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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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  Lekke said:
No matter wich space suit I select, the tourists always have what seems to be a second helmet in the IVA picture. Is there a fix for this?


that looks less like a suit issue and more like something clipping through the back of the helmets. Does it persist in other pods, too?

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  Lekke said:
No matter wich space suit I select, the tourists always have what seems to be a second helmet in the IVA picture. Is there a fix for this?


I see what's wrong now. At first I read "the second helmet" instead of "a second helmet".

Are there any exception in the log? How does it look like in internal view, do you see the second helmet?

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  GreeningGalaxy said:
that looks less like a suit issue and more like something clipping through the back of the helmets. Does it persist in other pods, too?
  shaw said:
I see what's wrong now. At first I read "the second helmet" instead of "a second helmet".

Are there any exception in the log? How does it look like in internal view, do you see the second helmet?

I did some more testing, it seems to only happen when I use the Mk 1 Command Pod. It's most outspoken with the female kerbals.

Also it only seemed to happen when I attached the pods like this and there was nothing in the logs that I could see.

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I apologize if this is covered somewhere, I tried using the search function to locate anything related to it but may not have been hitting the right keywords. If Texture Replacer were overriding several large textures would they be prevented from loading the large ones up front- IE KSP wouldn't use more memory when loading? My interest is knowing whether or not it might be possible to use CFG files to override and help reduce duplicate textures (here is an example of the worst offender, and they do not all have the same name, it makes my eye twitch):


This texture exists 9 times (4x for the normal) and is not optimized well, I can reduce it to under 1MB total for the color and normal combined, with 10 (way overkill) mipmaps with no visual difference. If I could link these parts to the same texture with Texture Replacer I would be able to bring the memory footprint here below 1MB from the 13.6MB it currently takes up. This is not a lot, but this is just one of many such textures like this, there are dozens and it would add up to a significant decrease in memory.

I currently use the 64-bit version of KSP with no glaring issues, but I would really prefer a streamlined 32-bit version over (what I would consider) a bloated 64-bit version. I did locate an old post (2013) where somebody was attempting a similar method another way, but I would like to be able to have KSP update to newer versions and not have to make a lot of alterations to get it back into shape again.

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GreeningGalaxy's Diverse Kerbal Lasses

Kerbal Head Texture Pack!

Installation instructions for all packs:

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Please Note: Due to internet service provider limitations, I am unable to use the standard port 80 for these downloads. To circumvent this, I have made the www. subdomain redirect to port 8080 through the DNS records. If your browser doesn't like this redirect and thinks it looks sketchy (it probably will be fine, but I can't cover all cases), you might need to change the URL manually to remove the www. before the domain name and add :8080 after it. 


Basic Lasses

This is the basic release, which includes relatively 'normal'-looking kerbal heads for the default 'female' model. These heads are have several different skin and hair colors, as well as a few different colors and styles of makeup. At present, there are 16 different options. Additional packs with different features will become available later.


It turns out drawing hair is about as hard as I expected, especially considering that I have no art skills to speak of and nothing besides a mouse to draw with. All these hairstyles (at the moment, there are three textures) were made by stitching together photos of real hair - the long wavy one is my hair, while the other two are from my friends.

Basic Lasses
sha256sum: 42690f21f171511615560b7e797d57dc52c634e722d6b8aa66436391d97b9a9b


Serious Lasses

These packs were originally planned to add only especially feminine heads, since there didn't appear to be very many of those available previously. However, I now see that there's also a profound lack of diverse skin colors in the female head scene, so here's some heads for those of you who would prefer those without the makeup from the other two packs.

This pack includes only 12 heads instead of the usual 16 at the moment, but that will change once I add additional hairstyles (and thus have more variability to work with). Unlike the original basic pack, none of the Serious Lasses are wearing lipstick or eyeliner, and the contouring has been made much more subtle. Three new closer-to-stock variants of eyelashes have been added, as well as two new mid-toned skin shades. Subtle hair highlights have been retained, but all-blue hair has not.


Serious Lasses
sha256sum: 2001928718559b496465e31bbb68aa82a3c13b89065d86321d6a352a93d4cbd7


Gothy Lasses

This release adds an additional 16 heads with more unusual makeup options - things like black/blue/green lipstick, bright red/green hair, and blue/gray skin.


