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The Weird Trains Thread.

Whirligig Girl

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43 minutes ago, GoSlash27 said:


Good luck trying to sleep tonight!

Ah yes, "Charlie the Choo-Choo," as featured in Stephen King's "The Waste Lands." Those kids don't look all that happy, and that train looks positively, smugly evil. I'm surprised I didn't think of that for this thread.

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  • 4 weeks later...


this is a train (with a little gun) 


and this is a train (looks like it was build from jebediah kerman:D)


and another train (with more guns)


wtf is this ?!?


Who made this ?





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19 hours ago, epicrafter said:


this is a train (with a little gun) 


and this is a train (looks like it was build from jebediah kerman:D)


and another train (with more guns)


wtf is this ?!?


Who made this ?





Well the cars to run on rails has been used for maintenance and inspection work, same with the small yellow cart at the end. 
The bicycle stuff is probably to move around on an an freight terminal, so light you can easy lift it of track and part of it lacks roads. 
They have some excavators with rail wheels on front and back who can be moved up and down at the railway I used to work. Benefit is that you can move them with an small locomotive at normal speed without having to put them on an wagon, guess they keep on the track for most work too but might move off if needed. 

The pirate rocket is an joke, not sure about the jet thing, 

The giant gun is the world larges gun, build by Germany during WW2, it need two set of rails, guess they use rails as they had to move it by rails anyway even if they had to build the two tracks then they wanted to use it, it was not very practical. Second armored train look more practical. 

Some kids next to where I live though of making an cart who run on railway tracks and run down an long slope. 
They looked at the timetable and found they had an 40 minute gap on Sunday, problem was that only the standard passenger trains is in the timetable, not the freight ones, all jumped off before impact. 

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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, derictheone said:


let's all go back to this train and pounder what they were thinking when desgning this monster

Thats how i would make such trains lol.

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15 hours ago, derictheone said:

let's all go back to this train and pounder what they were thinking when desgning this monster

Random guess: They were trying to get around a couple of patents. See: James Watt vs the Crank Patent. 

Another random guess: Drugs are bad for you. 

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6 hours ago, Cydonian Monk said:

Random guess: They were trying to get around a couple of patents. See: James Watt vs the Crank Patent. 

Another random guess: Drugs are bad for you. 

Its fiction
its probably an parody on this 
who was an scam to get investors


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On 27.5.2017 at 9:02 AM, Cydonian Monk said:

Random guess: They were trying to get around a couple of patents. See: James Watt vs the Crank Patent. 

Another random guess: Drugs are bad for you. 

Looked up the "James Watt vs the Crank Patent." and its obvious that patent trolls are older than the think, cranks dates back to roman times or earlier. 
Any sawmill with an up and down motion powered by water have to use them too and you would need an joint on the shaft like on the early steam engines. 

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Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland have a Quirks and Curiosities event.  I wish I could have gone this year but work and money..... Planning to revisit in September.


This site is good: http://douglas-self.com/MUSEUM/LOCOLOCO/locoloco.htm

has this: http://douglas-self.com/MUSEUM/LOCOLOCO/holman/holman.htm 


I also think stacked engines like this have been proposed for gauge changes.


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Image result for weird train blueprints

and what is this it looks like it was made to look like a face

Image result for weird train blueprints

and this looks like a submarine

Image result for weird train blueprints

and this is a tank made by australia

Image result for weird train blueprints

and this is a weird snowplow it looks like a meat grinder

Image result for weird train blueprints

and i just found this funny

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so i found more trains but this time in shapesImage result for weird trains


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and rombus

and thats not all i found

Image result for weird trains

meet the giant leafblower

Image result for weird trains

also i found the real dog train

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shhhhhhh it's asleep XD

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i think i found out where the old thomas went

Image result for weird trains

worlds tinyest train

Image result for weird trains

ahhhh there huging

Image result for weird trains

i think they missed a turn back there

Image result for weird trains

what were they thinking 

Image result for weird trains

i perzent to you the hummer train

Image result for weird trains

omg there is a train thats blue or undead

Image result for weird trains


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