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[1.4.1] Magico13's Modlets (Sensible Screenshot, Dated QuickSaves, etc.)


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6 hours ago, FennexFox said:

Can NIMBY work with other planet system like RSS? And how can I modify static beacons?

RSS should work fine, but you still can only recover on the home planet (Earth in this case). Static beacons are in a file called Beacons.cfg in the NIMBY folder. It won't be generated until the first time you load a save.

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  • 4 months later...

I've installed this mod, and I'm very early in a very-heavily modded very-hardmode career.  I accidentally sent one of my "plop this probe core on the launchpads to gather some free science and then recover it" to the wrong Kerbal Konstructs launch site and, well, it took me a little while of progressing forward with simple static-fire-on-Launchpad contracts to figure out that NIMBY was the culprit.

The mid-stage implications, especially for life-support issues and emergency-escape-pod-from-orbit ramifications are still dawning on me, and I LOVE this mod.

One question, though... am I missing out on where the "beacon" part is?  (Edited to note: I run at least one or two tech-tree mods, so maybe my part-search function is skafoozed, but "beacon" and "nimby" come up with no-joy when I do a search for the node that unlocks the beacons.  "Electrics" is highlighted-red as a possible hit, but there doesn't seem to be any parts listed of appropriate description or function.)

Going forward: Is my only option for recovering those (admittedly puissant and unimportant) items to send a craft after them?  For future contingency planning (outside of .cfg-editing, which I'd prefer to avoid if need be) is my only option for rescuing landed emergency escape pods to have a trans-global-range aircraft on hot standby at the SPH at all times?

Also, I might have to ask the KK thread, but now that that item is clogging another launch-site's spawn-pad asset, is that site no longer usable until I go to retrieve the item?  Or would slating a new craft for launch to that location cause my item to despawn with no recovery?

Thanks for your hard work!  I was a very early adopter of KCT, and your devbuild for KCT is the only mod I'm running manually on my CKAN install that lists more than 245 mods active at the load screen AVC dialog.

Edited by MisterFister
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7 hours ago, MisterFister said:

Thanks for your hard work!  I was a very early adopter of KCT, and your devbuild for KCT is the only mod I'm running manually on my CKAN install that lists more than 245 mods active at the load screen AVC dialog

And I thought I had a lot of mods :D

Unfortunately, not all mods support AVC, so my AVC says about 160 mods, but CKAN says more than 225

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12 hours ago, MisterFister said:

One question, though... am I missing out on where the "beacon" part is?  (Edited to note: I run at least one or two tech-tree mods, so maybe my part-search function is skafoozed, but "beacon" and "nimby" come up with no-joy when I do a search for the node that unlocks the beacons.  "Electrics" is highlighted-red as a possible hit, but there doesn't seem to be any parts listed of appropriate description or function.)

Going forward: Is my only option for recovering those (admittedly puissant and unimportant) items to send a craft after them?  For future contingency planning (outside of .cfg-editing, which I'd prefer to avoid if need be) is my only option for rescuing landed emergency escape pods to have a trans-global-range aircraft on hot standby at the SPH at all times?

Also, I might have to ask the KK thread, but now that that item is clogging another launch-site's spawn-pad asset, is that site no longer usable until I go to retrieve the item?  Or would slating a new craft for launch to that location cause my item to despawn with no recovery?

The Beacon isn't a specific part, it's a module that exists on all command pods (I think, it's been a while since I messed with it). The current requirements are a command pod, science lab, antenna, and an Engineer kerbal of any level. Mobile beacons have a range of 2km.

Yes, that is your only option as far as I am aware of. If a craft lands outside of a recovery zone and can't propel itself into one, then you'll need to bring one to it. In this case that's either a mobile beacon (so a lab and an engineer) going to meet it, or you bringing the kerbals/vessels back to an existing beacon for recovery.

I'm not sure how that situation gets handled. You likely can recover that vessel since I don't override the popup asking if you want to recover an existing craft when launching a new craft. The thought is that the KSC/launchpads should probably be a place you can recover from. If you know the coordinates, you can make those into static beacons by modifying the Beacons.cfg file. You may decide to give them a shorter range than the KSC, like only 10km or something like that.