Gothy Lasses
sha256sum: 06181b51654610dfeed226f2660765ef0ca277d311d8efb8bab5d2832529e6cb


Lass GIMP File

If you want to mix and match your own kerbal heads using features from this pack, the best way to do that is to use the GIMP to open the original .xcf file, which is provided below. A number of layers corresponding to different colors for different features are included, or you can make your own. This will be updated with new options as they become available.

To make a customized texture using the file, just open it, enable, disable and modify layers as you like, and then export it to GameData/TextureReplacer/Heads. Also, don't forget to add the exported filename to one of the .cfg files in the TextureReplacer directory under femaleHeads!

This file was last updated on 2015-7-11.

GIMP .xcf file for Female Heads
sha256sum: bf8ad219d6ada78d994038ddd51a71ef12305c1cd8eab3e2a9e150a8c4334d35

Note: I don't think Photoshop will support the .xcf format, but I admit I don't know since I don't use Photoshop. GIMP is free in any case, but if you really want a .psd file or whatever Photoshop takes these days, I think it can be arranged.


Planned Features:

NOTE: As of now, active development of these packs has stalled indefinitely. These "Planned Features" may not be implemented for a long time, or ever, but the list is being retained for posterity.
This is also a good time for a reminder that the license allows you to modify and redistribute these packs yourself, and that I've made the GIMP file for all the packs available.

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Licencia de Creative Commons

Edited by GreeningGalaxy
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@GreeningGalaxy, I liked your female head pack a lot!

To be honest, I prefere the basic one, specially the different skin colors!

Can you do the same to the male heads?

- - - Updated - - -

On another note: is it possible to add the default male and female heads to the packs?

I've many great packs adding new heads to the kerbals, but I can't remember seeing a default head. This way we get a lot of great personalities for our kerbals, but I think se should still the default kerbals every now and then...

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  jlcarneiro said:
@GreeningGalaxy, I liked your female head pack a lot!

To be honest, I prefere the basic one, specially the different skin colors!

Can you do the same to the male heads?

- - - Updated - - -

On another note: is it possible to add the default male and female heads to the packs?

I've many great packs adding new heads to the kerbals, but I can't remember seeing a default head. This way we get a lot of great personalities for our kerbals, but I think se should still the default kerbals every now and then...

The default head is in the Forbidden Zone of the game files, where making derivative works is a copyright violation. It's possible to find the default heads or extract them from the game files, but they're not allowed to be distributed. Sorry. :/

Of course, when you have the texture packs installed, you can always go to the menu in the space center and click "unset/generic" on a specific kerbal to return it to the default texture. There might be a way to make that happen randomly from time to time, but I'm not familiar with it.

There are already a few texture packs which add different skin colors to the male kerbals, but I definitely will add them to this pack! I'll see if I can figure out facial hair at some point.

Also planned at some point are feminine textures for the 'male' model and masculine ones for the 'female' model, to throw a bit of gender variance into the mix. :wink:

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  GreeningGalaxy said:
Hi all.

I've been noticing a lack of textures for the post-1.0 female kerbals which feature lipstick. Since I'm a girl who wears lipstick a lot, I found the lipstick-bearing heads from Sylith's old pack rather nice, and kinda missed them in the current version. I didn't really want to go for legacyFemales since I really like the new model, so I decided to go through the trial-and-error process and figure out how to put lipstick on the new lady kerbs. Since I figure there may be others out there with a use for this type of thing, I thought I'd post my findings.

Here's a sample texture (one of Hotaru's lovely female kerbal textures) modified to include red lipstick in about the right place. The important detail here is the positions of the inside edges of each lip; you can figure out width/height/shape/etc. to your own fancy.

http://i.imgur.com/ldSmjlq.pngit looks like some kind of distorted furby god help us all

When used in-game, the above texture looks like this:


When making your own textures that include lipstick, you can start by just dropping the image in the spoiler up there into GIMP/Photoshop/whatever, lining it up with the texture you're working on (unless you've done something to the mapping, that means just centering the 1024x1024 image on the 1024x1024 canvas you're working on), drawing a couple lines to indicate where the lower edge of the top lip and upper edge of the bottom lip go, and then drawing in your lips (in whatever color/size/shape you like) from there. I agree this is a bit cumbersome, but I'm not sure how else to do this.

