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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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I went hunting textures in the assets...

... my actual, only, problem is: T2 or Squad hidden, dunno where, the brown-ish vintage IVA suit for the normal kerbals.
I found the orange, I found the blue, but NO presence of the brown one.

For more accustomed with 3d texturing: is it possible that the they achieved that brown color in some sort of post-processing?
Maybe using the orange one, dimmed down in some sort of post processing (and, I swear, I double exported all the game assets to be sure, but is nowhere to be found)


*WIP* Multicolor suits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



:D:sticktongue:NO! NO! :sticktongue::D

I'm actually trying to map a texture template to use, later, to bake some proper new suits :cool:

Edited by Araym
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8 hours ago, Poodmund said:

To save myself the rigmarole of doing it all again in the future, you can extract the in-game assets using something like https://github.com/Perfare/AssetStudio or https://github.com/DerPopo/UABE and then open the asset bundles in KSP/KSP_x64_Data folder. Export all 17 of the asset bundles and then you should be able to find all the textures and filenames you need. Pro-tip, use the AssetStudio software, then load the whole KSP_x64_Data folder and then go Filter > Texture2D then Export > Filtered Assets, this should export all the textures from the whole game. Then sort the extracted files by filesize descending and the large textures should be near the top.


@Poodmund  Thanks Pood :D ! I am very thankfull to you !! I was looking  exactly for that ( How to acess ksp intern folders ) but i haven't founded anything, you really really helped me, if you need anything that i can help, i'll be happy in help you !! Bye :lol: :wink:.

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A little part of my starting ideas is done:

A color mapped suit for future reference, creating new ones.





... DO NOT ASK ME FOR A "download": GRAB IT HERE! :cool::D:cool:


(*** NOTE *** : It's a simple PNG image, with no so much details, just useful as reference to design finished suits, or to understand the general layout of the kerbal suit texture sheet)

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On 2/15/2020 at 10:45 AM, Araym said:

A little part of my starting ideas is done:

A color mapped suit for future reference, creating new ones.





... DO NOT ASK ME FOR A "download": GRAB IT HERE! :cool::D:cool:


(*** NOTE *** : It's a simple PNG image, with no so much details, just useful as reference to design finished suits, or to understand the general layout of the kerbal suit texture sheet)

I have noticed this when I was working on the suites for green skull, but now that I see this template, I should agree with something, "this is a hell of a UV mapping art!"

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18 hours ago, BezKartuza said:

Great job!
Will it be included in the next update of the mod?

Well... it's nothing more than the image that you already seeing there. And far from being a polished result. I think that, as a reference, for the moment, could eventually be linked to the first page, if @shaw likes the idea...

Beside: it's just a little part of what I'm doing.
I'm planning to map in a similar way all the suits (standard, vintage and futuristic), the jetpacks (... I have still to check if, aside the evident textures and normals, the models are actually different, or just some sort of reskin...) and the chute backpack.
But in meantime, the rough for the standard suit is done, so I shared the preliminary result.

It could became a way better and useful template once polished (... the original PSD file I have in Photoshop is a mess of layers and paint -by mistake- over the original that I used as reference - that is that black-grey background), even relased not only as a flat image (better maybe in a trasparent background?? :blush: ) but eventually even as the original psd file itself (... maybe with coherent layers categorized by body parts, and not the mess that I have now :confused: )

For the moment, I just slow down a bit because... well... I'm "returning" on the KSP scene after a couple years of absence (my last series of "adventures" were in 1.3.1...):
I'm in the middle of my re-installing my ultra-modded version: I have a rough set for 1.9 (I like a lot the new shaders/stock planetary textures), but it lacks of some mods updated, so I'm also installing a testing-instalment still in 1.8.1
(that is more supported, but it also need more visual mods to achieve a better looking game), so opening Photoshop for me is a bit delayed... :D

Edited by Araym
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I have the mod installed and I click the "reset to defaults" button in the Texture Replacer GUI, which seems to apply random looks to my kerbals which is what I want the mod for, but how do I save these settings? The custom looks of the kerbals does not seem to persist between saves/reloads and game restarts.

Edited by Stormeh
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On 2/13/2020 at 2:10 PM, Jiraiyah said:



Who is maintaining the git hub?


The issue was closed indicating that 1.4.1 will be out, but i think it may be forgotten?

I forgot to release/publish it. Fixed.