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14 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

And I thought I had a lot of mods :D

Unfortunately, not all mods support AVC, so my AVC says about 160 mods, but CKAN says more than 225

I too run into the same mod-quantifying issue.  My CKAN lists 348, with 273 GameData folders present (including Squad.)  So... *shrug* :D

Also, unrelated except as to audience -- SO STOKED that my truly poophole-retentive archiving practices allowed me to unearth and excavate that archeo-mod you and I were discussing in the other thread.  Seriously celebrating that one.

8 hours ago, magico13 said:

The Beacon isn't a specific part, it's a module that exists on all command pods (I think, it's been a while since I messed with it). The current requirements are a command pod, science lab, antenna, and an Engineer kerbal of any level. Mobile beacons have a range of 2km.

Yes, that is your only option as far as I am aware of. If a craft lands outside of a recovery zone and can't propel itself into one, then you'll need to bring one to it. In this case that's either a mobile beacon (so a lab and an engineer) going to meet it, or you bringing the kerbals/vessels back to an existing beacon for recovery.

I'm not sure how that situation gets handled. You likely can recover that vessel since I don't override the popup asking if you want to recover an existing craft when launching a new craft. The thought is that the KSC/launchpads should probably be a place you can recover from. If you know the coordinates, you can make those into static beacons by modifying the Beacons.cfg file. You may decide to give them a shorter range than the KSC, like only 10km or something like that.

I'm moved to seriously consider config editing by your suggestion.  Good to know the mechanical requirements of pod / lab / antenna / engineer.  Note, is such a "beacon" craft then self-recoverable?  Or must those be manually piloted back to a recovery zone?  I ask because I run VERY strict-settings TACLS, and well, camping a kerbonaut on their home soil still incurs an ongoing life support resupply curve, and well...  :D

8 hours ago, magico13 said:


Oooh!  Also!!!

I run StationScience, which hard-deprecates the stock SciLab part as obsolete -- more like balance-cancerous, really, since the stock SciLab data processing function with the Station Science experiment-container system would create a positive feedback loop of essentially infinite science in a single highspace-Kerbin flight-scene instance if given enough EC and prolonged timewarp.

For beacon-recovery purposes, does your mod here hard-specify the stock SciLab?  Or will the base-tier modded SciLab also provide the same function?  Because if it's hard-coded, I think you accidentally sealed a rather gaping hole in that other mod's balance!  In fact, I might even suggest a cross-conditional MM patch where if this mod and SS are co-detected, this MM patch will remark-out any stock SciLab science-processing ability, thereby completely repurposing the SciLab as a mobile recovery workshop and nothing else -- hell, you could even rename the part within the parts editor!  :D

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9 hours ago, MisterFister said:

For beacon-recovery purposes, does your mod here hard-specify the stock SciLab? 

Yes and no, it is specifically looking for ModuleScienceLab, so if the Station Science lab still has that module then it will work, otherwise you're screwed. I might just MM copy the science lab into a new part and put it earlier in the tech tree anyway since the science lab is a little too far down the tree for what I'm using it for anyway, then I'd just put the module on that part and remove the science lab requirement.

9 hours ago, MisterFister said:

Note, is such a "beacon" craft then self-recoverable?  Or must those be manually piloted back to a recovery zone?

They are explicitly not self-recoverable right now, but I can make that optional.

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  • 1 month later...

Ship Save Splicer doesn't seem to be working for me. I have a vessel selected in the Tracking Station menu, but it just tells me to select a vessel to save to a .craft file when I shift+click the SSS button.

... really need this to work because for some reason, I deleted the craft file from my SPH and now this is the only remaining instance of it.

The vessel is landed on Kerbin; would that cause any problems with it?




Well, I read through the thread and noticed you said KCT could provide the same functionality. Lifesaver!

... also, that was a really helpful note for my actual KCT playthrough, since I didn't know 'recover active vessel' was a feature... derp. Fortunately, I hadn't gotten to the point where I had craft to recover!

Edited by Box of Stardust
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12 hours ago, Box of Stardust said:

I have a vessel selected in the Tracking Station menu, but it just tells me to select a vessel to save to a .craft file when I shift+click the SSS button.