Anyway, if you've been wanting a way to add lipstick for the post-1.0 girl kerbals, search no longer! If you haven't and think lipstick is silly, well, carry on as you were.

I may make an actual texture pack featuring this, if that's something people want (and if I can figure out how to draw hair).

Putting human shaped lipstick patterns on kerbals doesn't look good. It doesn't even follow their lips, though if it did, it would look even worse given how large their mouths are.

I would like to see some alt male kerbals that look more like the ones on the front page control center pic. The alt male kerbals out now all seem to look like they are wearing toupees and fake mustaches and beards.

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  Vorg said:
Putting human shaped lipstick patterns on kerbals doesn't look good. It doesn't even follow their lips, though if it did, it would look even worse given how large their mouths are.

Well, sure enough on that second count. However, I still like the way Sylith's heads look, and I think it fits nicely with the caricature-of-humans look kerbals already have. If you don't agree with me, you're absolutely welcome to not install my head pack.

EDIT: With that being said, I do concede that my current examples of lipstick for kerbals are a bit crude. I'm working on addressing that.


I would like to see some alt male kerbals that look more like the ones on the front page control center pic. The alt male kerbals out now all seem to look like they are wearing toupees and fake mustaches and beards.

I guess I see what you mean to some extent, but I'm also not sure I see it as much of an issue. Kerbals are cartoony, and so are the head packs. What would make their hair look more realistic and less taped-on? Are you thinking along the lines of more asymmetrical variance and imperfections, or do you have something else in mind?

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  GreeningGalaxy said:
The default head is in the Forbidden Zone of the game files, where making derivative works is a copyright violation. It's possible to find the default heads or extract them from the game files, but they're not allowed to be distributed. Sorry. :/

Of course, when you have the texture packs installed, you can always go to the menu in the space center and click "unset/generic" on a specific kerbal to return it to the default texture. There might be a way to make that happen randomly from time to time, but I'm not familiar with it.

Ok, then. Can you point me to the tool that extract textures from unity asset files? Preferably on Linux...

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  jlcarneiro said:
Ok, then. Can you point me to the tool that extract textures from unity asset files? Preferably on Linux...


Try this. it's supposed to be able to extract Unity .assets files (under KSP_Data); apart from that I know nothing about it, so pursue at own risk. I don't have any information regarding where in the assets files the textures you're after are, but I also suspect that may be restricted information.

Good luck!

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  Cosmic_Farmer said:
Okay, I've updated my pack. It now includes low-res versions, and the directory structure is fixed.

Here's the link:


mitchz95: I didn't use the original pack names, in case the original was re-released.

KerbMav: Texture mapping seems to be all trial and error for me.

Hmm, I wanted to give the heads a try but the mega link wants to have a password ... anyone who can help ?

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  Vorg said:
Putting human shaped lipstick patterns on kerbals doesn't look good. It doesn't even follow their lips, though if it did, it would look even worse given how large their mouths are.

I agree, however its simplicity itself to remove it if you don't like it. . . . in fact I have just done so from those I'd like to use.

Good work GreeningGalaxy!

Have some rep.

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  GreeningGalaxy said:
There are already a few texture packs which add different skin colors to the male kerbals, but I definitely will add them to this pack! I'll see if I can figure out facial hair at some point.

Hey, GreeningGalaxy, I'm glad to see your serious lasses has been released! You've said there are a few packs with male kerbals using different skin tones. I've searched now I couldn't find any. Can you please point me on the right direction?

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  jlcarneiro said:
Hey, GreeningGalaxy, I'm glad to see your serious lasses has been released! You've said there are a few packs with male kerbals using different skin tones. I've searched now I couldn't find any. Can you please point me on the right direction?

Have a look at the OP for this thread. This pack in particular looks like it has at least light and dark skin tones, but I don't know if it has a varied range of hues like mine does. (you can probably expect male kerbals in my pack before the weekend is out, by the way).