On 2/14/2020 at 4:03 PM, Araym said:

Nevermind. I found the solution, keeping adjusting my cfg file:

I added initially the code:

    Jebediah Kerman  = DEFAULT DEFAULT
    Bill Kerman      = DEFAULT DEFAULT
    Bob Kerman       = DEFAULT DEFAULT
    Valentina Kerman = DEFAULT DEFAULT

to let the "original 4" keep the default appearance, following the explanation in the original TT config: "[...] `skinDir` is a subdirectory inside `Skins/` containing skin textures, `DEFAULT` or `GENERIC` (= unset). [...]"

BUT actually, to work properly, the code MUST be:

    Jebediah Kerman  = DEFAULT.m DEFAULT
    Bill Kerman      = DEFAULT.m DEFAULT
    Bob Kerman       = DEFAULT.m DEFAULT
    Valentina Kerman = DEFAULT.f DEFAULT

... with the added "sex" of the kerbal, otherwise it seems that TT fails to read the config itself, but, even more, stops to keep reading even the rest (just after that coding I placed the one for the kerbal traits "ClassSuits", but as I'm testing diffrent skins, TT assumed to go also "random" in suit assignment :P )

@shaw: keep an eye on this behaviour,. to eventually update the explanation in the cfg/TextureReplacement guide ;)

Fixed in TR 4.1.2.

On 2/20/2020 at 8:39 AM, Stormeh said:

I have the mod installed and I click the "reset to defaults" button in the Texture Replacer GUI, which seems to apply random looks to my kerbals which is what I want the mod for, but how do I save these settings? The custom looks of the kerbals does not seem to persist between saves/reloads and game restarts.

I'm fixing it.

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Can this be used to modify ground textures? I've been really enjoying the new ground textures introduced in 1.9 and would like to, if possible, try to create some high quality ground textures for the moons the developers haven't gotten to yet such as Laythe.

I searched in the documentation but couldn't find any reference to ground textures specifically.

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19 hours ago, nubeees said:

Can this be used to modify ground textures? I've been really enjoying the new ground textures introduced in 1.9 and would like to, if possible, try to create some high quality ground textures for the moons the developers haven't gotten to yet such as Laythe.

I searched in the documentation but couldn't find any reference to ground textures specifically.

No. I think Kopernicus can do it.

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Hey guys can someone help me find out how to get gold visors on my Kerbals? I looked around on this thread and it sounds like the gold visors should come default but every time I check my kerbals have clear visors. Do I need to download a texture pack?


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On 3/5/2020 at 10:47 AM, Kodu_1722 said:

Tell me what could be the problem.
I placed the texture files in the TextureReplacer > Default folder.
I downloaded the skybox textures: "Deep Star Map Skybox".

  Reveal hidden contents




I have packaged that mod in a way that you should respect the directory structure that is present within the .zip file.

As Avera9eJoe has mentioned above, if you issue is how dark the skybox is with Distant Object Enhancements installed, open up the DOE settings, in-game, and adjust the setting called something like 'Maximum Skybox Brightness' or 'Dynamic Skybox Dimming'... I think it defaults to 35%.

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6 hours ago, Poodmund said:

I have packaged that mod in a way that you should respect the directory structure that is present within the .zip file.

As Avera9eJoe has mentioned above, if you issue is how dark the skybox is with Distant Object Enhancements installed, open up the DOE settings, in-game, and adjust the setting called something like 'Maximum Skybox Brightness' or 'Dynamic Skybox Dimming'... I think it defaults to 35%.

It worked, thanks! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Diverse Kerbal Lasses continued!

This set of Kerbal head textures by @GreeningGalaxy is very nice, and deserves better than to be lost to the mists of time. The original download links have been dead for a long while, and the internet did not have these textures available anywhere else. The original creator was last seen in 2018. So, following the CC BY license specified by the original creator, I'm taking the liberty of providing this updated package to keep this set of textures working and available.

The texture files come as-is from the original Diverse Kerbal Lasses packages, which I downloaded back in 2015 when playing KSP 1.0.4. The template file I didn't have; it was kindly provided by Corax.

All credit belongs to the original creator, GreeningGalaxy.

This package has been tested in KSP 1.9.1 with TextureReplacer 4.1.3.

Edited by Technologicat
Template file kindly provided by Corax, package updated.
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Uuuuugh. I tried to figure this out without posting, but I can't seem to.

Does anyone know how to change the Making History suits? I have Omega's gemini suit but I can only select the texture while on the standard suit. The buttons are greyed out on the vintage or future suits. 

If I put it on the standard suit, it looks all screwed up because the mesh does not match. 

I am confusion. :huh:

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