I know you've already solved your particular problem by using KCT, but the reason it wasn't working with SSS was likely that you hadn't exported the vessel first. With a vessel selected you have to click the button, which will export it. Then you can shift click the button to save the exported vessel to a craft file. I might make it so you can save directly to a craft file without that intermediate step.

The reason for the intermediate step is that you can export and import vessels without saving them to a craft file, and that you can then make a craft file from any ship you've exported in the past without still needing to have access to that ship in-game.

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53 minutes ago, magico13 said:

I know you've already solved your particular problem by using KCT, but the reason it wasn't working with SSS was likely that you hadn't exported the vessel first. With a vessel selected you have to click the button, which will export it. Then you can shift click the button to save the exported vessel to a craft file. I might make it so you can save directly to a craft file without that intermediate step.

The reason for the intermediate step is that you can export and import vessels without saving them to a craft file, and that you can then make a craft file from any ship you've exported in the past without still needing to have access to that ship in-game.

Actually, I tried all of the options. It wouldn't let me just plain export it either. It still told me to just select a vessel. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, RB101 said:

Does this mod work with 1.4.1?

I just recompiled all of them, did a bit of testing, and gave them a version bump. They all seemed to do what was advertised, but I didn't do much more than the basics in terms of testing.

Edited by magico13
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5 hours ago, Topside08 said:

Does NIMBY work with RecoveryController and FMRS. I assume that it works fine with your StageRecovery but I suppose you could correct that assumption if necessary.

It actually doesn't work with StageRecovery, I never got around to it (and it's near impossible to get a stage to land in a specific area with SR). There's no explicit support for FMRS, but if you recover vessels from the flight scene or the tracking station through the normal means then it'll work. So as long as you land the stages with FMRS and then recover them normally in the main timeline then it should be fine. Just don't use FMRS' automatic recovery

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7 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

@magico13 ShipSaveSplicer is truly awesome, I used it to import some craft into my current save. By chance can you import the crew in said craft as well?

It used to be supported but it broke when they started doing better crew assignment checks back in 1.2 and I just haven't gotten around to fixing it. The crew information is still exported, it's just not pulled in during import. I might be able to play around with that tonight if that's something you want re-enabled.

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5 minutes ago, magico13 said:

It used to be supported but it broke when they started doing better crew assignment checks back in 1.2 and I just haven't gotten around to fixing it. The crew information is still exported, it's just not pulled in during import. I might be able to play around with that tonight if that's something you want re-enabled.

That would definitely help if you have the time, thanks! :)

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9 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

That would definitely help if you have the time, thanks! :)

Done. Kinda. You can't import the same craft with crew twice into a game or it throws an exception on save, but you can import them once per save without issue. If you bring it in twice you have to terminate one of the flights. I copied a vessel with about 7 kerbals from one save to another and it worked just fine and even imported a vessel with Jeb in it from December of 2016 that I apparently had sitting in my export folder.

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23 minutes ago, magico13 said:

Done. Kinda. You can't import the same craft with crew twice into a game or it throws an exception on save, but you can import them once per save without issue. If you bring it in twice you have to terminate one of the flights. I copied a vessel with about 7 kerbals from one save to another and it worked just fine and even imported a vessel with Jeb in it from December of 2016 that I apparently had sitting in my export folder.

Much appreciated, thanks! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

@magico13 using Wwwwwwwww in KSP 1.4.2 is somehow bugged - but perhaps it was always like that?

Never (!) Alt-TAB out of KSP when it's active, the 'W' is pressed everywhere and I don't know why but 3 more instances of KSP have been started and I managed it to kill those extra processes before my rig explodes...


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1 minute ago, Gordon Dry said:

@magico13 using Wwwwwwwww in KSP 1.4.2 is somehow bugged - but perhaps it was always like that?

Never (!) Alt-TAB out of KSP when it's active, the 'W' is pressed everywhere and I don't know why but 3 more instances of KSP have been started and I managed it to kill those extra processes before my rig explodes...


Yeah, the way it works is by simulating the keyboard pressing w, so I'm not surprised it acted weird when alt-tabbing

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  • 2 weeks later...
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