As another side note, that pack does include the pre-1.0 version of female kerbals (feminine textures for the male model), but I don't think it has any textures for the post-1.0 lady kerb model. Unless you want to use the LegacyFemales option, you should delete the config that declares the female heads as such (assuming there is one) and then remove whichever head textures you don't want showing up on your male kerbals.

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Hope someone will help a doofus out here. I've been playing with this for the last couple hours and just can't get what I want, which is really simple: the off-white, Soviet-style suits for all Kerbals EVA & IVA, from the (rather old) GreenSkull pack.

Here's the folder where as far as I can tell everything should be:


I've been backwards & forwards in the directions but it all reads like stereo instructions. This is the (default) @GreenSkull cfg:

// TextureReplacer Config By Green Skull
// Pack version - v0.38
// TextureReplacer Version - 1.4.1
// For help with changes please read the Green Skull READ ME file.
// A few basic configuration file rules:
// Lines of code that start with // are ignored by the programme
// The brackets denote opening and closing of parts of code and are VERY important
// Each configuration file must open with the programme or part name then {
// Each part of instruction has to open with a { then - instructions - then close with }
// At the end of the instructions there must be a } to close the file.
// Brackets, Spaces, = equals signs, comma's and file name SPELLING are super important to getting good results


// This part of the config is where the settings for TextureReplacer live
// These settings are standard and very well proven
// By default all Green Skull configs will turn off compression and mipmap generation
// to help avoid conflicts with other programmes
// TextureReplacers compression setting.
// When to enable texture compression.
// Possible options: `always`, `never` and `auto`. Auto means it is enabled
// unless TextureCompressor mod is detected.

isCompressionEnabled = auto

// Turn mipmaps on or off.
// Generate mipmaps for PNGs and JPEGs in certain directories (specified in
// the next option) to a fix KSP bug that doesn't generate mipmaps for these
// images and makes them look ugly under high angles.
// Possible options: `always`, `never` and `auto`. Auto means it is enabled
// unless TextureCompressor mod is detected.

isMipmapGenEnabled = auto
mipmapDirSubstrings = /FX/ /Parts/ /Spaces/ TextureReplacer/ KAS/ Engineer/ FASA/ ASET/ FusTek/

// Turn visor reflections on or off
// Replace helmet visor shader to support reflections (EVA only).

isVisorReflectionEnabled = true

// Sets the reflection colour for the visor
// Reflection is multiplied by this RGB colour before it is
// added to the visor colour.

visorReflectionColour = 1 1 1

// Adjusts spawning kerbals in atmosphere with or without jetpacks and helmets
// Spawn a Kerbal on EVA in his/her IVA suit without helmet and jetpack when
// in breathable atmosphere (oxygen + sufficent pressure).

isAtmSuitEnabled = true

// The atmospheric pressure at which the above operates. Stops you spawning on the Mun with no helmet

atmSuitPressure = 0.5


// This is where you go to change custom kerbal textures.
// The format here is:
// Add your kerbals name. Then a space. Then an = sign. Then a space. Then Suit Texture name in the suits directory.
// Name SPACE = Head Texture SPACE Suit Texture

Bill Kerman = BILLkerbalHead Koviet_Orange_Suit
Bob Kerman = BOBkerbalHead Koviet_Orange_Suit
Jebediah Kerman = JEBkerbalHead Koviet_Orange_Suit


// Adjust these settings to effect your regular kerbals and kermins
// Prevent the following heads from being assigned to generic Kerbals.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated.

excludedHeads =

// Prevent the following suits from being assigned to generic Kerbals.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated.

excludedSuits =

// Female heads. Those will only be paired with female suits.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated.

femaleHeads =

// Female suits. Those will only be paired with female heads.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated.

femaleSuits =

// Whether generic suits should be assigned pseudo-randomly based on a
// Kerbal's name's hash or consecutively based on a Kerbal's position in
// the global roster.
// Possible options: `random` or `consecutive`.

suitAssignment = random


// Cabin-specific suits. These are enforced even if a Kerbal has a custom suit.
// Entries look like this:
// internal name from the cockpit or pod config file = suit directory
// e.g. for the standard mk1 squad pod take the name of the internal space
// mk1PodCockpit = KSP_Orange_Suit
// Format:
// Part internal name SPACE = SPACE Suit directory


What am I missing here?

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