as time goes on but the rest of the thread, especially the first page, gets outdated real fast. You might see comments on material that is no longer implemented or relevant.

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First page then the last 10 or so pages (either backward or forward, I'm not stuffy about that)

If I have a problem, I use the thread search function thingamajyg.

Whoa... when did that "search thread" button appear? I'm going to try that!

Sound interesting, where is this?

It's here.. It basically makes a realistic calculation on engine performance vs. the typical engine performance in KSP. The engine setups that are included are based on existing engines. It's neat.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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