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[1.3.x] SETI, Unmanned before Manned [Patreon]


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Like many others, I enjoyed playing career mod trough this more convinient tech tree. Thanks for all devoted time in creating this mod.

I hope that you will find some willpower after things settled on SQUAD side, even if have to wait another patch post console release.
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[quote name='mbaaga']I am having the same problem, just updated to 1.0.5 and updated the mods. I am also running remote tech.[/QUOTE]


I have spent the last 6 hours debugging this, learning how CKAN works, how plugins work, adding plug-ins one at a time, and try to salvage my save. I was focusing on SETI rebalance and came here to check the change log, but that was not the problem. It was Science Alert 1.8.9! It puts a no module IScienceDataTransmitter.TransmitData error in the log. (also using remote tech and SETI ctt).

I am sorry to see your go. It has been a very different career from my original stock game. And no small concern, one thing I've learned today is that my save will not load without SETI ctt installed. I hope it never breaks!
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[quote name='Yemo']Since forum rule 3.4 forbids me from discussing staff decisions or disrespecting staff (apparently by criticizing in a certain fashion/extent) and those rules are strictly enforced, even in threads which announce the deletion of many hours of user created content, I will not respond to any inquiries regarding the details of my decision.[/QUOTE]
I think you misunderstand that rule. It is intended to prevent public discussion of individual moderation actions (things like "Why did my post get deleted?" or "$user should be unbanned!"), discussions of policy are fine. Criticism and discussion are fine as long as they are not rude or insulting, we have several threads going where people are sharing their thoughts (both positive and negative) about the change.
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Searching didn't bring up any reference to this, so I guess I might be the first one to notice it...

Anyway, for some reason, the texture config for this mod completely wipes out the stock textures for the Procedural Parts mod. At first, I though it was because the config for this mod points toward a folder which no longer contains the texture files, but even after changing the config to point toward the new location, the textures are still missing in game. Aside from incorrect file locations, what else might be causing this interference? For the time being, I've disabled the SETI texture config, but it would be nice to get those custom textures back.

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[B]About procedural textures: [/B]
The paths within the SETIrebalance\0ProceduralTextures\SETI-Textures-ProceduralParts.cfg are wrong.
When you open that file, search for all "SETIctt" and replace with "SETIrebalance". That should fix it.

should become

[B]About the CTT update to 2.2:[/B]
This obviously is not compatible with the current SETIctt, please use the old CommunityTechTree as distributed within the manual SETI-CommunityTechTree download.

[B]About the reasons for putting it on hold:[/B]
Since Red Iron Crown clarified rule 3.4, I will probably write a more detailed account of the incident/policy which led me to this decision.

[B]About the future of SETI:[/B]
While the severity of the incident imho precludes a continuation "as before" from my perspective, I m looking into an alternative "mindset" and will probably test whether it is feasible in this regard. More on that when I had time to read a bit more about it.
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On 11/26/2015, 1:35:34, Yemo said:

About procedural textures:
The paths within the SETIrebalance\0ProceduralTextures\SETI-Textures-ProceduralParts.cfg are wrong.
When you open that file, search for all "SETIctt" and replace with "SETIrebalance". That should fix it.

should become

About the CTT update to 2.2:
This obviously is not compatible with the current SETIctt, please use the old CommunityTechTree as distributed within the manual SETI-CommunityTechTree download.

About the reasons for putting it on hold:
Since Red Iron Crown clarified rule 3.4, I will probably write a more detailed account of the incident/policy which led me to this decision.

About the future of SETI:
While the severity of the incident imho precludes a continuation "as before" from my perspective, I m looking into an alternative "mindset" and will probably test whether it is feasible in this regard. More on that when I had time to read a bit more about it.

I did already try replacing the path in the config with the correct one, but for some reason, it didn't work in correcting the problem.

PS: I hope your new "mindset" works out.

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I know I'm dumb as a rock, but I know absolutely nothing about installing KSP mods. I am trying to install this mod through CKAN, downloaded at the necessary mods, but when I try and start a new career, I still have the stock tech tree. Is anyone else having this problem and/or know how to fix it?  (Again keep in mind, I am new to this mod and dumb as a rock)


EDIT- ModuleManager fixes everything. Haha woops.


Edited by SuperKickles
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Long time since I've looked at this thread (haven't played much KSP since 1.0 hit and obsoleted the excellent 0.90 version of this mod and have been quite busy IRL).

I'm sad to see the current state of affairs, hopefully something can be arranged to keep this mod alive in one form or another given how much this mod adds to the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I realise SETI is currently on hold, but I'm soldiering on with it. However in my current game the number of contracts I'm being offered has drastically shrunk to 5 or 6. The SETI contracts mod increases the average number of available contracts to 20, but contract configurator has been updated since SETI went on hold, so I'm wondering if something has broken. Has anyone else still using SETI experienced this?

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I think that contract available is tied with reputation points, science tech tree opened and previously accomplished contracts.
I don't think that contract configurator has broken SETI, because SETI use it as platform to offer contract, not other way around.

Currently I research stuff trough sandbox game, to see if some mode is broken or before I burn out again trough career.
I will try career in following days, to check it out if it is same with my playtrough, hopefully someone else from comunity might answer it quicker.

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With SETI on hold, and the need to continue and encourage further career balance mod development, I think we need a serious discussion on career game balance mod development, but in a more open format and involving the community of mod authors:

Community Career Framework - A Balance Mod Cooperative to Career Games (A Community Recommended Mod List that Commits to Working Well Together in Career Games)


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On 11/21/2015 at 3:48 PM, theonegalen said:

Well, crap.

*kicks things*

- - - Updated - - -

Well, crap. This was the perfect mod-friendly tech tree. I was just thinking yesterday how thankful I was that this mod was still updated and in development.

mod friendly? but... doesent it like, require you to use specific mods, change the vanilla tech tree so mods not configured might not work? like, i thought CTT was mod friendly, but this? it seems to require a perfect balance, one that cant be made without every mod accounted for. like, what if some obscure mod added a manned pod to the start node? that would break the whole unmanned before manned thing.

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I think that Yemo put this on hold because all effort needed to balance remote controlled probes will be futile when KSP 1.1. comes out. With KSP 1.1, RemoteTech and similar will be part of stock game.

It is one of most important game features for further balancing, so it is understandable that Yemo put everything on hold as it is still unknown how that will be handled from Squad side.

For KSP 1.0.5. SETI still works pretty well and have covered a lot of popular mods.

@123nick, if you don't use any of mentioned mod, SETIctt will work well even without any other mod than minimum requirements that SETI is based of. Although, you might find some of tech nodes empty, but as Yemo explained several times in this thread, empty node is still needed as it is balanced as "science price" for whatever part you want to unlock and it is higher node on three where empty one is requirement to unlock high tier cech node.

Even if you use some mode that is not configured for CTT or SETIctt, it will be covered with stock tech tree at least, so you will be able to unlock it as any other stock part in game, although might not be balanced well enough.

So far, SETTI covers all of it pretty well, let Yemo take a well deserved break from moding until KSP 1.1. comes out. Until then, at least we have SETI that have covered most popular mods. I hope that Yemo will find mental strength to continue development of this mod, once KSP 1.1. is released.

Discussion about new Community Career Framework is always welcome despite of lot of unknown features of KSP 1.1.

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1 hour ago, kcs123 said:

I think that Yemo put this on hold because all effort needed to balance remote controlled probes will be futile when KSP 1.1. comes out. With KSP 1.1, RemoteTech and similar will be part of stock game.

It is one of most important game features for further balancing, so it is understandable that Yemo put everything on hold as it is still unknown how that will be handled from Squad side.

For KSP 1.0.5. SETI still works pretty well and have covered a lot of popular mods.

@123nick, if you don't use any of mentioned mod, SETIctt will work well even without any other mod than minimum requirements that SETI is based of. Although, you might find some of tech nodes empty, but as Yemo explained several times in this thread, empty node is still needed as it is balanced as "science price" for whatever part you want to unlock and it is higher node on three where empty one is requirement to unlock high tier cech node.

Even if you use some mode that is not configured for CTT or SETIctt, it will be covered with stock tech tree at least, so you will be able to unlock it as any other stock part in game, although might not be balanced well enough.

So far, SETTI covers all of it pretty well, let Yemo take a well deserved break from moding until KSP 1.1. comes out. Until then, at least we have SETI that have covered most popular mods. I hope that Yemo will find mental strength to continue development of this mod, once KSP 1.1. is released.

Discussion about new Community Career Framework is always welcome despite of lot of unknown features of KSP 1.1.

wait, SETIctt is a thing? is it like, SETI but without any like any modifications to the standard tech tree? any idea where i can find out more about it? or its topic thread?

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I'm not sure if I explained well enough. There is a lot of info in first post of this thread, but it is not survived forum migration well enough, so info there is confusing compared to well informed post on old forum. Besides OP, there is some latest info in this post, few pages back.

Main point is that SETI is splited in several mods. SETIctt is differently organized tech tree that organize stock parts and parts from various mods in a different way than stock tech tree. SETIctt does not alter part properties, only mod requirement is CTT that is used for arangment of tech tree nodes. So, any other mod that add parts and is not covered by SETIctt will be dealed in same way as other tech group/level part from stock game.

SETI balance mod however deals with changing parts to be more balanced for overall gameplay experience. That includes merged antenna in core probes, some part mass changes, is some science parts is reusable or not and similar.

SETI contract mod deals only with available contracts that should be offered to player trough career. Mainly it balances stock contracts for speed record limits and such, so you don't get too much reward too early in game and also provides some new contracts. If that one is not compatible with latest changes with contract configurator, you can use SETIctt without SETI contract mod, although you could get more rewards early in game than it is intended.

SETI green house mod add some new parts for offworld food production and it is not required to install if you don't like it.

There is several other mods, like contract packs from different moders that can be used along SETIctt, but that is also optional.

You can also find more info about it through various posts in this thread if you are patient enough to read it.

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I am seeing a module manager error during loading say there is a problem with hybridbooster-rt11.cfg. 

KSP 1.0.4

SETI Tree 0.9.3

I am sure it is down to me as SETI has been running like a charm in the past. Thought it was worth posting here as it a bit unusual error. As a possible self help route to a fix I am sharing a few thought here. Not sure if this down to dirty CKAN instal. I will do a clean up and reinstal things in 1.0.4. Probably starting with SETI on it's own. Sound like a good idea? 

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@nobodyhasthis2, if you have performed several updates, installs/uninstalls trough CKAN, then it is good idea to reinstall everything.

Export .ckan file with your currently installed mod then deinstall everything trough CKAN. After that, make sure that all folders are wiped out, except SQUAD of, courrse. Then you can install your favorites trough previously created .ckan file.

I got SETI installed trough CKAN, I didn't have any issue with hybridboosters and MM. Though, I still haven't checked career mod if works properly with latest updates of contract configurator. I might ended with only SETIctt and contracts from other packs instead. Might not be balanced as expected, but I probably could not play much before KSP 1.1. release.

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